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Everything posted by Fluffy
Completely opposed to this, the protection afforded to the reactor main system and atmospheric system exist primarily because they would affect next to everyone, it's a level of destruction comparable to detonating a nuke but without the round actually ending afterwards, and kind of non-comparable to a ling doing ling things on a shuttle Just because you can't escape from it (which is only a thing in-transit, once you're landed, you have an entire planet to escape into), it doesn't mean, nor should it mean, that the antag can't do antag things; if you want canon roleplay expeditions RP, you can vote extended Also, this contraddicts the direction given in the suggestion direction given in:
How do you avoid the inevitable "every time I see John, it's a vampire"? Because I can totally see people having slots they don't really play having this on, so that it will end up with "every time I see X character, it's an antag" How do you decide that it's time for John to spawn? The gamemode selector might decide to roll vampire, however everyone else has set mercenary on and left vampire off on purpose, should the game exhaust all the normal possibilities before starting to dig in this switchslot? Or just roll with it? And why Extension of the above, you also have set mercenary because it's time for the return of the Solarian Clone Corps, however the gamemode rolls vampire again, should it just ignore it as you have other antags enabled in your current slot, or go ahead and start vampire because you have the switchslot enabled? And why Should this also work for midround rolls like eg. ling, so that you pick Susanne, click on the FR slot, and it decides to spawn you as John instead? What role would the switchslot spawns you in, and how does it know? If you ready up as ZI-Caligula the Warden, and the system decides that you roll John the Botanist vampire, do you become John the Warden? Or how does it know that it's a Botanist? Just off the top of my head
Hello there! Just as a quick info, as I do not play Engineering myself, but this is to the best of my knowledge: Setting up the thrusters, besides a pure loop (aka just "opening the valvle"), is to my understanding the domain of the atmos techs only; if you were to do it besides flipping on the valvle/pump/whatever as an (apprentice?) Engineer and my understanding is correct, you'd have possibly be bwoinked and got an administrative action; it's possible it was communicated to you in LOOC, be sure to check if you have LOOC disabled as I'd expect for it to; of course those who play Engineering or the moderation team is free to correct me if I'm wrong Welcome back and have fun!
I wonder if we can reuse the Heads of Staff whitelist with an opt-in button in the OOC preferences for this, thoughts?
I think Bear will do well as a moderator, hence +1
Return Loyalty Implants as a CCIA Action
Fluffy replied to Butterrobber202's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
Around a year or so I think, probably also happened before, it's also a single ship and events do not happen against other crewmembers usually, I was just talking about "internal" borgings (PKs) spanning the time I was here -
Return Loyalty Implants as a CCIA Action
Fluffy replied to Butterrobber202's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
At the canon revolution against the captain that decided to go along with elyra, and after the event, there was a mini-event where one of the revs got turned into a borg Firing characters is the lamest thing you can imagine, you just hit the delete button, where's the fun in that? Getting an implant that makes you loyal you like it or not is immensely more entertaining Biesel is essentially just the SCC with a different face (corporate shill), this is also the megacorpo conglomerate that possess essentially everything that is either not of a non-puppet government, Sol or the likes, being fired from it essentially equates to the person having to die on the side of the street or having to die as a pirate pragmatically, and the later assumes you are fit and of an appropriate age to do it; compared to that, an implant that makes you loyal and can be surgically removed if/when you retire is a good option to pick -
I can't but attest to the RP qualities of dessysalta, and that the character is well established and regularly played +1
Add more useful stuff to the mining vendors
Fluffy replied to chaotic_idealism's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
Just to be clear, it being bugged doesn't mean that it isn't a thing, it just means that it's bugged (and will eventually be fixed) That being said, I am not sure if it's intended or a bug in this specific case (I tend towards bug personally), but the point is: Just because it's bugged, it doesn't mean it isn't a thing when you look at the game from a design perspective -
Move the sprint key from the spacebar to the shift key
Fluffy replied to restricted's topic in Archive
I think that depends on the underlying system that relays all the keys without relying on skin.dmf to process them into commands, and then use the backed to process what they do; when I tried it it didn't work as far as I remember, but if you can manage to have it working with shift, feel free to PR it and move it from the spacebar to shift, as it would indeed be a better option -
This is a mechanical restriction until they can be reworked and reintroduced, while you cannot spawn as a security officer due to that, an offer was made in the announcement to switch to a Bishop IPC in the meantime, and you could swap back to a G2 once they are reworked and reintroduced. With all that said, I believe it reasonable to assume that my character remains an officer, even if it can't mechanically spawn in that chassis, and therefore relevant. I was not there to fight someone armed, as I have said, I witnessed a hulked vampire and helped subdue it. This is the order, you copied it: [2023-12-26 03:51:06.039] crs-ad6Y SAY: ********/(Michiko Kirishima) : (Ceti Basic) I took a shot for you fucking idiot, stay here dont move "Stay here don't move" is the order to remain there and not move. The next message that calls the assault, is after they opened the door, when I was already bro-hugged out I suppose, I do not remember this message, I do not see it in my chat logs, and I would go out of a leg and say it probably wasn't said on comms, or at least a comms someone off-duty has access to: [2023-12-26 03:52:14.494] crs-ad6Y SAY: ********/(Michiko Kirishima) : (Ceti Basic) Incoming assault third deck medical. As above, I was trying to defend the Captain; this was a situation, let's not forget, where all hands on deck was called, the crew armory was opened, half the manifest was dead, and a distress signal was called. I followed the Captain, also unarmored, thinking "if it's safe to be here for the highest authority of the vessel unarmored, it certainly is for a huge ass robot" so to say, I believed it sufficient reason to remain alongside her for the reasons I have already stated. It looks like you have the timeline misaligned, while in retrospect this was said on comms, all this happened while I was helping subdue the hulked vampire with the Doctors in medbay: I have therefore missed it as I was, quite unsurprisingly, busy with the hulked vampire
