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Everything posted by Loow

  1. I feel as if your rank puts you at a disadvantage. I have more memories of you operating as an administrator than I do of you taking personal interest in the lore. That's an unfortunate circumstance as this is a lore related position. What I do remember was not unpleasant. For example, over the course of a day or so, you asked good questions and put up with enough of my ranting and raving about Skrell to last a few months. But that's all I have to go off of, in a way. Call it an inconvenience. Foreword: I object to the latter half of this statement on the grounds that I disagree with the premise. Shit talking our superiors to their face is as healthy for team dynamics as the padding one puts on the floor before engaging in a trust fall. This is of course provided that it's to their face and very clearly stated. On that same note, should Serv be allowed on the loreteam, I would have to quickly establish my dominance by telling him his ideas are stupid to ensure that he knows that I won't offer half-assed feedback or let him roll over the other groups with his shitty self insert species. Get ready to "Man Up and Deal With It" if you get accepted into this meme hell where everyone's an idiot but you. Now that I have your attention, we can briefly address that issue of your rank and move on to more jagged fences for you to jump. You're technically my boss on the staff team, but that probably wouldn't stop me from having some sort of talk if you started pushing for anything too outrageous. There. We're done with it. Fact is, I don't have enough experience with you in a context of specifically lore to trust you implicitly with one of our core species. I'm not exactly the emperor of all things lore, but if you want to win the affections of me, or anyone else who sees the points I do, it's going to be a walk uphill. Let's stop for a moment and call your first post in this thread like it is. Regrettable. There wasn't a race to post first after the moment Hive stepped down. You didn't have to crank out an application. Nobody else had done so at that point. Jumping at opportunity is something to be admired, but jumping too fast with too little makes it come across as a sight less considered. I understand that a good first draft helps us get our foot in the door, but you posted next to nothing. There's not even a link to the Lore Canonization Application it mentions. Maybe you were busy, at work, on your phone, in a box, with a fox, but that just makes me think "all the more reason to wait." You could have really won some hearts and minds with a solid first post, or who knows? Maybe it's a kangaroo court?! Maybe this is part of the insidious lore agenda to keep badminz out and establish a canon monopoly. The hasty nature of the original post. It's a minor detail that means nothing. That's why it's so significant. Patience can be nice now and then. I would suggest hitting the pavement to ask around or keeping an eye on how the on-station Tajara operate. Feedback threads can be well and good to a certain extent. Votes though. Those get thrown around like candy. Any time I see a good vote, I stop and consider how much time and effort people put into justifying their opinions. And then I think about how much a checkbox tells us. I think we've had our fill of candy. The planet is called Adhomai. You couldn't have picked a worse time to get that wrong. It's a silly little mistake that means nothing. With all of that in mind, you've got tons of good intentions, a can do attitude, and the ability to fire me if it comes right down to it. Do you think you are capable of: 1. Putting up with Next-Level heckling and bait? 2. Withstanding a torrent of negative feedback on an irregular basis? 3. Writing good lore? 4. Winning over the masses to the extent that they want to read your work for fun? 5. Cooperating with the current loreteam members?
  2. Stop giving people nice things.
  3. I am against bananoir. (consider other color schemes)
  4. We have quite a bit of feedback on this application, so let's move right along. Ghoasim-Edrine is an interesting character who is clearly not afraid to step out of his comfort zone to see what the universe has to offer. You've done your homework and thought out the character quite a bit. What's more, you're passionate about the design and feedback suggests that you're pretty capable. Alright. We'll just have to see how things develop from here. Let's watch as Qe'liis explores a new workplace. Application Accepted.
  5. Hello there, Hiddenroman! It seems your application was pretty well hidden as well. There was no mention of "Skrell" in your app's title, and I completely missed it. I'm sorry about this mix up and I hope we can still salvage this app. Please remember that you can advertise your Application once per round in OOC! If people click the link, they might share their thoughts on your RP, your characters, this new character... Really any feedback you can get on an application can help you! Please let me know if you have any questions and be sure to advertise! I'll hold off on making a judgement on this app for a few days.
