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[Denied] CampinKiller's Head of Staff Application

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Posted (edited)

BYOND key: CampinKiller

Character names: Marc Price, Matt Price, Brian Caruso

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since 2015 or so

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Always enjoyed playing in a Command role

Why did you come to Aurora?: HRP server

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yes. My whitelist was stripped in August as a result of an immature decision made by myself to play a character that was essentially a copy of my suspended character as a form of protest.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.


Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is acting out a character who is playing a certain role in a world/story/whatever. This includes acting out a character's thoughts, emotions, actions, etc. It should be about creating an interesting story that isn't just fun for you, but for the people you are roleplaying with as well.


What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

The OOC purpose of a Head of Staff entails multiple roles. On one hand, new players will look to other players (esp. the head of staff of their department) as a role model, and as such a head of staff needs to act as a role model. On the other hand, the head of staff is sort of like a moderator on an IC level, and needs to ensure the people in their department are doing good roleplay and not being a graytide.


What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

To provide a great roleplaying experience by being able to make decisions that further the roleplay of a round, and provide the management of the station. They also serve as rolemodels for newer players when it comes to roleplaying properly and performing the duties of managing a department properly.


Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?

Well, with the ongoing Lii'dra threat and the Frost attack, tensions are high, and nationalism/patriotism is on the rise. Marc Price is a company man, who owes his status in life to NanoTrasen, considering where he was before coming on with the company. While he has always viewed the Vaurca in a suspicious manner, the recent problems have only caused that suspicion to become almost outright distrust, as his mindset has migrated towards a more "human-first" state. How this will affect his opinions and career with NanoTrasen in the long term is yet to be seen, but in the short term, his views on Vaurca working on the station are not pleasant ones.


What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?

Head of Security, maybe some Captain with a Captain character, should I make one


Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:

Marc Price - Head of Security




How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 8/10. I feel I'm a good roleplayer, but have room for improvement.


Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?



Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?


Extra notes: I was told some time ago that I could simply C&P from my original application where applicable, if that changed, let me know.

Edited by Datamatt

Your last Head of Security character was incredibly questionable. Calling people seditionists for seeking non-violent conflict resolution routes with heisters. Acting mad with power to a completely unreasonable degree when unimplanted. What is your plan to act any better this time?


Your last Head of Security character was incredibly questionable. Calling people seditionists for seeking non-violent conflict resolution routes with heisters. Acting mad with power to a completely unreasonable degree when unimplanted. What is your plan to act any better this time?


I would love an example of acting “mad with power.” I don’t believe I was ever even talked to about stepping over boundaries, and I certainly never acted in such a way with that character.

As for the seditionist part, I recall the round you are talking about, and it wasn’t the nonviolent solution that was the problem - it was that regular crew members were going around the Head of Security in trying to negotiate that situation


Simply put, you're going to need to prove you've changed.


Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yes. My whitelist was stripped in August as a result of an immature decision made by myself to play a character that was essentially a copy of my suspended character as a form of protest.


This is going to be a big talking point. I'm sure the staff will have words about this. So let's start the talking. Here's the thread that this is referencing.

There's SEVERAL issues at play here. The first is, obviously, your immature attempt to evade CCIA actions and protest. But okay, let's say we can scratch that off; it's been four months, you admit it was immature, maybe you've cooled off since and recognize your mistake. I don't 100% buy it, but, I like to believe in people.

There's also the issue of you wasting staff time. Syn and Abo and Matt aren't out to get you. They're doing what their responsibilities, which they volunteer for, entail, to keep the server from melting down into chaos. I'm skeptical that you won't just be the center of more staff actions and IRs should you be reinstated as command.

What I see as the main issue here? Your attitude. OOC attitude matters for command whitelistees.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

The OOC purpose of a Head of Staff entails multiple roles. On one hand, new players will look to other players (esp. the head of staff of their department) as a role model, and as such a head of staff needs to act as a role model.

This is why. Frankly put, the attitude you've displayed since my time on the server is... well, it's not good. The last few threads you've been involved in are examples of this. Do you think you have a more level-head than you've shown us before your temporary departure from the server?

Price was one of the characters I spent time playing with, as I was learning the ropes of Security as Sunny. I'm afraid I can't pull up specific examples, as you've been gone for four months, but playing with Price was... unpleasant? I do have to echo Paradox's sentiments to some degree: Price's game plans leaned on aggression. Communication was basically nonexistent (Which really came to a head in the za bound canon round). I don't miss his command, to be blunt. And now that I have a command whitelist, I can say I think it would have been troublesome to work with him. Do you feel that there are areas you can improve on? Do you plan on doing anything differently at all, as Price?

Another big question that's been a talking point for command lately: Communication. How do you feel about your abilities to communicate, especially with other heads of staff? There's been a problem lately of many command staff butting heads, rather than talking and working together. What would your plans be when it comes to communication, especially during hectic rounds? How would you handle working with other command staff that Price (Or you) might not like (Such as Jawdat?)

