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Everything posted by DatBerry

  1. Locking and archiving.
  2. This complaint boils down to two points The CE ganking you with the fireaxe, improper escalation RTNP Issuing you a warning for lying Let's start with the CE issue, you claim that after you've stole the CE's personal rig, eluded security and kept causing trouble, along side the fact that he is your boss and he's responsible for you, the fact that they tried to non lethally stun you, smack you with smaller tools had all failed, that them escalating to a lethal weapon is not proper escalation? what did you expect them to do? keep using fruitless tactics that proved useless? they are not NPCs, rounds do not revolve around antags, crew are self thinking and know to escalate treatment, if you keep using your old tricks you're doomed to be caught. You could argue using a lethal weapon when all you had done was steal a rig to be too much, and that he was not a security member, but you had a screwdriver and a wirecutter, tools to remove a window, and since you had the CE's rig, he was not vacuum proof, you, who resisted all other forms of attack, put his life on danger, and you expect him to just try and flash you, disarm maybe? The CE and lone officer used every technique in the book to try and deal with you, if they couldn't use lethal solutions then, they never would. You are expected to be given some leeway as an antag, and they did when they did not escalate to lethals right away when you stole a rig that made you immune to stuns and cuffing, crew are not expected to just bend over to any threat that standard gear doesn't deal with As for the warning, You had given little to no information, as it has been pointed out. This is in the rules, clearly worded, and it's enough to net you a warning just on the basis of your first ahelp, though staff are generally lenient and don't punish on such rules. But when asked for more information, you did not include the whole story, you didn't really include anything at all, the bare minimum when asked. What it tells the staff: the CE ganked/validhunted me with a fireaxe Here it draws a picture of you stealing their RIG and them over escalating and smacking you with a fireaxe, hiding the fact that there was a lot of fighting in maintenance. They did not rampage on you with the fireaxe, their intent wasn't to kill you, there's between 2 seconds to 16 second delays between fire axe hits, and it matches the story munks posts, but nevertheless, an easy to make mistake, a long with forgetting that you did hit them. Staff should not need to milk every single detail out of you, if you don't give us the whole story from the beginning then you aren't entitled to have your ahelp dealt with when you keep withholding information from us, information critical to actually handle the issue. You may have forgotten that you hit the CE, but you couldn't have possibly forgot you had so many encounters in maintenance and how many times you've escaped non-lethal take down attempts. Could RTNP had tried to get more information out of you? they tried, but you still didn't give out any more information. Everything you've done leads me to believe you simply ahelped when you died out of salt, withheld any information that could've justified the CE's killing of you and hoped to get them into OOC trouble, which is disgustingly unsporting, and I hope is not the case. whatever the case, I will be closing this in 24 hours unless any new points are brought up. edited: I for some reason wrote kaed instead of munks, huh, really makes you think
  3. I will be handling this complaint.
  4. I think my main concern is shared by Cake, I don't want to go back to the days of people ignoring their jobs to ERP, this is why ERP was removed in the first place. But I don't think an outright ban was the best approach, we had a lot of positives from it, remnants of that are still here as you could ERP-bait people into murder, now you could use ERP as a very believable and immersive way to cajole people into doing things for you as an antag, or even as a normal crew member. Citadel has a strict rule for heads of staff to not ERP on non-confirmed extended rounds, we could so something similar and put a emphasis that your job comes first, and we can enforce that with job bans, just like how we curbed the wave of SSDing crew in limited slot jobs (especially security). I don't like the idea of bringing vox as crew, if they're brought in they should be treated as bad as vaurcae, no heads of staff positions and requiring forms to get good jobs. ICly it makes no sense, they smell like rotten sardines and look like wild monsters, even their sprites show them very alien and unfriendly, besides the OOC stereotype that will influence all roleplay that includes vox. I don't have any strong feelings about the other points, I don't see the player base voting for things to be a very good approach, if we left things in the majority's hand we would be an MRP server, so I am heavily biased against stripped player votes given more power without considering their reasoning and arguments.
