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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. We'd need to write the text version of about 1533 (at the moment) files, plus the system to handle this It's not worth the effort for such a limited use case Voting for dismissal
  2. This looks like to be the case already, but I consolidated it in https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/19259 so the implants respect the setting they have about being hidden
  3. This would be implemented alongside other things in https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/19235
  4. I'll copy-paste what I already said in another similar thread: New additions are protected by the "one month no revert" rule This does not prevent the submitter of the original PR or anyone else from improving or tweaking the work, in fact it is kind of expected for the work to be tweaked in said month by the original PR submitter It does however prevent reverts or effectively-reverts from happening within the aforementioned period of time, possibly with the exclusion of the original submitter changing mind? I'm not sure on this last part As this suggestion is suggesting a revert before the aforementioned time has elapsed, it appears to be an attempt to circumvent the aforementioned rule; If you want to discuss improvements/tweaks, the title and OP should reflect that instead
  5. I wholeheartedly support Evandorf's accumulation of power for the lizards empire CCIA application
  6. New additions are protected by the "one month no revert" rule This does not prevent the submitter of the original PR or anyone else from improving or tweaking the work, in fact it is kind of expected for the work to be tweaked in said month by the original PR submitter It does however prevent reverts or effectively-reverts from happening within the aforementioned period of time, possibly with the exclusion of the original submitter changing mind? I'm not sure on this last part As this suggestion is suggesting a revert before the aforementioned time has elapsed, it appears to be an attempt to circumvent the aforementioned rule; If you want to discuss improvements/tweaks, the title and OP should reflect that instead
  7. I think with the above implemented that effectively covers this suggestion @Rabid Animal?
  8. It isn't, research can build a metric ton of different configurations, no two guns are the same, as there's a network of dependencies: Research level? You got the mats? Someone made some chemical warcrime compounds or not? Custom circuits? Xenobio got anything interesting to use? Xenobotany? Maybe you get a chemical gun that throws acid instead? What is on the orderable manifest today? Bounties completition? Any xenoarch artifact that gives things to use or can itself be used as a weapon? Do you have the Machinist that made the mech to install the science mech weapon into? Did the atmos tech made that nerve agent to use? Did Engineering managed to make this thing that can then be used to make this other thing that can then [...]? Of course any finite discrete system will have a finite number of combinations that it can archieve, but it won't be a choreography; sure there will be combinations that happen more often than others, but it would still be leagues beyond "go into the armory, wear one of the 3 options, take one of the 2 options for rifles, go out", and we're talking only about what you wear Adding options is work, as a Dev, I like to add options, that's about half of my role I can tell you, bar people crying and screaming that it doesn't work perfectly or how they want it to work, nothing else is more demoralizing than adding things that noone or next to noone will use; eg. I vividly remember adding an oxygen regenerator for Engineering, capable of breaking CO2 back into oxygen and carbon bars; I don't think I have ever seen it built or used once, we have an entire tank of oxygen and barely any venting ever, so that option might aswell not exist, the only thing that it archieved is taking 10 hours of my life for no return of satisfaction or fun in exchange To make adding options be a satisfying things to do, there need to be an use for the option, if Sec or the Crew arm from a predetermined locker with a predetermined content and is expected to use that, and only that, then what am I adding an option for? It won't be used anyways, they already have the approved tools to useâ„¢ With getting those from other people, not only you give other people (roles) things to do, you give a reason and a chance for those options to be used, and if options are used, it is worthwhile, good and satisfying to add options I mainly play Sec currently, when someone request an escort for an away site, it's more often than not that the Captain or HoS has to send someone at virtual gunpoint than finding a volunteer in my experience
  9. Barely anyone wants to come to those expeditions, unless they know it will be the pirate or cult base or the likes, and that's because they're the closest thing to having a nukies experience that you can get besides tower defense and (at times, sometimes) mercs Or the gremorian site, which is more of a CM experience But yes, if it was nukies all the time, it would likewise get boring, variety is key, but that variety includes the nukies experience, and have to include it with some regularity, it also has to include some sort of ship to ship combat for example; it has to give things where you'll talk and things where you'll have a frenzy and your choices, and presence, will actually matter and can be the deciding factor between the ship greentext or redtext It has to make the player feel like his presence matters, "I need to be in the round, my friends need me", and on the other side "Thank GOD that another engineer joined there's 3000 things to do" instead of "Ugh another guy, I better run at the first problem that pops up because it might be the only thing I get to do in this 4 hours I played today" Then, there has to be the time where you slap down projects, you try new things, you explore the characters, you share and teach tricks, and so on Because, variety is key, and your presence in the ship should matter for the round. Not always, but not uncommonly, and currently unless you're Sec or Med, it rarely does; it's not a coincidence Sec and Med are the fattest departments in the usual manifest, it's because you have things to do, and what you do actually matters for the round
