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Everything posted by Natiform

  1. the newer colors are definitely a LOT better, however i think that entertainment and engineering might still be a bit too close in color - maybe making engineering a bit more brown?
  2. i'm begging you to elaborate
  3. i can see that this back and forth with you is getting absolutely nowhere, so i'm gonna refrain from posting from here on out and let admins handle it.
  4. jesus dude, obviously, but we still control our characters. it's still actions we're making. you cherry picking because you don't have any defenses left or something? we had both assumed the fight was over the first time you went down. when you got back up and kept attacking, he kept cheering me on. then i got knocked down and you started stomping my face in, so sec was called. very drastic difference there. and now you're just being gross and inflammatory. preston and natalie are best friends and grew up together. of course they're gonna want to defend each other.
  5. okay, a couple things here: 1. you never, ever specified before the match about the fact that you don't pull punches. if nat had known this she would have never gotten in the ring with you. 2. because i was pulling my punches, any hit to you on the ground was just a "tap on the head" which you would have seen if you had been paying attention to the logs. 3. i only ever tapped you after you went down after you kept getting up and charging me and i was trying to get you to stop and stay down. 4. you weren't punching. you were stomping my face and chest in until i became unrecognizable. i wasn't hanging out with anyone, i was in surgery. if i hadn't been rushed to surgery immediately after you stomping my face and chest in, i would have died. you walked in and attempted to order boxing gloves. after you had been banned from sparring. don't act like you don't know exactly what you were doing. you kept bump spamming me and following me. i said to stay the hell away from me. you followed me to the bar and sat right next to me. i begged klaus to keep you away from me and you called me a cunt.
  6. everyone always forgets about supply
  7. Everyone has already said such great things about bear that I wholeheartedly agree with. I was having a real hard time really getting into ss13 when I first started, and bear's inclusivity and patience with me being an utter newb at everything is what really helped draw me into the community. I think he'd be a great CCIA member. +1
  8. can i also just pop in to say, including this interaction i had with the guy, i've never had a good experience with him? i mean, it was awhile ago, back when we were on the exodus for the 6th birthday, but he threatened me in LOOC when i was fear rping and hiding in a locker saying that if i didn't get out he'd shoot me. a few seconds later he ended up holding me hostage with a gun to my head even though we were both antags and without talking to me about it before doing so, i really thought he was gonna shoot me right then and there. being the target of his ire really ruined the round for me in more ways than one. i'm not sure what i did to piss him off so bad as to stomp on my skull and chest repeatedly the first chance he got me on the ground, but like, i'm a real anxious person and i haven't wanted to join a round as natalie since then if i see him in the roster. his aggression and the fact that he kept coming back multiple times just to antagonize me, on an extended round, really messed with me and i'm really glad that this is finally being handled. if i hadn't had basically all of supply backing me when he kept coming back then i don't know if i would've stayed in the round, let alone the server, i was just that anxious and freaked out. his playstyle is just overall extremely aggressive and i'm not a fan. Wanted to edit because someone earlier in the thread edited to mention Timothy Cooper: Whoever it is that plays Timothy has admitted that they are very new to RP. Their methods aren't great but they seem willing to learn and have definitely applied any advice given by us in LOOC. I've been keeping and eye on them and they are improving, albeit slowly. I'm willing to give them a chance given that they're willing to learn. If a month or so down the line they still have bad behavior, then I think it would be worth looking a little bit more in-depth into. I think it's another thing to point out that any time Timothy has been doing stuff he shouldn't be doing, it was with Ephemer. And it was Timothy that got his eyes screwdriver'd by Ephemer, so I don't think they're pals.
  9. i'll say that i've really enjoyed any interaction i've had with mac - there's always a driving force behind her words and she doesn't say anything needlessly, which i appreciate from time to time. (as opposed to those characters that just talk to talk - not that that's a bad thing at all, just nice to have some variety) it comes off as her really thinking before she speaks, which i enjoy. you are for sure hitting the mark. i also appreciate the strict mom vibes i get from her sometimes - its nice to be scolded for doing dumb shit now and then just to be reminded how ridiculous the things we sometimes do are. when i think of mac, i think of an iceberg. (her color scheme kinda helps with that) in that she's slow to move but tough and resilient when she does. she's a joy, really. i'd like more interaction with her in the future for sure, get to learn what else there is besides just the surface that i've seen.