  5. Ok so this has been our general thoughts on how the round progressed: Announcements come up, captain tells CE to help the RD "shut down" the AI CE gets delayed on something, RD rushes in and gets floored. CE gets in core with HoP, some things delay getting the AI carded (someone forgot to bring a card) The captain is blown up, even though it wasn't witnessed, CE showed little care about the captain More announcements happen NT kills the boy's mother over comms It goes to code delta, everyone could blow up now CE and HoP with a useless chaplain in the AI core with a nuclear kim jung un button, turrets and a borg AI wants to lock up HoP, crew not in a position to protest, try to appease AI blows up the HoP, although needlessly, CE tries to laugh it off CE tries to get the AI to an escape pod AI blows them up anyway, chaplain is probably doomed if they didn't get a jumpsuit CE still tries to find the AI to help it Two points can be raised from that: The CE's apparent lack of sympathy, especially towards the captain, which I would like [mention]Nikov[/mention] to expand on, they've only addressed the HoP's death. And the CE's continued support to the AI, which I believe is valid, the AI still had the keys to the nuke, if your character was only appeasing them, but the quality of the announcements and the gravity of NT's actions leaves you little to care for them, and actually compels you to help the AI, while the HoP's death may have been questionable, the HoP was clearly on NT's side, and wanted to follow through with the shut down order, and can considered an acquaintance to NT's schemes. We understand Kaed's concerns about game balance, there are times where roleplay takes a backseat due to gameplay reasons (e.g: assassins can't just kill someone out of the blue), but this isn't one of those cases, the CE is only one man, you could've brought other engineers or armed officers into the core, the latter which would've dealt with the AI turrets and borgs, and leveled the playing grounds. the CE showed hints that he is not on the "destroy the AI" side a few times which would've hinted that he might become useless dead weight or even side with the AI. Overall we don't see anything wrong with the CE's actions, although their reactions might be, it is a small thing all things considered.
  6. [mention]Ezuo[/mention] and I will be handling this complaint We decided this complaint will fall into two main issues: the disregard of fear and self preservation, which we will be handling directly. And the quality of synthetic roleplay, which will involve [mention]CakeIsOssim[/mention] the synth lore dev. I was the staff member who originally recieved the ahelp, but due to time constraints before round end and the possibility of synth lore issues being involved I suggested Bygone should make a complaint instead. Before the round had ended I've checked your attack logs, and J.A.I.S was hit by a rubber bullet and a laser beam, before attacking the wizard with a crowbar twice. I do not see the logic in this, when you've said the following in your whitelist app: There's no logic nor efficiency in getting yourself in harm's way to whack the antag with a crowbar when security is already handling the issue, not over reacting and rushing into situations is something you need to learn early on in a HRP server, and doubly so before being an IPC whitelistee where rushing into danger is much less punishing. On the subject of synthetic roleplay, I've only had one deep interaction with one of your characters, Lily; I've always assumed they were only appearing to be an emotional 14 years old but that turned out to be the case when I had an interview with them on the issues they face as an IPC. their main complaint was "racism", when asked to expand they talked about how they were treated as equipment, is that not what IPCs are? This is not wrong or bad in itself, but further questions brought more emotional answers, in fact there was no logic at all, even a human had better logical thought process than Lilly, I don't understand how such an illogical and emotional IPC could be hired as a scientist. It's been 2 months since your whitelist and there's been little progress, I would make a guess that is due to sticking with your IC friends and not leaving your comfort zone, this is especially true with Lilly, as I never see you play them when your white haired RD friend is not around.
