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[Accepted]Zaeperry99's Skrell application
Loow replied to Zaeperry99's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. From the looks of things, Zaep really cares about his character concept. He's clearly put some thought into it. He held up well to criticism and responded in a way that revealed a lot of the details behind his character. A good app helped by good responses on the part of the applicant. It's clear that people have faith in him as well. I won't drag this one out any more. Good stuff. Let's see how Qrrnyl develops. Application Accepted. -
[Accepted]Elliot's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Elliot's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. Let's dance. First of all, I'd like to compliment the applicant, Elliot, for how well he handled and responded to feedback. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who posted on this app. There's some questions and observations here that clearly come from a place of interest. Elliot has matched the effort they put into their reading with some solid responses. In short, good job everyone. This was a wholesome read. For the character concept, it seems like Elliot has a solid, believable person in mind for Weeshib. At least to me, they strike me as the sort of person you could probably meet working a middle management job. I'd like to remind Elliot not to be afraid to experiment as they go on playing Skrell. Opinions on the arts, sports, the like. Who knows if it'll ever come up. Don't be afraid to develop the kind of person she is over time. As for RP and player conduct, people have come and offered praise. I have no reason to believe that Elliot would be a "bad fit" for the logical Skrell. In fact, people have done a great job of providing evidence to the contrary. Few things make me happier than seeing an application where readers and the applicant have had an engaging conversation. It's clear people read the app, picked at the little details they noticed, and asked for more. Not only this, the applicant has taken the time to respond questions individually and in a way that is both respectful and complete. If you've read this far, then it should come as no surprise that this application is accepted. Ryliab sounds like she'd make a fine addition to the ship's roster. I look forward to seeing this character as she develops. Happy warbling. Application Accepted. -
Hey there. Loow here. I'll try to keep this one short. This has been some of the best discussion I've seen on an app in a while. Multiple people came in and gave their candid thoughts. The applicant reacted well, engaged with the feedback, and even took some of it to heart. MelodicVoid clearly cares about this character design quite a bit, otherwise they wouldn't have tweaked it as much as they have. That leads me to believe that they will have fun playing this Skrell on the station. I am under the impression that Rilumim has become something that the Applicant has put a lot of heart and effort into. We'll see how well the Aliose native adjusts to the Aurora. Happy warbling. Application Accepted.
[Accepted]Chen's Tajaran Whitelist Application
Loow replied to Chen Yakumo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. You're welcome. "I'm deeply torn between a M'Sai and a Hharar" Pick one. It actually matters. "unique civil war aspect" Well what do you like about it? What about it appeals to you? It seems like you stay very far away from it. "There are a lot of unique things pertaining to Tajarans that don't particularly apply to humans. Tajara have, for most of their history, lived as a very distinct Upper and Lower class society..." "It'll be fun playing a character that is still coming to grips with galactic life as a whole." ^Best part of that whole answer imho Wow nobody said anything at all about the backstory or character concept, eh? "Early on in her life, she decided she didn't want to be a fighter. She wanted to help people. While she got into a few fights during her childhood, she held true to that ideal..." Why fight if she doesn't want to be a fighter? "She didn't want to take sides" "to take a side meant making enemies in a conflict she had no desire to participate in." So you like the "unique" civil war conflict, but want absolutely no part in it? Mate, let's be real. I'm not feeling love dripping off of this app. It's clear people are coming in to say "give whitelist" but nobody's even cared enough to point out, comment on, or chat about even the most minor of details in the backstory here. This app suffers for it. Conflict averse kitty with no fur color stays far away from conflict and moves to space after going to school. I personally don't like this app. It looks like you don't care about this application, at least to me. To me, that says you wouldn't enjoy having the whitelist. To me, that means you shouldn't bother. There's room for improvement. Maybe you do care a lot and I'm mistaken. Maybe you're capable of writing a really cool app that drips with feeling and leaves an impression. But this isn't that app. -
Congratulations to NursieKitty, our new Skrell Lore Deputy. Her application can be found here: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11177&p=100566#p100566
nursie's (skrell) lore dev app
Loow replied to witchbells's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. If you're reading this, then you probably know how this thread ends. I'll try to keep it short. Thought out answers. Well worded. Thought provoking. Much thanks to Bygone for engendering an intelligent discussion as well. I wasn't expecting some of the answers I see here, and I can really appreciate that. It's clear NursieKitty has picked up on quite a few themes in lore, has given them serious thought, and sees areas which can be expanded upon quite nicely. I think the lore stands to gain from having NK on the team. You got the position, [mention]nursiekitty[/mention]. Let's see what we can do. -
M'sai have had it too good for too long. They should be back in the rank and file where they belong.
