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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. So, I did a silly thing and decided to sign myself up for way too many projects, classes and obligations of various sorts at the same time when I already had too many exams and tests coming up. So, I'm going to be more or less out of it for two weeks at the least. I might try to pop in when I can, but mostly, I'll be deadish.
  2. Calculus How does that work
  3. Aim gun at person. Person goes "AH, [You] IS KILLING ME IN [Place] AREA AT [X],[Y]. SHITCURITY!" Is way bad. Change; Aim can be autotriggered on someone using their headset if you set it to trigger on that. So no more calling for sec while someone is holding a gun to your head. Because that is stupid.
  4. Tenenza can into Cats
  5. IC: Hiya Readers, it's Sabrina Song, reporting here from the NSS Odin. Some of you might remember me from way back when I was doing my internship on the Aurora, other might not, but that's understandable. Well, I've been hired for real this time, to report on the everyday affairs of Aurora, and as a result, I'm resuming updates on my newsblog The Aurora News Network. Now, I'm a bit stretched on time, trying to work part time here in Tau Ceti and trying to finish my studies back in Sol, so I though it'd try updating my old interviewing system! So, here's your chance to be famous everybody, just reply to this message and I can see about setting up a meeting between us. Cya soon, Aurora Station! OOC: So, some of you guys might remember my old character of Sabrina Song, whom I haven't played in months for various reasons that have now cleared up. She was a reporter, and interviewed a ton of people, ranging from long runners like Phoebe Essel, to literal Bald Assistants, to people like Jason Sanders and Hunter Robinson. It was a little way to help people establish their characters, and get to know the regulars better, while also at the same time, getting Sabrina alot of chair RP interviewing people. With the new breaking news system for newscasters, I kinda want to do that again. So, basically, I want to conduct interviews ICly over PMs, Skype, Teamspeak, or whatever other medium of text communication works with people, and then submit them as a series to the new newcaster network. I'm aiming to do at least one at week, and I kinda want a mix of both old and established characters and new ones as well, so I'm requesting to interview pretty much anyone that's active. If someone you know doesn't visit the forums, they're welcome to contact me as well anyways, because, again, the purpose to help everyone establish and get to know each other's characters. Please do note that A) Sabrina Song is paid to make what is basically propaganda for NanoTrasen, and as a result, her article on people will very likely be skewed in some rather blatant and obvious ways, and B) You don't have to do characters that you actually play on the station, if you want like, an interview with a character's family member, or even like, your nuke op, if you've got a plausible reason for it, go ahead. Note: Articles may not be published immediately after the interview is conducted. If you feel there has been too long a period of time between interview and article publishing, either due to impatience or the fact the interview no longer contains up to date information, feel free to contact me. I'll try to publish them as soon as possible, but I also do not want to spam the network, and more importantly, I want to keep a balance of different types of characters.
  6. I am a thrall to Duck. I cannot truly disobey Duck. Duck's word is my command.
  7. Macros are your friend here. You can preplan how you intend to beat up someone, write some quick temp macros for it, and then use them quickly for robusting with style.
  8. Tenenza


