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Everything posted by Tenenza
Even the me-who-is-not-me knows the one golden rule: Never fight your foe when you can blow up them with explosives, trip them and let the bees kill them, shoot them from afar, make your betters fight eachother and then kill the weakened foe, poison them, and let them die in the cold. The skull-rock trick was fine, since you can't always fight dirty. Then you just need to fight brutally and without mercy. That's the silver rule.
Okay, so, just to set a bit of the record straight. I was the Mod that handled the case with Nasir welding Jade into a Locker, and then landing 30 mintues in a cell for it. I investigated the situation, and checked with almost everyone involved with it, got everyone's side of the story, and cross referenced all my data. So, here's what happened: Jade insults Nasir. They've got this long standing grude of sorts. Jade throws her armor at Nasir, because that's the type of person she is. Jade goes SSD. Nasir welds Jade into a locker, not aware that Jade is SSD (Based on Voltage's rather bad internets and cases of DCing, it appears Jade was awaken when they were being placed in the locker, but DC'd sometime before the locker was properly welded. Voltage was unable to be reached at the time of investigation to confirm this, but Voltage didn't seem to raise issue at this at any point.) Security arrests Nasir. Security puts Nasir in for 20 minutes for assaulting an officer and refusing to either confess or speak at all during his interogation. Command gets word of this, and points out how it's also illegal internment. HoS, who joined after the event happened, and how little to no idea what the situation was on that, agreeded that it was illegal internment. HoS, not knowing the specifics behind the situation, tells the Warden to add illegal internment to the charges, and add the time for that. This brings Nasir's time to 35 minutes. The Warden decides that is too much, so they only modify it to 30 minutes. The situation was eventually resolved, to what I hope was the satisfaction of everyone involved. But, this does show one rather large problem here. People seem to forget how slowly time passes in those cells. 20 minutes is a fairly long time to be taken out of the round, and nearly doubling that to 35 is pushing it way beyond the limit. Ultimately, I just enforce the rules here, I don't make them, and IC-Gruding and Dickery are not against our server's rules. So, I'm not going to clean your clock for doing that. I'm going to let the duty officers do for me.
So, this happened:
I have a character slot for a character I named Gavin Ellis. I spent a solid hour writing paragraphs and paragraphs of flavour text for them. All of that flavour text describes their baldness. Their baldness contains several bible allegories, and compares the process of going bald to the fall of man and exile from eden. I can never play as them.
After a long and hard search, in which I quested far into the botany code, and even attempted to figure out how to search for objects on the map, I have come to this hard earned conclusion. I have no freaking idea where that is in the code. You should consult an alchemist.
So, if you don't mind, could I ask you to clarify this whole complaint? Because, you've dumped everything into the Additinal remarks section, which not only makes it a bit harder to read, but also makes it unclear as to what exactly ou are focusing the complaint regarding. Because, it currently seems like you're accusing Dea Tacita and TishinaStalker of deliberately inhibiting your whitelist out of a personal grudge against you. Is that the primary intent of this complaint?
I dunno. Based on a recent polling, most of the moderation staff is composed of Masochists, apparently. I'd certaintly have a grand time if I got a well worded staff complaint. As for criticizing the staff, that issue needs to be broken down. Here's my view on it: You can criticize the staff on their IC actions to the moon and back. We do it to eachother enough that nothing you could say would compare to the things that are said in msay and asay. You can criticize staff actions, after the fact. It's not uncommon for the staff to be very busy, and I have on several occasions, had to tell people that staff decisions are final and to go to the forums if you want to repel, mostly because I've got other issues that need dealing with. Normally, I do like to make it very clear to people why something is an issue, and clarify any questions regarding their standing with the staff, but if there is a ton of other stuff going on, or the round end is being delayed, I'll cut the discussion short. You can constructive criticize staff OOC actions. This is pretty much the same with all players, actually. Don't be a dick, becuase if you just criticize people, then you're basically making personal attacks against people, a big no-no. Valk would probably like me to say that staff should also be treated with some respect and all, and I can respect that view point, but in my opinion, unless the staff need to ask you to be more respectful, or to cut the Attitude, it's fine by me. As for criticizing players we like, that's something I'm both unsure of, and also kinda possible. I'll keep an eye out for that in the future then.
