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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. Basically, by using the objects Tab add a verb that is something along the lines of, “Hide ID”. Which long story short, allows you to hide your name while still having your ID in its slot, to avoid having to juggle it in your hands.
  2. -1 getting cuffed as an antag is game over, we do not need to make it faster.
  3. It happens semi-regularly to me when I'm fighting multiple people. The attack log spam just pushes the grab message up before you have time to glance at it.
  4. You're in the thick of the fight, fighting off multiple people at once. Slashing cutting and so on, lost neck deep in red attack logs. Then suddenly! You can't move and your weapon is on the floor. Some Officer has passively grabbed you then cuffed you while you were fighting! You will now spend the next 1 hour in jail. Basically, new Cuff Requirements. 1. If the target is on help intent, cuffs go on as normal. 2. If the target is on ANY OTHER INTENT, you need an aggressive grab and a pin to cuff them. This should stop Handcuff memery.
  5. Mercs and Heisters arnt designed to be on the same level as Sec. The playing field isn’t meant to be even. Security will generally have the advantage of numbers, and the Antags get better gear.
  6. The way Bay handle this, the Sec Taser Guns have two settings, as opposed by our 1 taser mode. 1. Taser, literally exactly what ours is right now 2. Shock, shorts out IPC and Cyborg's stuff, making them move slower, they recover given enough time to get their systems straight.
  7. At the above posts, While Synthetics do have some advantages over most races, that doesn’t justify Sec having a one shot kill weapon for them. I’d fully support removing the Ion Rifle from the Armory.
  8. I’d rather just have a hard cap on the amount of traitors
  9. Basically allows anyone with access to the Escape Pod Controller, located inside any escape pod, to launch the pod. This will effectively remove anyone on the Pod from the round, so make sure there is a warning stating such before they launch. Make it so emagging the Pod, launches it to a Syndicate Retrieval site. This is really just so antags can actually leave the station if they come to the end of their objectives.
  10. So they won’t take load out points?
  11. Fresh is the GOOD BOY, and a great RPer. Besides making a gay Unathi and spreading heresy of course. +1 good app story as well.
  12. Agreeing with the above, while the ISD is a private Security Force, it’s the private Security of the wealthiest Mega corporation in the Galaxy. There is no lack of funds, and NanoTrasen is quite aware of the Syndicate threat to its stations, not even covering the recent Lii'dra attacks. While I’d support the random weaknesses, the weapons need to stay the same, or be changed in such a way that keeps them armed to the same degree that they are now.
  13. So this happened: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?p=108511#p108511 Not complaining, but I’d rather get this clarified right away in the Regulations. i120 - Intoxication on Duty “Being in a state of intoxication caused by drugs or alcohol while performing assigned Station Duties.” 5-10Minute Brig Time/450 Credit Fine ——— i224 - Intoxication while Performing Sensitive Operations “To be in a state of Intoxication while preforming a duty that has critical impact, such as Surgery, Working as an Officer, or Station Repair.” ———— Not disliking the change, but I’m gonna feel a lot better about it if Sec has these set in stone to handle. Open to Suggestions and Amendments.
  14. Leave it alone, while vote swaying happens who cares. If it’s what the majority wants to play then that’s what we gonna play chief. Disabling OOC on clockwork is pretty annoying as well.
  15. The Vaurca as individuals would likely fall in the mentioned minority categories. But the Queens themselves actively pursure business and Credits, so in all likelihood they struck a deal with the banks to get their Hives accounts
  16. Note: I’m going in this with a low amount of information, since I can’t seem to locate much on the subject. Loyalty Implants are kinda in a wonky place right now. They are a literal neural implant but only seem to work half the time. For example, the cult can’t covert Implanted but the Vampire can dominate them. I’d like to propose that we add more mechanical restrictions on Loyalty implants to give’em a buff. ( another note I’m saying this is what should be, so some of these could already be in ) Things that should be resisted by the Implanted: - Wizard Contracts - Cult - Vampire Dominate - Rev Conversions What they should disable roundstart: - Traitoring (99% already in) - Vampire - Cult Really this just a “plz update Loyalty implants”
  17. Yo can I snort Phoron dust as a Vaurca?
  18. I’m all for physical money staying in, it’s just a lot more fun to hand someone something hard than going “here take this card” Also, I’m not the best icon maker in the world, but what if you gave the bills a futuristic sci-fi look. Also, if you plan to remove the Bugs’ money accounts, which is a horrible idea, you’re going to have to come up with a new way for them to get Phoron. Because the kios in the venders is expensive chief.
  19. I’m all for removing the crazy items in the loudout, but to stay on topic. NT should absolutely have an enforced Uniform Code, with subsections for Xeno exemptions. The cloaks are alittle much for our Future Western Setting.
  20. I’d think it would be cooler if some ads used a certain language only, to add IMMEERSSIOON. An ATLAS party ad would be a good example. Or a wet Skrell service.
  21. But how do we get the PHORON?!!??
  22. Now this is a burger PR I can get behind
  23. The AI's whole thing is that it can literally interface with every single electronic on the station, the drawback BEING it can’t interface with anything physically. This would obviously throw that intended flaw out the window and heavily increase their power. For balance sake, -1
  24. I’m all for more bugbois, and your story was decent enough. Here's ooonnnneeee problem though. thonk: Your coloration should be that of a Bound Zo'ra Worker (based on which Queen's brood you came from), and you didn’t list what Brood your bound crawled out of. Here’s the link to all the current Zo'ra broods: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Vaurca_Hives#Zo.27ra Other than being a filthy Zo'ra, good app Chief.
  25. Basically, give the Chef unplantable K'ois. So they can cook up some Vaurca meals.
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