Hi there. Loow here. A while ago, someone with a distinctive avatar commented that certain leadership traits and actions might be more conducive to effective lore-work. At the time, I thought little of it. Now, I think they might have had a point. I’ve kept quite a few other bits of feedback in mind, too. Seeing how people in the community have reacted to Mofo’s opinions on Deputies also provided a bit of useful feedback. If you’re reading this, then you’ve likely heard that Mofo had in the past opened up applications for Tajara Lore Deputy positions. I’d like to take this moment to say that applying for Skrell Lore Deputy will, at least in this run, be a bit different. If you think you... have a sincere interest in Skrell and Aurora lore can handle and dish out feedback would enjoy writing ...then I encourage you to apply! The Application Process: The hope is to encourage application in those who have: 1. The will to put their spare time into lore. 2. Some degree of confidence in their writing ability. 3. A passion for lore, world-building, and, of course, the Skrell. Keep in mind, you do not have to go through the entire process in one sitting. I often find that writing works well when I write down my thoughts, revisit ideas and written-work, and contribute toward a work’s completion gradually. Remember that completing the Application Process for Skrell Lore Deputy does NOT guarantee that you will receive a position as a Lore Deputy. I will be taking time to review applications. The Application: What is your ckey? Can you be contacted through discord? What is your timezone and what are your most active hours? Would you be able to discuss Lore and Lore-work a minimum of once a week? Do you have any previous writing experience? Which of the following best represents your age group: A. 0 - 13 years old. B. 14 - 19 years old C. 20 - 26 years old D. 27 - 45 years old E. 46 + What whitelists do you currently possess on Aurora Station? Have you ever been banned from Aurora Station? Have you ever had a whitelist stripped on Aurora Station? What’s your most active character? Is there anything you would like the reader to keep in mind while reading your Application for Skrell Lore Deputy? [b]Pick [u]any 5 of the following 10[/u][/b] topics. Please answer your chosen 5 with a minimum of [b]50 words[/b] each. (250 words maximum. If you would like to go more in-depth, consider using one of these topics as your prompt for the Optional 3-page Essay.) 1. Do you play Skrell on the station? Who are they and what do you enjoy about them and their time on the station? 2. Skrell have a different perspective on Males and Females than Humans traditionally do. As a deputy, what would you do to illustrate this societal difference? 3. What do you wish you saw more of in Skrell RP on the station? 4. Skrell and Synthetics have a very unique relationship. How do you feel about it? 5. Skrell and Dionae have a very unique relationship. How do you feel about it? 6. Skrell and Humanity have a very unique relationship. How do you feel about it? 7. Skrell and Unathi have a very unique relationship. How do you feel about it? 8. Skrell and Vaurcae have a very unique relationship. How do you feel about it? 9. Skrell and Tajara have a very unique relationship. How do you feel about it? 10. What sort of things do you like seeing in a News Article? How would you approach writing News Articles for Aurora Station Lore? [b]All of the following topics[/b] should be answered with a [b]minimum of 20 words[/b] each. (150 words maximum. If you would like to go more in-depth, consider using one of these topics as your prompt for the Optional 3-page Essay.) 1. How do you feel about the Tup Commandos, Director of Tup Forces Qroisht Tup, and the historical characters with the surname “Tup”? 2. How do you feel about Glorsh? 3. What is your view on Skrell language and its use on the station? 4. What would you like to portray in lore as a Skrell Lore Deputy? 