  10. Science routinely (when there's someone around) builds weapons for range testing, the Machinist can make a mech/hardsuits without weapons (or with shitty weapons) installed and keep it parked in the machinist bay, that's not powergaming, that's doing your job, it's in your job description that you do those things, it's part of your role, that you're playing; miners aren't powergaming because they mined a fuckton metric of minerals, and neither are the two examples i gave because they did their jobs, that's what they're supposed to do, powergaming would be like an engineer starting to make a 5-depth stack of walls around the department, or medbay doctors living inside a spacesuit with internals, or the barman ordering an heavy armor and bullets for his shotgun, things that would not make sense to do for a character that is doing a certain role And when the threat do show up? Print those guns and put them in the mech/hardsuit, get those firing range pins out, slap the good firing pins in and give them to security, equip and hand out those hardsuits you already made, get the engineers to come to the bridge and build a bunker out of it because you suspect the 4 himeans would try to hijack the ship, and so on A conflict to get those weapons, having a variation between the different rounds is precisely the point against the gameplay being boring. Things need to vary and have a wide range of possible approaches, and that includes having a wide range of things that can go wrong, that's a necessity for the game (and gameplay, and consequently roleplay) to be engaging and entertaining If most of the rounds are a choreography of the same 5 or so scenarios, you end up with the game being boring, you don't want that because most people want to play something that is entertaining, and will either not play here or play few rounds per unit of time, both of which are obviously bad (though one is worse than the other) As much as RP is entertaining in its own way, it is insufficient to sustain the server by itself, it becomes very hard to justify playing more than a few rounds per week of the same thing and there's only so many things you can chat about, this leads to low pop, high character turnover rate, having 60 people connected in the lobby and barely 15 people connected and playing, etc. etc. The game needs to be entertaining around the clock, to do that it needs variety, to have variety it needs many "components" (be it mechanics, approaches, plans, you name it) that interact with each other and can go wrong in different ways If they get to Science to intercept, get the Operations order instead; if they get to the Operations order, get the Engineering flamethrowers or emitters, open the crew armory, get that mech, get that hardsuit instead, send a distress beacon and get those ghostroles to help you solve the issue, and so on, you have many options, SS13 is a game choke-full of options and interacting systems, that's the whole selling point of this platform after all I can probably write 10 pages about this topic, but I'll leave it at this fairly coincise summary If they are unbalanced, they need and will be balanced, that's a development concern whose solution isn't ignoring the mechanic existing; to know how to balance them, we need to see them used, we need to experience them, we need to see what and how they interact in rounds, on either side, then they can get tuned
  11. Ganking is against the rules, and seeing 4 unexpected dudes with assault rifles and armor around the ship and going "hey they might (very likely, are) hostile let's get tools to fight them in case we're right" isn't powergaming, that leaves a neat space in which it's possible to acquire the things without being rolled over by the antagonist(s)
  12. PR was merged, therefore this suggestion is implemented Locked and archiving
  13. The PR was merged, therefore this suggestion is considered implemented Locking and archiving
  14. I think he meant extended as in, secret extended, not as in, voted extended Secret extended doesn't give you any of that, because the antags during secret usually pop up after an hour of runtime and not uncommonly after that, and that also presumes you'd know they started visibly cooking the gimmick At the point you are fairly sure it's secret extended, all the materials are gone to do the usual things, noone will generally be interested in coming to an expedition that might not even depart by the time the server restarts, setting up whatever project even assuming there's still mats around risks not even seeing the project happen, and why would you risk making any fancy project anyways when you can be smithed ICly through the CCIA if it goes badly (see: K'ois outbreak, nitronapalm deck fire) or OOCly (see: powergaming for having made a good mech without reason, or super-weapons, super-meds or what have you)? Most people also vote secret hoping to roll an antag, otherwise, they'd be voting extended, which has no chance of failing to roll compared to voting a specific antag option So, no, secret extended is the epithome of misery, any change to it, including its removal, would be an improvement over it
