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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. Kaed's got it! Lemme spike people, but kill them over time, the blood loss and brute damage will do the job for me! We can even let them try to resist off of it.
  2. I want to meat spike humans and Xenos n' stuff when I'm being an evil chef, but at the moment, you can only spike up monkeys. This is sad. Let me be evil.
  3. Frankly, I believe your characters make irrational decisions without a just cause. And I'm not even sure what to think about Alice because its a rare round where she isnt an antag and sticks around. Detective was a constant annoyance, and even when asked repeatedly to stop narrating its life story on the Common Radio by a multitude of people, it kept going. To be quite frank, some of your characters are just kinda silly.
  4. leaning towards a -1. While I'm very often not in a department with you, your characters always make me go, 'oh boy.' As Drago said, you really toe the line on some of your character choices. You just are not someone that I'd want leading me to be completely honest.
  5. yes please, I've wanted this in for years.
  6. dude sonic is like, super gucci in all forms. Fantastic Roleplayer and pretty banger all around, and I like the App story alot! all the +1's
  7. how would you feel about the other half of my post, with the negative RP punishments that don't affect the player to bad?
  8. I'm all for Human Elitism, but ye I can see the turnoff you might get for this. One way to handle this is Postive Discrimination and Minor Negative Discrimination, meaning the CCIA are biased up to character removal/firing. (meaning that in character deletion cases, the bias is totally removed in favor of an equality approach so a character isn't removed based on unfairness, IC or not.) And when I say, Minor Negatives, I mean RP punishments that don't affect the player too much, like extra fines or 'reformation' classes.
  9. wait really, like what kinds
  10. I just want to be able to overlay clothing items over armor vests. Like Trenchcoats and Shaper robes, things made of cloth that have no protection values.
  11. I for one, welcome our new Frog Overlords.
  12. chill out mostly. It has gotten about 10x better in the past few months. But the reason I say this I’ve done anti-synth stuff as a Lizard this round right? Lo and behold I get ahelped for harassment. And the unnamed staff member rode my ass on it for about 5 minutes.
  13. aaaaaaaaaaah. I’m struggling to put this into words. I want it to be IC consequences, many a time I’ve gotten rough with people to get hit with ahelps instead of Security. This post isn’t completely directed at the lore team, I’m hoping some of the Administrators/Moderators see it as well. Yes there should 100% be consequences, but they shouldn’t be overblown by a zealous mod or a white knight ready to baton any racists in sight. Which is what I hope is a popular opinion, I just wanted to get it out there in a post.
  14. It was definitely a hyperbole, and I don’t demand you hate all aliens, if you have good background with aliens for that character, more power to you. All I was asking for was a crumb of discomfort or apsome kind of expressed wariness.
  15. Alright so, when I said that Aut'akh should be discriminated against, I was mostly referring to UNATHI being the people doing the discrimination. Like you said, Humans are already exploiting them for good labor. Ill hit the attack thing in the next quote. no, you misunderstood what I wanted. I want the option to be there and for it to be valid without players jumping on the IC-racist on all our server-platforms. I obviously do not want autakh to just be walking around and get clapped in the ass. My desire was for escalation to happen quicker and with more hostile results, when it was valid escalation to do so and there is a solid cause for conflict. again, I do not want Aut'akh to get their limbs torn off when they show up to work, just minor things. I don’t really have any issues on how you handle Unathi or Guwan, I actually really like how you have chosen to handle Guwan issues. A Unathi roboticist makes sense for a lot of reasons, know (and do maintenance) your enemy. Or other reasons. and if we're slapping numbers on this, I’d actually prefer an 7.5
  16. You are a great role player Rose, and I think you’d do well. But, I really can’t sense much of this character's personality from the story. is she distrusting of strangers? Was she opposed to the idea of being sent to a place with so many Aliens? Does she resent her father for sending her away? There’s no emotional detail besides “ah face acided, this is a very sad loss to her Clan.”