Move the sprint key from the spacebar to the shift key
Fluffy replied to restricted's topic in Archive
Mod keys (like shift, alt) are not bindable alone afaik, that's the first thing I tried if I remember correctly, and it didn't work -
"I also do not appreciate that you implied that I was suggesting you metagame, by using knowledge of your previous character, to know what was going on." -> Never did that, I said that unless I had metagamed the knowledge, I would not have a reason to consider them hostile, never said or implied that you was suggesting me to metagame "Regardless of the situation, you had thrust yourself into the action--although you were not fighting--it is relatively simple from context clues." -> I was alongside the Captain, who was unarmored, in a red code alert, in a location that was declared free of hostiles, after a distress signal and the crew armory opened; I didn't "thrust myself into the action"[sic], and as a cherry on top, this would be irrelevant anyways: My character is not a frail unarmored doctor, but a former Ceres Lance 250cm tall armored G2 made of steel that was employed in the Section Five (a special section of Ceres Lance that deals with highly dangerous synthetic threats), it would have literally zero reasons to run away (assuming it can even run, which it basically cannot) from a location that have both friendly forces and the Captain itself, that was declared free of hostiles before it entered it along with everyone else, with a crew armory called and every hand on deck grab a weapon or the closest thing to it and prepare to defend, and a distress signal sent. Comparatively speaking, my character is at a lower risk of being destroyed than any other person inside that room, and fairly less than the Captain herself. If the highest authority of the ship deemed it safe to be in said location unarmored, and to also come back up after the stray shot, while ordering to remain there, my character would have no reason to run away "Now, I do not have the logs from the round on hand at the moment, but I know for a fact that it was continually mentioned over and over again on the radio that the Horizon was boarded by hostile intruders." -> It was mentioned there were boarders, I do not recall anyone saying who those boarders were; Given the distress signal, which means nearby ships are coming to help, why would I, ICly, think that those at the docking arm - the location where help is supposed to come from - would be the boarders themselves, and not the support/help we called with the distress signal? "Despite the lack of direct aggression toward your character by the raiders, they were still armed intruders (something which should have been readily apparent as they fired on the captain, and were engaged in a firefight with the crew right in front of you)." -> A single shot, laser, hit the Captain, then someone responded to fire, and the fire ceased. Apart that I did not see who was the shot from (because again, I was behind the solid wall, not seeing outside) I had no reason to think those were the intruders, it could have been a stray shot while they fought the intruders away, I did not had a reason to jump to the conclusion that those would have been the intruder themselves, simple as that. "Your character, being within close proximity to the conflict, continued to engage verbally with the raiders involved without prioritizing self-removal from the danger. Additionally, your actions of engaging in conversation and requesting that the raiders continually ID themself during and following the firefight were, in my view, outside the reasonable scope of your character’s self-preservation. It makes very little sense to me why your character would have continued to stay there, speaking with the antags." I was in the green star, the two pink/violet rhombuses were the raiders, red is the laser shots that came out of Medbay. Please show me how I would have removed myself from this location without crossing, with a slow-ass G2's speed, the area of danger for stray shots coming from inside Medbay, I invite you to. Literally, I talked with the antags because I could not go anywhere else without either going towards their ship or entering the death lasers danger zone, or cutting the firing line of the other two raiders, that's the sense. "While you mentioned not receiving IC information about the identity of the raiders, or what the situation was, and your character’s lack of direct involvement in the initial altercation, the warning addressed the actions that you were taking afterward. Which, considering the ongoing fighting, were inconsistent in my view with the expected believable behavior of characters." This is an, in my view, bad addressing of my point. If context doesn't matter, noone could be in anyone's view of a firearm for example, the rule for self preservation / avoid pain states "in harm's way without consideration" for a reason, I don't think it's there because we have to reach some words quota in the rules page, that's why Sec is allowed to fight antagonists without getting the "uhm why didn't you avoid the risk of dying by, uhm, just letting them take over the ship?" or similar absurdities. The ongoing fight was precisely the reason why I could not retreat: I would have been in their firing line, at risk of getting stray shots. I was with the Captain because I was trying to protect the unarmored Captain after having witnessed the hulked vampire, and I remained upstairs of Medbay because I was ordered to, and I was then outside of there because the door was opened and I was bro-hugged (that's called that in the code comment, it's the swap position on help intent) out, then I moved sideway precisely to avoid getting shot when the firefight started. Seeing as I had no way to leave, I decided to talk with the antags asking who they were and to identify themselves, at which point you bwoinked me and I had to reply to you. If staying out of harm's way and trying to understand if those people were the help that came to respond to the distress signal is "inconsistent in my view with the expected believable behavior of characters"[sic], in my opinion something has gone terribly wrong in how those rules are either written or interpreted.