  10. you and i talked the other day about how i feel about yahir. he is a high wisdom low intelligence boy who natalie would die for (because she would probably be dead without him tbh) even if him and nat weren't muscle bros, he's a hard worker and a great team member. he really helps bring a sense of camaraderie to the supply department and kinda helped bridge the gap between cargo and mining, imo, and his loyalty is unparalleled. yahir is the type of character that i really wanna dig into and find out everything about him - honestly, ever since meeting yahir and becoming good friends with him icly, i've been reading more about tajaran lore to try and understand him and where he comes from a bit more. he and natalie butt heads every now and then, but he's a good enough friend to her that they always work things out. i honestly, genuinely don't have anything negative to say about him. he's a good boy.
  11. this. i'm completely fine with sec doing a sweep, it makes sense icly for the above stated reasons. plus it's just something i'm used to now, and as a cargo main i tend to get little to no interaction with sec in a standard round (since we're on opposite sides of the station) but i do know that i can expect sec to do their sweep, and i always open the maintenance door in the warehouse while i'm working to say hi and have a little interaction and rp with them. its just a nice way to start the shift, honestly. and yeah, this also brings up a valid point. i can see security or maintenance being in the gd maintenance tunnels, but unless you're antag i don't see a lot of reason for it. tbh we have kind of an issue in the cargo department where people sign up for cargo tech just so that they have maintenance access to dick around in there the entire round and find goodies and do absolutely no cargo work. it's something i'm currently trying to work out icly though so i won't go into too much detail here and derail the topic. just wanted to said that it's a good point to talk about as well.
  12. yeah, brainos basically summed up my thoughts on this. if HoP's are happy to give EMTs basic access at the start of the shift, then that just feels like an extra step that just really doesn't need to be there. if i find out a DNC friend died canonically because an EMT simply didn't have access, you'll never hear the end of it from me. this slippery slope comparative earlier in the thread is just kind of mind boggling. i've never seen a reasonable argument with slippery slope commentary. comparing engineers to doctors just flat out doesn't make sense as engineering matters are almost never as time sensitive as EMT matters. again, we're talking literal life and death here. also, like... noah fence but if your antag gimmick would be ruined by an emt having basic access then maybe its not a great gimmick
  13. i hope its not a secret about just how much i love easter. i am legitimately sad when i get on to play and don't see his name in the security manifest. from the first couple of interactions i had with him on natalie i thought for sure he would be someone i'd be butting heads with more often than not, due to his very serious and stoic nature, but every time i talk with him puts him in a more positive light. every bit i learn about him makes me enjoy him more and it really makes me wanna pick his brain and have some more interaction with him. very good rp and character on your part, seriously. 10/10.
  14. i love ideas that give characters some individuality! i think clothes are a great way to get characters talking, be it their backstory or some lore or even just their personality. your clothes say a lot about you and any opportunity to show rather than tell is a good idea in my book.
  15. 1. i am so sorry that this is what fish looks like to you. are you okay? do you need help? 2. i will accept this only under the pretense that steak cooked any other way doesn't fill you as much 3. fair 4. this is fun. i like lists bad 0/10
  16. anything other than medium rare is wrong sorry jokes aside: why would that matter? i hope I'm not coming across as rude and i promise it's not my intention, just genuinely curious.
  17. i disagree. everything out on the rock is a cool gray color, you don't really need a whole lot to stand out, and the lights from the helmet tend to be enough of a giveaway as it is. the darker browns and purple make a nice contrast that's impossible to miss, plus i mean having coordinated colors with your department just helps with that sense of community. but that's just my opinion. that being said, i really like these voidsuits. they're really nicely stylized and have more uniform color than the current voidsuits and just look... nicer.
  18. god, i remember that round. the miner's body being flung at us almost made me shit my pants my thoughts on this have already been said in this thread and i agree 100% with there being higher stakes. the actual fear of possibly dying makes the game much more exciting. games need to have consequences. antags need to not be scared about doing antag things.