  15. With the XO being scheduled to become second in command, and after consultation with the head dev, this suggestion is considered essentially rejected as mutually exclusive with the accepted (XO2IC) one Locking and archiving
  16. The PR was merged and this "suggestion" is therefore considered implemented As a side note, this kind of things, however, are a bug, and should be reported on github, suggestions are for altering things that work as intended Locking and archiving
  17. PR was merged, suggestion implemented, locking and archiving
  18. Well, lobby sitters gets the map sent to them anyways (thanks byond), so they do contribute to some server load, though now that it's multi-threaded it likely doesn't amount to much
  19. Naval ships in the 2000s aren't the same as space corvettes in the 2400s Current ships have to contend with gravity and water attrition, which are the main limiting factor on their weight and operational endurance, neither of which are issues in space, thanks to being in a vacuum with (more or less) zero gravity The only issue you'd experience with overloading a ship would be lower accelleration and decelleration Your example shows a battleship, apart that they are going out of favor (along with ballistic naval warfare), it shows a total of nine 406mm, which I think to be intuitive to be different from having a single one, both in terms of weight of the gun itself and ammunitions required to keep them fed and firing Also, the assumption that they would be equivalent in barrel length is just assumed, you can significantly reduce the weight of a gun with a short barrel, or vice versa increase it with a long barrel Long barrels are beneficial for precision as, when they are rifled, imprints a spin on the projectile that helps it maintain stability when traversing through air, something you don't need in space, as there's no air Let's also not forget that the USS Iowa is closer in time to the HMS Hercule, a capital ship built in 1798 that mounted as the largest guns the 36-pounder (174.8mm) smooth bore guns than our setting, so by mere caliber inflation (and not considering that capital ships were in comparison with other ships of the time bigger than battleships are), and assuming a constant rate, every class should have more than four times the caliber than their contemporary cousins currently have by this factor alone, without even considering the better propulsion given by phoron (and being in space), the better materials they're supposed to fight against (plasteel anyone?) etc. etc.; of course none of this matter because it's a game, it's fiction, realism doesn't matter, but if it did, it would work in favor of the longbow more than in favor of its removal It's true the Horizon is a larger ship, a cruiser, however this seems to fail to mention that it has another 2 guns aswell, and it's also a civilian ship, while for what I can see this corvette possesses a single longbow Additionally, caliber isn't everything, in terminal ballistic the delivered power is the weight of the bullet and the speed it's traveling at; the gadpathurian corvette is equipped with low-power ones (as you was already told in the PR by Dreamy), the bullets won't have much kinetic energy to deliver For example, russian corvettes of the bora class bring around a total of eight 800mm P-270 Moskit anti-ship missles (diameter isn't everything), as well as twenty anti-air 9K33 Osa 209.6mm, a 76.2mm AK-176M cannon, two 30mm gatlings, two naval machineguns and an anti-saboteur grenade launcher The gaddie corvette mounts a single gun It's possible for an army to be perfectly fine with having slow manouvering ships in exchange for additional fire power, especially if the ships are expected to be used in a defensive stance, which hey would you look at that it's probably gadpathur ("Never again fall") Also, I find kind of odd to pull out the HMCS Regina as an example, it's wrong both on the class (it's an halifax class frigade, not a corvette) and the type, it's built as an anti-submarine ship, its role isn't to fight other ships, it is made specifically to be fast so it can scout for, and intercept, submarines and protect the convoy
  20. There was actually a bug where this was left as spawn guaranteed every round, this has been fixed in https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/19000 so it should be less common to see now I can see the argument from Carver on taking the spot away, however perhaps the policy suggestion can be to incorporate the cult site in the gimmick/story? Something like "if there's an antagonist 3rd party ship/site, try to coordinate with them / coordinate with the on-ship antags to come up with a story together"?
  21. That's true and correct, however it only applies to engineers characters, everyone else couldn't do anything about that either way And if in lowpop round the power runs out, I think it would be fine for an off-duty engineer to go in and start the engine to restore the power if noone else did already, there's also the matriarch drone that can do it, borgs, the AI I think also has all the tools to? So it seems fairly well covered on that front Ah, and you can also take the generator from the Intrepid, set it down and power the area with it
  22. Off-duty crewmember do not have any setup or preparation, if you want to avoid that part of the gameplay, why not join as off-duty so you don't have to do that?
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