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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. I'm not sure I am understanding it correctly, however for how I'm understanding it: - This seems to be an edge case of an edge case, someone who just joined the server and is sitting in the lobby right at the moment a transfer is called seems unlikely --> That there's enought of them to win a 2/3rd majority if others do not want to transfer sounds exceptionally unlikely - Everyone has the right to vote for transfer or for continuation for whatever reason they feel like --> The 2/3rd majority requirement is already in place for the purpose of accounting for lobby votes that might not know what is happening in the round --> You gain no additional weight just because you're playing, people who wish to join at the next round or just want to try to roll a different gamemode, or do something else using the roundstart, have the right to request and vote for the round to reset so they can do so ---> The same applies for those who wish to end the shift and leave afterwards, as if it was a working shift ending ---> Some people might also switch what character/department to play, using the 5 minutes-ish restart time instead of waiting as a ghost for 20 - The server restarts and rolls a new round afterwards --> If there are people that still want to play, after a pause of ~5 minutes (the loading time), they can join and continue to do so uninterrupted for at least another 2 hours at the next round ---> If the round reaches deadpop, it's because the people that were playing before at lowpop do not wish to continue playing for another round ----> One might say that they don't want to play a full round, however the proposed thing is to cryo instead, so they would have left around the same time in either scenarios ---> It's possible people who voted for the transfer won't join because they see deadpop at roundstart, I'm not sure how you'd go with showing that they voted for transfer without the intention to join the next round, but I haven't seen any evidence for that - Any change would apply across the board --> It's not really feasible and dubiously fair to target specific times or pops ---> Lowpop right before there's a pop surge benefits from having a transfer happen, to let the new connected players join ----> We can't know in advance if people will join after the restart ----> This might introduce additional issues in other scenarios -----> To try to "solve" what would in practice just be a ~5 minutes pause, if people still want to play ------> So it doesn't seem a good bet from a risk/reward analysis to me
  2. Just leaving the round tends to feel like kind of abandoning your fellow gamers that were playing with you, waiting for the shift to finish usually feels more "natural" to some
  3. People wanting to join the round (as a new round, or try to roll for a slot that is already full or would not make sense to start late in-round) or hoping for a new gamemode to roll have the right to call a transfer and vote when it's called As you already indicated, most people then vote to transfer. The system requires a 2/3rd majority up until the 3rd hour for the transfer to go through, too. If the next round is empty, and 2/3rd of the people voted for transfer, that's probably because they wanted to end the round and leave
  4. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18854 I forgot to link the PR here
  5. The above PR was merged, therefore this suggestion is considered implemented. Locking and archiving.
  6. Implemented in https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18292 Locking and archiving.
  7. Can you provide a (license-compatible) sound to use for this?
  8. Rampant IPCs are not present anymore, therefore this suggestion isn't applicable anymore Locking and archiving
  9. I think this was all implemented in https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18648 @Tomixcomics can you confirm? Good to close?
  10. Rampant IPCs are not present anymore, therefore this suggestion isn't applicable/relevant anymore. Locking and archiving.
  11. This was implemented in https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18661 Locking and archiving.
  12. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/issues/18880 As this is a bug, I'll close it as a suggestion, it will be handled as bug
  13. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18984
  14. It was already like this before the layers change PR, so this might be a bug
  15. I would be fine with more gentle, slower paced event, but as an addition, not substitution I like high intensity, high stakes events, as I think that's where the RP and the entertainment value peaks, and I would not trade them for "it's like the QBR meeting you dread to do at your workplace for how bored out of your mind you get, but in space" kind of things The idea of mini events sprinkled around is fine, it's basically just getting an "extended+" round, but it would not be good for me if we have to sacrifice high intensity events to do that, hence: I would be fine with them as an addition, not substitution I wonder if we could maybe implement some sort of policy where admin+lore can use (secret?) extended rounds to do just that, organize something small and generally inconsequential with whoever is around at that given time?
  16. Honestly, I could not care less about species being restricted from being XO, some species were not even found until very recently, it is fine to restrict them from being XO if the XO is second in command. But, this policy isn't what a second in command is, this policy doesn't make the XO second in command. It makes him a secretary. The Captain's personal assistant. We might aswell give him an office in front of the Captain's one, with a computer and a multiline phone to handle calls on his behalf, and the Captain's calendar to schedule appointments for him. "Hello I am calling on behalf of Captain John Biesel, he would like to [...]" and little else isn't what most people consider being second in command to mean, I think. I do not think anyone voted XO2IC for that. I certainly didn't.