  19. i agree i fucking hate that biker helmet shit goin on with the old rig. it doesn't make sense. your sprites are always great brainos and i'd love to see them in game instead of................ whatever that other thing is +1
  20. okay, i know this is kinda silly, but i'm sad sometimes when i wanna observe or be a nuisance and everything as a rat is just so limited. i know that it's not a serious role, but i don't see the harm in making them just a touch more believable. one of my biggest pet peeves is that people love picking up rats and just... crushing them to death in their hands. i can get that maybe for someone with a hunting instinct, like cat or lizard folk, but humans? you would think a rat would at least be able to bite someone who picks them up, right? i sure as hell wouldn't go picking up some random rat that just happened to crawl out of a vent near me. it gives the rat a chance to escape (because right now once you're picked up you're at the mercy of whoever is holding you) and it gives incentive to not just run up and pick up a wild ass rat ohmygod also more things to mess with crew, like not immediately dying upon trying to chew some wires, would be neat. then it'll be like maintenance drones vs rats. just a suggestion, don't really care about that too much. does anyone else have any suggestions? i had some talk with some folks in deadchat (after being crushed to death) about rat mechanics and ways to improve them but, well. i kinda forgot.
  21. i'm always down for some more body horror. I've seen exactly 1 (one) changeling round and watching that dude's chest split open and tentacles start flailing everywhere was freaky as fuck and i was just observing. space horror always gets me (first time i played deadspace i screamed so bad i lost my voice and almost accidentally broke my controller by throwing it at a wall when my cat rubbed against my leg) and more ways to help give an antag a way to freak someone out i think is always a good thing. more ways to rp and etc, etc, all stuff already said by the OP. as far as emotes go, there's a big difference between /me and your sprite actually doing the thing. /me is a great tool but can only go so far as far as immersion. i don't see how some extra sprite animations for a specific brand of antag is a bad thing. +1
  22. also i just wanna say: imagine you're takin your dog for a walk. now imagine someone runs up and starts stabbing your dog. are you gonna go "hey dude that's not cool" or are you gonna try to stop the dude from stabbing your dog?
  23. you just seem really caught up on the fact that a skrell attempted to stop the unathi when we're trying to give you context here. it's not impossible for someone to do extreme things for their pet, as shown in brainos's post. in my previous post, saving my dog from a rattlesnake? i was 12. my very large (weighing almost as much as i did at the time) dog was about to try to play with a rattlesnake. i picked that dog up and got away from the snake. adrenaline is a hell of a drug. there is IC reasons for everything that happened, which is what we're trying to explain here. kevin had a pet spider earlier in the shift that got out of it's jar and mutated and was killed by sec, so he was depressed. preston and natalie gave him a new pet and told him to not let it out of the crate so no one would hurt it. kevin had already dealt with the loss of a pet that round and didn't want another instance. again, most of this was trying to be explained in IC, however no one was stopping what they were doing to listen, which is how the shoving match started. because of course you'll go to whatever lengths you can to save your pet. it's not impossible.
  24. made an account to pop in here and say that, yeah, i agree with brainos, saying that it's impossible to act under pressure is just kinda. whack. i'm chicken shit irl but i live in the desert and i cant tell you how many times ive come near extreme danger to save my dog from a rattlesnake or my cat from the gila monster that happened to get into my house. running barefoot out into the brush in the desert is also a dumb and stupid idea but ive done so when my cat made a break for it and i didnt have time to get shoes. if the merchant team had stopped and tried to figure out why people were getting so heated over a goat then maybe things would've turned out a bit differently, so, uh, maybe something to consider? and repeating over and over that it was promised to him by the captain isn't reason enough to keep eating the thing despite all the screaming - maybe stop and figure out if that's the same goat you were promised or not. we've had multiple animals in the cargo bay so more than one goat isn't impossible. i think all this really boils down to is that the goat crate was in the wrong place at the wrong time. resi's character stepped away from the crate the second that the merchant crew happened to be walking by the kitchen. it sucked, and we were yellin IC that it was a pet multiple times, but it just didn't seem to be caught that that's what the situation was. edited to add screenshots of the multiple times
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