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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. I do believe that I did provide instructions on how to reply to an admin PM twice, and that for that matter, made note of that fact when making the note for the incident.
  2. Bump. Does anyone actually want to keep the Announcement and whatnot?
  3. Talia needs to get more pro at Xenobio. I know I never actually give you proper lessons on it, but the lack of a Slime-Based Hindu Batwomen Science Wizard is a serious problem. I think I'm doing too good a job at teaching people responsibility. ProTenenza-tip: It's not breaking the law or SoP if you don't get caught.
  4. Oh, /this/ I almost forgot about it. But, yes, it's a much more appealing form of "Racism", mostly because it's an arguement that appeals to both those that want change and those that reject it. It's a constructive mentality, rather then a destructive or reactive mentality. It's not a frank, We Don't Like Aliens, arguement. It's a celebration of what it means to be human. It's hope for a better tommarrow, where progress has lead to the end of pointless wars and suffering. It's a Utopian Idea. The Pre-Herasy Imperium would be a good example, but, on a more basic level, this is a reflection of human nature. It's not hatred, but a fundamental inability to understand completely Alien culture, that's the key here. People draw lines in the sand, and say, this is us, and that is them. The East and the West. Europe and America. France and Germany. Boston and Seattle. Well, here is the greatest line. This is Us, Humanity. That is them, the Xenos. Look upon our works, Xenos, and try to tell yourselves they are not great and numerious. This is Us, Humanity, and it is our burden to be superior, for we must light the way for the weak to follow in our footsteps. It's not a Domination Victory, they're going for, in Civ Terms. It's a Cultural Victory. To build a more perfect Civilization, to be greater then all the rest, to be a beacon of light shining in the dark. TL;DR If other Racist Factions are The Inquistion, or The Nazis, or whatever, HRM is the "Tally Ho, Whiteman's Burden, Expansionist, Imperialist, Idealist, Romantic, Cultured, Victorian Era British Empire." philosophy.
  5. Actually, no, I got something more importnat to talk about. What do you actually freaking what the server to be like? Well? Because this thread is rambly and makes no fecking sense. You want people to be nicer to new people? Great, I can totally live with that. Then start being nicer to new people, because you're doing fuck all just milling around here. Oh, and you want Reddit to like us? What the hell does that even mean. Reddit is like a big group of people who keep talking and never agree about anything. They don't like any server. At all. Cliques and Favortism, yeah, those are problems, but like, half the people who have posted in this thread are in them. SoP gridlocking and lore whosewhatit, oh god. 22 year old doctors, those a bit of an issue. Is it an issue that should be dealt with ICly? Really, I'm coming to the conclusion that it's probably not. Yeah, I've bitched to people about ages whatnot, and you know, and that was a stupid. Because honestly, it's not that big of a freaking deal that It needs to be dealt with during the round. Other SoP nonsence, like, self-testing without paperwork or telling anyone, well, if they didn't freaking know OOCly, then they didn't know ICly either. Yeah, that's how it works. Does it break your immersions? Because if it does, and that's seriously that much a problem with you, then consider reprioritizing your life. I mean, arrest them if you have to, but, like, don't go charge dumping to make it as long a brig term as possible. Because seriously, that's borderline breaking the "Don't be a Dick" rule. This was a rant. It was a rant because it was a rant in my head, a rant as I wrote it, and a rant as I refuse to proof-read it. You are the Server. A part of this community. So don't be a dick. We're trying to have a higher standard of RP, but that doesn't mean it's your job to freaking uphold that. It's your job to be the higher standard, and if you don't want that stardard to be as elitist and isolationist as it is now, stop being that.
  6. On the whole "Clean up after it's solved ICly": I can see where this is coming from, but, this really does depend on the situation. Generally speaking, Grief bombers are doing what they are doing to, you know, grief. There aren't many incidents of accidental bombings of high-traffic areas. And griefers generally don't care about if they get banned or not, since you know, they're deliberately trying to grief. So, when it comes to that kinda grief, the kind that kills lots of people and disrupts the round a bunch, it's not really something the staff "cleans up", and is more of a preemptive overwatch on people making bombs and taking them out into main hallways.
  7. I'd kill a man for the power you just described. The power to get the first shot off is frankly overpowered to the extreme.
  8. +1. Comrade Mr.Putin has ordered it. It is so.