  17. This argument seems to me wrong for multiple and completely different reasons, I will just highlight two: The most simple first: It assumes that the LTA cannot ever encounter the same issue: This isn't possible to guarantee, the LTA is composed of people just like the lore writers, any other staff position, and the playerbase itself Then, it assumes that the product of someone who did something wrong would necessarily also be bad, which isn't the case, if we banned someone for having done something wrong, that is the punishment for having done something wrong, it doesn't mean that everything he ever did must also be bad and thus expurged, any reference wiped from the picture - No, someone did something wrong, that is limited to what he did wrong, it's not all-encompassing, it doesn't follow that everything related to him must now also be bad or wrong, this line of reasoning has an odd taste of the famous meme of Stalin making people disappear from pictures, something that would be very funny ICly, and very concerning OOCly, to do This also breaks the ICly-OOCly barrier, when we ban players, we do not man-in-black flash-erase their characters from the mind of other characters, because administrative actions such as those are OOC measures. Apart from the obvious consequence that banned people cannot play anymore, we do not go back in time and erase everything their characters did, and wipe them from everyone's memory, so I do not see why a character would need to be wiped just because someone was banned later down the line, if what they did at a specific time was good, it will remain ICly good, that doesn't change retroactively based on what happens to the player There is also the arguments of probability and risk/benefit analysis, but Sue already made a nice version of that so I won't repeat it unless it requires further elaborations down the line I can go on, but I think the mantra of "Not having a good reason to believe something is a sufficient reason not to believe it" should be sufficient here, so unless prompted, it wouldn't make sense to go on about it This has some issues too imo, first of all being: You can already find characters that killed 100 pirates or solarian marines (or people in general), that is part of the canonicity already, but it doesn't seem to be an issue that prevented new players from hopping in so far, so I guess we can put it to rest and say it isn't really an issue The second, is two fold: To do noteworthy things, you have to face noteworthy risks - You might save the spur, but it's immensely more likely that you'll die instead. Someone saving the spur 5 times would be a statistical anomaly, that you will find maybe one character of, in the whole Aurora history, so it isn't really an issue The second fold, is that you can also contribute to write the history of the Auroraverse and where it goes, with your characters. Just because someone else did it already, doesn't detract from your own accomplishments For what it's worth, I think Sue et al. are right, and that it's good to let the characters have recognitions and the players have an hand in deciding where the story goes, through IC accomplishments and OOC canonization apps / pools / writing / etc.
  18. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18786
  19. You mean the emitter that powers the indra?
  20. I had fun in a good amount of events, with that said however, I will focus on the "negatives" (aka: what can be improved upon, from my perspective) The initial event (meeting for Command) kind of summed up for most of the characters as "this could have been an email", yes we did get to talk with the Purpose borgs, but it was kind of inconsequential and could have been done in another event along with other things The visit/shore leave on the city (and the intermission if you want to consider it part of the arc) was nice, however if it developed into something, it would have been a good kickstart for whatever it developed into, but otherwise it seemed pretty much what anyone could do in any extended shift, it generated some arrests but so did normal shifts, but no big deal either way The last two events were good, in particular the last event we had yesterday, though I think the one before felt more engaging and challenging; if the last event had more challenging enemies (either in number or power, or even both) and had more streamlined start than standing there forming groups for half of it, it would have been more engaging/challenging, also the lack for what I recall of any plot twist left an unexplored opportunity; for what I can tell, everything went basically as planned/anticipated
  21. On the "It would completely invalidate the department during any deep space explorations the lore team may be interested in sending the Horizon on": No, it doesn't, you have the roundstart things to sort out in the warehouse, and mining have mining to do, it is quite rare for what I saw that anything gets ordered most of the time, you also have the courier things to do that were added recently, and the Machinist have his normal gameplay loop, to say that it would completely invalidate the entire department just because the shuttle is unavailable is just, incorrect. I'm also not sure why you're focusing only on the Solarian surplus gear? I have indicated other things, like the singulo engine, that it would not make sense to have in this storage, as well as issues with the budget and justifying why we don't pull out a bunch of sniper rifles from this deep space cargo when we hit code red, etc., it's not just a matter of replacing some gear with an equivalent one from the SCC, if that was the only issue, it would not even be worth mentioning. Do we have a pile of protohumans in storage? Why do we have nice weapons only in storage, instead of where you'd want them to be for an emergency, the armory? And so on and so forth; it's not just an issue of swapping some gear with a differently labeled one and call it a day.
  22. Honestly, I would rather have cargo not available if we're in some uncharted space (which seems unlikely we ever will go to, sadly, due to the lack of content), over having it coming from some storage and losing things we have available to purchase, personally Also, double the amount of money isn't unlimited access, it's just more money to buy things
  23. I agree with Sniblet here, it's far easier to just shrug up the "not providing things for free" if we imagine some middle of the line external warehouse contractor that won't send it over unless paid or whatever BS we can come up with, over the things already being here but we can't take them for "budget reasons" (but why would anyone care if we do? If they're stealing the whole ship, those things would be lost anyways, they're already in the ship!) Also, there's things that would have not much sense to bring around in the ship storage, like an entire singulo engine assembly, reservist Solarian equipment and whatnot
  24. I concur with goolies, the Psych office is for RP, as is the whole server; We do not even shield the CCIA interview room from ghosts. If someone is making throwaway characters to come in with OOC issues, that is to me an administrative issue, it's OOC in IC, you're essentially playing a self insert, and we have more than enough problems that regards to IC-OOC separation already. I would like however to take a moment to address your point: You cite establishing safety, but do not have the training/qualification nor the material means to do that, as you're knowingly dealing with a non-RP, real issue, by your own description. It's neither safe for you, nor for this person, to do as such. Voting for dismissal.
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