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Remove Tricor

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Hot take: tricor is a crutch for med. Why make the cure-all chem in the game the most common and easy to make? It steps on the toes of cryo and literally every other damage fixing drug. Bicar and Kelo are so rarley used bc Tricor is just so plentiful and good at everything. If anything, just make tricor into omnizine, so its disensitivized to just pump people full of it, or add a low overdose limit. Its just too good and too plentiful. I want people to actually put thought into the medicine they use.

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35 minutes ago, Seeli said:

No thanks.

stellar argument

tend to agree w/ you on this. any kinda 'crutch' doesn't really seem advantageous to me, disincentivising thoughtful play and lowering the stakes of whatever situation it applies to.

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I've not seen it used in many a moon, save by those medibots, or very new players, at least personally. I practically see everybody take dex/keloderm/bicard if it's prepared ever. It's not really all that good, it's only 3 points of each damage type (6 for suffocation), it's mostly just a good medication to use if you can administer it quickly with say, a RIG's chem injector, or by the bots, because when someone is actually hurt there's better things to use. It mostly just tides people over until they can be brought to medical for proper treatment - or if someone has something like 2.5 toxin damage from a radiation storm and you don't want to waste dylovene on them.

Also, if you don't have anyone that can do chemistry on shift, dexalin and bicaridine are borderline unobtainable unless you get lucky with what spawns in the warehouse - so in these cases, it's pretty helpful to have around, because it's 100% better than nothing at all. I understand there are dexalin autoinhalers in the suffocation kits, but they're not always available, and while you can administer it in the sleeper too, you're not always treating patients inside medbay.

Also we have Omnizine already and it was a completely worthless addition by Burger and it's never used at all.

Edited by furrycactus
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34 minutes ago, furrycactus said:

Also we have Omnizine already and it was a completely worthless addition by Burger and it's never used at all.

I know it exists already, im just saying that it should be nerfed hard because its just way overpowered in its current state. healing every damage type with the only downside being that its slow

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1 hour ago, GlitterGuts said:

I know it exists already, im just saying that it should be nerfed hard because its just way overpowered in its current state. healing every damage type with the only downside being that its slow

I'd very much hesitate to even consider calling Tricord overpowered. The healing is still so minor that it's not breaking the game by any stretch. If you want an overpowered crutch, look at Dexalin Plus, which heals 300 suffocation damage per unit.

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Did something happen in medical when I was gone for a few months? Has its usage become common? Tricordrazine was a quick way to get the "medical mains" to laugh you out of medbay. 3/3/3/6 is great on paper but in practice it's uncommon to need to treat more than two injury types at once, and 3 damage a tick isn't going to be helping a critical patient more than a specialized medication will. 

Dex+ fixes all suffocation with even a 2u pill.

Keloderm basically erases burn damage in seconds.

Dylovene works better on toxins and is freely available.

Bicaridine is a better choice for critical brute damage, which is a common one.

Tricord is great for small injuries, triage, and when you don't have a chemist. It's more useful than medical purists say, but it's not overpowered at all.

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Tricord's heal rate is not enough to save the life of most people in critical condition, and it's actually far more inefficient to use than a cocktail of the higher tier drugs such as bicaridine/dex+ together. It's incredibly rare to see four damage types on one hurt person at once.

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Guest Menown

Tricord is great because it's mixable via the sleepers, meaning if somebody isn't really fucked, you're able to pop them into the sleeper for some minor painkillers and some basic treatment. No wasting bandages or anything.

Maybe make it so it metabolizes slowly, or something if it's really that big of an issue (hint, it's not).

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As a medical main, it is no where near a crutch-- when no one uses it often. You wish to say it's OP but have you witnessed what Epi does? It can pull a man on his feet with internal bleeding and a fractured skull. Tricord can't do that at all.

So no, don't remove Tricord. It's great in the medibots. It's pretty decent in your kit for moderate things. It will never be on the level of atropine+epi.

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Tricord is a wholesome, easy to aquire drug that fills the void of a lacking chemist (And possibly an unset cryotube). Its heavily used by paramedics or lone doctors trying to keep people alive.

So for the argument of removing it, seeing you have no chemist and the tubes are still hot, what do you do with a severe brute or burn injury? @GlitterGuts

As I see it, your only option here is to give them some inaprovaline and dump them in the ICU, and let them heal it off, which will take forever and a half.

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5 hours ago, Pratepresidenten said:

Tricord is a wholesome, easy to aquire drug that fills the void of a lacking chemist (And possibly an unset cryotube). Its heavily used by paramedics or lone doctors trying to keep people alive.

