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Everything posted by DatBerry

  1. The issue seems to have been retconned already from the character's canon, and the ligger hunting gimmick was addressed as overdone and the player said they'll work on something else. I believe that addressed all your complaint's points.
  2. Ok before this goes any deeper i would like to point out two things: Code blue allows you to keep weapons visible not unholstered. As in on your armor or back, not in hand ready to fire unless there is a direct and present threat to shoot at. The captain telling you to cease verbal abuse against someone is very well within their rights, they are your boss's boss and the ultimate authority on station. You need to make a distinction between IC and OOC lines, it is fine to ICly think you were in the right, provided you deal with the consquences, OOCly if you think you were in the right to beat the HoS up and attempt to arrest the captain over him filing a valid charge then there's a real issue here.
  3. Getting firing pins is important to your job, cargo denying your crate would be akin to them denying a virus crate to the virologist, and you can press neglect of duty charges and IRs. Traitors will probably get pins in the upload, maybe even syndicate ones that only traitors can shoot. If you're any other antag just pretend to be doing your job? Unless you mean breaking into RnD to print guns, in that case unless you're a ling or a traitor you don't magically learn how to use the protolathe.
  4. New mining has made miners more common, so are diamonds and other materials, compared to old mining its much more common. The main reason i support this is because it'll cause more interdepartment interactions. Though I have to say, if the only fun thing about RnD is making guns, then it is a very sad department.
  5. Getting poison out of your stomache is the function of vomiting, i mean it already happens, just needs build up of toxins
  6. I think picking player complaint instead of character was the right choice. Biabri has ignored any feedback or criticism regarding their character on discord, granted most of it was in a memetic format, but many proper arguments were brushed off. The last argument was that CCIA action is a very real possibility and their character is likely to be perma fired, they responded that is totally not possible, that the interviews went well and that periwinkle will make counter IRs (??), this was their response to valid IC complaints on their character, that they can simply continue and actually attack people who do complain. The character themselves keeps getting into negative interactions with security almost every shift, i think the only reason they havent been bwoinked about it is because CCIA are currently trying to solve it ICly. They are also extremely hostile to anyone who disagrees with them once they get "pissed off". Shouting at patiants and threatning violence because they resisted against getting jabbed with a syringe silently, ignoring advice and even orders from other medical characters and CMOs. And i think the cherry at the top is them complaining in ooc about medical incompetence after they unbuckled a patiant with broken ribs and grabbing them and moving them. After another nurse told them specifically not to move them without a bed, their stubbornness seems to be both IC and OOC.
  7. this format is missing some key parts like ckey and characters you've played.
  8. The AI only sees through cameras, so unless they witness something damning, (e.g beating someone to pulp) their witness testamony should be more supportive than damning.
  9. are you nursie?
  10. I have to apologize for looking at the whole issue as a whole, and not focusing on how it looked like on your side too. If i was flashed by a non security member, and got up to see them holding out a submachine gun, I too would assume lethal intent. and it's this point that changes everything else. i wouldn't call this optimal resolution, but people sometimes overreact and over escalate situations. The RD took time to talk to you after the flash, so you shouldn't assume they're going to kill you right off the bat just over that. I advice you examine the situation next time and try to talk, you could've very much walked away from it if you knew what they wanted. And I'm not saying what the RD did was entirely right either, they could've talked to you more, but there were IC reasons for them to be rough, as a cult of marauders wielding the same sword you were toying with were killing crew. Your ban was lifted before this reply was posted, and again, I'm sorry for how this incident was handled, and I'm a bit disappointed in myself that I couldn't come to this conclusion on my own, but this is why we have these forums, we all make mistakes.
  11. There are two possible situations, and they both show that the RD didnt intent to just kill you. A: They flashed you and took the sword inside science. B: They dragged the sword to science and flashed you when you tried to get it back. If they wanted you dead or anything they would've flashed more than once, they had the upperhand, they could've shot you from afar, If they wanted to kidnap you they wouldn't have walken away and took the sword to science first, nor would they wait for you to try and tresspass. Now if they had started flashing you out of the blue more than once i would understand your reasoning, but the person's intent should've been clear in both situations. As I told you in PMs context matter, and if you get flashed by someone because you are blocking a doorway you can't use self defense as an excuse to throw them disposal, even if it was excessive.
