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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. This suggestion would actually maintain the Antag difficultly level. While, yes you are removing the centralized aspect. You now have an official breathing down your departments neck, so moving suspect items suddenly becomes 10x harder. So you have to either kill the Officer or pray that the Player isn’t a validhunter and attempt to RP it out. And considering the general uppity attitude the player base has when their anime protagonist character dies, I would not look forward to the world of shit we’d be smacked with if this gets through.
  2. Please god no, no! i can already imagine trying to hold a chokepoint with ladders and some chucklefuck ERT sets his bullpump to grenade launcher and fires a frag grenade into my 3x3 hidey hole.
  3. BYOND Key: Butterrobber202Staff BYOND Key: HockaGame ID: bYa-anIVReason for complaint: Hocka, in this warning has claimed I broke a rule when I did not allow the Janitor to escape me, and that I had poor escalation. I firmly and respectfully disagree with the ruling and the added warning. I believe I escalated as the situation called for. The Janitor in question ran straight into the only hole I had in my line of rune walls, and attempted to keep running through until she hit my southern barrier. I sealed the rune she used to enter off, and then went through a series of emotes, obviously displaying that Iok was hostile and not sane. This was on the spot RP, and I was in a time crunch because Iok knew the "Lii'dra" were coming for him. (Security) So I charged through some emotes, and then started attacking, as an Antag does. My and Iok's IC goal was to acquire a loyal asset to defend himself against the "Lii'dra" with. (Just assume when I say "Lii'dra" I'm talking about on-station crew-sided forces.) So yes, I stopped the Janitor from escaped, cut her down after a fight that I intentionally extended, then soul stoned her to create a Juggernaut. Sadly, she ran off the second after I created her, running away from me at breakneck speeds, so it all backfired wonderfully on me. Now, what I'm upset about is that I was given a warning for setting up valid defenses, and then killing someone that walked right into them. I, as an Antag, am not required to provide every single one of my victims with a chance to escape. That's it, I just don't have to do that, it would be stupid from an IC point of view. OOCly, dying is apart of the game, it happens to everyone. I made it clear that not only was Iok insane but hostile as well, even emoting out my attacks before starting up. Just because someone died from my RP, and it was the first interaction I had with them all shift, does not make it improper. I don't think I deserve a warning for trapping someone that ran straight into my defenses and then killing them for valid reasons.Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: beep
  4. ok apparently im a retard, I just haven't spawned in with it for a mouth because that single icon was making me wanting to kill myself.
  5. The Icon I have complaints about is the one to the far left. No matter what kind of xeno leg you stick that icon on it looks werid. Does the bag just shift to the front of your thigh when you walk to the left? I dunno, this icon says it does. Can we just remove that icon state and have it be invisible for the left? I believe this should be an easy and quick fix.
  6. Xenos need to be their Mob, with their own interactions. The fact that some joe-shmoe can run up to an alien predator and shove it to the ground and sprint away before it picks his fat-ass up is laughable.
  7. Alberyk pls tone down the ab0se
  8. What’s their Lore background, if I want to RP them right I need to know what type of fighting force they are and how they are Organized. if it’s on the wiki already the , link pls. otherwise those icons look epic and I see the vaurca one
  9. This so gonna be so many battery charges for Sec
  10. -1 guys, Security is the authority on the Station, and obviously requires a degree of professionalism, and uniforms. Why the hell would NT allow some Officer run around in spandex and a cape arresting people?
  11. I’m heavily against taking away more TC from Antags, because for an effective utility loadout you need everything you can get. It will also reduce the amount of gimmicks Antags are able to pull off.
  12. This was the intent of the suggestion, y’all nasty.
  13. allows anyone to put something inside their undershirt or underpants or something, that only they can access, allowing this small or tiny item to escape unseen during searches.
  14. Feedback from my recent gimmick, everyone was typing so fast I couldn’t actual read most of the feedback, so I thought to make this thread. it was one of my over arching gimmicks with lots of plot points, and I tried to include every race. But yeah feedback man, I desire it.
  15. as the title says, I find both chef uniforms pretty ugly imo and would like to be able to store the cleaver on my belt
  16. Everyone with complaints seems to be forgetting a big point of Alberyk's defense. He does it when Security is UNAVAILABLE, DEAD, or DYING. He does NOT do it the second the antags rear their heads, and he only leads offensives when the other option is to die, e.g. the Nuke being set off.
  17. I’d be about this, sounds like fun.
  18. this needs to be done. the tyranny of bees must be ended
  19. I’m usual immune to internet feels but goddamn it Abo, I actually like you. Sad to see you resign, but happy that you are hopefully dealing with real life.
  20. make DPRA adopt space American Cold War Ideals when
  21. They are better than the filthy commies
  22. I always said that the ALA was better, even in my app I made them out to be the good guys.
  23. Can we upgrade turrets from “My First Servo Kit” to something fucking useful? At the moment Turrents open slower than a handicapped Diona moving uphill.
  24. There needs to be an exoskeleton master controller either in the RD’s office or CE’s office. Because NT is in no way gonna let those things run around unmonitored and uncontrollable.
  25. @Arrow768 by restrict it to the more buff races, I was meaning pure strength. Skrell would definitely not be on that list. the idea was that this harness would be pretty heavy, not including whatever attachment we put on it. So only races with a natural inclination towards developing muscle mass would be able to effectively use them. Such as Unathi, Vaurca Workers and Warriors, Zhan Tajara, Industrial IPCs and maybe tree folk
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