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Head Admins / Devs
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Everything posted by Arrow768

  1. The forum system offers the capability to create "clubs" so people can create their own special interest groups. One of the Clubs that exists is the "Aurora Lore Club". Since the Club claims to be "A club dedicated to the lore developments of Aurora, and talking about them!" and is headed by the current lore master I figure that is the best place to ask your questions/discuss lore in a more "focused" manner than on discord.
  2. Afaik we never had the capability to go for an entire round on the current map purely on SMES/APC charge without a powersource being set up. Therefore I would be interested in the source that you based this claim on.
  3. The thing with bolting is that it was very “cheap” to use and had no consequence if someone forced their way through. The difference with that ability is that if someone needs to force their way through it can have severe consequences for the Vaurca. If it is made clear (icly and occly) that you can use whatever force is required to discourage a ta from continuing to use a blocking ability then I don’t see too much of an issue with it. (And yes, that includes beating it with a Batton until it either moves or dies)
  4. As Headdev I am not too concerned about that as there are checks in place for every role that @Alberyk would hold (even if Caelphon were to retire). My primary concern however is time. With 4 major roles (Head Admin, Maintainer, (Deputy) Lore Master and Tajara Lore Writer) there are quite a few things that need to be taken care of and I am unsure if that is not too much to ask of one person. I am concerned that this is a quick road to be overtaxed by the various tasks, as the lore team has historically been one of the more difficult teams to manage.
  5. Thats a easy +1 due to your past wiki contributions
  6. That is already mentioned in the OP.
  7. You have started playing again 4 days ago and previously you did not have the best reputation as indicated by the various responses in this topic. I would encourage you to stay for a while and show that you have improved your abilities before applying for head of staff.
  8. Moved to the archive as requested by the author
  9. If you want a IC explanation: Sector Administration requires that important communication is sent via fax for tracking and handling purposes. Think of it as a IT service desk with a e-mail address that you have to mail to get help. For an OOC explanation: We have two major usecases that require communication from the odin Z level to the station Z level: Response team "guidance" in the from of a ERT Commander Antags Listening to the things that happen on the station. Due to the way tcoms work at the moment it it not possible to restrict a relay to certain areas. In my opinion its too much work to implement a system that can handle all these different usecases. Therefore voting for dismissal
  10. Moved to the archive.
  11. If there is nothing else I’ll move this unban request to the archive within 24h
  12. Even if I look at previous connections, the IP address is not static/dedicated. I do not believe that this "byond pager issue" you cited in your original message had any influence on your ban status, as the ban was placed because you were using a (VPN) IP address of a banned person. The whole "doxing using a IP" is imho a bit overblown as all decent ISPs have measures in place against that (especially due to the GDPR and similar laws outside of Europe) At this time I do not have sufficient information to be certain about your status as a ban evader. As the ban that had you linked is relatively old I have deactivated the mirror-ban on your account and placed a note to perma-ban you in case you show behavior that is similar to that of dascorncakes. If you connect again with the IP that originally caused the ban, you will be banned again automatically.
  13. We have a policy that has been set in place by the lore masters and is part of the lore team "rules and regulations". Every member of the lore team has been made aware of these "rules and regulations" and is expected to follow them. Therefore any staff member who claims that a article outside of the archive is non-canon is not correct. As lore team members they have the option to perform a minor or major retcon depending on the scope of what they would like to retcon (by following the outlined procedures). But until such a time that this has happened and has been properly announced, the articles remain canon.
  14. You can find our current policy for retcons here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Lore_Team_Rules_and_Regulations#HOW_TO_RETCON_NEWS_ARTICLES This specifically requires: If a article is not in the article archive it is considered canon. There is also a additional policy regarding major retcons: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Lore_Team_Rules_and_Regulations#MAJOR_RETCONS
  15. My concern here is that a ban generally does not come out of nowhere. In most cases it is escalated from note to warning and then finally to a day ban. Usually the things you are noted for also need to be related to each other. (So usually you arnt banned if you get noted for 3 different things) At that point you already had your 3 strikes. With that said, we expect our command (and AI players) to uphold a certain standard. If you get a ban, you need to screw up repeatedly and/or quite severely. At which point it is questionable if you are fit to hold the whitelist. At the end of the day getting a command whitelist is not difficult. Afaik that is run with a "easy to gain, easy to loose" attitude.
  16. The point of the "syndicate" being so vague is that the antag players have the freedom to come up with their own stories / motivations without being constraint.
  17. I have also moved this topic to policy suggestions as it isnt exactly a code problem but a policy change related to our whitelist procedure.
  18. Voting for dismissal. Every part of the AI whitelist focuses specifically on the AI. Expanding it to drones, which are under a different lawset, is not within the scope of the AI whitelist.
  19. Seconding the vote for dismissal for the above stated reason. After the NBT has arrived we will evaluate the role of security and possible look into alternatives to their force monopoly if the situation does not improve.
