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  1. Chia Li Backflip performer chirper321849123486574 (online-video-cutter.com).mp4 Explosives expert Badass gun handler Aeson's strongest warrior Political martyr Goofball
  2. The consequences of miners having access to the warehouse...
  3. Ririlsk is a very neat character and one that I've had a bunch of great experiences with in mining at this point. One quality that particularly stands out is his tendency to take initiative in doing expeditions/salvage runs and often assuming a sort of unofficial team leader role during them. Which makes them feel more elaborate and organized, and thus just more of an immersive experience overall. Keep it up!
  4. Goolies is pretty much the Messi of RP. I exaggerate only a little. But really, he very actively drives interaction and always makes a round more interesting by doing so. His characters are all a blast to interact with, and I'm always eager to see more of them. +1
  5. I've played many rounds with Jasorn and have had a good amount of memorable experiences with him. I've also talked with him OOCly and he's always struck me as a very level-headed dude. I'm sure he'd be a great fit for the staff team. +1
  6. More operation managers is always nice. It'd be nice to see Tones have a crack at playing one, given I've had more than a few great experiences interacting with their diverse characters. I particularly appreciate their propensity in creating interesting narratives when given the chance, It may be Schover... but we're so Bayack. +1
  7. Given that the latest post just had the song submission, I'll go ahead and pick a song for the character I feel I know the most about out of the ones that have been posted so far. @TonesofBones's Bava Schoffer. Definitely has a sort of Europan punk vibe to it that fits her character imo. As for my own submission, I offer the ship's local grumpy balding in denial: Bruce Bashline.
  8. Made a PR that makes instruments available to off-duties and passengers, feel free to thumb it up or down accordingly: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18389 Despite the system improvements made by Fluffy, instruments see very seldom use due to their unavailability. Personally, I think instruments CAN on occasion be a valuable tool for RP, when they're used with some restraint. Walking around the ship playing something like Megalovania on maximum volume is the worst possible way I can imagine you could use them. But it's not the ONLY way you could use them. Considering we're a HRP server, I think we can expect that people don't use the tools provided to them in the worst possible ways. The way I hope and expect people would use instruments would be in more closed off environments, which don't involuntarily involve the whole ship. I think this is part of the reason the piano in the dining area is seldom used. It's stationary, in a somewhat populated public area. Instead of playing music to people who don't necessarily want to hear it, I think it'd be more interesting to do stuff like playing a little tune for a friend, or a group of friends, or maybe you'd have a little concert in the holodeck, or maybe you could even form a little off duty band and practice together. To me, those possibilities for unique RP provided by having instruments available in the loadout trumps the dread I have of someone being a shitter walking around being annoying. Especially considering there's an option to mute instruments in the SFX preferences tab. Those are my two cents. What do you guys think?
  9. Francis is a good OM and a neat character. I've no complaints. +1
  10. I think the coolest way to do this would be to give them a reskinned version of the sawn off double barrel shotgun, a holster and like a box of buckshot each. Two buckshot PBs is enough to gib an eel, which makes it a one shot at PB range since you can fire both barrels at once by switching fire mode. But it's lackluster at range which makes the KA still practical at ranges where you're not blasting yourself with it.
  11. Incredibly diverse and fun characters across the board. Super fun to interact with, not much else to say. +1
  12. As many others have said, this person plays command as if they have already been whitelisted for some time. They should be. +1
  13. Always enjoyed playing with Immortal. Her characters are believable, have elaborate backstories attached to them, and most importantly are interesting to interact with. Totally should be given a trial! +1
  14. It is a neat idea and I like it, but realistically if it was very loud I'd imagine it'd never get used. You'd probably be better off just hacking and waltzing through if the sound from crawling through the vents announces your presence anyway. I'd say, make it very slow, and make it have quite a low chance every time you move to make a sound.
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