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Whitelisted Players
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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. it would be nice if the Suit Sensors Computer showed us SSD Status with Vitals enabled. Really would cut down on alot of this.
  2. tbh I'd like it if Rev Heads earned TC to equip their Comrades with based on the number of people globally recruited. e.g. "o nice you recruited 3 people, have 10 TC."
  3. @Alberyk this is a good chance to implement Ghost roles, throw in some Vox Encounters, maybe some stranded Unathi raiders. A small gaggle of Lii’dra spying on Tau Ceti from the inside of a derelict mothership. Whitelists are usually waived in face of antags and special events. If if we wanted we could also just invent some random Cloud monster the players could play.
  4. yeah didnt jackboot make bugboo?
  5. I’m pretty sure the point of aliens having strange abilities was kinda the point to make them stronger than humans in certain fields.
  6. I'd personally like all races to have Light/Heavyweight Classes tbh, so this is a nice step. One thing that I'd like to see is making it possible for an IPC to retrofit a brace out of metal/plasteel that allows them to walk a bit more normally with a destroyed servo. Obviously, this brace would snap into splinters at the smell of brute damage. Also, so do G1's and G2's share the exact same values now? Because it was my understanding that G2's were given more armor in exchange for greater speed loss.
  7. Stop using shitty arguments. Going “uuhhhh but what if this, ha gotchu!!1!!” Is a shitty argument and isn’t productive. anyways, ye big agree. The main arugement I’ve seen against is that with extended in the mix it prevents meta gamers. Now this is a crappy arguement because we vote secret the intent is to get a randomly selected antag without knowing from an OOC lone of text what’s going on. Nothing is worse then playing a 2-hour round to discover that it’s extended, and here’s why. is there subconscious metagame? Yes, and literally nothing can stop that. The point of extended is for you to be able to sit down and knowing you have 2 hours to develop your character(s). When it is secret you always have this bed of uncertainty that can keep you from really jumping on RP opportunities. The whole “I don’t want to waste the energy to go backstory diving when a McGuffin Traitor could explode me halfway through.” just a thought, but yeah hella big agree
  8. This is the Space Age Corporate Capitalism I hunger for.
  9. It’s the reason Tajara and Vaurca never got their lore-confirmed vision right?
  10. Literally taught an intern all of Chemistry in one go the other night, felt good.
  11. nothing, it took us 14 years to figure it the engine
  12. If we make raider gear any more bare they are gonna be raiding the station with Softsuits and wooden sticks
  13. We could make it like the Alien: Isolation tunnels, you know the ones that have that circular opening and ladders n' stuff. It would accomplish the same goal, but the vents would only open to the correct IDs.
  14. This is a video game, not a cooking simulator. Can we just be happy with a simple system for a simple job designed to be entry-level for new players?
  15. Y e s. I’m all for this. It would make navigating maintenance so much more fun if it was tighter and spookier. We'd need icons and stuff but yeah. This would be so fun.
  16. The counter-play in the situation is an ion Rifle.
  17. I’m very aware of the method @ben10083 but the secondary way requires a willing roboticist to work, and materials if it’s in a round in progress.
  18. This is a thicc station with even thiccer needs. Just bump up the Synth Slot count by 3 so we can have service robots in more departments. (and to be honest, now that we are hitting 50 players consistently, we could use more all-access helpers around.)
  19. I would like their eye/light sensitivity to be represented in game.
  20. This kinda breaks the 1 suggestion er thread rule, but it’s small so whatever. But while I think the Antag hud is a great idea, I’m against them being fixable. It’s hard as fuck to snipe those APC infections as Malf, and it would be a serious waste to have the IPCS be fixable.
  21. +1, sounds great as long as refusing a thralling has negative effects, besides you know. Getting SUCC'D
  22. This would be more at home with a TG server than our HRP environment. I can see what gains you want from it, but realistically they won’t happen.
  23. That was the idea, and multi-tile mobs are definitely possible, we'll just have to see what a coder says.
  24. Alright, so my idea is to give maxed out Vampires access to different forms, with various benefits for each. The power is activated from the menu and yadda, the forms themselves don't have huge disadvantages instead, the power as a WHOLE will suffer from a single set. Forms: Bat: (Low Health) Vampire turns into a bat(s) that has evasive abilities. Wolf: (High Health) Vampire turns into a large wolf that has offensive abilities. Fog: (? Health) Vampire turns to a fog that has mind-altering abilities. Shapeshifting Disadvantages: very open to suggestions and amendments.
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