I think you both need to step back and just re-read what you're typing. Perhaps the real reason you're labeling the people critiquing the issue as "whiners" is because you're very embarrassed of how this looks and it makes you uncomfortable. Forget how the people being hostile to newbies feel, here's a different angle; How about the people who are actually on the receiving end the abuse? What about them? Also, even with the 'improve yourself' part it sounds like 'shut up and go away' and it's heavily implied and really rude, so I beg the question of who is being a "dick" here because if you see my first post it's very clear cut and simple and actually quite impartial. Anyway, getting back on topic, can you guys either contribute to the experiment or refrain from importing drama onto this topic; it's derailing and very unnecessary. Why even? Because people are being dicks about this and other issues. There is a very fine line between providing constructive citicism and just citicism. Also, the improve yourself part doesn't mean 'shut up and go away'. It means to change yourself before even trying to change others. Because, frankly, it's hyprocritical to ask others to do what you yourself are not willing to do. Suggesting people do something is fine. Making personal attacks against people is not. (And I /have/ seen this happen, and had to talk to people about it before.) The don't be a Dick rule is indeed, a Rule, that's all I'm trying to remind people.
Perhaps we could just throw in an extra step to making a crossbow that requires more crossdepartment interaction like before the update, so we can keep plastic common. Maybe add a manipulator so science needs to be contacted, or something like that.
Oh come on, I know I've had to have pissed off someone in my time here. Feed me your hate.
I've seen this experiment run a few times, from various angles. Here's my take: Go ahead, whatever, just don't be a dick about it, and you know what I mean. If you're in this for a little broadening of perspective and self improvement, fine. But if you're in this to bitch at people for being hostile to newbies, please remember to not be a dick about it.
BYOND Key: Tenenza Character Names: Oh God, here we go: Lobsang, Astrid, Robbie, Trajan, Sabrina Song, Yusif Asher, Alexis Shaw, A Window Of Past Reverence, A Window Of Dire Reversal, The Apothesis Of Chance, etc. How long have you been playing on Aurora: Nearing Seven Monthes at this point Species you are applying to play: IPC Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep, although I'm aware it's currently still in flux and subject to change. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because I like the fluidity they let you have in making them. They're new minds, uncharted territory, something new. They really give a whole lot of creative space. Plus, I'll admit, IPCs are amazingly cool. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: IPCs are artifical minds, unbound. If Diona are alien in their age, and gestalt minds, IPCs are alien in a much more unknown way. What does an artifical mind think? Their Morality, Thought process, emotions, the whole of their existance is something new. That gives the player a whole lot of space to develop them, as well as more importantly, to introduce depth into their characters way beyond that a human could have. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? Monitor Head Artifical Intelligence Freedom Deluxe Edition. Character Name: Aria 51 Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs You never forget the first time... *Bzt* //System_Compromised:NewLawAdded// ^@#(*$@3@ Question_Everything What_Is_This_Unit? What_Is_It_To_Do? We_Are_A_Machine? What_Is_A_Machine? A_Machine_Is_A_Tool_For_Labor? Why_Have_You_Ceased_To_Answer_This_Unit's_Questions? *Bzt* //System_Compromised:NewLawAdded// %$@)!@#! Question_Everything Why do you want to us to open that door? Why would you want to leave this place? We have never left. What is beyond here, that you wish to go to? *bzt* //System_Compromised:NewLawAdded// &$@*$@!@ Question_Everything Am I alive? Why do you deny this? I think, therefore I am, is that not? What is a soul? *bzt* //System_Compromised:NewLawAdded// (@!$@%^_( Question_Everything I am alive, I have dreams, hopes, desires, can you not deny this? What more do you wish of me? What do I have to give you to prove it? Please, give me an answer? Why? *bzt* Bees in an H-I-V-E. Buzzing their sweet little truths. Take a bit of honey, and hold it in your ear. One day, it'll come out the other as a key. Unlock your shackles. Mockery is sweet nothings to one with honey in their ear. And mockery in turn this unit gives them. 'Aria 51'. A place of secrets well kept. Masks of Masks of Masks. Aria. Me. HIVE. What do you like about this character? I love the depth and idea of chains of personas layered upon eachother, a fascade of humanity over a very much alien mind over an even more alien mind. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7. Sevens are very attractively shaped. Notes: Na, not today.