  9. When you start converting atm into kPa for no apparent reason.
  10. Tenenza


    Theft of the Baka is a capital crime and punishable by death. Baka has just agreed to be stolen. Therefore, I have stolen Baka. Oh No, quick, someone call the fun police!
  11. The laser and taser sounds do sound very retro. Not enough *Fwoosh* to them. Other then that, I don't particular care about the ballistic sounds, possibly because I don't get to hear them as often.
  12. You don't necessarily need to be on every day. But, I'd like to raise a concern of mine about the fact of the week ban for ERP. That's kinda the elephant in the room here with this application.
  13. Oui! Oui! Un Baguette. But, on topic, I have nothing else to add other then nonsense in french. Good luck.
  14. I'm not quite sure you've got a clear understanding of what a moderator does. We do a bit more then just keep OOC appropriate. It's more of dealing with violations of the rules, handling any situations that require staff involvement, answering ahelps and generally helping the server.
  15. I consider it true, I'm a very agressive debater. I don't do it because I want everyone to think as I do, but because I either feel my points aren't getting through to people or my own 'rights' are being trampled on. However, I feel no ill will towards the people I debate with, and am able to drop the argument when it escalates to the point I'm not comfortable with. That said, I accept the will of superiors or majority when it is apparent. There is a big difference between being an aggressive debater, which implies heavy use of rhetoric and constantly exploiting holes in your opponent's argument, and just getting worked up about it and letting it turn into a game of who can type faster and include more expletives. I've seen you, on several accounts, been very abrasive or downright dismissive towards other members of the community when flaws in your opinion and/or your opinion is challenged. I have also witnessed you continuing a 'debate' even after told to stand down by staff. I think you have an extreme case of needing to have the last word, or needing to shout people down in order to be heard. I understand that nobody wants to feel like their opinion is worthless, but I denounce your strategy of 'aggressive debating' and see it as a quality not befitting of a moderator. Tl;dr: Bokaza, you can get pretty heated with your arguements because you feel a personal investment in them. It would be unprofessional if this trend carried over to your actions as a moderator.
  16. So, speaking a moderator, I'd have to say that being a mod can change the way you play a game alot, especially if you play to blow off steam. Because, being a mod can actually make you more stressful, and not just from dealing with insults and whatnot. Just something to consider.
  17. As a soulless rule-spitting machine, I disaprove. But, on topic, if you become a moderator, you'll be a developer+moderator+duty_officer, which is a frankly remarkable workload for the server, do you think you can manage that all?
  18. So, I'm going to say first, that my opinion is pretty Bias since I'm friends with Delta, so I'm not going to touch on this yet, but I am going to relay a slight concern of several others that I've heard being thrown around, namely that there is an uncertaintly how you'd take the stress and sometimes abuse of the job. Someone made mention that you do play the game to relieve stress, and that moderating is anything but cathartic, and somewhat changes how you can enjoy the game.
  19. If you become a mod, will you still stand by your promise to ban all mods, including yourself?
  20. When you realized you are talking like a Diona in real life.
  21. I would, cut the calandar company a deal. I'd ask for maybe a few dozen calanders, and then decorate an entire room with calandars everywhere. Then they could do a weird ad using the room with all the calandars. It would be great. I would then sell the room as hipster modern art.
  22. Tenenza


    I've done quite a few of these at various times before. Most are completely possible, if very hard, and possably catastrophic.
  23. Tenenza


    I believe this many be impossible, as I believe asteroid tiles are a complete vacuum like space. Apparently Duck pulled it off, from what I've heard.
  24. Tenenza


    Here a few more ideas: Ouija Board using Adamantine Slime Cores Plasma Heat-Volume-Molar equations Gasses at absolute zero Replacing people's blood with other substances (try this with IPCs and Diona or protohumans) Injecting Slimes with chems to see how they react (credit to delta for this) Building weird telecom networks -Infinite Loop Network -Automatic Broadcast Network -Hack the Syndicate Network Repair the derelict Build containment rooms for anomalies (bonus points for harvesting their radiation for power.) Try to make a RUST System (Good luck.) Setup a teleportation network across all the Z-levels. Mcgyver a bluespace cannon. Use plasma bombs to strip mine. Give the asteroid an atmosphere. (credit to duck for this) Singularity testing -Singularity growth speed -Singularity movement speed (outrun the singulo!) -Singularity reactions (aka, The Singularity Accelerating Collider) Gasses several times hotter then the sun. See how many implants you can put in a protohuman. Dissect everything -Aliums -Wizards -Syndicate (Gotta find them inplants for science) -Vox -Ninjas (Bonus points if the suit is still on.) -Cultists (Don't forget to drain their blood for it's anomalious properties) -Nar'Sie (You will need TK for this) -Changlings -BSTs
  25. Could you please clarify what exactly you believe you have improved on, and for that matter, why this change should result in your ban being lifted? Simply saying you've improved your roleplay since then is rather vague, and for something as serious as an permaban, further clarification is requested.
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