Ckey/BYOND Username: Butterrobber202
Why are you interested in Unathi?: I love honor coded societies, its just something I'm absolutely fascinated with. I love having the nearly universally enforced set of honor rules presiding over Unathi society. It gives me a strong united vibe and makes me feel like no matter what Unathi I'm playing with, chances are good we have that in common. They are really well put together for what they are, which is to say, they make sense. When I first read through their lore page in my infantile Aurora career it was clear how they evolved as a society and it made sense that "the strong rule over the weak." Its super clear how and why a warrior-centric society would arise out of these conditions. This narrative draws me in the most post-contact war. A space-faring society's own home planet is an apocalyptic wasteland. This climate creates this fantastic mix of galactic-age/primitive-age dynamic on Moghes.
What do you think are the core themes about Unathi?: Core themes of Mainstream Unathi (Izeweski-Brand) are all about honor, tradition, clan and strength. These are the long standing values of the Unathi that hold them together. Worship of the Spirit(s)/Ancestor is also a very fun theme of a warrior society, mostly because it adds alot of flavor to their deaths and knowing their ancestors are watching them from above.
Core themes of sub-class Unathi (Aut'akh, Guwan) are a different piece of the puzzle, that still fit well. Aut'akh propel themselves off of being the polar opposite of Si'akh doctrine. (That being FUCK AUGMENTS) Aut'akh are all about friendliness, unity to the point of hivemind, and AUGMENTS WOOO! Its a fun dynamic between the rare Si'akh Unathi and the Aut'akh. Aut'akh are all about serving Oss, and they are passionate about it, because complete devotion to your robotic ancestor spirit god isn't fun if its not zealous.
Guwans are depressing to say the least. Their core themes are loneliness and being exiled from Unathi society. They are a disguisting lower-class to be spit upon and hated for their vile crimes against clan and country. Those who arrive on the station can expect a less than kind greeting from the Unathi there.
Do you have any specific projects you want to do?: I'd like to expand the honor code. At the moment its got this tiny little page in the Unathi Navbox, I think it could be fleshed out. I'd also like to create tension that actually directly affects on-station Unathi, instead of it being some "far-away war/conflict."
What do you like the least about Unathi and what would you want to change?
I don't particular like Unathi relations with other races. By that I mean the LACK of detail regarding those feelings. All we really get is "yeah skrell were on Ouere and fuck Dominia"
Would you want to become a full Unathi maintainer if you were asked in the future or remain a deputy? Unsure. It would definitely depend on the climate of the team at the time, and I would have to make sure I would have enough personal time to dedicate to being a full maintainer. It would be a disservice to the Unathi community to take the role, then half-ass it.
Additional Comments: I actually wrote a short story on Guwanadi and if anyone wants to read it, I'll send it your way