I'm going to remain neutral at this time, until further discussion takes place. I won't support a trial for you just yet.


Okay, serious question, why did you apply with the same character that got you essentially command banned?

The whole contentious point was that Price was not a good head which is what you got an injunction for in the first place, what you refused to acknowledge and what you made the new character for, which ultimately lead to your ban.

So why would you apply with the same character?

This bedazzles my mind, either you're going to rework him completely from the ground up and admit that he was a bad command character at which point why apply with him in the first place.

Or the alternative is that you don't plan on changing anything and just think ONLY the fact you made the character double was the problem?

That wasn't the only problem, it all stemmed from the fact you refused to undergo a punishment for your bad character and in that sense, you completely denied that you did anything wrong in the first place.

Thus we are very curious about why you think we should give you a whitelist.


Okay, serious question, why did you apply with the same character that got you essentially command banned?

The whole contentious point was that Price was not a good head which is what you got an injunction for in the first place, what you refused to acknowledge and what you made the new character for, which ultimately lead to your ban.

So why would you apply with the same character?

This bedazzles my mind, either you're going to rework him completely from the ground up and admit that he was a bad command character at which point why apply with him in the first place.

Or the alternative is that you don't plan on changing anything and just think ONLY the fact you made the character double was the problem?

That wasn't the only problem, it all stemmed from the fact you refused to undergo a punishment for your bad character and in that sense, you completely denied that you did anything wrong in the first place.

Thus we are very curious about why you think we should give you a whitelist.


I’m on my phone, as I’m traveling, so I will get to the other posts later.

As far as I’m aware, Price was suspended because of his actions during the Bound incident. At no point did anyone, or has anyone, ever stated that Price was “a bad command character” being involved in that decision at all. Further, were that not the case, I was never talked to by staff about such an issue, period. The entire reason the whitelist was removed, from what I’ve been told, is because I then tried to circumvent the suspension that stemmed from that IC incident. At no point was it ever said “Price is a bad character, and so we are removing their whitelist.” It was “you attempted to evade IC actions, so it is now an OOC issue, and you are losing your whitelist.” If that’s wrong, then there has been some major miscommunication


I'll break it down.

There is feedback here already, there were a few IR's made against Price already, you were talked to quite often about bad security play with Price, you have multiple notes on this.

You created a second character to essentially say fuck you to the CCIA, that was either due to two things.

1) You thought the decision Price made was never wrong in the first place.

2) You thought the decision was too harsh for the mistake Price made.

You have returned after 4 months, played about 20 rounds (judging from your WI record) and then immediately applied with a character that started this whole mess.

Then you say in here that in your eyes there was nothing else wrong besides the double-character with Price and he's been a fine command.

Taking in feedback and accepting it is a big part of being in command and this is why I (cannot speak for the entire team), do not believe you should get a command whitelist at this time.

This is my explanation.


Honestly I always liked price, and I thought he was generally pretty good. I can think of one round in particular, cult, I think, where he did an utterly fantastic job communicating with the crew, organizing security, and role playing in general. You have definitely shown the potential to be an amazing member of command staff, but you DID get a 30 day ban, I think, by ccia. Still, ccia actions aren’t necessarily a reflection on the whitelisted player, they’re IC. Trying to evade ccia actions is just... incredibly immature.

If you get your whitelist back, how will you ensure we see the best of your play (because that’s definitely there!) and not the worst of some of your OOC actions?

but you DID get a 30 day ban, I think, by ccia.


To clarify this, the player was restricted from playing the character of Marc Price specifically in a security role for one month, as an IC suspension. CampinKiller was never banned from the server, from playing security, or from playing Command as a result of the Incident Report investigation. They could have also joined a round as Price during the term of the suspension in a non-security role.

The complaint he made regarding that investigation and our response to it may be reviewed here: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?p=103565#p103565

The loss of the previous whitelist was a result of OOC actions taken after the closure of that first staff complaint, and further details are covered in the second staff complaint, which Doxx linked to in her post.


I am going to be in -1 Support of this due to the main issue of how you conducted yourself. Sure making Mark Pryce was a stupid move and we can move forward from that mistake, but you made a entire complaint acting serious about it the entire time only to find out you did it as a fuck you to the ccia team and staff. You also havent played much since leaving for awhile and I dont feel you are ready to be put back into that position


I think Coalf failed to convey this properly, but the reason for your whitelist strip wasn't due to the actions of Marc Price alone. In fact, Marc Price the character was suspended by CCIA so as to give you, the player, a proper chance to reflect on exactly where your character's actions led them to that road.

The reason the whitelist strip happened is due to the debacle with you playing Marc Price with a Y in order to seemingly spite the act of the character suspension, as apparently admitted in another thread. Basically, the administration and CCIA both saw it as you trying to 'bypass an IC ban', as it were.

Might I ask why you did this? Was it really as a "screw you" to CCIA staff, or was it just a lapse of judgement due to frustration? I don't really care whether you did one or the other, just the intent behind it and how you plan on improving for the future.


