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Brutishcrab51's custom helmet application

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Byond key: Slymantis84, used to be Brutishcrab51.

Discord key: Brutishcrab51#3185

Character Name: Oscar Easter

Item name: Necropolis Specialist Helmet. 

Item function(s): The item will feature an electrochromic visor. In essence, that just means that it's a Security helmet with a glass visor that can polarize or un-polarize. Handwaving reasons could have it so that the polarized reason doesn't actually mechanically obscure the face, though that's just to keep the code in-line with a normal security helmet.

Item description: A modified EPMC specialist helmet, with a built-in visor and HUD to access electronics and receive tactical information. It doesn't appear to serve many purposes in Biesel.

Item appearance:







Why is your character bringing this item to work? How did your character obtain this item: The helmet originated from the popular yet irreputable Ringspire PMC unit, which works for the EPMC in the ECF. The character's choice not to receive eye-augmentations so as to use ECF equipment and electronics led to him pursuing an alternative, and after several pitched orders and requests and prototypes and blunders, a working helmet with an electronic interface had been built. Usable through voice-commands and eye-tracking and physical cues, he was able to perform sufficiently well within the E-PMC unit. Upon transfer to Index Security Solutions, the helmet served other purposes, allowing him to track and monitor the myriad of IPC personnel that he supervised and administered. Following enlisting with Necropolis Industries - now with meritable background history and an emphasis on the Solarian branch of the weapon-manufacters' industrial interest, and a paint-job later, and the helmet was utilized just as it had been with the ECF. Allowing personal security and technological versatility with hands-on Eridani technology. It followed him to his assignment in Biesel, as it had been his headwear for close to a decade.

What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: The story that is Oscar Easter is one stuck in lore arcs and events stretching as far back as 2017 when we had the EPMC event. Easter is Morozian, though not necessarily Dominian, believing in a heretical form of Dominian worship wherein the Tribunal is viewed as inherently corrupt and wrong due to its mortal nature. You know, mortals can't know the Goddess' will. Anyways. The Eridani Federation was one of the first and only places where humans could run to as exiles and find a way to disappear, outside of the Frontier in general. It's as far from Dominia as possible and the Frontier, which does not like Morozians. Of course, in the ECF, there were only a few ways to find employment. Private Security, drug-dealing, salvaging, scavenging, mining, a myriad of administrative jobs which simply did not interest the character that is Oscar Easter. So, he chose Ringspire, a band of misfits and thugs employed by the EPMC as one of the largest mercenary groups in the ECF. It was there that he learned he had an issue.

 Well. Eridani citizens typically utilized eye-implants to facilitate their interaction with local electronics and equipment. Easter was Morozian, the Goddess forbade mechanical implantation. Instead of implants, he chose an alternative route, as listed above. The helmet was his way of making a life in the Federation while maintaining his own beliefs, and it served a second purpose of assisting him in intimidating simple dregs with a near-faceless reflection. It gives a nod to his background and has been something of a shield for the character for close to a decade, the majority of his life spent "free" of Dominian rule.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?: Well, simple. The helmet fits the playstyle of the character and his very machine-like, professional nature. It's a custom-built Eridani piece of equipment that through appearances gives some level of minor intimidation, and that's good. The character is known to be a near-faceless Necropolis goon, and one who's been through quite a bit. After seven months playing him actively on the server, I believe his somewhat faceless nature is a part of the character. It has, for one, encouraged people to ask about him and question his background and even species. Some people think he's a shell. That's good, not bad.

Sprites: I cannot for the life of me figure out how to upload a .dmi, but the sprites can be found above in the spoiler.

Additional Comments: It's to my understanding that armored items are questionable. However, I'm also told that if it's essentially a replacement to an item that the job should already have, that's fine. Security Officers and Wardens already spawn with helmets immediately available to them, and more often than not gas-masks are issued to Officers as a matter of course. With that in-mind, I'd hope this item's alright. It's effectively just a re-sprited Security Helmet, with a toggle to turn the visor on and off. "On" and "off" in this case being "polarized" and "unpolarized". A combat mode was included as an interest by the spriter. Full credits to BRAINOS for it.

Edited by Brutishcrab51
Cleaned up the format a bit.