  20. The statement about you using the same IP is not true as indicated by the connection data. We explicitly have a warning against using a VPN in our rules as ban-evaders tend to use a VPN connection to try and hide their "correct" IP. The problem there is that people who might not have done anything can get caught in these bans if they happen to be assigned a IP address of a ban evader. (With a VPN connection this is more likely than when using a "normal" residential connection) I would be interested in your security concerns which prompted you to opt for a VPN connection when playing online games.
  21. Given that this is more a technical question weather you are a ban evader or not, I will take care of this appeal and resolve it hopefully in the next few days. With that said, why have you been using a VPN to connect to the server when we explicitly warn in our rules that something like that can happen when using a VPN?
  22. Since screenshots arnt the ideal format for logs I removed them and looked up the logs for the ticket. Note that I will not be handling the complaint. PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: Hi. Got a minute? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Sure PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Roostercat? Did you still need me? PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: There are some concerns with your Warden play. Namely that you are being very obstructive, and not listening to anyone, including command. Some examples given were not searching a detainee and flipping out when it was suggested that someone else should search a prisoner because of sex related issues. Is this true? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: I tried searching until a Comand member told me not to, so I left it to the officer. According to the Wiki it's up to the officer anyway, I did it as a courtesy. PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: Right, I am being told you were being OBSTRUCTIVE to the process, however. Throwing fits at command orders etc. That being said, can you give your side of the story as to what has happened with this search in particular? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: What did I do that was obstructive? I did a search, was yelled at for doing the search by a Command member, then an officer offered to do it and I stepped out of the cell and dropped the prisoner clothing for her to take over. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: I literally did nothing to stop people from doing their job, just called them on it after it was done that they should have done it from the start. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: According to the wiki the OFFICER does searches, but they dumped an inmate on me without a word and just left. So I got yelled at for doing their job, then I let them do it. PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: Im being told that you have refused to do all other aspects of being a Warden as a result of this, though. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: What aspect of being a warden did I refuse to do? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Even when you pinged me I was doing a search of the armory and a brig sweep. I was literally DOING my job when you contacted me. I STILL am while talking to you. It kind of sounds like they lied to you to make me look bad. PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: When I pinged you, yo uwere sitting in the Warden's office. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Bullshit I was in the armory and MOVED to my office PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: In fact they're not doing THEIR job right now. They just put somoene in the brig without notifying me, so ... who's demonstrably not doing their job? PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: Do not try and claim bullshit here. I know what I saw. Aside from that, I have multiple people claiming you have refused to do searches after this as a result, such as the second time that person was brought in. As a side note, you were being told not to STRIP SEARCH the person, not to stop searching entirely. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Fuck that I was in the armory I CHALLENGE you to look at the logs of doors opened. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: I had JUST finished doing a sweep of the armory because they mentioned flash bangs and I went in to check the spare boxes. PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: Drop the attitude and focus on the ticket, please. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Then have mutual respect and stop falsly accusing me. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: I know where I was and you saying otherwise is disrespectful. Logs exist, if you think I'm lying then go confirm it. PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: So now you've come to me to tell me what "You've been told" several times. I don't care what a namesless faceless accuser is saying about me. Do you have an accusation of something I did wrong or are you just pinging me to tell me someone else is butthurt about me being abrassive in-character too? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Because so far this whole ticket has just been you telling me someone else told you stuff that isn't verified nor even true. Then you accusing me of lying to you which is also untrue. I'm sure you can understand why I'm quite upset. PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: The point of this ticket has been to ascertain whether or not you have even broken a rule, so far. I am saying "I've been told" because it is not proven, and I have been asking you questions for answers to better perform that goal. You are getting upset for no reason, and the only log on the door is well before this ticket started. That being said, cool your attitude, and answer my questions. Have you refused to do anything Warden related after this incident? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Ok so let me cut to the simple answer then. Someone told you I broke a rule, I've told you I haven't. Now that we got passed the he-said she-said, where do we go from here? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: I already told you I was doing my job when you pinged me. So I am not sure why you asked that again by the way (sorry for skipping over that) PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: Right. What I have been told on your side and from everyone else's side is more or less the same, but in the future, note that it is generally expected of Wardens to perform searches and to handle processing in general, as that is the entire job Wardens are being paid for. Other than that, there were no real rule breaks here aside from your attitude. The number one rule is Don't Be a Dick, and your attitude in tickets is definitely not looking well for that. I will not give you a warning for it this time, but know that you will likely be warned if you keep it up. All clear? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: So i get called a liar with no evidence and I'm the dick. OK just making sure on that. PM: Roostercat12->Korinra: You are pushing your luck. Do you have any other questions before I close the ticket? PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Even though evidence exists in my favor. I'm the dick for not just accepting false claims about me PM: Korinra->Roostercat12: Nope I'm good, no questions.
  23. Thats another one of these apps that got accepted and where someone (most likely I) forgot to update the topic.
  24. So I really forgot about that and since you have been effectively spriting for us on the dev team since about 3 months already I´ll just move that to the archive as accepted.
  25. Trial started as of today
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