  7. Reporting Personnel: Alexander Stocker Rank of Reporting Personnel: Assistant Game ID: bTB-doxw Personnel Involved: - Biel Franke, Officer (Offender) - Nicholas Hassen (Offender) - Paul Johnson, Captain (Offender) - Whisper Unity, Supply worker (Witness) Time of Incident: Real time: around 12PM Location of Incident: Cargo lobby and then later around the station Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [X]Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other Overview of the Incident: It all started at the merchant's shuttle where after a lucky lottery ticket I had some spare pocket money to go shopping, there I found some kind of energy based pocket sized shield, at first I left it, but then I thought I could buy it and sell it to the security department(I need the money). but after being brushed off, I had given up on it. I then decided perhaps the supply department would buy it, and so while showing off the item, some EMT called for security, and within 10 seconds the two officers, Biel Franke and Nicholas Hassen arrived along with some security borg; here, officer Franke claims I have contraband, even though I've explained it wasn't listed on the contraband list, Officer Franke claimed it doesn't matter as it was a "lethal hard light weapon", (even though it hardly dented my fridge more than a toolbox did.), and claimed he was "trained" in it's use and that it's "very lethal". At this point Biel and the borg had the exit of the cargo lobby blocked, and the cargo airlock BOLTED for some reason, they've effectively detained me, and insisted I handed over a completely legal item due to their own opinion of what is contraband, this is a serious slippery slope and is the first step for an abusive security department. After talking to the officers proved fruitless I decided to message the captain over the PDA in hopes that he would talk some sense into them, but to my dismay only brought more nonsense, the captain replied to me over the PDA claiming it is "restricted technology"(????) and after further inquires said it required an "item requisition form signed by science" (?????????????????????????) after I asked why I needed science's permission for an item I did not buy from any NanoTrasen facility the captain went silent. I attempted to contact the HoS D'jar Sa... something... who had just made an announcement asking people to message him over the PDA if they had any questions, which I did instantly, but had received no reply from them. At this point I asked to meet the head of security personally to discuss this issue, and security escorted me to the brig, but they were not there, we then moved to departures, but he was also not there, but at departures I was told I had a search warrant on me, on the pretense of suspected contraband, where I then declared they may search, but they are not allowed to confiscate anything that does not fall under contraband under NT's definition. They attempted to use a warrant to force through with an illegal confiscation of crew property, one I might add, costed me 1000 credits, and that I believe would fall under Grand Theft; They had claimed they would return it after the shift, but I wouldn't take the word of officers who are stretching and mending regulations as they see fit. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: The HoS and Captain. Actions taken: Mental Gymnastics Additional Notes: If the captain meant the item's design is a science department patent, that only legally affects manufacturers and direct retail, resales and ownership of said items isn't affected by patents, but I doubt NT owns it.
  8. [mention]Flamingo[/mention] and I will be handling this complaint, We'll go through the logs provided along with server logs, and might have to talk to some of the people involved to get other points of view.
  9. I do not like this. It's overly restrictive with literally no benefit as far as I enforce the believable character rule. There is no reason why an xenobiologist would decide to take a degree in electrical engineering, while an xenobiologist may take a biochemistry/biowhatever/medical crap course to aid in his specialized and niche career. This rule may stop people from job hopping, but that doesn't mean we can't already stop them from making ridiculous career choices out of in-game convenience. what it does though is needlessly restrict people, should a HoP with a double bachelor in business management and history be disallowed just because of the rule? Strongly against this, so far there hasn't been any actual argument other than 'this helps the staff moderate'. this is vague and never actually explained, what does it help me curb exactly? job hopping? already can be bashed. powergaming? this rule doesn't stop a doctor with an vocational degree in electrical engineering from hacking an airlock, as skull once put it, airlocks are just really simple robots, anyone with a well grounded background (as a vocational degree can set you up with a job in such a field) can hack through it. this new rule brings about no new positives but just more restrictions, hell it encourages people to get a wider skillset, "IT SAYS RIGHT HERE I CAN GET A VOCATIONAL DEGREE REEEE"
  10. Galaxy on Fire 2 - 3d space ship RPG Big Little War Game - 3d RTS, very similar to Command and Conquer World of Tanks Blitz - world of tanks but even more casual World of Empires - free 3D civ game, there's IAP/ads but completely optional to get extra coins in single player Assoluto - Assetto Corsa on mobile Critical Ops - Counter Strike on mobile, IAPs are just for skins, optional ads to increase points from missions to unlock said skins without paying Forces of Freedom - 5vs5(number might be different) with sim-like combat, still in alpha but it reminds me of ArmA somewhat. SimplePlanes - 3D plane design and flight simulator, really neat PC game that was ported really neatly to android there's more that I forgot about
