Stop using shitty arguments. Going “uuhhhh but what if this, ha gotchu!!1!!” Is a shitty argument and isn’t productive.
anyways, ye big agree. The main arugement I’ve seen against is that with extended in the mix it prevents meta gamers. Now this is a crappy arguement because we vote secret the intent is to get a randomly selected antag without knowing from an OOC lone of text what’s going on. Nothing is worse then playing a 2-hour round to discover that it’s extended, and here’s why.
is there subconscious metagame? Yes, and literally nothing can stop that.
The point of extended is for you to be able to sit down and knowing you have 2 hours to develop your character(s). When it is secret you always have this bed of uncertainty that can keep you from really jumping on RP opportunities. The whole “I don’t want to waste the energy to go backstory diving when a McGuffin Traitor could explode me halfway through.”
just a thought, but yeah hella big agree