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[Accepted] Littlelilyflower's Command whitelist app

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BYOND key: littlelilyflower

Character names: Summer Valiere, Zoey Ester, Tohru, Seela Kluub

How long have you been playing on Aurora?:
I want to say three to four months now? My forum join date is a bad indicator since I didn't make it right away.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:
Mostly I want to help provide RP with the departments I mostly play in..Which a lot of times seem to be very understaffed too..Which has been science lately, medical is mostly fine on that front. I think I would do a good job at it and so I want to give it a try.

Why did you come to Aurora?:
I roleplay most of the time as my main hobby. The last SS13 server I rped on was Drymouth glutch, which was a fallout server. After the server died, I wanted to keep RPing in SS13 and wanted to try an actual space-operaish setting and a friend of mine mentioned this server. Nether of us had played here before, so I am not sure where they heard about it. Gave the server a try, had a blast and have been here since!

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?:
Yep, all of em, even the ones I don't plan on playing!

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
Yes, just one. It was only a minor warning, and was for something that while I maintain was in character, that I understand I could have handled the situation better in-line with server expectations.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:
Roleplay is a medium of story-telling and improv-acting within any given setting..It is telling a story with a group of people and watching it all come together over the course of the session. It should be fun, it should be creative, and to most it is an escape.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
I think a Head of Staff is really meant to help facilitate RP within their department. They are not there to be the be-all-end-all to the department, but to provide their staff with a direction or goal, only really stepping in during cursed low-pop hours. I do honestly think they are meant to just support the station and the current going ons and the normal crew when it comes to staving off antag problems, and in place of no antags, creating something for their department to do.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
I think their main responsibility is to uphold the server expectations and once more, to help provide RP to other players. A lot of what I think their responsibilities are, are also tied into my above response..Just on an OOC level, I think whitelisted players are meant to be held to a higher standard and should help promote a friendly atmosphere, as opposed to just being some super-robust person who can do everything and not bother with the rest of the players currently in their department.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
The main thing I think would be the conflict in District 6, Little Adhomai. Given that there has been a civil war going on which leads to such things like riots and what not.

I cannot say it has effected Seela's career, one of my more focused upon characters currently..But, for like Summer, I have been RPing that she has recently gotten a job at one of the hospitals in Mendell that her sister works at. Given she is an EMT and the likely need for more first responders, she has been taking time away from working on Aurora to do work involving that.

If I had to consider Zoey, her course of action would be to volunteer with IAC once again to also offer her own aid for relief in district 6.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
RD and CMO, two departments I am comfortable enough in.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
For RD, I plan on playing my skrell, Seela as an RD. I think she has the best mindset for it and while her main field of study was anomalous materials and xenoarcheology, she went to the grand university and thus has spent a good 40 years in school. The school has high expectations for even attending, wanting students able to be capable of basic chemistry and physics.

For CMO, I may either play my former IAC surgeon, Zoey Ester, as a CMO..Or I may just make another skrell for CMO - this part I am not to terribly decided on. I also at one point considered playing Summer's sister as a CMO if I ever went for a whitelist, but out of the three options I am least fond of that one.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:
I really do not like to rate myself, not because of a lack of confidence..but because it is so subjective, and to me, roleplaying is a form of creative writing and I understand there are always ways to improve upon my roleplay. I can however say that I am super adaptable and don't mind having to change things occasionally to make something fit, I can also say I am very creative in general.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Yes, and I believe this is completely reasonable.

Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
Yep! Even for the ones I don't specifically plan on playing.

Extra notes:


So, I've spent a long time interacting with many of their characters and I can say that they are an excellent rollplayer. On top of that, I've been spending most of my recent rounds interacting closely with Seela, and I was amazed they weren't an RD/Lily didn't play an RD. They are a natural teacher and able to control a department. I've also seen them take the time to OOCly teach people mechanics. So, I'm gunna give them...







Lily is a is a fantastic roleplayer and all interactions with their characters are very enjoyable, and I can confidently say that they'd fit into command roles well.



I'll be handling your application.

Please try to get a bit more feedback, you can advertise your command app once per round in ooc.


+1, great roleplayer, great person, very well deserving of the whitelist. I'm sure they'll do great in any command position they chose to go for I'm sure, and I agree with everything that's been said about them in this thread.


I'm a big fan of them and their characters. Mainly only really interacted with Summer in game, though I've kept an eye on their Skrell when I ghost or wander. They play their roles well, they always try to roleplay and they're a pleasant person to speak with whenever the chance to comes up. I'm rooting for you.



I think that feedback is enough.

You will be a given a trial from 06/APR/2020 till 13/APR/2020.

We encourage that you play as command chars during this time and get people to post feedback regarding your command play, you can post your app once per round in OOC.


Posted (edited)

Littlelilyflower spent her shift as RD training assistants on how to do their job in research. An excellent way to keep people busy during extended.

They seem to play a command character who doesn't act like they are better than everyone else.


+1, enjoy our small interaction.

(edit: I like people who ask for criticism in their round announcements)

Edited by afitz
Posted (edited)

I didn't realize Seela and Summer were played by the same player but both make me feel fluffy and loved. Additionally, Seela is a consumate professional. 5/5 would warble again.

Edited by Estoytrucha
6 minutes ago, Wigglesworth Jones said:

Seela did good during a rather poor ninja round, and while they could have communicated better at times I overall have a positive opinion.


who were you that round? I am dyslexic and when there is a lot going on sometimes it is easy for me to miss stuff, so it helps to know so I can know what specifically to pay better attention too.