BYOND Key: fluffyghost Staff BYOND Key: youjustgotowened Game ID: crs-ad6Y Reason for complaint: I was warned for lack of self preservation, for what I believe is both outside my control and only way to realistically avoid it would have been to metagame or put myself in even more danger. After an overmap antag engagement that led to us dying, the hostile pirates boarded the ship; to make a long story short I was dead in the first engagement, spectated for a while, then respawned as an off-duty security officer, an IPC that is heavily protocolled. I proceeded to the central hallway, then back to Medbay, where I met the Captain, asked what is the status (aka what is happening), got no reply, a vampire/hulk started brawling, helped subdue it alongside the doctors/FR and remnants of security by grabbing it (protocol states my character doesn't use force until safety is removed by an authority or it's shot/attacked with deadly weapons first), and remained in medbay for a little. The Captain (I think) said there were hostiles upside of Medbay, I reached the Captain and stayed down with her, then someone else came and said there were noone. Another person, the Captain and me went upstairs, checked the area, looked clear. The Captain was hit by a stray laser shot (I must note the Captain had no armor or anything of the likes, and a pull-up carabine or similar), the other person shot through the glass. I was on the side with the solid wall, outside of any danger for stray shots, the Captain ordered to remain there, so we did, the other person tried to open the door but had no access, I went to the door and started typing to ask if they wanted it forced open (G2s can force open doors), when the boarders opened the door from outside and bumped me out, then a firefight broke out. Being cut out, I moved to the side, where no stray shots could have hit me (in front of the elevator, different room, with solid walls. At this point, I was cut out: I could not go back, I would have put myself in danger of getting shot from the firefight from either side, and there's only one way out. Additionally, I had not been informed of what was going on, there were people armed yes, but we also had Hephaestus 3rd party ships armed helping, a distress signal was sent, noone told me who was the hostiles ICly, not even by direct request to tell me what was going on, I could not have known IC that the vaurcas were hostile unless I metagamed that knowledge from either the previous life or by knowing those were pirates and not people coming and responding to the distress signal, and I could not have left the area because I would have put myself in more danger to be shot, none of the pirates showed any hostility towards me, I did not receive a single shot, they didn't aim at me, didn't try to grab me, nothing, so I just RPed not knowing who they are, asking them to identify themselves, but I had absolutely no reason to consider them a threat to myself or hostile towards me, and the only way out of there had shot exchanged, making it a higher risk than just staying there and wait. Despite having explained to Campin the above, he decided to warn me anyways, and I believe unjustly. Going over the warn: "Remember to maintain self-preservation, even as an IPC." -> I did, I moved out of the way, I did not fight, I did not tank their shots while the other people shot them "Asking armed and overtly hostile vaurca raiders repeatedly to state identification during/after an active firefight is not a believable action for your character to be making." -> I did not know they were hostile, they were not hostile to me, showed no hostility towards my character, and I asked to those who were not in an active firefight, while they were not fighting "You should not have been putting yourself in that position in the first place." -> I was bumped out from the door, after I was ordered to remain upstairs, after I went upstairs as it was announced that there were no hostiles, all the while noone told me ICly who the hostiles were, and we sent a distress signal a little before, for all I knew ICly, those could have been 3rd party ships coming to respond to the distress signal, the only hostile I witnessed personally was an Engineer as a hulked vampire as that character so far; I also had no way to avoid said danger anyways, I was behind a door typing, when the door was opened, someone rushed in and swapped my position to outside the room, I had no way to know it as I cannot see through solid doors, and I am not fast enough (nor have a reason ICly) to run back in, not to mention I would then be between two rifles that are shooting each other I would like this warning expurged for all of the reasons above, I have maintained self-preservation according to the knowledge my character had; unless the request is to metagame, I did not had any reason to believe my existence at risk ICly, I finished the round unscattered and free, not receiving any damage whatsoever, doing all I could reasonably do with the plate that was served to me and maintaining characters Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks:
The above PR was merged, therefore this suggestion is considered implemented. Locking and archiving.