  11. Appeal denied, trying to appeal your ban after ban evading failed, not happening.
  12. The only feedback I see relevant to the position comes from Elliot and it's not expanded on enough, I see you've given a model answer on the responsibilities of a head of staff, but I'm too jaded from CE whitelistees who come approved by other engineering mains, and once they've got the job they're basically a super engineer with a rig and command access. As an outsider to the engineering clique everytime I passed by O-O-S they've appeared pretty asocial, they didn't even talk to me when I was standing around in engineering as an assistant and ignored me when I asked to be let out (though could've been an antag that round not sure). The feedback on the thread is good, but what I've actually witnessed leads me to think that is not the case. How do you plan to make engineering working with other departments more fluid? How do you see yourself handling issues between departments and your crew? will you be able to stay unbiased when your character's friends are in the wrong? How do you see yourself commanding engineering? (if you're taking a completely hands off approach you might as well not be there) If the engineering department is fully staffed, how much hands on work do you think you will be doing? I'm sorry if I come off as aggressive, but there's been a wave of incompetent heads of staff that don't even respect regulations let alone do their (command) job so I am being wary.
  13. Your appeal and replies have been the bare minimum, and they don't show much if any improvement in your understanding of the server. It seems like a generic "I was annoying but I read the rules I can RP now" that can applied to any other appeal, there's nothing personalized, nor is your wording of what's expected particularly appealing, it seemed like you're just copy pasting things at this point, and with your history, just this much won't cut it. Appeal denied.
  14. Since the term is never actually explained in the rules, I shouldn't have blamed you for being oblivious to the term, honestly it's such a common term around SS13 that I was surprised that you didn't know it and thought you were just acting dumb, I was originally going to go with a 3 day ban but the way you responded made me and other staff believe you were just pretending to be oblivious. I've already unbanned you; what you did was against the rules, but it didn't deserve that long of a ban, and that part I admit was my mistake, so this doesn't resolve the complaint until [mention]TishinaStalker[/mention] (the admin handling this complaint) comes to a conclusion, or you decide this is resolved.
  15. Apparently the term Validhunting is never actually given a definition in the current form of the rules, so for that I apologize for requesting that you knew the term. However, what it entails is covered in the rules, and there is no excuse for not avoiding this situation. You decided the captain had to be stopped without knowing the full picture, nor being in a position to do so. a quartermaster might have some similarities to a head of staff, but they do not share any of the authority. You decided to get involved in security's affairs at the expense of your own well being, and the diona's. Rushing them with a knife when it's not self defense is pretty much escalating to lethal force out of the blue, when as far as I know, they haven't personally endangered you; but not only that, they had a weapon, and you had an easy escape route if you had engaged and the weapon came out later, but you decided to keep on attacking until death, before shouting in LOOC which is basically instating your desire to kill the antag above all. Playing an ex-military character does not mean you get to circumvent the rules, no matter how "robust" and "vigilante" your character is, they will be bwoinked if they're just an excuse to go after antags (not that they're even robust). If you want the freedom to fight antags the moment they appear and do something not even directly affecting you then this server won't fit with you.
  16. This appeal shows no effort or real will to change, your notes showed that giving you a second chance after being permabanned before was of no use, especially how you managed to get permabanned again for something you were already warned not to do. So tell me why should we give you a third chance?
  17. Now wait a second, can you explain this?
  18. Alright, I'll be unbanning you, but you need to go through the rules and wiki for jobs, don't go chemist if you don't even know what phoron is. And this goes without saying, another incident like this won't be easily appealed.