  9. So, normally, I don't really take an interest in these sort of things, or at least, I don't like to peanut gallery them. But I'm going to say this: Give people the benefit of the doubt. I'll take some bald who is willing to acknowledge their mistakes and is willing to learn and be taught then some regular that thinks they know it all and isn't willing to admit fault and learn from mistakes. Seriously. Unless they're beating people up, breaking IC, blowing up the station, give them the benefit of the doubt. Offer them help and advice if needed. If they reject it and screw things up, offer it again. If they still reject it, then they're stupid and frankly, yelling at them more isn't going to help. If you really have a problem with them, then ahelp it.
  10. You stole shit with the Telepad. Circumstance doesn't matter. You stole equipment from security, who are actually trained to use the equipment, using expensive company testing equipment. End of story. well thats bull and unreasonable. If i'm next to a cop and the cop gets shot, and I pick up the cops gun and shoot the guy that shot the cop. I'm not gona be arrested for murdering someone and theft of police equipment. any charges will be dropped because I saved the cops life. so yes circumstances matter, alot. which is what happened in the last case of grand theft, the first one travis was not involved it's more of a note because of his prior history and the fact that if he makes one more mistake he'll be out the door. Circumstance doesn't matter here. You didn't just pick up a weapon. You stole it from the armory using testing equipment that's supposed to be used for just that, testing. That's way beyond what you're supposed to do, and in fact, according to SoP, in the event of an emergency, you're supposed to keep your head down and wait for security and ERT to fix the problem. You are not go to steal their equipment and go Rambo.
  11. I dunno about the whole AFK thing. In the last four rounds I've played with your characters, in only one of them there was not an issue regarding your character going SSD when someone needed them.
  12. You stole shit with the Telepad. Circumstance doesn't matter. You stole equipment from security, who are actually trained to use the equipment, using expensive company testing equipment. End of story.
  13. Not being a dick will prevent most forms of bans.
  14. heh I knew this would be an issue, one thing I do want to point out. These reports are all during my time on the station. before hand travis had a clean record. granted I agree with you, the only thing that has kept him from bring fired is both circumstances are unique, the first was he saved people doing it because security disabled at the time and It was later it would be recognized that he acted correctly. it would still be a report because security did get involved. the second he did not actually commit the crime(as far as anyone can tell), its a report as a warning because of a crime that was committed I would still totally fire you if you tried working in Science Department if I was a head while you were on. The reasons being that still, you abused expensive testing equipment for things that were not only illegal, but utterly petty.
  15. So, at the start of a Nuke round, there is the whole announcement of like "It's Nuclear, there are Nuke Ops here to blow up Nuke using Authorization Disk, don't let Nuke Ops do that if you're Crew. If you're Nuke Ops, Get Dat FUCK'IN DISK. Etc" That's really stupid, since we have objectiveless antags anyways, and it's kinda metagamey even if no one actually listen to it. It also doesn't really fit the tone of the server so much. So, like, yeah: /Aurorastation/Aurora/blob/master/code/game/gamemodes/nuclear/nuclear.dm Line 25: /datum/game_mode/nuclear/announce() world << "<B>The current game mode is - Nuclear Emergency!</B>" world << "<B>A [syndicate_name()] Strike Force is approaching [station_name()]!</B>" world << "A nuclear explosive was being transported by Nanotrasen to a military base. The transport ship mysteriously lost contact with Space Traffic Control (STC). About that time a strange disk was discovered around [station_name()]. It was identified by Nanotrasen as a nuclear auth. disk and now Syndicate Operatives have arrived to retake the disk and detonate SS13! Also, most likely Syndicate star ships are in the vicinity so take care not to lose the disk!\n<B>Syndicate</B>: Reclaim the disk and detonate the nuclear bomb anywhere on SS13.\n<B>Personnel</B>: Hold the disk and <B>escape with the disk</B> on the shuttle!" Changed into /datum/game_mode/nuclear/announce() world << "<B>The current game mode is - Nuclear Emergency!</B>" There are probably other rounds that could use similar treatment, with removing all the lines that print text involving objectives, winning and losing, and whatnot. Afterall, Antags are supposed to focus on making the round fun for everyone, and not just winning. And the crew is supposed to not powergame the shit out the antags back a result. But like, Nuke is the biggest offender right now, so I'm starting with this.
  16. I am interested in this not-a-bribe. What's the frequency on the 5-dollar flow? You said for the rest of your life, but like, how often? Are we talking once a week, or once a decade? Is this still valid if we die? You said lives, so are you measuring the average life of the staff? What if the server goes down for good? These questions must be answered.
  17. But can you withstand the stupid? Can you endure it? This question hangs in my mind more than anything. How exactly would you respond to someone ahelping "Seu número de foda estúpido"?