Posted (edited)

Hello, as a command member, your first and foremost job is to make a round fun. In doing so, you have the generate opportunities for both crewmembers and antagonists to create some sort of storyline.

In the past round, the Spy vs. Spy one, you had a run-in with an antag.

Could you please elaborate what ignoring a threat from "an intruder" standing near you with one tile between, and calling the ganksquad to come and take them out of the round, contributed?

You seem fine (and even good!) in other aspects, as the posters above point out, but perhaps you could try and treat the valids a bit better, aye. Playing along could lead to some pretty good interactions, and if not, you're taken out of a probably bad round anyhow. Stonks.

Edited by geeves

Kinda agree with the above. The actual mechanical side is really solid and good, but you really need to give antags more leeway. The obvious one that comes to mind is to suggest incinerating a (mostly) peaceful ling very early into the round.

Posted (edited)

It was strictly what they threatened me with, which was acid. I had my AMI on, since going near an area with a blob under it to deliver an emitter to engineering to help with that. Given I thought they were going to use acid and that my suit would protect me, I thought calling for Sec would chase them off so I could resume my actual purpose being in the area..Giving a backup tool to engineering. HOWEVER, I was not aware that when they mentioned using acid, they really meant /shooting with plasma/. If I realized they were going to shoot me, I would have likely just let them be on their way. My goal was helping the station, as that for Seela takes priority (She always will value the option that has the less risk to crew. Calling ISD was meant to deter the antag.).


I usually do play along with antags, and more often than not support them in someway. This one just happened to be on the way to what Seela considered the actual threat. Incidentally, in the end I don't think they even used the emitter.



As for Lemi's response.. I mean, that was more a comical suggestion to watching something turn into a horrifying spider monster. I wouldn't actually *do it*. T-T.

Edited by lilyflower

Generally speaking, calling security on antags means they're going to die in the next few minutes. A good deterrence, as a command member, is to negotiate with them, or throw credits at them. I've done it quite a few times.

In this case, you would probably open with what you intend to do, dealing with the blob, and asking if they want to leave you alone or even help you with it. If they then actually aim at you or start blasting, you run away and call for security. Otherwise, talk it out.


Well, I did witness a your RD attempt to protect her staff and exosuits against several heavily armed intruders, who were not really even threatening you or them, and just looking for the exosuits. You did this by attempting to use a KA to firefight with them. I feel like this falls in line with the more recent comments that you have issues with antags. I feel like especially a skrell should know better than to pick fights they cannot win, so do be careful there, as well.

I understand staff likely spoke to you about this incident and the round was extremely hectic for a trial, but you really do need to not try to go hero mode to such a ridiculous level. Your RP is good and even great; I was your golem friend that got spaced by telescience nonsense, and we had a fun time. However, command is much more than just being good at RP. I hope to see you improve yourself, but I cannot give you my support at this time. Regardless, good luck.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Doxxmedearly said:

Well, I did witness a your RD attempt to protect her staff and exosuits against several heavily armed intruders, who were not really even threatening you or them, and just looking for the exosuits. You did this by attempting to use a KA to firefight with them. I feel like this falls in line with the more recent comments that you have issues with antags. I feel like especially a skrell should know better than to pick fights they cannot win, so do be careful there, as well.

I understand staff likely spoke to you about this incident and the round was extremely hectic for a trial, but you really do need to not try to go hero mode to such a ridiculous level. Your RP is good and even great; I was your golem friend that got spaced by telescience nonsense, and we had a fun time. However, command is much more than just being good at RP. I hope to see you improve yourself, but I cannot give you my support at this time. Regardless, good luck.

I was spoken too, I explained my reasoning! I had bribed one of the antags out and been keeping them out with non-violent means all round..I have actually since Lemi's comment been avoiding combat-focused methods. I only meant to distract, I thought the KA would do more to let me run away, I was /very/ wrong (If I knew how to make those lube grenades I would have gone that route to run away with as a distraction..but I don't know grenade construction since the science stuff I do know largely isn't for combat). I choose a non-lethal method for the exact reason of not winning a fight. After all, we had spent all round building those exosuits and quietly awaiting materials. It is something I know for the future, as that really was just to cause a distraction and run away so my roboticist team could keep their work and was done out of a panicking, desperate skrell (I had been emoting them being anxious though I think only one or two people would really have seen that).

But after digesting, I think I see what I could do different next time I get thrusted in such a gimmic. I focus to much on the defense of my lab and the people in it, to a detriment.

Edited by lilyflower

summer is nice player : ) yes : ) ))))))))

+1 many times for good player also good mod on dirthmouth and very nice persin overall : ) ))) thank


Her rp is neato burrito and she gets shit done overall without having stupid feelings get in the way, solid in my book : )


Having spent a lot of time with Lily, I've noticed a lot of cases where she takes extra time to make sure newer players/characters feel included, and actually helps to make sure they know what they are doing. Whether it is teaching an intern how to be a paramedic, or working with a scientist on chemistry, they have always helped me not feel like an idiot while playing. I can't say anything to their talent as a head of staff, because that would require much more information than I have, but from an RP perspective, and from a general "being a good person" perspective, I believe she is fit for leadership.


I'd like to suggest that the application is accepted.

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