5. Do you have any gripes, comments, or concerns regarding the lore and/or the Skrell? Optional 3-Page Essay: Tajara Overseer Mofo1995 recently opened applications for prospective Tajara Lore Deputies. He gave his applicants the chance to write a 3 page essay on any topic of Tajara lore which interested them. I would like to give applicants for Skrell Lore Deputy a similar opportunity. If you wish, you may include a 3-page essay with your application. The following is a slightly edited quote with Mofo’s thoughts and reasoning. They are relevant here. Note: The Optional Essay is, as the name suggests, optional. It is likely that such an essay would provide me with more insight into important things like the applicant’s interests, but it is not required. The essay, should you choose to write one, has a maximum length of 4 pages. Frequently Asked Questions I, personally, treasure the concept of direct feedback. It’s an incredibly effective means of gauging how an individual feels regarding a chosen topic. I try to stress its importance whenever convenient. If you or anyone reading this has something they would like to say on this topic, then I’d love to hear any semi-relevant thoughts. I encourage discussion in this thread. I encourage anyone with questions to take a look at Mofo’s thread on Tajara Deputy applications as well. Much of what he says is very, very relevant. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope to see some stellar applications.
I can dig it, Ornias. Bygone vouches for you. You seem to have a good handle on Skrell lore. More importantly, you seem to care about the character design you've put forward here. Maybe you'll enjoy warbling on the station. Let's see how you portray Skrell. Application Accepted.
Hey there. Loow here. Don't worry about it. This is your app, your time. Once again, JB has swerved out of his lane. How will we stop this man? Cool. Tell me about the quirks. What sort of potential do you wanna show? This app features a new planet and University. Cool. Do you have any details in mind for Yig'jemana? What was Gieudesh's home like? How about Xu'jdesh Tgalyaz University? If you don't have anything in mind, no stress. Remember that you can advertise your app by posting it in ooc chat once per round. I encourage everyone reading this to read this app and share their thoughts. Have you RP'ed with Ornias' characters? Do you have something you want to say about this app or the character featured in it? Then the "Post Reply" button is the place for you!
[Accepted] Sleepy's Skrell Application
Loow replied to SleepyWolf's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. I suspect that people might have a difficult time responding to this application. Let's break the ice. Bold move using this app to canonize some stuff about Skrell history and space, but it's not an entirely unprecedented one. Apps have led to more lore quite a few times. I do enjoy it when people work on stuff. To me at least, it suggests a certain amount of passion. It's fun to see that. I'm going to take a guess at how feedback might go. We might get comments about how long the app is, which is understandable. I'm making such a statement right now. You went above the minimum, and that's not a bad thing. It might make it harder for people to respond to your app in its entirety, but I guess we'll see how that plays out. I expect we'll see testimonials about previous rp and characters, which is always a plus. I bet we'll see commentary about the character you've made here. Maybe even questions. I believe we might see some questions about your character's background/home/lore. Here's to hoping. Let's start with some easy questions and comments. I want to make sure I understand what you've put forward. You've shown quite an interest in lore here, so I hope you don't mind if some of these questions and statements are lore-related. The Guild of Restructuring seems like an interesting concept. I hope more people share their thoughts on it. If Gex Oxio-Otp is 76 years old, that would mean she was born around 2384. This would mean she was head of her colony around 2403. If the Guild of Restructuring was formed 15 years before Gex was born, then it would have been formed in or around 2369. Are you familiar with the Tresja Agreement? https://forums.aurorastation.org/search.php?keywords=tresja+agreement https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=Search&search=tresja+agreement https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=5161&p=62515&hilit=tresja+agreement#p62515 https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Skrell_Systems_and_Locations#The_.E2.80.9CIndependent.E2.80.9D_Solitary_Systems There's some reading material on the matter. It happened in 2398. Basically, it was a "last chance" for any straggler-systems or colonies to "rejoin the Federation" (or join the new Federation, depending on your perspective). Everyone who did got in. (Yay.) Anyone who didn't was put in time-out for a few decades. These kinds of places have gotten a fair bit of attention in recent arcs. If the Guild of Reconstruction stresses that old Skrell