  6. Hello there. First of all, you need to fix the capitalization on this application. Typically, the first letter of a sentence or a name are capitalized. If you can fix this issue, your application will look cleaner and might get more feedback. If and when you fix this, people will probably focus more on the content of your application and be more likely to respond. Also remember that you can advertise your app once per round in OOC. I encourage anyone reading this post to please respond to Calion's application. I will do my best to continue to respond to this topic and any changes you make. This application will stay open for a few more days before a judgement is made. Please PM me if you have any questions.
  7. This application is slightly lacking in regards to feedback and backstory. I suggest you take some more time to rp on the station, expand a little on the character's life between graduating and now, and remember that you can advertise your application in OOC once per round if and when you reapply. Application Denied.
  8. Dear Diary, - Worked with Nebula quite a bit. Ran an event just a few hours ago. We all learned a bit about what we can improve on in our Lore Event work, and a quite a few people said they liked the event more than having nothing at all. Oh yeah, and it's had an effect on the canon. Maybe we'll be hearing more about that soon? - I went ahead and made a few changes to the Skrell page's mention of the Weishii faith. For a while, it didn't have much more to it than "it's not Qeblak." I'm hoping the edits I've made catch the interest of a person here and there. It goes rather well with a comment I heard in somebody's app that people liked hearing about that era of rebuilding. Well. There's your context for the rise Weishii and a quick overview of how society changed in that time. Eat your heart out, Aurora. It's a whole couple sentences dedicated just to you. - I also went ahead and made a small contribution to the University trend. There's more to be said about the Grand University, but waiting until it's perfect is only going to make me feel like waiting around even longer. If people want to hear more about the Skrell Snowflake School, I'll expand upon it more. Goals? -More Universities. -More wiki work. -More articles. -More cooperation. -More feedback. -Mo'problems.
  9. Keep him strictly sec and keep your memes in your pants. Application Accepted.
  10. This application has had ups and downs, and has really said quite a bit. At the moment, it seems like there might be some issues with the behavior of the character you're applying with. However, you've assured us that you'll work on toning it down, and frankly I believe you're capable of it. This application may not pass, but we hope that your next attempt, should you choose to apply, will have endorsements showing just how much you have improved. Application denied.
  11. This application has been up for far too long with a little too little. This backstory is on par with the plot of 80's sci fi horror. While a really interesting read, it's not exactly what we're looking for in heads of staff. He's an action hero who fought "the ideal living weapon", cut off his own limb, and ultimately became the last surviving member of his ERT unit. This CE ERT is a little too extraordinary. Application Denied.
  12. Not only has the applicant asked for feedback, he gave a general idea of what he had questions about. Not a bad example to follow. First off, your answers to the first few questions show a level of critical thinking that says to me, "Hey! I've read up a bit and formed some opinions on this stuff." Always a nice thing. Ghoasim seems like a genuinely interesting character, and you've used his story to hit on a few themes that I don't normally see with our on-station Skrell. There are a few hooks that really stand out in this backstory as making the character stand out from previous applications (that I can remember). -Parents who "were there" passing on (presumably due to age) in their late 300's. -Taking a risk by throwing in a name of Human origin into the mix as his chosen name addition. -Giving a backstory that involves extended time on the Human planet of Elyra. The story's a fun read to think about, but it's not just because of those facets of the story alone. The way you've chosen to portray this information tells the story of an individual striking out on their own and taking risks to find new experiences. Your application does all I could ask for it to do. You've shown your area of interest regarding this species, you've written a character that very clearly has some thought and heart put into it, and I at least get the impression that you enjoyed writing it. Not to mention, you've shown a bit of spine in your polite responses to feedback. There's nothing necessarily forcing you to reveal anything about your character that you don't want to. At the same time, cats are curious and sometimes we can't help but ask what's on our mind. That said, you have quite a notable pile of feedback here to work with. A ruling will no doubt be coming in the future, but you've got plenty of time now to respond to any comments you choose. Who knows? Maybe you'll get some more interesting conversation out of the extra time this app is open. If not, well I'll just have to provide some when I make the final judgement on this app.
