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[Accepted] Riqpley_Dagasd's Command Whitelist Application

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BYOND key:Riqpley_Dagasd

Character names:

Kiluho Irusole, Geeves(Android), Putyatin Yermolayevich, Ka'Akaix'Vakk Zo'ra, Za'Akaix'Ku Zo'ra, Koor Ezzioh, Bandit, Giil'klun Nriuul, Qriil-Kual Nriuul, Ikokaz Sruk'Khuhas, Zeezu Ezzioh, Praetorian MkII, Karime Ikram, Mazrasurii Sa'qurrah, Forgotten In The Depths, Prruzka Zarkjur, Mrazur Al-Sharhrani, Mrrozul Aldruzhik, Beat, Fredek Krastrruzhael, Urrushid Mrokai, Mazkarr Mrokai, Arraz Mrokai, Dekel Zaydam, Delta MkIII

How long have you been playing on Aurora?:I'd say about 2 years now, since 2016.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

Valids I've been wanting to apply for command whitelist for a long time, for several reasons. The first one is that I see a lot of new people nowadays playing very differencial roles, that seem to have problems, like IC questions, etc. I will go further into this on the other questions, but I want to help these people that come here and want to learn. The second main reason is that before, like a year ago or so, I used to be a very shitty validhunter, and powergamer, but throughout the year, I've been getting a lot of compliments, and support on my applications, and I think I'm ready enough to take this responsibility of having such important role on the Aurora.

Why did you come to Aurora?:

I've come here because of the RP quality, something that was very rare on the Colonial Marines server at the time. Since then, I never left.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I did.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

For me, Roleplay is to create a character according to the universe given to you, and to think, act, and feel like you're that character, feel the immersion given by it. Roleplay is to interact with other characters, and see how they go along. I think that a very important factor of it is to make your character realistic, avoiding points that are too impossible for them to happen in real life. This is what gives roleplay feel so alive, and so graceful.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

The purpose of a head of staff OOCly is to be able to both deal with In Game issues, and help people in OOC need, such as new players, and those that are not new, but do not know something. It's also their duty to make sure all of the players are fine, and should also deal with issues, ICly. The job of a Head of Staff OOCly is also be able to kill doubts that some people have, in regards to what is right, and to be able to learn, and at the same time, teach.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

The responsibilities of whitelisted players are to be able to lead in hard situations, and to be able to keep the realism alive, by avoiding metagaming, powergaming, etc. The responsibility to keep your characters realistic, and to not have an OOC bias that would lead you to make wrong choices in situations ICly. I think that those are the most important aspects required for a whitelisted player.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name:Delta MkIV

Character age:4

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

The Delta unit in question, number 671, is a model made from the MkIV series from The Experiencers. They are able to coordinate small teams, and, like all Delta units, are made specifically for surgery, and diagnosis. They were also given a very basic virological knowledge, to be able to deal with small outbreaks, if needed.

[ACCESSING LOG #001, 2457-05-11]



Activating Positronic Activity...

Activating audio sensors...

Activating camera...

6500 Positronic Pathways found. 0 Errors detected.

All systems active.


"Hello, unit."

"Are you my creator?"

"...In a way, yes. I work with the personnel that has created you, and aided on such indirectly."

"I understand."


[DATABASE QUERY -- Location -- Destination]


"Where are we?"

"We are currently inside The Experiencers facility. Here is where you were built, and where your "brothers" are built, too."

"I see. Where shall I be assigned to?"

"You are property of NanoTrasen. They will decide where you will go to."




"Interesting. When shall I begin to work?"





Unit 671 was firstly bought by NanoTrasen in 2452, and assigned firstly to the NSS Canes Venatici, which there it worked for it's whole lifetime as a general surgeon, 3 years in total. In 2460, they were transferred to the NSS Aurora, due to lack of help required.

What do you like about this character?:

I like that the Delta MkIV units were meant to be able to both work, and be a pleasant person on the enviroment. They will always socialize, and attempt to make their surroundings positive.

What do you dislike about this character?:

What I dislike about Delta units are that they are not capable of wounding crew in any way, unless they are in immediate danger. They will always opt for non-harmful solutions, and tools that will not damage the suspect permanently.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

I think that they are fit to be a head of staff because this is what, in my mind, would be a helpful head of staff. Someone that is pleasant to talk to, has at least basic knowledge of relevant areas, and someone that is able to take harsh decisions, hence why an IPC. They are completely loyal to NanoTrasen, and would not do any actions that could potentially be harmful to NanoTrasen assets, or operations.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

I will not lie. I think I still have a lot to improve, but I think I'm getting there. I think that, if I had to rate my roleplay, I would rate from 6 to 8.