  17. Yes, I do think it’s healthy. It encourages conflict and strife, through these negative encounters interesting and complex role play can emerge, the Aut’akh could unionize, NT could stamp them out. The players read the lore pages, they knew what they were signing up for when they choose to give up some time and effort to obtain the right to play that race. You apped for the right to play the race that is discriminated against and is on the bottom rung of society? Congrats, you get to do just that. Do I want the CCIA to be biased? Yes. I absolutely do. To a certain degree. The current argument is “well we don’t want people to lose their characters.” Which is a valid point, and acceptable. We can be biased without deleting characters. It’s actually quite simple if we keep an eye on it OOCly. When the CCIA make a verdict they can keep track of which were considered with bias with a tag or a small dot or however they want to do it. And if we ever reach a point when the character is facing deletion/firing you lower the value of those incidents that were considered with bias. You hit the character with “anger management” or “500 credit fine”. I mean, why fire them when we can milk them for all they're worth? Not like they can go anywhere with their contracts. and to your final point with the Unathi versus Aut'akh comment. I believe you're looking at it wrong, it’s Nanotrasen versus Dissentients.
  18. considering the lore around Unathi? Yes. To a certain degree. Mechanics in the game are apart of RP and can be considered emotes that actually carry numbers with them. A single harm intent click or an aggressive grab throw would be more than enough. but there’s more to do than physical violence if we want to avoid that, Unathi have Command role opportunities, giving the Aut'akh shittier jobs and having harsher judgement when it comes to misdemeanors. Small stuff like that, that slowly builds into something bigger. tactical edit: I just reread your post, and I believe I need to state this, violence is one thing that should be regulated over enforced. Due to the nature of it, we definitely should be more worried about someone doing to much over too little. What I was asking to be enforced was obviously the cultural hate of Aut'akh.
  19. This is what I was looking for, thanks for putting it into words. Everyone is this loner or outcast or deviant from their race, and they use that deviant status to give themselves an excuse not to follow the lore.
  20. Note: I am mostly referring to the certain races in the post, Vaurca, tree people, and Skrell are mostly excluded from this post. Clarification: the word conflict, used in this post, refers to social clashes and minor incidents, not like you know, a war. Clarification 2: please do not take this as “Well butter is trying to tell me how I should play my characters!” The goal of this post is to encourage more interesting role play between our diverse cast of Aliens. so, one upon a time, the alienness of xenos was pretty seriously enforced. Unathi were proud and militaristic, and hated IPCs and Synths in general. Not to mention they tried to be honorable in combat, there were actually cases where Unathi would switch weapons based on what their enemy had, to face melee with melee. Nowadays most Unathi are just reskinned humans with scales and a slightly more aggressive attitude. Hell, some Unathi are even supportive of the Aut'akh which is a pretty serious thing when they arnt even hopefuls themselves. The lore paints this interesting picture of hate and workplace tension, but on-station the worst that happens is a glare, a huff, then a stomping away. IPCs are almost always either these perfectly programmed friendbots with no issues with their programming whatsoever or workaholic bots with no concern for morality. We don’t encourage conflict with humans or other organics, it’d a boring perfectly seamless entry into human society. Humans are to xenophillic and trusting, like for god’s sake that’s a 6” 8’ bugman breathing phoron, show some discomfort. As weird as this sounds, they are too accepting and understanding. There’s no fuel for discomfort or conflict between these very different groups of people because no one roleplays unfamiliarity with the Xenos. People fresh out of Inner Sol don’t express any shock at all when they see a Vaurca or a tree walking around. end rant, let’s please encourage constructive opinions in the comments.
  21. can we just update the Nuke code to be more Nukey and call it a day?
  22. have we considered what implications a biological weapon of this scale would mean for warfare between empires in our lore? (Assuming that could occur at some point.)
  23. can we just not become TG, our captains arnt Victoria-era Generals or leaders, this is a fucking space station. Why would NT even go through the trouble of having like 50 swords sent out to all the Captains of their various installations? This is silly and implausible.
  24. basically give IPCs the great power to have a mini-console in their brains, to actually be robots and use department programs. (obviously, ID/Job Restrictions Apply) nothing insane, just like, Medical IPC can summon up Medical Records, Security IPC can summon up Security Records and an Engineering IPC being able to pull up current alerts. Gives IPCC an edge, making them slightly superior to their organic counterparts in such a way that doesn't affect overarching gameplay. Clearly, these Computer-Brains don't work if telecoms are down because the data can't be streamed to them.
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