  12. There's a lot factors that went into this even though it was supposed to be a simple incident. The incident goes as follow as I've understood: You had found a sword, the sword was obviously serious stuff as you've yourself dropped it, someone walks in, tells you you don't need a sword in code red, flashed you and took the sword into Research, or took the sword to research and flashed you when you tried to take it back, holds little difference to the gravity of what you did next. Because they had flashed you once, ONCE, you pushed them over and took a lethal weapon and bagged it. after stealing a weapon needlessly, this is outside a self defense clause and more of a retaliation on your own. The RD then attempted to taze you because you just stole a lethal weapon, you return by aiming the gun at the RD, which in this case will result in the RD getting shot no matter what they do, they simply cant react in time, so an excuse of "i simply aimed and he got himself shot" is not valid. you attempted to take a sword back from science, that was taken by the RD that you didnt recongnize, but failing to examine people is on you, if you had time to run back in to get your sword you had time to shift click them, then you try to push them because they flashed you, this is fine, but then you take a lethal weapon from them, again; self defense clause is not valid, your life was not in danger, they simply took your toy away, now you've esclasted to stealing a lethal weapon (from a head of staff too, but you didnt know that). By now its still ok OOCly to some degree. The RD tazes you as you took a lethal weapon and you are in the wrong, they shoot you with a less than lethal weapon, and you return with a lethal weapon. This is not ok, you've mostly caused this issue on your own thinking you were defending yourself but took it way overboard. Now that's the incident itself, your conduct in replies, mainly obscuring key details and your previous notes and bans and finally how you regarded non lethal weapons to be on a higher level of escalation than lethals lead me to deal a week ban. Firstly, you did not mention the sword at all, and tried to circle around the fact you were toying with a glowing cult sword by saying "your character found an item of interest" and not including the fact that you tresspassed into science. You have a note about about stealing weapons from an antag and aiming at them, and subsequently fired on them due to aim mode, and a much recent ban was a full week, your notes record is long and filled with basic rule violations like beating yourself. Lastly, the thing you mentioned about lethals and non lethals, that train of thought is something that belongs on lower RP servers, you can not justify blasting someone with a shotgun because they pulled a stunprod in a fight you helped escalate. That was my reasoning for the ban and its duration. I would be happy to lift this ban as soon as you understood why using lethals here is bad. You sent the RD to medical with broken bones, shrapnel and internal bleeding because they were a bit rough with stopping you from touching swords.
  13. Oh you misunderstood me, the requirement is that the whitelist character that you may not even play has to be effected, you may never play the character. though tajara who were raised off planet are rare, and even more so rarer that they don't care about their planet being locked in a 3 way world war.
  14. I handled the second incident, and I see you are already coming to an understanding to why I told you it's an IC issue and that there are things you may not know. I wasn't around for the first incident so I won't comment much on it, but you really need to care about prisoner health, if a doctor tells you they'll die without treatment then you have to leave them there, just slap cuffs on them, and they won't cause trouble to the crewmembers trying to save their life, and if they do, they have soporific. As for the second incident, It was caused by a few factors, A: incompetent officer, B: miscommunication C: misconceptions officer Ben Smith(?) reported Brick wanted people arrested 'over nothing', which was in itself, slander. Brick accused the chaplain of being a spy/traitor because they panicked when Brick talked about how great nanotrasen is. now this is reasonable doubt, and they did not go around shouting about how the chaplain was a spy/traitor on radio, they only shared the accusation with the officer, Which is not slander. the charge time was a mere 3 minutes, so i did not see the need to take OOC actions, i was hoping [mention]tmmytbbt[/mention] would've argued this ICly and actually pushed for charges against the officer/warden too.
  15. Sabri can be from such village, but then you will have to make a new character for the whitelist app. one that is somehow involved or heavily affected by the civil war.
  16. I was pro-no-warrant before we got the new warrant system, since you had to run all the way back the brig to get the warrant and then back to the now clear of any contraband at all suspect who totally did not rush to disposal his contraband. but now that you can have it magically pop on your projector I'm leaning more towards dynamic authority since a captain/HoS's direct order can still be used to make an arrest without a warrant IIRC. which they can already do, the captain is LI so I don't see the big issue in giving them the authority to approve warrantless arrests when the need arises.
  17. This a player toggle only option, if you're making a surgeon who doesn't know what he's doing then you need a really good backstory on how he managed to cheat his way through med school and specialization. This is really just a way to force mechanics to follow your character's incompetence, it's not supposed to be some kind of genetic issue or character trait.
  18. the only logs moderators can access are attack logs via var view, that's about it. the server logs i got from TT were for the confrontation before the fight, as your and the ling's story on how the fight went down, there was no reason for me to assume you or the ling were lying or hiding anything. as i said in my first reply, I was a full moderator before retiring, I've seen how rules were applied, applied them myself and was involved in discussing staff policies in admin/mod meetings. I did answer you how the ling did not break the other rules afterwards, because they had a reason and escalation. and I believe my decision was echo'd by garn here. Even if security was not after him at the moment, he still had reasons to go after them, that sol commando may have very well been the other ling he had teamed up with shortly after your engagement, and even if he wasn't he had a very good reason to not want security armed with science weapons that flay brains. The gamemode was paranoia, and i believe there was atleast 5 lings and traitors in total along with a malf AI. the round had been escalated to code red fire fights in the hallways and the ling didn't really have the time to start a dialogue with you while the station was burning down. I think I've addressed all the points you've brought up now.
