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Post a Picture of your Character


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So, not sure if this has been done before, but post a picture of your character! It can be a drawing, realistic interpretation, w/e.

My only char...

Jesse Armstrong



top cop mass murder


Normally I don't find good real life lookalikes of my characters, but this Israeli servicewoman has Zahra's hair, skin tone, and grin just right. It's pretty close to how I picture her, minus the military training.




For those who know him:

Izemut Scal'a'har


RIght-click that stuff and open in new tab, because Izemut is too amazing to not have his own tab.

mfw two people look like famous actors.

Not everyone can draw, sorry.

Besides, it's a representation, you can tell more from a character from their flavor text, it's just that Timothy Olyphant was who I pictured when I made mine :P


Maximus Crane looks like Natalie Portman except missing two legs, sixty or so years older, much paler, with more wrinkled skin, a slouched forehead and a larger nose that is slightly asymmetric, not to mention more pursed lips, larger ears, a receding hairline, a birthmark on the right buttock shaped like the commonwealth of Massachusetts, grey hair, a less toned chest/sternum, an ulcer, flaring nostrils, and also a man.

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