are responsible for the race's woes and young Skrell should be made into leaders, then why are the people with sway "elders"? It seems strange to me that the older people would willingly endorse a government or ideology that supplants them, but maybe I'm just too human. I'd like to hear your thoughts and reasoning on this matter. As a side note, I do appreciate that the elders did leave willingly in this story. "Things were going well for about a year, and then a ship arrived. A Federation shuttle with a purple insignia on the side landed on the same pad the migrants and elders had left from a year ago. Gex went to meet the newcomers with her Youth Council, and came face to face with Otp Fiexs-Fedas, the Elder she forced to leave earlier, in Federation Ambassador clothing. Otp moved to the stunned Gex, and requested the immediate release of the Mayorship title to a properly qualified elder of the group, and if none were present, one would be stationed on the colony to help reintegrate it into the Federation." Interesting twist. Let's talk about Otp Fiexs-Fedas for a moment. Why does he have the "-Fedas" name addition? Let's address something important. Lately, I've gotten word that some Skrell may be acting "too human." This concerns me, and I can see where such actions may come to light in this character design. Certain parts of this story strike a chord with me, because they're so human. If this application were to be accepted, which is not to say it will be, I would be very cautious. I appreciate that your approach involves showing that Skrell are not completely devoid of emotion, but I ask that you proceed with some degree of caution if this application gets accepted. I've always either reinstated WL or allowed people the chance to reapply after a Skrell whitelists is stripped. But I do strip WL. So be cautious. You also, of course, lose points for saying "Glorsh" in your application. Lightning round. Feel free to give your thoughts on any and all of these details. -Props for using the word "discombobulate" in your app. - In my opinion, a good backstory drama about reintegrating governing bodies into the Federation ought to happen either in the 2300's or late 2450's-60's . If they didn't agree to rejoin in the Tresja Agreement then they're likely in time-out. (If that statement doesn't make sense, follow the above links.) -There's a whole bag of complaints and comments that I could see arising around the tiny detail of "my Skrell was the leader of a small nation." - Gex was the leader a colony, a cargo-mover, a government official, and went on to work in a casino before becoming a Cargo Tech. There's a lot more to be said about this app, and I hope to see some quality discussion between the applicant and members of the community. I also hope to see some responses to my post here. Parts of this story whip around very quickly and don't make complete sense to me. But this is a start. Don't forget you can post a link to your app once per round in the server's OOC chat. [mention]SleepyWolf[/mention] This story zips around a lot. It moves very quickly through some details. To put it simply, why is this character on the Aurora at all? If she worked in politics, couldn't she just go back to Jargon and pursue that field further? Why stick around while she's "almost going hungry"? She's the kind of person who held "secret meetings" that apparently had notable political impact. Why would she sing for spare credits when she has the credentials for much better work? Why be a cargo tech when she could at least be a minor political worker? It seems to me like a lot of the details seen here were written for the sake of being extra dramatic. It seems like a character was being written, but then had to be reigned in to be a cargo tech. Feel free to respond to any and all points and questions brought up here. I encourage any readers to chime in with their thoughts on this application as well. -
[Accepted] ParadoxSpace's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
That's fine man. If you don't want to post feedback or questions, you don't have to. [mention]AmoryBlaine[/mention] -
