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Chef/Hunger Roundstart Changes, Notified Breaks.


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If there is a chef on the station at round start, the station time will be set to either 7:00am, 11:00am, or 5:00pm. At 8am, 12:00pm, and 6pm, an announcement is made notifying the crew that they can take an optional 15 minute break. The hunger bar will start out at a specific amount so that all crewmembers will be hungry at this time. I feel that this would add depth to roleplay as there is a unified time where people may take a break, and the one hour mark is usually where things either get interesting or really boring to warrant finding some alternatives to sitting around all day.

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Please no. I really don't like this idea. Not only does this fall into the trend of trying to add in 'events' based on jobs filled, but this is another attempt at adding mechanics to force gently encourage people to RP with the chef. It didn't work with organ damage, and I don't think it should work now.

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Please no. I really don't like this idea. Not only does this fall into the trend of trying to add in 'events' based on jobs filled, but this is another attempt at adding mechanics to force gently encourage people to RP with the chef. It didn't work with organ damage, and I don't think it should work now.


I'm changing the round start time, which is entirely cosmetic, and adding in an optional 15 minute break that you don't have to participate in. The are two entirely minor changes yet you're overreacting, yet again. Bonus points for mentioning organ damage and how this somehow "forces" interaction. Optional was literally mentioned in the paragraph.

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...how this somehow "forces" interaction. Optional was literally mentioned in the paragraph.


You're manually setting hunger meters to coincide with this lunch time. Sure, this can be ignored by nutrition-less junk food and lunch boxes (which 'coincidentally' happen to be slated for being filled with only junk food) for the time being, but you're intentionally setting it so everyone gets hungry around the time that 'lunch' happens. Sure, it's not exactly forcing people mechanically, but it's not exactly a subtle mechanical encouragement.

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...how this somehow "forces" interaction. Optional was literally mentioned in the paragraph.


You're manually setting hunger meters to coincide with this lunch time. Sure, this can be ignored by nutrition-less junk food and lunch boxes (which 'coincidentally' happen to be slated for being filled with only junk food) for the time being, but you're intentionally setting it so everyone gets hungry around the time that 'lunch' happens. Sure, it's not exactly forcing people mechanically, but it's not exactly a subtle mechanical encouragement.


Currently, hunger levels are assigned randomly between 3 and 5. What I'm proposing is simply just setting the hunger levels to one that makes sense, between 3 and 5. A giant non-issue.

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I don’t like the idea of adding a hard coded CC-approved time to get off work. There are many complications this raises with jobs.

The fact it is an optional break also doesn’t really make sense, and people already break from work to get food/drinks.

Unfortunately, if it isn’t optional, it raises a host of problems as I mentioned before.

With this in mind, I would not like this added. -1.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

There are already ad hoc break times. Adding a formal level for break times seems like it would be a major pain in the butt; I play SS13 to lightly play a job but to focus on every other aspect of play. Having a pre-approved break time seems like the wrong kind of realism to add.

The spontaneous hunger may also be very frustrating.

With the addition of thirst on top of hunger we now have additional layers of meter management. If we lean more heavily on these then that will turn my characters from a roleplayed character to a Sim who's needs I must constantly balance in lieu of interactions with others.

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If people have time to stop working and seek out other roleplay, they'll do it. Sometimes people go to the kitchen with some friends or alone to chat with the chef. Sometimes they go to the bar (a far more popular choice, given... it's a bar). Sometimes they sit in the holodeck. Sometimes they sit in the department's break room… for a break. This change doesn't make any sense. If a chef joins midround, or even 10 seconds after the round started, it'll just be... exactly the rounds we have now??? I don't see the problem with the rounds we have now. People get hungry at different times. Some people ate before work, others didn't. Some people shove a goddamn sandwich and bottle of water in their bag so they don't have to play the "Is a chef going to be at work today or not?" game (a game I have nearly all of my characters play. It isn't great.)

This change isn't a good one and it's the second time you've brought it up. Let this one go.

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Most comments I have were already put eloquently by Conspiir, so I'll just post my agreement with their points presented.

Additionally, it makes very little sense from an IC standpoint. Most businesses and companies don't have set breaks; people take their lunch at their preferred times. People use their 15 minute breaks to either lounge around, go for a walk, take a phone call, etc. And people do this on station, too. I understand it's not mandatory but even the suggestion of an official break time seems really weird for the setting. An alternative would be to mix in a notice to the typical CC reminder announcement rotation that says you should take your breaks, along with a reminder that the service department exists for employees.

As for the suggestion as written... No, for previously stated reasons.

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So what happens when the round starts, calculates there's a chef readied up, fixes the ICtime and hunger level, then Joe the Chef cryo's way before that "slotted break time."? We're now stuck with modified hunger levels and (surprise) vendor food to "fix" it. Basically, it's forcing us all to line up at a vending machine, vend out food that barely fixes the issue, then makes us develop thirst worse than half the players of Aurora.

It's. Not. A. Good. Idea. For the second time this is brought up.

I could understand if this was factory worker simulator 5.0, but the reality is people take breaks when they desire if they work at a place that's a bit more prestigious than packing orders for Amazon.

This isn't going to promote RP with the chef. I don't have to like your character to walk up, place an order, pay for it, and fuck off back to my department. It takes three minutes? Maybe? And I DON'T have to RP with the chef while I wait for my order. This doesn't add anything to what we already do.

Instead of trying to make chef such a value to the crew, start getting people to RP with you via character development. You think anyone wants to RP with a janitor? yet Harper, Castralo and several others get along just fine.