  13. Meta.
  14. This is just another Metal Gear post. http://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/Vocal_cord_parasite
  15. I've seen Muncorn before on the station, and they have been capable enough in terms of RP. I have processed a Skrell application they made and others seem to agree that he's "good enough." I notice he doesn't have any Skrell on his character list and hasn't gone anywhere in his character development. If we can forgive this poser for not sticking to his idea and abandoning his hopes and dreams of expanding his horizons with a different RP experience, I believe Muncorn could be capable of handling a trial. Again, this is only if we can forgive his wishy washy attitude toward the frogmen. Who knows? If he can't stick to a character idea, maybe he won't feel any sense of dedication to his trial. I tend to judge interviews based on the Three C's. Correctness, Content, and a C word that's better not said in polite company. His answers are technically "correct" showing he has the potential to pick up on the ins and outs of moderating. His answers were sparse on content, making me think he hasn't opened up to us or is afraid of showing his inner emotions (kyaa ecks dee). To wrap it up, he wasn't a total jerk in his responses, so he's not only in it for the power trip. (That's more of something we look for in Admins. Gotta make sure they're all indignant and pretentious.) Muncorn is reasonably chill and probably not a total stiff. In my opinion, they can probably handle a trial. Oh yeah, and they respond to bait pretty well. That's probably something we should see in our Mods.
  16. You've been asking for feedback. You've been getting words of approval. Encouragement is nice, but seeing issues in our work often makes us strive to better ourselves. In a way, constructive criticism helps give us the drive to keep writing. And that's why I'm going to say mean things about Mofo and his story. So he knows people care and continues to enjoy/refine his craft. Grammar and Writing Writing and Writing I like your inclusion of the Adhomai native animals in this story. As a Lore "Writer", I tend to nod in approval whenever I see someone take something that's been put into the canon and take inspiration from it. All you were given was animals, and you made your own characters and situation out of the concept of hunting them. What's more, it seems like you had a fun time doing it. You did a fine job of characterizing each individual within a relatively short story. The interactions between the old man and the excitable youth paints them both in very clear pictures. I also saw the humor in your crack at the nonverbal language of the hunters. You very clearly stated that the kids weren't versed in Nal'rassan, and so Yefemiy's "nonverbal" means of telling them to be quiet was a smack on the side. It truly was "a wordless and effective request for silence." All in all, the prologue does what it set out to do. The brothers are established. Some insight is given into their childhood. The tone is set. There's more to be said about this section, and another chapter is already sitting there waiting to be read. I'm going to take this opportunity to post now and avoid accumulating a multi-page one sided review. Hope you dig the feedback, Mofo. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
  17. This round was cool. I remember seeing quite a bit of RP on the station and then a player ahelped asking to recall the shuttle that had been called IC. I ruled that Roleplay is Roleplay and decided that the Command member's call was reasonable. Showing up to find one's workplace in such a sorry state would likely result in many a person choosing to send their people home rather than risk anymore incidents. Alternatively, Graves could have just been incredibly shocked by what he was being told about the shift's events and deemed this work day a lost cause. Considering the death of the Captain, the hilarious existential quandary of the AI, and the crew-borne unrest [ie: the actions of the antagonists]... I didn't see any issue with letting the Head of Security's In-Character decision stand as he made it. Graves had more than enough reason to call a shuttle if he saw fit. He saw fit. I don't see an OOC issue with the Alex Graves' call. The character saw a crew transfer as the right thing to do. To sum it up further: "IC reasoning."
  18. It's been four to five days and we've yet to see any response to this application. Allowing extra time for any stragglers to post has not helped. If you decide to reapply in the future, please remember that you can post a link to your application in OOC once per round. It really helps draw traffic to an application and might encourage some readers to share their thoughts on your RP, your application, and your character. In the short term, I suggest you keep on keeping on. Spend some time on station to hone your skills. Proofread, edit, and expand upon your character's backstory. It never hurts to show you put effort into your character. Application Denied.
  19. Loow here. Bringing you a few fun questions to see what sort of projects you'd like to do. What does this position mean to you? (Short Essay prompt. One sentence minimum. Interpretive dance accepted as alternate form of answer.) What sort of sections would you like to develop on the wiki? What is your least favorite species in Aurora Lore? Keep in mind, these questions are primarily for my own amusement and to gauge you as a team member while sparking discussion. Feel free to answer some or none of them.
