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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. Question Time: 1: What do you think is different between Forum/Sever Moderators, and why did you decide to apply for Forum Moderator? 2: Of all the forum rules that are currently existant, which do you believe is either most necessary or will form the bulk of your time enforcing? 3: What makes a healthy community, and how will you promote that outside of moderation? EXTRACREDIT: You are advisor to a cruel child emperor. How do you teach them empathy and compassion?
  2. Question Time: 1: As one of the new forum moderators, what exactly do you expect to do on a day-to-day basis that is different from a server moderator? 2:What do you think you will have the most trouble dealing with as a forum moderator? What kind of situations would you defer to other staff? 3:You've made a mistake, made a call that turned out to be a touch too far, and now you're in a pickle. How do you deal with the situation? EXTRACREDIT: What is justice? Can you simplified it into something a five year old can understand?
  3. Tenenza

    A headwrap.

    Somehow I'm not surprised you know about Gert Wilders. Also, he's not dead yet. So he's rolling in his house. He's dutch, so it might even be a boat house. He's boating in his house. FTFY.
  4. ...I'm sure no one would mind if I... Replacedallthesecookieswithwaxreplicasmwahahahahahahah! Um what? Did I say something, oh, no, I was just admiring these cookies right here:
  5. I'm sorry if I missed something here, but, just who was the staff member that handled this case? I'd like to hear their words on this.
  6. Tenenza's Cast of Characters: Like, a bunch of these characters are dead, I haven't played in months, or would get me banned if I played them again, but hey, I still love to list.
  7. Welcome back Valk! We missed you. Perhaps that was because you were not here. Hard to shoot someone who isn't there.
  8. Yes. Especially when the spoon is full of borderline powergame. That is a very dangerous spoon.
  9. I actually mused with this idea, seriously. Just make like, an unreachable Z-level with a derelict version of our space station, with a bunch a discarded paperwork lying around dated 2458. Oh, and bones. Lots of bones. and of course, make a really obscure and hard way for research AND engineering to build a time machine that teleports people to said Z level. Of course, the derelict doesn't get much use, so maybe it's a waste of effort. Maybe for an event, then. This but make it so you go back in time to some medieval castle But Mob code is strange, and having empty castles is werid. Unless the castle is haunted with animated skeletons and shit. In which case, that'd be cool. Very likely deadly. But cool. Also, you'd need to have it so TComms didn't work in the area.
  10. That must have been very amusing. It's very cinamtic. I could imagine that happening in a movie.
  11. I am sad that prison breakouts are always very uncool. Smuggling in a knife, maybe some thermite, or even a security-access ID card? That would be pretty cool. But just bashing your way out of prison is kinda stupid in my opinion. Very tasteless. Hacking is fine though. It's cool enough.
  12. I actually mused with this idea, seriously. Just make like, an unreachable Z-level with a derelict version of our space station, with a bunch a discarded paperwork lying around dated 2458. Oh, and bones. Lots of bones. and of course, make a really obscure and hard way for research AND engineering to build a time machine that teleports people to said Z level. Of course, the derelict doesn't get much use, so maybe it's a waste of effort. Maybe for an event, then.
  13. Those were good answers. My only bit of minor criticism is that being an RD isn't just about knowing all the science material; it's about loving the research process, and wanting to make it as fun and interesting for people as possible, and opening up new opinions of coordinated department research.
  14. Tenenza

    A headwrap.

    A headwrap. Perhaps in different colours. For those that like to wrap cloth around their heads, either for religious or just aethetic reasons.
  15. Okay, so, I haven't see you, but that's fine, because I haven't see alot of people. So in lou (lu? Loo? Whatever) of first hand experience, I'm going to ask some questions: 1: Based on what you've seen of other heads of staff, what do you want to do differently? 2: Based on what you've seen of other heads of staff, what are you going to steal incorporate from their style into yours? 3: What's one cool idea you want to do but haven't had the chance because you didn't have a head of staff white list? EXTRA CREDIT: Tell me a story story about your character and a mouse?
  16. Well then, sure. I'm Tenenza, and like Sam, I'm 17 going onto 18. I've been gone for about two months due to some very bad schedule planning that resulted in me having a buncha projects, tests, community service and general work back-to-back for two months. As for me and Aurora, I'm one of the resident science-centric people, and I used to teach and advice a whole lot of people regarding how to do research. Sadly, a great deal of my old science buddies and students have come and gone, but I aim to make up for lost time and get back to mentoring people on where to begin the sciencing. In the outside whole, I've got an interest in language, writing, and the sciences, with a focus on the study of intelligent systems and neurology. Also, I'm not bitter about the list. Maybe a bit lemony, but that's probably the lemon tea. Oh, yes, I like tea. . Edited it based on Crec's correction.
  17. Morning, I'm Tenenza, and I've been /not here/ for the last two months. Now, there are tons of people I don't know around. These people seem pretty cool and nice, but I don't really know you guys so well. So tell me a bit about yourselves, anything, just to put a personality to the username. Older peoples who I know, tell me stuff too, so I can get to know you better. It's not like I'm building up a database of information so I can hunt you all down and blackmail you for cookies.
  18. A brief summery of the Whitelist system, by Tenenza (Who is in no way involved in this system nor it's creation): Back in my day, you had to have five up-pluses to get a whitelist, and we had to grovel before the pumpking twice, in the snow, both ways! But everyone agreed that was shit. So now you don't even need any +1s to get a whitelist if you've shown you aren't horrible and are up to snuff. Some people obviously don't like how the system works now, since it kinda hinges on a player being seen by the staff and not pissing off both Dea and Tish (and they're pretty mellow people in my experience, although Tishy is nuts (Don't tell Tish I typed that)) There's also Jackboot in that system, but species whitelists are certainly more lax towards new people, since they're mostly about immediately describable roleplay skill and lore stuff. Also, if you get the 5 +1s, you get your whitelist, because you're probably doing *something* right. So, I guess the big question is; how long do you think it's reasonable to leave an application open before Tish/Dea/Jackboot make a judgement call?
  19. This backstory is wonderfully colourful, and a very creative take on the Diona concept. Although I'm distressed that sherlock season 4 still isn't out by 2457, I mean, bloody hell, Benadryl Cucumbertwat must be some sorta immortal sun god. Also, more Diona detectives is a good thing, since I don't think we have any currently? Maybe we can have tree-sec. On point, Jboy is a good roleplayer, and they've shown they can and do improve their roleplay over time.
  20. I make little conversation/event snippits in my head about a character's backstory. Sorta try and imagine how they'll interact with people.
  21. Research things! Best things!
  22. Ooooo, that sounds nice, I mean, the map part, not the DDoS.
  23. My god, has it only been 2 months? I've felt like I've been gone forever. Did you miss me? I knew it! Well, no more, because I'm back from the lands of death, Huzzahs and Hurrahs and Tenenza's back! Edit: Also, it would be nice if someone could sum up what happened in the last month, preferably with more words then just 'It was dark without your incandescence glow of your presence.'
  24. So, I'm probably still not going to be around for at least the rest of the month, sorry.
  25. Tenenza

    The List

    Apologies for the late response, still really busy with school and things.
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