I was going to quote specific parts of posts, but I figure that'll get too messy. Instead, I'll just divide this response into sections.

Regarding my previous behavior:

Obviously my behavior in surrounding the entirety of the incident that led to Price's IC suspension, as well as the subsequent strip, was completely unacceptable. It has been mentioned/asked by a couple people why I did the whole Price with a Y deal. It was a "screw you," I suppose, born out of frustration from what I believed was an incredibly harsh penalty that only got reinforced after I felt that a member of the server's staff had intentionally done something to weaponize an IR from another incident. That is not an excuse, and I don't want anyone to think I am trying to make an excuse. It was an incredibly immature thing to do, regardless of how frustrated I was at the time. I understand that the staff was simply doing their jobs, and were not out to get me - I never felt they were, anyway. I think the frustration of that, coupled with the increasing amount of shit I had been getting OOC'ly from people in the previous weeks, caused me to lose my cool in a very dumb way, instead of simply accepting it and getting over it.

Regarding Price

I've never been opposed to feedback on characters. Yes, Price leaned on being aggressive, which is required in some cases, but not all the time. I have plans for him to have a different mindset, considering his suspension and 4 month absence from the station. He's not going to be a completely different person, obviously, but he's not the same. My plans were for him to be less aggressive overall, as well as more understanding (where in the past he wouldn't give a fuck about your excuses). He's fallen back into some of his old personal problems, as a result of his suspension.

I would like to know what notes I have on Security play, because I don't really remember what I was talked to about, nor do I recall it being something that happened often, either. The last thing I remember before the incident was being told to not shoot someone who was stabbing someone, and that warning was reversed after making a complaint.


Obviously this was an issue with Price, as he's a more "hands on" leader, though I do believe that I could communicate well at times, it was definitely lacking more than it needed to be. I do believe I have the ability to communicate effectively, as I have in the past, just not consistently. Hell, my IRL job involves constant communication, though that is much different than an online roleplaying game. I tended to work well with other heads,

(generally speaking) including heads that Price did not like.

I'm aware that Price is not a perfect character, nobody's character is. Obviously, I lost my whitelist due to a series of very dumb decisions, and in the past couple weeks I've played, haven't had any issues. I believe I've done a lot better with Caruso of being less aggressive (different character anyway, but I mean in general). From what I've seen, whitelists now have a trial period anyway, so what harm is there in giving me a trial? At worst, I fuck up and we come back to this later, at best, I show that I have improved, and put people's concerns to rest.


I cannot support this application due to original reasoning that Coalf conveyed directly to you. I've gone through investigation and review due to process. Those CCIAAs involved in that incident report, we have not only double checked our work but has gone through serious scrutiny by the administration team. Nonetheless, your actions had caused to has keep us on our toes, made our rookie Ben nervous of performing his duties at the time, and our work harder than it needs to be. I've temporarily led a charge of a brigade on incident reports, one after one. CCIAs took risks to take their time off and finish many incident reports as possible even though they were volunteers who had life. I'm aware that we're past that "point" now and I do not think you understand what it means to have our two weeks of work to be challenged, scrutinized for approximately for a week, and to be insulted at the last minute.

I neither have confidence nor trust in you and naturally actions like this takes a long time to regain the confidence and trust in you. All you have are your words and promises like a politician but I don't hear or see your actions that are being commended by people. In other words, I am not seeing many sweats, blood, and tears on you compared to other applicants. I know that you don't want to hear this like many other people that do not want to hear this. I think one way that you'll be sorry is going to have to cut your ties and connections with Marc Price. This is the way that I can feel forgiven until then I cannot support this application for the reasons stated above. I think you should just take Marc Price as a whole character out and find a different character and is not Marc Pryce. After doing so, take an interest in your new different character with a redefined personality for a change. This will tell us that you'll keep to your promise and shows us that you are making a big step in adjusting your style of roleplay in exchange for Head Whitelist.

What do you think?


Your work was legitimately scrutinized in the original complaint against CCIA, before any stupid decisions made by me happened (aka before Pryce). I’m sorry, but that work has a right to be scrutinized in a case where someone feels that the punishment/decision was either wrong or too harsh, as in that instance.

I haven’t been advertising this in OOC post rounds, mainly because it hadn’t crossed my mind to do so. I’m sure if you were on when I am, you’d notice the differences in play with my Security character. However, I’m not going to sit here and “trade” a character that I think could have a good arc and story after the suspension in order to get my whitelist back. There have been plenty of others suspended for extended periods in ranking roles that have resumed service. Hell, one of them even got promoted to a captain. So why should my character have to be retired, in your eyes? Because I did something incredibly stupid OOC’ly, that had no affect on the character IC’ly?

My point here is, what’s stopping me from showing that: 1. The acts by me were due to a stupid lapse in judgement, and 2. My role play has improved, with Price


This application is being denied.

We don't feel like you have had enough time to prove you've changed yet, considering you've only come back recently. While we're sure you can improve, right now we don't have much proof of it. I urge you to reapply in a month from now.

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