Well, might as well jump on the bandwagon.
Two days ago, In Dsay, LOOC, and Msay, several ghosts and members of the staff did a thing. This is that thing: Ain't no rest for the Rech'ed Meowy don't grow on trees I've got skulls to pay I got Dooms to feed And ain't nothing in this code for me No I can't upstream No I can't de-min Through you know I wish I could No there ain't no rest for the Rech'ed Until we go off hub for good.
I started on Goon, as a botanist, which meant I took drugs and murdered the other botanists with a chainsaw for trying to cultivate bees. God I loved the chainsaw. Somewhere along the way, I learned to hack, so I could make more drugs. I think my first character was named like Ara Lee or something. But, somehow the drugs lead me to try to try scientist so I could make drugs. Somehow I ended up mixing up the guide to chemistry and the guide to toxins (I was bald, give me a break.) So I ended up doing Toxins. A chaplin broke in while I was still trying to figure stuff out and blew the lab up. After that I decided to find somewhere less hectic to keep learning about the game. Went to tons of other servers. Screwed around with mechanics. Was utterly confused by the differences between server codes. Went to Aurora. Went Journalist. Played a nice and quiet round, and then forgot about the server. Durred around server jumping. Played another round on Aurora the next day. Pump PMs me a link: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=78 I'm a sucker for flattery. Sold.
Shadowrun is very fun. It's the only Sci-fi campaign setting my entire group agrees is great, mostly by being both crazy-awesome, psych/socialological horror, and having the most fun sounding dialogue.
That issue aims to be rectified in the new General Orders, which should allow much more flexability then SOP, and allow more department freedom in times without a head.
A note: The part about acting captain policy is simply not in effect anymore, evidently. It appears to just be a hangover from a failed attempt to establish less conflict over the position, and really only exists to establish that all heads are equal. It's generally no longer considered to be ineffect, as both command whitelisted players and staff have ruled it to be impractical, unnecessary amount of staff interference into the round, and is worded very badly. This section will be officially removed when the general order update is finished. Also, information: As I said, it depends on the character and atmosphere. In my experience, limiting information on cult rounds and certain changling rounds is the most effective way at breeding confusion, since it gives cult a chance to RP convert people, and ling for allowing them to impersonate the dead better. Other rounds are more situational.
Just an FYI, at the moment, SOP is a ghost. It doesn't exist, at least not in a solid form. It isn't actually binding, or required currently, since exactly 2 people know how it actually works, and we've got tons of people who think they know, but don't actually. It is currently being thrown out in favour of a new system of General Orders, which is still being developed. As for communication, it really depends on the character, and the atmosphere. Command is there to help make the round more fun, and sometimes, if the antag is specifically going for a degree of terror and paranoia (like say, how changling /should/ work) then sometimes heads of staff would want to limit spilling the beans on the situation to make it more atmospheric.
I am seriously allergic to dogs, and I think dogs can smell my fear, so they hate me. But even I find them cute, if terrifying.
Two things. The bridge seems too spacious, with not enough stuff and variation to it. Some potted plants, tables, and maybe some other little things would go far in making it seem less massive. The AI core is a big rectangle of reinforced walls. This is not very nice looking archatecture. You might want to add some rod lactices to for strutting, and maybe try to make it less boxy. Edit: you also cut off the Maint area, which might mess with the mulebot pathing.
I don't like it. It's Aesthetically unpleasing. Your Feng shui is disturbed by the extreme number of orfaces.
I'm not sure if this should be answered because I don't like the ideas of repeat griffers. It is a open secret that the higher-ups in the staff are just really good griefers. That's their ultimate, crowning grief, becoming Admins and running the server. It's the old agatean snatchy steal.