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You forgot Caffeine addictions, and let's not forget the fun things known as allergies! Specifically to important Medical chemicals/tools like Inaprovaline, Bone Gel, and generally everything designed to make Medical furious.

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Surprisingly Inis, the blue-haired, pale, scarred, idealistic, semi-rich, religious pacifist only scoed 350.

I've always thought Inis was among the super special snowflakes.

I shudder to think what she would score if it was Apollo-Inis, there would need to be a super power section as well.

Also, phtsical disabilities? Like epilepsy, migranes, etc.

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Janet scored a 365, one snowflake for every day of the year. She got boosted by a 200-pointer, and with y'all knowing me, I think you can guess where it came from... hue...

Also, there should be a field asking if your character developed any groundbreaking technologies *coughflashclonednukeopscough*

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Cylia Tuvies - 290

Hartam Belorin - 5. That is, only after I randomly added the ''killed someone'' thing.

Terry Paulson - 45

Garry Milders - 290

Raymond Tanner - 320

Walter Duhham - 160, but would probably had something added, if blindness was included in the list

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Gonna go through most of my characters here. Couple notes as I go through this:

I find it weird how blue eyes is +10 and green is +0; Green seems more 'special' than blue to me.

Also, complexion.. I have no damn idea so I skipped that one, I don't consider any of my characters to be attractive or ugly.. My flavor text also tends to just solely be a description of color and size

Also, for human height, I based that off wikipedia's listing for averag height in the U.S.:

- Male: 176cm (5'10")

- Female: 162cm (5'4")

Tajaran eye color... Based that on common cat eye colors since nothings on the wiki about that :P

Ariana Eshlian: 180 - Not a snowflake

- Human: +0

- White: +50

- Red hair, female: +50

- Green eyes: +0

- 5'7" tall (3" taller): +0

- Age 26: +50

- Prosthetic arm: +20

- About as qualified as someone her age that went through the academy: +0

- Middle class, maybe leaning toward upper: +0


Jack Wolfe: 80 - Not a snowflake (Note: I havent fully fleshed out a backstory for this guy yet so things are subject to change; He's a bit bland right now)

- Human: +0

- White: +50

- Brown hair: +0

- Brown eyes: +0

- 6'1" tall (3" taller): +0

- Age 41: +0

- Has worked two different departments (Does not currently, currently assistant/ERT): +10

- Being ERT is probably snowflakey: +20

- Upper/middle class: +0


Katana Silvers: 100? Idk.

- IPC: +50

- Age 2 (It's an IPC, recently developed.. Errrm.. Does this apply to IPCs?): +50

Ok I give up on this one. So many things just wouldn't apply to an IPC :P


Kylan Hadyara: 560 - Snowflake

- Tajaran: +200

- Ivory fur (Standard for M'sai): +0

- Yellow/green (Hazel) eyes: +0

- 188cm tall (1" taller): +0

- Age 52: +0

- Prosthetic arm and leg: +40

- Assisted eyes: +50

- Colour blind (Not listed, probably snowflakey?): +10

- PTSD (Only really used/manifests during stressful or antag rounds): +50

- Addicted to cigarettes, prefers cigars: +50

- Fully qualified for his age: +0

- Works mining and security: +10

- Was in a war. He's killed people: +50

- Both parents died in the war, considering the revolutions and the death tolls, I wouldnt consider this unusual: +0


Miraj Zi'Ad: 360 - Semi-snowflakey

- Tajaran: +200

- Golden eyes: +0

- 157cm tall (Within average): +0

- Age 33: +10

- Mechanical heart: +50

- Debilitating fear of unathi (Typically results in freezing up, hiding, or running away): +50

- Degrees and entry level experience in Xenobiology and Chemistry; Considering her age, seems fine?: +0

- Born and raised in money, rich: +50


Rasine Ha'kim: 390 - Semi-snowflakey

- Tajaran: +200

- Blue-gray fur (Standard for Zhan-Khazaan): +0

- Blue eyes: +10

- 180cm tall (Within average): +0

- Age 30: +10

- Fucked up leg = limping. Not listed, but it's probably a snowflakey thing: +10

- Worked mining since she was 17. About normal for a Tajarran miner?: +0

- Still working despite assaulting a crew member (On records): +50

- Slept with 1 person from her workplace: +25

- In a lesbian relationship: +100

- I play her as being somewhere between poor/middle class: -15


Sairis Helosi: 155 - Not a snowflake (Bullshit. Have you seen her backstory?)

- Human: +0

- Green eyes: +0

- 5'10" (6" taller): +0

- Age 32: +10

- Prosthetic hand: +20

- Assisted eyes: +50

- Covered in cut/burn scars, Not pretty: -50

- 32 year old CE with her life career so far being engineering. Seems about right?: +0

- TECHNICALLY does not quite qualify for CE, lacks a couple years of experience: +50

- Slept with someone from the workplace: +25

- Has broken station rules to help others (Particularly, hacking doors/breaking through windows): +50

- Middle class: +0

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Doing this one character at a time,

James, fabulously perceived IAA implanted with a loyalty implant beholding artificial intelligence that stops anything it perceives as non professional conduct

Actual Snowflake level:12/20

white +50

Tall +25

28 years old, +50

Attractive +25

Cybereyes +50

Social,sexual,self image, personality issues he deals with in destructive,delusional ways, not being able to commit suicide due to implant+50

Alcoholic, albeit being stopped from ingesting by his implant currently

Slept with a workplace person +25

Sitting on multiple paychecks +50, rich

Wears sunglasses always -10

Speech uniqueness +50

Snowflake level:410, semi snowflake

Morgana, started off as a CSI self insert

white,dyed hair,24 years old,attractive,2 cyberhands(clone,getting them back once she saves enough money), cybereyes, paranoia and personality/self image issues, wears goggles everywhere, drug addict,unique abbrasive speech, saying fuck a lot, slept with someone from workplace, been used for ERP

Snowflake actual level: 14/20

Snowflake level:740(hahaha only ten points to dangerously snowflake)

Hosea, an incompotent heavily religious love and peace promoting bald 50 year old security cadet who solves every security issue with a bible and had a traumatic past and also can't do 10 push ups without dying and is also a chaplain. Can't understand technology

old,2 old tech arms,old cybernetic eyes,ptsd and redemption preoccupation,martyr complex, wears sunglasses, has numerous small scars that he won't heal because he's technologically retarded, heavy alcoholic,underqualified as fuck,works 2 departments,excessively poor as he gives all his money away and lives in a church,unique evangelical speech

Snowflake actual level:40/20

Snowflake leve:235 not a snowflake

Dorothy, nazi-ish psychologist 85 year old grandma

white,has black sunken eyes, 85year old, ugly, wears glasses(SHE'S 85 THOUGH, +25?!),slightly insane, doesn't manifest visibly, at least not obviously, grossly over-qualified,hs killed before, numerous times

Actual snowflake level:20/20

Snowflake level:215, not a snowflake

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I got 110 as Robert.

How is being white a snowflakey attribute?


Check your privilege! Sis scum!

Maybe it's for just plain out extra points? The majority of characters happen to be Caucasian so I highly doubt it's nothing more than filler.

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