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Everything posted by PoZe

  1. SM will not get any nerf in the scole of this PR or thread. Speaking about dangerous - this just sets a limit to the Tesla, otherwise people would just be able to leave PA on max level and go their ways, making Tesla balls grow indefinitely which I guarantee will eventually lag server and might even cause server-wide freeze/lag. This PR will set a limit to balls that will depend on your setup, 1 grounding rod can handle 4 miniballs. And it will also make sure people don't leave PA on level 2, plus it actually add the only other way for Tesla to escape(which works literally same as singulo because like skull said these are singulo type engines). I do not think it is a nerf as now that miniballs were fixed, the max amount of power generated by Tesla with standard setup can be up to 4 million W, but you would have to monitor it.
  2. Moved to complete projects, since it is merged
  3. PR merged, moving to complete projects.
  4. Moved to Project as PR is posted
  5. I am agreed to this, especially since we still might consider doing Upsilon update.
  6. Opened PR to address our discord discussion. Currently it was concluded with @Skull132 that each grounding rod will determine how many max balls can Tesla have before melting stuff around. My Pr makes it 1 rod = 4 miniballs. With standard setup we have 4 rods = 16 miniballs = 4 million W of power produced. Anything above the max amount of contained balls will make Tesla balls to charge main balls and melt one of the nearby coils/rods/emitters in priority order of coils first, then rods then emitter. Each time it melts any of these it will drop in energy and loose one of the balls. Since PR is open, moving this thread to Projects. PR link https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5994 EDITED: @Arrow768 I have edited thread name removing your dismissal as Skull, Paradox and me came to the middle ground of the solution I present above.
  7. 16 Balls give 4.02167e+006W in power network. 10 balls would give 3.5 millions W, We could increase limit of balls to 15-20. But mainly I am afraid for performance, we need to test it more. I was also thinking of increasing power each ball produces or give a multiplier to it. But the limit of balls/ melting of coils/rods/emitters will remain as it is the only means for Tesla to escape, plus monitor it once in a while. On setting 0 Tesla will remain at 2-3 balls max, at 1 it will eventually get to 15-20, but again you are not meant to leave experimental engine like this without monitoring it.
  8. Totally realistic. In Ukraine when the government was changed and all gold reserves were stolen national currency value went down so much that it used to be 1$ = 8 UKR, vs it changed to 1$ = 24-30UKR. Prices changed according to that right away, Macbook for example was at price of 1/3 of a car
  9. Well yes, I am just saying that fundamentally that will make person shooting below have an advantage. Causee they just see you - click. Person who is trying to shoot up will have to get on same tile exposing themselves to shots, click on the button that tells/shows you what is above you - click to shoot. That is more steps that for person that above, so this will absolutely have an inbuilt advantage.
  10. That's what I am saying, below is not a problem. But what if you are trying to shoot up? You don't see a person up normally
  11. Personally, I am thinking of how to implement it and right away a thing pops in to my head that person who will be on the bottom of the ladder will have disadvantage as they won't be able to see the person on top in game, but the person on top would see them as most of ladders show level down. As far as shooting up/down ladder, making shoot down the ladder would not be as difficult to make, but up will require to make some special way/verb to do so.
  12. PR was merged in and is live. However I plan to have several upgrades for traps, I am going to make another thread about it.
  13. PR was merged in, so I am moving it to the complete Projects
  14. Since the project is merged in, I am going to move it to the complete Projects. Blood packs are coming back in one of my PRs
  15. Yeah, I will look into it
  16. PR was merged, moving to complete Projects
  17. Suggestions from this page were added to the PR https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5902
  18. PoZe


    I have implemented chirp and chirp song in this PR https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5860
  19. It would not be possible without also reworking the whole design, the place where the stairs are at in Psych are overlapping with Command level maintenance on the sublevel
  20. Updated pictures. One is mainlevel new ladder, another is updated stairs
  21. Update: after discussing with Arrow, we have agree to replace stairs with a ladder, for emergency use only.
  22. Moving to Projects, as there is a PR for it https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5845
  23. I think that we should keep the current version of calling ERT, because it uses bluespace transmission and if you just disable relays it will not work. But I would suggest also adding a distress beacon that is suggested in here, and let it require 1 head of staff ID or AI.
  24. Moving to complete Projects
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