https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18059 makes the text for AOOC bold, it's not a different color, but should help distinguish the two, which is the ultimate point of the suggestion I think
Reporting Personnel: Deshan Baral Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Security Officer Game ID: crp-avAB Personnel Involved: Kaxto Szs'ska, Warden, Offender Suvek Tokash, Head of Security, Witness Secondary Witnesses: (Name, Job Title: Short description of what they witnessed) Hendarr Kharkov, Security Officer, Witness, saw me talking at the last few words with the Warden Location of Incident: Brig Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [X] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: The Warden, by its own accord, decided during a training that involved a simulated attempt to board and repel boarding which required to change our dresses to armors to collect and subtract personal belongings that were left in place, due us having been called to both reach the location and needing to go back to return the equipment afterwards, and keep them in his own office for an indefinite amount of time. Upon our return and de-arming, I asked my personal belongings (my beret and coat) back, to which the Warden replied with "I told you when you will get it back" and "You will have to wait". I politely informed him that it is not how it works, to which he doubled down that I will have to wait until the end of the shift to have my belongings back, to which I was told that "I am lucky he did not threw them away". I reiterated that I just want my belongings back, to which he refused again to return them. I have thereby informed him that it would be eligible for an i102 charge, petty theft, as he "[took] items belonging to others or the vessel as a whole. Includes theft of credits up to 500cr", seen my personal possessions not returned, and proceeded to talk with the Commander, to which he responded by saying "get out of my door" and pushed me away as I was trying to use my radio. The Commander passed by, and I informed him that the Warden was refusing to return my personal items and therefore I would liked to press charge for i102, petty theft. The Warden returned my items, and the Commander said it would then be even. I agreed to have it end at that, being now in possession of my items once again. The Warden seemed to have thought otherwise, thinking appropriate to decide that "Next time you leave it sitting out it is getting thrown away.", to which I informed him that that would constitute i102 as per aforementioned reason as well as i214, exceeding official powers, as the Warden has no right to destroy or order to destroy personal propriety outside of what the regulations allow to, and he was ipso facto making up new regulations with said idea. He then asked about my corporate armor, which I left in the lobby (technically called desk but noone refers to it as desk beside the table itself), to which he thought appropriate to proceed to call me stupid and moron, then had the courage to petition the commander to have me retrained for not having returned it to my locker, for unexplicable reasons, while I was talking to the Commander that I keep my armor in my backpack. The shift came to an end right after. Since the Warden seems to not have agreed to leave the discord at that, I would like it charged with petty theft and exceeding official capacity, as per regulations; it is also of note that he seems privy to issue orders to other Officers that he has no authority to issue, too, to my knowledge, as well as double guessing the Commander, as well as concerning statements given over radio such as "If you continue to use my Brig as a dump I will take away your lockers and the vendor. Everything will be issued.", before our altrecation started, to all Officers, in this very shift. Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ ] - Yes [X] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Suvek Tokash, Head of Security Actions taken: No action was taken, the issue seemed to have been settled with the return of my personal belongings, but it seems the Warden thought otherwise [A quick, sharp signature follows the document, followed on the right-bottom side with a Gadpathurian Cadre insigna showing a barely distinguishable assault rifle crossed with a lightning, imprinted on lacquer wax]
This PR was merged and therefore this suggestion is considered implemented. Locking and archiving.
I second Dreamix, I think it would be more beneficial and fitting for it to be a kitchen/bar/department lobby, or loadout, item rather than a custom one
The PR was closed by maintainers as not needed, therefore this suggestion is considered rejected. Locking and archiving.
[Feedback] Prevent Hivebots Spawning Without Armoury Access
Fluffy replied to Sparky_hotdog's topic in Archive
The PR https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/17182 was merged and therefore this suggestion is considered implemented. Locking and archiving. -
I think having overly hostile entities is good, they are both fun and easy to play into (which is why there's "the endless tide of Sol antag gimmicks"), if people want to play a morally gray gimmick/character, there's literally most of the origins for that, what we really lack is the contrast: If everything is gray, nothing is This is however a different question than if they should have a consular on ship or not, and I think the answer to both is yes: They should be more hostile and have a consular (and other characters) that represent it, in my opinion
With the mobs attack reduced in the merged PR https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/17816 and the PR to add laser shotguns (https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/17810) closed, this suggestion should effectively have been addressed. @La Villa Strangiato are we good to archive this?