[Accepted] ParadoxSpace's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Try something like this. "Does your Skrell character like reading fiction books? Do they have favorite sports or movie genres?" That's how I'd do it anyway. I asked that one lore related question and pointed out a few topics of discussion. I hope that helped the app. I'm not so sure about all that. It looks like I gave a list of possible topics which could be expanded upon to improve the app and even encouraged further discussion on the app quite successfully. You've given some pretty good insight into the applicant's previous rp, Menown, as did the other people who posted here. It's just that only Sleepy's made direct reference to any of the work Paradox put into writing his app, which is what I meant to get across. @paradox,myman. /Does/ your Skrell enjoy literature? If so, what kinds? If you're not sure yet, what kind do you think he /might/ enjoy down the line? I'm just curious tbqh -
[Accepted] ParadoxSpace's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
That's some pretty good insight, [mention]Menown[/mention]. Might be one of the most descriptive statements on an applicant's previous rp that I've seen so far. To borrow a quote, "that's high praise." To circle back a bit, I don't necessarily want people to question applicants on Skrell lore. What I'd /love/ to see is some connection and interest in the "character design" as I sometimes call it. Basically, I think anyone can pop in, read an app, and say "Wow, I feel this way about that character. I actually have a question/interest about a detail." Sleepy did something similar with this app, and that's the sorta stuff I like to see in a response. It gives me the impression that someone actually read through someone's app. In theory, app-characters should be something an applicant worked on and feels invested in. With that in mind, it's a huge plus to an app when someone asks questions like: "How does this character deal with adversity?" "Is everything in his life connected to robots?" and even "Why is this character an off-white color?" imho the conversations that spin off of these sort of inquiries really makes apps memorable, and occasionally leads the applicant to consider interesting details about their characters. At least, I've gotten positive feedback about the process a few times which suggests this. tbh part of the secret meta of apps is post-count. By laws of numbers and averages and other math terms, more posts = more of a chance for quality discussion. (in theory) I'm sort of rambling at this point, but I hope there's some sort of gem somewhere in the above text. Discussion is cool. I like the questions I see so far. Looking forward to seeing how it all develops. -
[Accepted] ParadoxSpace's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Punishing the applicant because nobody has responded to it seems a bit unfair. You're the one who approves and denies applications, it should be your job to investigate the details for better answers, not us, as we don't approve or deny the applications, you do. I don't see a punishment here, but I appreciate your feedback on my actions. You did a good job of finding issues with my post, which is well deserved, and pointing out things you feel passionate about within it. You even expand on some good broader ideas in the same post. Could you do the same thing with the application above please? -
[Accepted] ParadoxSpace's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. Dangerously low amount of feedback despite all the posts. Most of the posts here say next to nothing on the character design. No questions about the character either. I also see no discussion. No dialogue with the applicant. If I were processing this app with this post, I would be denying it. [mention]ParadoxSpace[/mention] Get more feedback with more substance. Engage with feedback and critiques. Engender discussion. From what I can see here, at least one person (SleepyWolf) actually read this application and gave their thoughts on it. The applicant would likely be well-served to respond to these thoughts. Discussion is usually a very, very good thing for applications. Editing one's application many times typically robs us of any proof of discussion in the thread. I recommend responses in-the-topic rather than editing previous posts when at all possible. Here's a question from me. Do you have any things about this character that you'd like to talk about which don't directly tie into synthetics or the Era of Synthetic Oppression? On a side note, I've been getting muffled complaints about the quality of new Skrell, meaning I have to crack down on applications and whitelist holders. I suggest any prospective applicants use their application as a chance to show off their skills in writing as well as their passion, not "play it safe" to get a whitelist. -
Maybe we could make it so the dog responds to both "Lt. Columbo" and "Columbo"?