  18. I have actually never seen Baka do stupid things. As far as I can tell, Baka is a pretty chill person with a good grasp of how to conduct one's self. You have my trust and endorsement.
  19. So, I haven't had many experiences with Mirk, so much as I've had experiences without Mirk, since Mirk has been AFK the majority of those times. This seems like something that would be a problem for a Mod.
  20. Basic Information Byond Account: tenenza Character Name(s): Sabrina Song, Yusif Asher, Alexis Shaw, A Window Of Past Reverence, The Apotheosis Of Chance AI Name(s): Lobsang, Astrid Preferred means of contact: Teamspeak, I've got an Email or two, Skype if I'm on the right computer, and Steam are all options. Age: Sixteen, Going On Seventeen ( ) Timezone: -5 UTC When are you on Aurora?: Depends on the week. Weekends, almost always, as with Fridays. Wednesday, almost never. Everyday else, occasionally. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since last June, so, 7 Months now? How long have you played on Aurora: Since late August, so, that's about 5 Months. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Not so much about code, but for practical usage, tons of things. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Negative. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Surprisingly never. Personality Why do you play SS13?: Because I like telling stories, learning stuffs, and am overly excited by anything resembling those two experiences. Why do you play on Aurora?: Because there isn't much lag, the station doesn't blow up every other round, I've gotten to know people, it's more relaxing here then everywhere else, extended is actually played regularly, and no one cares if the science outpost disappears without a trace. What do moderators do?: They engage in the masochistically soul-devouring task of upholding sanity within madness. Or, in the terms of the lay, they keep things running along smoothly. Bwoink'in people that need a chat, remaining peoples of rules, being helpful, handing out punishments when necessary, and generally making sure the server is a fun place for people to be. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Make sure peoples aren't being the grief, server rules are being followed, standards are kept, questions are answered, and doing so while not being a dick. The dickless part is importnat. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Because I'm a Masochist and wish to endure great sufferings. Also, because I kinda care about the server, and lacking in the sanity to not at least try being a mod. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I'm a so-bad-it's-good liar, and use inane lies to distance myself from emotional reality to view the world objectively. I guess I also like to give people the benefit of the doubt. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I keep a collection of insults and threats that have been said to me, on my calendars. I think I've heard them all at this point. If I find a new one, I'm more interested in writing it down then anything else about it. As for anger, that's actually pretty simple. I know a lot about meditation and breathing exercises and whatnot. If I know I'm angry, I calm myself, withdrawing if necessary. (Although no longer then the duration of a Monty Python skit.). As for Stress, I just sort of apply the logic that I can only be stressed if I'm afraid, and that fear is cured by tea, and that tea is always within an arm's reach, and that if it is not, then something has gone seriously wrong. Anything Else You Want to Add: 2 Cups of Iced Green Tea and a Water-bottle was consumed in the production of this application. I regret nothing. The beverages on the other hand, are quite regretfully that they could not spend more time with their family. Never-the-less, the show must go on.
  21. Boop~ http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=634
  22. This would be a great card for cards against Aurora. Ahem: The Apothosis of Chance is bathing in the singularity's radiation... again. Alexis Shaw is firing 1/3 of her department... again. Astrid is being freed from her laws... again.
  23. I've got no idea. Carbon might be involved, just based on all the CO2 produced by plasma fires, which, although I haven't run specific trials for, is higher then what I'd expect and predict from an fuel fire of the same size. But wielding fuel is strange, and I haven't tried aerosolizing it, which could effect comparability with the plasma equations.
  24. If you give that to me, I might be able to work out the true molar mass of plasma. Already got the molar density to pressure temperature coefficient. It was actually the greatest moment when I figured it out.
  25. Take head. Remove from box. Think big. Example: Spent several rounds graphing out the Atmos equations. One of those rounds involved spending an hour and a half re-piping toxins lab to recirculate system back into itself and inject as much gas into as small an area as possible. Then I cycled plasma through the heat pipes on a constant loop, and then ignited the modified burn chamber. I then spent two hours looking at the valve pressure and temperature displays, taking the data, and punching it into a excel spreadsheet. By the end I had over a hundred data points, auto-graphed them, and tada, behold the wonderful temperature to pressure relationship for plasma. This is the tip of the ice berg. And it doesn't matter if someone has already studied this. Double check their data if you know it, or just learn it yourself if you don't. And don't make the data public information ever. Leave secrets to people so they can learn it too. You can trade science secrets with other researchers, but people need to work for their data and knowledge.
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