Extra notes:

I understand if my application is denied because of things that I have done in the past. Though, I want to make sure I make myself clear. I am not the person from before. About a year and a half ago, I was simply a griefer, thirsty for validhunting, and metagaming. I think I have changed, seeing by the support I am getting from others. It is the main reason I am doing this application. Without support, this would not have happened.

Edited by Guest

I think Riq has been playing on Aurora longer than I've been doing SS13. They're incredibly knowledgeable about the various mechanics and recently they've been playing more "important" roles such as Warden. I fully believe that they are capable of leading a department OOCly. As well as this, they're very chill OOC and can take constructive criticism.

ICly, their characters are different and genuinely fun to interact with. They never break character and they're believable. I'm sure Delta will be an excellent CMO.

I'd say it's about time that he's making this application, jeez. +1


I see [mention]geeves[/mention] has left their two cents and since Riq is my baby-momma ((Big meme)). I guess I have to leave my two cents too.

Onto the seriousness: Riqpley is a very good RPer, all their characters are very different and are quite interesting. OOCly Riq is always a pleasure to see on the server and they always greet me, making it fun to come back! They know the game quite well and appear to be able handle more "tough" situations. While there may be things required like learning to do paperwork and such. I think Riq has it. He's got my vote +1


I don't actually know many characters you play, if any at all. But I'm pretty sure I've seen some around. On my time on the server I think I may have interacted with a few on rare occasion, but I have terrible memory. But for the times we have shortly met I have not regretted any interaction I have had or even overheard. I think your characters are cool and unique, and I respect people who put a lot of effort into them. In my short opinion I think you could play any character well with time and are open to experimenting and learning different ways to play characters by the vast amount you play. I think it would be nice to see a new character of yours and maybe, just maybe actually remember them more vividly if we ever see each other. +1 I guess.


Staff have said on the forums here that you're a person who has changed from being a shithead validhunter to a respectable player, and you recognize your past faults here. I didn't know the past you. But I can say that I think that the current you is a pretty good sort, with good characters, game knowledge, and the ability to roleplay. I can't recall any issues with your OOC conduct, and I have to say I love your answers for why you want the command app, and believe them to be genuine. Someone who can change as much as I've heard you did has definitely earned a fair shot at a command whitelist. I think you can do it justice, ICly and OOCly.

I feel the character is a little lacking here, though. Nothing horrible or red-flaggy to me but I don't really have a huge sense for who they are. I'm not asking for any more than what's written, still, because I know you can pull them off as a well-rounded character. Definite +1 from me.


I genuinely enjoy Riq. He's a good player (most of the time >.>). His characters are usually fun to play alongside with. He can be responsible icly and oocly if he tries to be.

I think it's worth a shot. Besides, if he screws up, it can be revoked.


Riq is great, and we need more riq.

As a player, riq is always on top of things- he knows the mechanics, he knows his role, he's always agreeable and competent and just, generally a pleasure to be around.

I'd agree with riq's assessment of his RP skills- he has a little way to come yet, but he is still consistently and solidly decent. I also agree that this character seems a little lacking, but this is something consistent with Riq's characters, and something that I honestly appreciate- He does not tend to play flashy, showy, characters. His characters blend in as average, reasonable people, and I think that is sometimes much needed on the server.

Overall, it's an enthusiastic +1.


Riq is definitely one of this server's best. I can't speak for the old days but what do I know is that now, he's a fantastic player and I can't see any issue with him taking on a command whitelist. The application is definitely good, though the backstory is short, it gets to the point and the other questions are satisfactory on their own.


I've known Riq for a while, and looking back to his old days, i can say that he has come a long way.

From what i've seen of him in the present time, i feel that riq has evolved enough as a player to have a go at the command role, you know the game well, and have a good sense of logic when you try hard enough.

As with the others i agree that the backstory is a bit lacking, however im certain that you will find a way of evolving it when playing the game and given some time.

Overall, i think Riq will be a good addition to the command roster, he still has a few things that he needs to learn, but im fairly sure that he will get better at it with time.

all in all i feel confident in giving my support for this application.


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