[Accepted]Resilynn's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Resilynn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Applicant has responded well to feedback, shown an understanding of lore, and demonstrated a certain level of passion for his character design. More in depth feedback has already been provided earlier in the thread. I think this application has waited long enough. Application accepted. It's time to see how Quilp'vlomn Nblek does on the Aurora. -
[Accepted] Riqpley_Dagasd's Skrell app
Loow replied to Lonely Caravan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. It's time to talk about this application. First off, I appreciate the name-drop of the "Year of Enlightenment". That's one of those more obscure details that hardly gets any play in these apps. Seems like your character goes the "try to lessen the effects of partial sterilization" route. A popular choice both in and out of character. He also likes "Mr. Sandman", a classic. I like that fun fact. Another application mentioned a favorite type of music too, and I posted that I really liked that detail a mere few hours before this app was posted. It should come as no surprise to find out that I like seeing it here too. I'll try to be direct and blunt. Parts of this application feel rushed. Many applicants rush the "okay, now how do I send them to the Aurora" part of their character design. This application is close to feeling like there's a whole person behind the app, but it isn't quite there yet. You've established the "big dreams" for Glonii-Kel. He wants to help his people by lessening the damage done to them. But there's just something missing from this whole experience. I suggest you engage in discussion and banter in this thread, if you want it to be accepted. Getting more insight into your thoughts, this character, and people's thoughts might help quite a bit. From what I see in this thread, you've responded to Jenn's conversation topics with simple statements. I see that you've edited the app a few times, but I see no sign of what's changed or what you've discussed. Having conversations in this topic would be very helpful. I see a lot of feedback here which suggests you've been improving as a player. That's good. Improvement is a good thing for everyone. Ideally, we'd all keep improving forever. But. I also see a lot of feedback calling this app "decent" with very little insight beyond it. That's not good. I don't like "decent" applications. I like being wowed, impressed, and entertained. This app is your chance to show off, not just show up. It's also your chance to write something with some sort of guarantee that the appropriate loredev will read it. So think about if you have anything to say. To start, we need more insight into the character if we even want to consider this app. Coalf and some others gave high praise on your previous RP and characters. Jenn gave excellent topics for discussion, which could still be expanded on through dialogue in this thread. Pro-Tip: Responding to your app brings it to the top of the list of apps, while editing does not. "...I'm curious, I want to know a little more about this character's personality, their.. outlook on things. Let's hear some political and social stances." As always, I want to remind you that you can post a link to your app in the ooc channel on the station once per round. More feedback would be helpful, but more discussion is vital. -
http://i.imgur.com/9D0IQsB.png Documentary Reveals Secret of Glorashi Editors note: Translated to Basic. Until recently, the star system of Glorashi was seen as a small, unimportant section of the Traverse. The latest news from the system proves this to be a well-coordinated facade. The small media company “Traversing Our Dreams” creates documentaries and films which feature Federation colonies in the Traverse. These documentaries primarily serve to pique the interest of potential settlers, and its most recent work, “Whispers of Glorashi”, has surely piqued interest in Glorashi. The work opens with footage of a private interview between the system’s leader, Governor Weizhazloo’qli Weishaglo, and the company’s primary reporter, Anchor Aweshi Wugli. This interview is reputed to have been recorded in late 2459. The two begin by discussing Weishaglo’s five years as the system’s governor, and the many challenges that come with overseeing a Traverse colony. Ten minutes into the interview, the conversation takes an interesting turn. At this point in the interview, the two look around the room uncomfortably. For a few moments, both are silent. There is the sound of footsteps in the background as several members of the recording crew begin packing their gear away. Governor Weishgalo seems amused when he begins speaking again. The two look out-of-frame and share a few words with people outside the view of the cameras. From this point forward, the interviewer and the Governor take more informal tones with each other. Weishaglo goes on to explain many things about this newly discovered Vaurca hive. The documentary eventually shifts to a more recent video of a few Nralakk Representatives. One of them approaches the camera and begins to speak in Tau Ceti Basic. “The C’thur are the second Hive to enter Glorashi space. The first Hiveship was not intercepted when it briefly arrived in Glorashi. Unathi now refer to this ship as Fortoken. After some time, Hiveship resumed course to the Uueoa-Esa