  19. I'm willing to unban you, even though I don't fully buy your story yet, you're known for attempted grief and logging, and this seemed pretty much the case, spilled phoron, moved around until asked by a borg and that's when you decided to log, why didn't you make an ahelp that you had to go urgently? would've taken 20 seconds.
  20. It seems you don't get what exactly we have an issue with here, put simply: Your lack of teamwork and leadership, which is crucial for a head of staff, which lead to the other issue of going after the antag and securing the kill on your own. They were super confused, if only they had a leader figure who could've given them orders. Why did you only intend to share your plan with the captain? is engineering and security not worthy? Engineering crew is supposed to be your arms and legs, they should've digged the hole into the roof, they should've been throwing the meme rods down on the AI, You played the CE role as a super engineer with a rigsuit, all the powers with non of the responsibilities, and to make matters worse you don't seem to understand this.
  21. Hello, Since the banning staff member quit, I will be handling your appeal, Due to your honesty and straight forward response I've decided to accept your appeal. Though any basic rule violations that hint at attempts to grief will net you a ban (e.g blatant self antagging, sabotaging etc.) I don't expect you to not break any rules from the beginning, but there are things that are easily avoidable, so make sure you read the rules.
  22. Coalf and I are handling this complaint, we've discussed this, even with other staff members, and we've checked the logs. 1) There was a complete lack of cooperation between you and the department, partly due to T-comms failure, but also due to you making no effort to get in contact with them via a station bound radio or what not, we've checked the logs, and we've only found you looking for the captain, asking for a GPS, and then finally telling engineering to "go down" while you "see what you can do from above". As a head of staff you're expected to lead the department, not the charge. You've left the engineering team in the dark and made no effort to inform them of your plans other than you will be going from "above" which is very vague to say the least, You took the most direct route to kill the AI, while leaving behind any roleplay with the crew that could've been had. 2) On the subject of the AI's roof, it's been deemed plausible for a CE to find the spot, though we are still discussing it. Attacking from the roof should be a last resort once all options were exhausted, which brings us to the third point. 3) It appears you made no attempt at carding the AI as the captain requested, nor reseting it's laws. triggering delta is not a reason to rush for killing them, in fact reseting their laws could be a better option if it was not attempted This is everything you've said since the start of the AI's Issue until they died. You've managed to meet up with engineering, but I do not see where you've coordinated a plan to line up GPS coords. or inform them that you will be breaking into the core to destroy it, you only every mentioned a vague "above". Security, engineering and even medical were working together to breach into the core, you simply gave their efforts the middle finger and used the cheesiest tactic available. If people aren't supposed to know about Glorsh how was your gimmick supposed to work?
  23. There's two main things I consider, the escalation up to the murder, and the purpose of the murder. If you've escalated enough to murder someone, you would naturally have a reason to kill them, otherwise, what were you doing? the purpose of the murder might excuse lacking or outright missing escalation. For example someone witnessing you in the act, you can't take any chances, so you dispose of them. Another is when crew go out of their way to antagonize you, in that case you are free to dispose of them again, though relevant to how much they go out of their way. Like a cargo tech denying you an order, was the order valid and he should've accepted it? then you can sneak in, say a one linear and blow his head off, is it usually inaccessible to you? you can sneak in and threaten him to order it, if he refuses, kill em. You can't really list down all possible gank situations, but you can try to list down the most common, though I can't think of any at the moment to add to your list.
  24. Doc is one of my favorite players OOCly so there will obviously be some bias here, but they're level headed and can make valid decisions, be welcoming and foster a friendly environment, which is expected from a head of staff (I mean if they didn't they wouldn't stay a mod for long) I like your answer for the responsibilities of a head of staff, a lot of them do nothing but sit in their office and keep the round "stable" often shooting down any prospect of them having to actually work. Heads of staff have the ability to make or break roleplay and a head of staff who's more flexible in getting projects and new routines and experiments going is a welcome addition. The character story is however pretty bare bones, the character itself has no personality conveyed through the story and well, it's just "been born here, gone study there, and now go work here", would prefer if you touched more on the character itself and not his career highlights.
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