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Also not in support of this idea. If you want people to use the chef, remove more snack vending machines, make the Kitchen a non-NT food business and give them a cash register and a waitress.

Restaurant RP is a lot cooler than 'grab cold food that's sat there for an hour' off a counter RP.

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Not really a fan of this. I very much prefer having my undivided attention onto my character's job for at least an hour and a half of the round so that my characters can actually accomplish something during that time.

Also, I've found that chefs are only reliable 10% of the time in making enough food to actually feed the station. They make a small amount of food, either goof off, get killed by antagonists, or just cryo when the round starts immediately. The actual 'chef mains' are nowhere to be found during primetime rounds, so what's the point of making the entire station reliable on a role with only 2 slots and barely any reason that makes them interesting and sustainable throughout the round for the playerbase to actually enjoy? I see more xenoarchs as of late than I do see chefs that actually last the entire round.

It's easier to ask cargo to order pizza, tbh

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Also not in support of this idea. If you want people to use the chef, remove more snack vending machines, make the Kitchen a non-NT food business and give them a cash register and a waitress.

Restaurant RP is a lot cooler than 'grab cold food that's sat there for an hour' off a counter RP.


Please do not remove more snack machines, I like staying alive as a Vaurca. With the randomness of the venders now, sometimes only 1 K'ois Bar spawns per vending machine. And you need /roughly/ two per round if you bring a lunchbox.

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Please do not remove more snack machines, I like staying alive as a Vaurca. With the randomness of the venders now, sometimes only 1 K'ois Bar spawns per vending machine. And you need /roughly/ two per round if you bring a lunchbox.


Side note: That's what the autoinhaler is for. Huff it and you're set for the round if you have a lunchbox.


I have never seen a company where you just take your breaks whenever. Anytime I've worked or seen someone work - they have scheduled break times.


Places that specialize in medicine and research do not do this. You take your break when you have the time. Experiment running for two hours? Take your break during that time. Things are time-sensitive very often. If the entire research center suddenly blasted out a notice saying "ATTENTION. IT IS NOW TIME FOR YOUR BREAK. PROCEED TO THE CAFETERIA." then you'd get a lot of middle fingers. The cafeteria is just as open at 3 as it is at 10. Yes, commonly people take breaks around noon for "lunch" but not always. It is up to you, it is up to what work you have to do, and it is up to your lab manager when you can take your lunch. Not a pre-determined "lunch now" alert.

At the very least this can apply to Research and Medical. I'd also argue very much it can apply to Cargo and to Security. Engineers don't really do anything anyway, they're always on break (I'm kidding).

Edited by Guest
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Another downside of this change that people here haven't yet brought up is that if you have a regulated lunch time, all other lunch times would become invalid. Some jobs, like Science or Engineering, can finish their roundstart in 10-20 minutes - would that mean that bartenders and chefs can tell them to go do their job (which they may not even have yet) and come back at the mandated lunchtime, instead of having lunch when they actually don't have anything to do and can take a break?

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Right, so what I'm seeing in this thread is mostly people over exaggerating what will happen based on their perception or people not bothering to actually read the OP.

Given the actual feedback presented in the thread, I will be removing the announcement and people can just take a scheduled break whenever because fuck consistency I guess.

Hours where people will be hungry will be the following:

12am (Midnight Snack)

8am (Breakfast)

12pm (Lunch)

6pm (Dinner)

If a chef is present, there will be a bias towards setting the round start time to 11pm, 7am, 11am, and 5pm. If there isn't, the round start time will be random, to the hour.

I feel that this is incredibly reasonable.

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Perhaps I'm not the one to say this, given how my petty complaints have made me a reddit meme, but this just seems pointless. What would this accomplish? If you want to make people gather together and interact, people who want to gather together and interact spend their time in the bar already anyway, they don't need nudges from game mechanics to do it. If people don't, they would just get food from the vending machine anyway, no matter what time they get hungry at. To me, this just seems like a pointless attempt to salvage a rejected suggestion - wasn't universal break time the main point of this?

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I just find it amusing we're forcing everyone to be hungry at the exact same time. Some people don't eat breakfast because they're nauseous in the morning. These are characters based off of people we've created, dude, not robots with pre-programmed feeding times.

I'm not hungry at the same time, every day, at the same time every one else in the tri-state area. What does this accomplish besides everyone bum rushing the vendors/chef at the same time? You're not making an announcement to enforce "break time" but you're still enforcing "break time" without the announcement.

Your suggestion doesn't add anything, nor does your compromise

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The point of this PR is to add some sanity to the food and hunger system so it's complaints can be addressed. A common meme is that "You don't need to eat 5 times in a shift." and this PR was meant to rework hunger into something that you deal with once per shift. The reason why thirst was added was to make it so that's the stat you worry about when you move around frequently. I noticed that while playing as a security officer, I never had time to eat or visit the chef and I suffered because of it. In its current state, thirst mechanics are a significant buff , but for some reason people believe it's a nerf just because of the concept of taking care of a thirst meter.

On a side note, I find it really disappointing that people claim I'm trying to salvage this PR just because I listened to feedback. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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Eh, thirst doesn't bother me. What bothers me is we have to eat about 4 cheeseburgers or 4 bags of chips to even get the hunger meter to go away. At the same time, you can eat a head of cabbage in one. single. bite.

It's not about WHEN we're hungry. It's about how much we have to go through to FIX the hunger.

So maybe focus on bite sizes, or food nutrition.

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