star system. That was the K’lax. Further Federation naval forces were deployed to the star system following the K’lax departure. Quickly detected the approach of this second Hiveship, the Kloxaia. Hiveship was successfully intercepted and dialogue was established with inhabitants. Investigation found extensive damage to Hiveship’s communication abilities, and critical damage to various systems. Including life support. C’thur Queen Ta'Akaix'Tyr’kaal’yskt C'thur requested asylum. Following consultation with Governor Weishaglo and instructions from the Grand Council, this request was accepted. Since 2458, we have settled and integrated C’thur within the star system. The Federal government found it necessary to temporarily block information regarding these developments from entering the greater galaxy and sparking concern. This was out of respect for the Hive’s peace of mind and the sensibilities of other galactic agents. We will release more information in future announcements. We hope the galactic community will extend a warm hand of friendship and dialogue with our newest valued residents.” The documentary, in its entirety, has been broadcast throughout Federation space. In Kal’lo, a trio of Representatives immediately announced that the C’thur hive was their Entity of Interest, and began fielding questions from journalists. The Vaurca from this hive, Representatives say, have not yet been afforded Resident status under the Nralakk Federation. The Hive itself is being treated as a both a political and scientific Entity of Interest, much like the Dionae. When asked if he was available for comment on the situation in Glorashi, Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl responded with a resounding, “Yes” while exiting a vehicle. When asked if he was aware of the documentary’s contents before it was broadcast, he responded, “Of course”, before entering the passenger side of a different vehicle. Governor Weizhazloo’qli Weishaglo, when reached for comment, seemed very happy that the documentary had aired. “Those people have been working so hard”, he said. “It is good to know that they will receive some credit for all of their work.” Several hours later, the Governor announced that he would be taking one month of professional leave, and left his responsibilities to Councillor-Adjutant Aeishtat Qeegla’Glip, the colony’s representative from the Federal Government. Glorashi has become the center of much political and scientific interest very quickly. Politicians and scientists alike ensure the public of the Nralakk Federation that they will be given more insight on the C’thur as time goes on.
[Accepted]Resilynn's Skrell Application
Loow replied to Resilynn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. Reading and observing this application has been a fun process, but the time has come to actually share some thoughts on it. The biography manages to fit quite a bit into a few paragraphs. I'm very happy to see that the Traverse making an appearance in an application. What's more, the design seems to flow well with the Traverse as a detail. The character design seems to do what it intends to do. "He likes Classical music, but his current favorite thing is Elvis (who you can hear on the radio these days, since his area of the Traverse is approximately 400 LY away from Earth)." That's a very fun fact. Just a small detail that helps make the character feel more "alive" to readers. I'd like to mention that you don't necessarily need to rely too much on the timing of radio waves across space. It's a fun element, and I wouldn't dare break your heart by calling it scientifically unfeasible, but know that Quilp'vlomn could also have physical copies of the music. Or at least. Digital. I've seen this applicant in action, but it's reassuring to see that a good amount of players voiced their approval. The player's previous rp and characters, at the very least, don't seem to be a negative aspect in this case. That said, I'd like to take this moment to tell any readers that they are more than welcome to offer constructive criticism. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank those who shared their opinions and questions on the character design. Even just a few sentences are much more helpful than a "blank +1", and I see quite a bit of useful feedback here. That said, the application is not locked or processed yet. Further feedback and discussion can only help. [mention]Resilynn[/mention], let me give you a few questions and comments. Feel free to offer short responses or long ones. "Moreover, I am excited to delve into the realm of Skrellian lore." What themes from the Skrell lore (so far) do you enjoy seeing or reading about? What would you personally enjoy reading more about in future wiki-updates or articles? "I really enjoy trying to play the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between species." Speaking of subtle and not-so-subtle, consider how your character would speak. You don't have to type a response to this comment, but just think about how you might type in Nral'Malic versus Tau Ceti Basic. I, personally, love speaking a lot of TCB with my Skrell, and occasionally enjoy cathartic, flowery language in "Skrellian" dialogue. It's up to you how you want to play it, but know that the Skrell language gives you the opportunity to experiment with your character's personality just as well as Basic does. The only thing that annoys me