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Player Awards - Results!

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Best AI:

1) E.C.O.M - 32 votes

2) M.O.T.H.E.R - 7 votes

3) CelestAI - 5 votes

Best Cyborg/Anroid/Robot:

1) Cadmus - 51 votes Shocking

2) Tie between Frost and Mix - 9 votes each

3) Bit - 3 votes

Snowflake of the year:

1) Adolph Hammerstein - 28 votes

2) (Tr)Ash LaCroix - 12 votes Admiral Ackbar would have been proud

3) Kathleen Bullard - 10 votes

Most memorable player (that can be good or bad):

1) Pyrociraptor - 12 votes Hon Hon

2) HunterRS - 8 votes

3) Nethros - 7 votes Dude, this is my first time winning, cut me some slack.


Biggest Baby:

Garnascus - 75% of the vote

Best Adminbus (ckey):

Alberyk - 16 votes

AimlessAnalyst - 12 votes

Serveris6 - 8 votes

Best Admin:

1) Aimlessanalyst - 27 votes

2) Alberyk - 17 votes hue

3) Tie between Itzal/Shadow and Serveris 6 - 9 votes each

Best Mod:

SirCatnip - 17 votes God bless 'stralia

TrickingTrapster - 8 votes

Coalf - 7 votes

Heads of Staff

Best Captain:

1) Zander Moon - 28 votes Its high moon

2)Uriel Evans - 7 votes

3) Jester Stamos - 6 votes

Best HoP:

1) Hanira Yishu - 45 votes Way to go squishy

2) Jawdat(not specified which) - 23 votes

3) Valorallen Vitellia - 12 votes

Best HoS:

1) Dylan Sutton - 34 votes God bless 'stralia part two: the reckoning

2) Raymond Hawkins - 18 votes

3) Tie between 5 different HoS, fuck counting that.

Best CMO:

1) Curel Wald - 23 votes I promise it won't hurt

2) Hanira Yishu - 20 votes

3) Simon Greene - 8 votes

Best RD:

1) Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh - 22 votes The squids are taking our jobs

2) Serenity Neferet - 8 votes

3) Tony Smith - 5

Best CE:

1) Riley Finlay - 27 votes

2) Jan Fischer - 18 votes

3) Oliver Roadman 10 votes


Craziest Scientist:

1) Isiah Fraser - 18 votes I swear its safe! - Isiah Fraser's last words

2) Edgar Dawnguard - 10 votes

3) Zahra Karimi - 5 votes

Most creative Engineer:

1) Tie between Riley Finlay, Manfred Hayden Monique Byrd and Jan Fischer - 10 votes each

Most Robust Officer:

1) Sslazhir Yinzr - 28 votes Thumps his tail against the floor. "Muh honor"

2) Dylan Sutton - 26 votes

3) Mark Syion - 6 votes I bet you created 6 google accounts for that

Best Antag

Note to myself: Specify if ckey or something else next time

Best Doctor:

1) Curel Wald - 19 votes Anyway, zis is how I lost my medical license

2) Astor Shaner - 15 votes

3) Mix - 7 votes

Most Likely to Endanger Crew:

1) Mark Syion - 21 votes I swear, this plan will work - Famous last words of Syion

2) Manfred Hayden - 16 votes

3) Adolph Hammerstein - 14 votes

Greytide of the year:

1) Rob Oster - 72 votes The one and only.


Most creative Engineer:

1) Tie between Riley Finlay, Manfred Hayden Monique Byrd and Jan Fischer - 10 votes each

Most Likely to Endanger Crew:

2) Manfred Hayden - 16 votes

Most Likely to Injure Crew Through Creative Engineering:

Manfred Hayden.

I'm in such good company in the Creative Engineer category. Its not my fault you people don't wear hardhats.

Oh I see. I already draped myself in a cloak of glory because of this poll and now this leaks out. What's your source? CNN?


As an insider, I can tell you it's Fox News.


Typical FOX. We're all just Ne's to them.

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