  20. I'm glad I left this application open for "several days" to get such in depth feedback. Your initial application's OOC answers had me concerned that you were only interested in playing Skrell so that you could act "dastardly" toward synthetics. In that case, I'd suggest you try Rping as a human with a curly mustache and try tying robots to railroad tracks. Some sections seemed to fixate far too much on the synthetic issue to such an extent that I was not confident in your commitment to your character design. While "dealing the stomping instead of getting the stomping" is something that you can pursue if you wish, do not lose sight of the fact that you are playing a character. Why does Vol-Xuqqix dislike synthetics? How does this make him feel personally? A lot of this application gave me the feeling that you were setting up a character that is only "evil" with very little substance behind him. "But, Loow! Why is my application processed as it is?" A few quotes from you reaffirmed my faith in your application. You made your character have substance. You gave him a background that would put enormous pressure on him and explained that this pressure made him always seem to be looking out for his own best interests. His father's legacy seems to me like this cloud hanging over his head. This driving force that makes him push himself too hard out of a sense of insecurity. I can't know for certain how correct I am, of course. He's your character and you alone may be the only one who ever knows exactly how deep or shallow his motivations really are. Another fact that won me over was that you answered feedback incredibly well. You took time to explain your points and seemed pleased to do it. You like your character. You care about your character design. And your answers to feedback? They gave me the feeling that you see more in the Skrell than "the bad guys" who dislike synthetics. By going into detail, explaining your opinions, and not being afraid to take risks, you won me over. Vol-xuqqix's opinions on Humanity, the synthetic singularity, and human potential are all I could ever hope to see in an application. You've put serious thought into how your character feels about so many topics as well as how those topics have impacted him throughout life. I could go on, but I really should wrap up this post. Zao'qil stands out for a lot of reasons. How will you portray this character design you've worked so hard on? We'll just have to wait and see. Application Accepted. While I have your attention, consider a few things. Whenever you have spare time, PM me the name of his father's home. The place he's from has to have a name. You mention "his colony." Is it a planet, a city, or a township? Don't be afraid to go overkill on details if you feel the need.
  21. I think we've gotten about as much feedback as we're going to get. I like the details you've added. Mentioning Vera'Qaule's extended family as part of the reason for his work with "customs" does wonders to make the story feel more full and thought out. Round trips between his home and "Jargo IV" seem to have been what initially sparked his interest in finding work. Stagnating seemed to be what gave him the motivation to try harder. All in all, he seems like character that might be interesting to have around and chat with. There's a little bit of year padding, but this is met in equal measure by an increase in overall detail and insight into the history of our friend Vera'Qaule. As a side note, I love the inclusion of artificial swamps and Vera'Quale's social tendencies. Seems like he might be a people person. I hope you continue to flesh out this character through play. He still feels to me like more of a HoP than a captain due to his background in economics and resource management. Still, he's your character and I'm interested to see how you bring him to life. Keep in mind, an increase in accepted applications means an increase in gripes. If you ever feel unsure about something regarding Skrell, feel free to ask or even complain to me. If you ever start to worry about a theme you portray, come up with a solid background for why something is as it is. Happy warbling. Welcome to the club. Application Accepted.
  22. Dear diary, -I pushed the Skrell agenda. -Mobilized the Tup Commandos involved with the ongoing arcs in Elyra. -I laid out a nice little arc synopsis/story map that I hope will keep the team entertained during the near future. -Listened to Frank's baller ideas for a corp that wants to sit at the cool kids table. Love it. -Answered quite a few questions on the Skrell, which gave me an idea of some areas the players might like to see expanded on. -Discussed the ongoing contest. Lobbying on the side of involved events. -Moved some of "them themes" forward. Posted? - Old man Dohrmi‘Xyla and his delightful sense of humor. What a card. We might see more of his musings depending on player interest and "if I feel like it." At least one of those prerequisites must be met. - Finally have a proper name drop of Synthetic Oppression Era Waifu number 2: The Commander He should sit nice and tidy next to Synthetic Oppression Era Waifu number 1: The Captain. #Goals include introducing the player-base to all SOW's gently. Failing that, introducing them at all so I can move the narrative forward. Sadly, we are currently two for two on interesting folks from that era that happen to have blood relation to the last Wreshin Tup. That's not a common thing. I guess I'll just have to expand upon the others so I can fix that mildly annoying detail. What do I want to do this week? - Wiki work would be nice. Get some postage. - More articles, of course. Keep the narrative moving. - Continue abstract planning. Because knowing is half the battle. Oh yeah, and I forgot to post in a diary or something. Maybe I'll improve on that.
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