Better than whatever I could have made by a mile; I'm not sure there should be exceptions for the uniform, though. This is a full face cover helmet, intended to replace the security helmet.


There have been exceptions for uniforms made for several security personnel. AEGIS comes to mind, if I remember correctly. More than that, plenty of people have uniform custom items. I was super excited by the spritework of the helmet in any case.

The same aesthetic can be effectively matched by mixing a gasmask and a security helmet, which come hand-in-hand for when you're wearing them. Should only be done on Code Blue, and by then, the majority of Wardens or Heads of Security that I've seen play have handed out gas-masks as well. The helmet, mechanically, 'ought to be the same as a security helmet - just with a visor.


Fits the character, appropriate, has an option to be more to his aesthetic or at the wishes of the Head of Security, not as aesthetic. I like it.

He also couldn't get a scarf to fit around his face, so this is a good substitute.

Yes I'm still angery about that.

The full face cover helmet is designed not to obscure facial recognition, but to break up facial pattern. You can still know it's Easter, Easter has the same facial 'pattern' every time. You could easily fluff it as some sort of purposely dark disruptive coloration.


Disruptive coloration is the theory that it breaks pattern recognition. A pattern is still recognizable, but against overall terrain features etc, it acts as camouflage. Think of a Zebra's stripes, it fucks up long-range vision, but you can still know it's a Zebra. Just fluff it like that.

It's polarized disruptive coloration. You can still see his face under it, and so, it's both recognizable when it's not Easter and when it is Easter. Best of both worlds, eh?

Anyways, yeah. With a good enough reason to be not actually obscuring, a +1 from me, chief.


This just makes me want Judges now.

Please execute me, Oscar-senpai.


holy shit these sprites look tight

i'ma drop my +1 in here; i've seen Sec with some lenience doled out in meager portion in regards to uniform policy before, and this is no different. with as much back story as this has, i'm convinced there's a solid case to be made here.


The sprites are good, and the item fits the character. It's a helmet, it protects your skull from impacts. This one just makes you look like a goon at times. I support it, and really have nothing else to add.


I'd rather we didn't. One, Security should not be completely covering their faces at all hours of the day (I'm aware that they have ID cards.) We explicitly came down on them ordering balaclavas every round. Two, it does not fit corporate security. corporate security dresses like a bank guard, not https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3mGOv this. Thirdly, Security is already barred from wearing helmets when it's not code blue or code red. This character is not even an Offworlder, the one species that has an actual reason to be wearing a mask/helmet literally constantly.
A big -1.

20 minutes ago, ParadoxSpace said:

I'd rather we didn't. One, Security should not be completely covering their faces at all hours of the day (I'm aware that they have ID cards.) We explicitly came down on them ordering balaclavas every round. Two, it does not fit corporate security. corporate security dresses like a bank guard, not https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3mGOv this. Thirdly, Security is already barred from wearing helmets when it's not code blue or code red. This character is not even an Offworlder, the one species that has an actual reason to be wearing a mask/helmet literally constantly.
A big -1.

The helmet is a re-sprite of a normal security helmet, as such, as would be assumed, it would not be worn unless on code blue or red. I also disagree with your sentiment that corporate security are "bank guards". They have access to an armory of assorted weaponry and SWAT-style body armor, and come from an assorted background. I can't think of many bank guards I've seen that walk around with gas-masks, helmets, combat rifles and tear-gas (As, in the Aurora universe, laser rifles are common military-grade weapons). I do not see how the character not being an offworlder would affect the viability for wearing a helmet, either. It comes defaulted as open-faced, which is effectively identical to a helmet+gas mask.

11 minutes ago, AmoryBlaine said:

This feels more like something that would fit well with mercenaries as an alt helmet- or pilot's helmet.

Mercenaries use solid red as a color, the helmet is also Eridani in background. Black and red would not really fit their aesthetic, but I can't be sure given the proposed aesthetic reworks of mercenaries.


I'm going to deny this, on the basis that such a item that can hide the face sets a bad precedent for what we want security to be doing. Security should have there face present at all times unless a need for protective gear is needed.


We decided after discussion to give this a go, it will be locked to only the sec officer role, and wearing it when sec should not be wearing helmets will be grounds for permanent removal.

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