So for the argument of removing it, seeing you have no chemist and the tubes are still hot, what do you do with a severe brute or burn injury? @GlitterGuts

As I see it, your only option here is to give them some inaprovaline and dump them in the ICU, and let them heal it off, which will take forever and a half.

make small ammounts of bicar and kelo available from the start so that if there is no chemist they have to use medication conservatively or order more from cargo.

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8 hours ago, Scheveningen said:

It's incredibly rare to see four damage types on one hurt person at once.

Its really not. Cuts that cause brute damage along with oxy and poison damage from blood loss. Those together fixed so easily by the most common chemical in the game seems a little broken to me. I just think the biggest issue is that the cure-all drug that heals every damage type except traumas and genetic damage doesn't have an overdose limit.

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7 hours ago, ParadoxSpace said:

Keloderm and Dex+ are the real threat. Tricordrazine is basically harmless.

I agree with that too. Why we have two burn healing drugs is byond me, considering derm is inexpensive to make with kelo. Dex+ also seems a bid ridiculous. Perhaps just an even slower metabolization for tricor would even things out a bit.

Edited by GlitterGuts
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Hi, the medmain here.

Tricor is balanced already.  It's slow as fuck.  It will not prevent death from- internal bleeding, ruptured lungs, organ damage, infection, and severe poisoning.  It will prevent death from- getting stabbed a bunch as long as you're not currently being stabbed, eating some bugjuice from the vending machines, and getting burned as long as you are not currently on fire (but you'll still die from the infection).

Real winners don't even use tricor because it is actually the shittiest at what it does.

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27 minutes ago, GlitterGuts said:

make small ammounts of bicar and kelo available from the start so that if there is no chemist they have to use medication conservatively or order more from cargo.

This is a huge buff to medical compared to tricor.

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1 minute ago, Resilynn said:

This is a huge buff to medical compared to tricor.

emphasis on small. medical already starts with a tiny amount of derm. like 3 bottles if you count the EMT quarters. Just 1-2 bicar pill bottles wouldnt last long at all and would need to be used conservatively 

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1 minute ago, GlitterGuts said:

emphasis on small. medical already starts with a tiny amount of derm. like 3 bottles if you count the EMT quarters. Just 1-2 bicar pill bottles wouldnt last long at all and would need to be used conservatively 

You're not listening.

We don't use a ton of tricor.  You don't need many of these drugs to get through a round- I rarely go through a whole bottle of any one drug (60 units) and I abuse the shit out of bicaridine.  Pill bottles come with around 120 units.  That means 2 pill bottles are going to fully supply 4 doctors for an entire round with a much stronger medication.  


The basis of your argument is that tricor is OP.  It's not.  It's slow, it's weak, it doesn't fix most problems.

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1 minute ago, Resilynn said:

You're not listening.

We don't use a ton of tricor.  You don't need many of these drugs to get through a round- I rarely go through a whole bottle of any one drug (60 units) and I abuse the shit out of bicaridine.  Pill bottles come with around 120 units.  That means 2 pill bottles are going to fully supply 4 doctors for an entire round with a much stronger medication.  


The basis of your argument is that tricor is OP.  It's not.  It's slow, it's weak, it doesn't fix most problems.

120u is only 60u in practice bc ingested drugs are half-effective if theyre not dissolved in something. Even then the pill bottles are only half full at round start.

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Just now, GlitterGuts said:

120u is only 60u in practice bc ingested drugs are half-effective if theyre not dissolved in something. Even then the pill bottles are only half full at round start.

Fill beaker (available in all medical vendors) with 5 units of water from the sink, add pills.  Bam.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

Tricord is an aspirin pill compared to the specialized medicines. Its good for patchwork or for rapid injection to stabilize someone for a few critical moments.

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Oh, I am sorry. I was really tired, and another suggested nerf for medical seemed pointless and punishing. Let me reiterate besides "no thanks".

Tricord is used by the medbots, paramedics/rescue types, interns and residents learning medical, and medical teams that do not have access to chemistry or cannot get help from other departments. What little we start with WILL NOT LAST.

Take tricord away or set an overdose, and it stops being all of those. With an overdose, it's no longer safe for medbots to use, or paramedics, or interns & residents. Only thing it is safe for, is medical teams that have no chemistry, because they know how to use it. It is not a magical fix-all, it helps a little bit. Instead, it is a great way to learn medical and not kill every minor patient with overdosing.

Look how little it really does for burns compared to Kelotane; Tricord: Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick, Heals 3 burn damage per unit vs Kelotane: Metabolisation: 0.2u/tick, Heals 6 Burn damage per unit. Kelo has twice the metabolization and healing. So it's way faster and effective. Add dermaline, with half the overdose of kelotane and twice the effectiveness, and you're healing machine. 

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