about Skrell language, is when people speak in it like any other language or use it to avoid interacting with other characters. Food for thought. "I put character work far, far above 'winning' the game." This shows a certain attitude which, unsurprisingly, I appreciate. If your app were to be accepted, I'd hope you would enjoy the process of fleshing out your characters and interacting with the people of the station. "I've been trying to think up an excuse to make a journalist that isn't a meme for ages now, and I think Quilp'vlomn will allow me to do just that." You've really put some thought into the process of making a journalist character, and it seems like you'd enjoy playing him. Still, I'd like to ask something. You tend to play heads-of-staff, and I imagine this would eventually mean playing a Skrell head-of-staff at some point. Do you intend to do this immediately? Some applicants feel obligated to apply with a non-head at the risk of seeming too ambitious, ignoring their /real/ interest in a head of staff character and instead making up some other idea. I'd like to know if Quilp'vlomn is, at least for the moment, your primary character-of-interest as far as Skrell are concerned. Resilynn, you've made a few nods, used a few themes, and done other things in your application which I appreciate. I could go on, but I think I've given you enough to think on for the moment. -
This is clearly a joke suggestion made to spam the system while mole men are pushed through. It seems the only humane thing to do is ignore this thread and comment more on the addition of mole men. Because Hackboot thrives off of feedback, I have to give him some. This idea has absolutely no consideration for other species, apparently. It bypasses the whole character creation process (which seems to be different between each player). Not to mention, it opens the door for even more cookie-cutter characters. If I want to play a stuttering nurse or a mute with a heart of gold, I'll do it on my own accord, thank you very much. JB, your idea is bad and lazy. You should feel bad and lazy.
Grand Councillor Jrugl Attends “Day Off” Interview Editors note: Translated to Basic. February twenty-fifth marks Grand Councillor Jrugl’s first day without official duties since his term began in 2452. Each Grand Councillor is typically allowed several days each year with which they may do as they please, but Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl is the first to serve for over three years without using any of these “free days.” Jrugl chose to schedule an interview to take place at the start of this day, effectively making this his chance to address the entirety of Skrell space as a citizen rather than as its most respected Grand Council member. Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl opted to be interviewed by renowned news anchor, comedian, and commentator Anchor Rilaat Quinl. The entirety of the interview has been translated from Nral’Malic to Tau Ceti Basic, and can be found here on the Warble Inquirer. The interview ended with the Anchor and the Grand Councillor shaking hands and parting ways, leaving crews to record the background for several seconds. Although their conversation was relatively short, the duo managed to touch on many issues. Initial polls suggest that this talk raised the Grand Councillor’s popularity slightly, and extranet chat rooms are lighting up to debate the nature of Grand Councillor Jrugl’s fashion sense.
[Declined] nursie's (synth) lore deputy app
Loow replied to witchbells's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. I'm mentioned a few times in the original post, so I'm obligated to say something. Don't get too scared, fam. NK's Skrell and other characters are so synthetic-neutral that it feels like I'm watching a drier set to low. I mean to say that it's not very exciting. But yeah. If anyone's going to infiltrate the synthetic department and ruin it from the inside, it's probably not going to be NK. Zoom and enhance on that. This sounds like you have an idea somewhere in that brain of yours, but there's a lot of room for interpretation. Zoom. Enhance. Cake and NK have some banter here. I'll spare picking that apart for now and get to the reason I came here. NK's done fine by me. Idea-game has been strong. Everything they've offered has been more or less workable. NK also takes feedback pretty well. Did I mention I liked Xrim? You could do worse than NK. -
[Accepted] Elohi Adanvdo's Diona Loredev App
Loow replied to Elohi Adanvdo's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Hey there. Loow here. I'm here to keep things competitive and uncomfortable during this process. I see a lot of promises, but what I don't see a lot of is promises. You've said a lot, but not much has been said. What aspects of Diona lore do you like? What would you do with them going forward? What's your own personal take on playing Diona? Do you like playing the species much? You submitted your application with all the safe answers and broad statements, now you can feel free to rant and rave. This is a blank check, [mention]Elohi Adanvdo[/mention]. Tell me something that interests you, or some things. Don't be afraid to really tear in. Or hey? Maybe I just ignored some stellar statements you already made in your app? If that's the case, let me know. Build off of those ideas. Give me something so this app stands out over any others that follow it. Please.