  19. I like Calion OOCly for the reasons already stated above, but I feel like his catbeast character is a tad bit incompetent. in one round he managed to raise the following red flags 1: offered a cadet a lawgiver without much background checking at all 2: the secvend was out of handcuffs for a long while (not really that much of an offense, even though i asked for it to be refilled twice) 3: didn't follow up with checking on the return of weapons he handed out, I had kept a laser carbine as a cadet for a long and only remembered it late and returned it myself but these aren't that much of an issue, and can be worked on, +1 from me.
  20. Today I bring you all another new, great suggestion, the bastard child of mechanical character skills, Character Handicaps. One of my biggest issues with playing an unskilled character was how hard it was to mechanically fail, especially high intensity actions like fire fights, not being able to mechanically butcher surgery without stabbing the patient like a lunatic. the list goes on, I'm sure I'm not the only one here. What this thread is suggesting is a tick box you are completely free to ignore and continue being the mary sue snowflake you are, and it would add a hardcoded debuff to the skill you chose. examples: Cooking handicap: random chance your food comes out burnt, lowers nutriments in dish botany: all your plants mutate to the worse, and their stats are debuffed almost always, you only harvest one fruit per plant CQC: your punches are likely to mess, do less damage and unlikely to knock out, your disarms are weaker and so are your pushes, your grabs are easy to resist out of and tabling takes some time. weapons: accuracy debuff, jam chance increase even from 0% weapons like MK58s. EVA: your movement outside gravity is that of a drunk person, you might accidentally turn off your oxygen when turning it on. construction: you might fail your construction, or construct the wrong object, repairing is likely to fail, welding damaged walls would drop the sheeting off etc etc. electrical engineering: a high chance to cut a random wire instead of what you were aiming for, likely to electrocute yourself on any wire, insulated gloves aren't fool proof when hacking. Atmospheric: the air alarm, oxygen tanks, and pipe UIs are all in ancient greek languages with randomized effects for touching buttons Complex Devices: anything high tech has a chance to get broken, jam or explode when touched by this klutz. IT: This guy still uses floppy disks, computers are inaccessible to them, they can only look at already open consoles, but buttons they click will lead to bad things like C: drive formatting. genetics: removed for now, but if this person hits the clone or scan button, expect a freak out of the cloning machine. chemistry: all chemical names are scrambled, clicking one option might actually add a different chemical and the amount might also be random science: anything printed out is broken, nothing of value is received when they analyze things. medicine: any chemical you inject will have a reduced healing effect, injecting with a normal needle has a high chance to break it. anatomy: surgery steps almost always fail, you can't splint properly, you can't fix dislocated limbs. virology: everything explodes im out of ideas these are just examples of how it would works, and i believe it would give a lot more options when roleplaying conflict and incompetence.
  21. neither you nor the changeling mentioned it at any point at all, I don't have access to full server logs and the part of logs i was given didn't show him changing the mode If someone is a constant shitter and they refuse to improve or listen to critique, then there is the player/character complaint sub forums. I told them to cite the powergaming rule so they can figure out why it didn't fall under it on their own, instead of just telling them it's not, instead xander told me I'm just a trial and haven't even read the rules and cited conflict rules instead, when they were arguing that stocking up on weapons as an antag was powergaming. It was prime time paranoia and the only other staff member not afk was busy, and I was handling two other ahelps alongside xander's. so him using ad hominem and moving the goal posts instead of understanding what i was trying to say stretched me thin.
  22. I didn't know that, but it doesn't completely invalidate his actions either, was it bad escalation? yea, probably. was his reasons to want you dead not enough? debatable. was it rule breakingly bad? I don't think so. There is a certain point where rules can only get so strict and yet be noob friendly. not everyone is able to roleplay an antag to your standards from the get go, the important part is that they learn and improve, you can talk to them in OOC, forums or discord but I don't think it's staff's job to micromanage RP when it doesn't break the rules.
  23. This was a paranoid alien that was doing illegal activity during code red, it's very easy to get paranoid even OOCly that security will be just around the corner. I don't think applying police regulations on firing weapons would be valid on someone as already mentioned. someone who was panic firing after getting up from being flashed and kicked. not to mention, due to how slow rates of fire is, you can't fire in burst of two shots, thus you will have to go with firing till the target is down when you're forced to use lethal weapons. not like this would apply in this situation.
  24. that may be the case to someone with a focused person, but say "hand over the weapons" to a changeling that was printing off illegal weapons and stocking during red alert with security armed, it's very likely to be understood as "hand over all the weapons you've got", which was what the player thought. but ok, look at it from another perspective: antag steels antag gets caught by boss boss demands he hands over goods antag pushes over the boss and bashes them. he cornered you against a door you had access to, you could have very easily flashed him and ran off, but you decided to kick the guy who dared attack their boss and who had already stolen lethal weapons instead of running away, you've accepted the consequences of doing this. do not try to bash and antag and complain they shot you. This was not: A: a murder B: without reason even if they had managed to kill you, you've already stomped on them, and you were trying to arm security, he had a reason for your death. not to mention he could use your DNA as a changeling. was the escalation poor? probably, but it was still there. and they had a reason.
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