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Head Admins / Devs
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Everything posted by MattAtlas

  1. I completely agree with this. Gas masks are too versatile currently.
  2. I really enjoy both of your characters. Yinzr is a very good officer, one of those officers you can actually trust in following regulations. Faysal is one of the best and pretty much only active HoP I see around my time. He is a really good HoP from what I can tell, and his harem is hilarious.
  3. You wrote bone saw instead of surgical drill. As for the red blood - I don't think anything happens. It just gives the vaurca blood. Dexalin heals a vaurca of suffocation damage like it would on an human. I'm guessing dexalin+ hurts a vaurca.
  4. This dude is seriously one of the best roleplayers on this server. He somehow manages to never break character and every single interaction I had with him - both OOCly and ICly - has been fantastic. His characters are unique and likeable, I can't +1 this enough. Good luck.
  5. bye man
  6. Shit this is a lot of praise. Thanks, man.
  7. I support this man on his crusade against lesbay, MattATLAS will make medbay straight again. I will build a wall of demotion forms and I will make the neon haired FLBs pay for it
  8. do I need to fill out a contract for this pledge? because yes I am ready to deal with bad employees
  9. I've played with Tomiix quite a few times, mostly with Azala Guwan. They are quite a good player and their RP is excellent. I have no doubts they would do good as a moderator, +1.
  10. Sytic is an amazing player. ODIN has the really nice characteristic of having a personality. Not a dull one, a *fun* personality. Which makes ODIN a good character in my book. His RP in game is fantastic, rarely breaking character and keeping the RP itself entertaining. Skimming over the application, it's good. I don't see any glaring flaws. A definite +1 from me, he deserves the whitelist.
  11. I thought I already posted here, but I forgot to post. Saudus is a good player. He has a nice attitude IC and OOC, and his characters are solid. Harrow is a believable scientists unlike many others and he does his job well. I've been seeing him more as my secskrell, and that reinforces my opinion that he's a good player and deserves the whitelist. +1, good luck my dude.
  12. If this is the round I'm thinking of, then I was there. Moltenkore was the CE, he was playing as Akela. There were problems with the tesla, obviously because of Alicia. She apparently turned all of the emitters on, denying the CE's orders. I could go on, but that's probably enough. Round ID was bQr-CZiq. I have seen Alicia's behaviour with the tesla happen twice now and it is pretty upsetting. Her character has an unhealthy obsession with the tesla that shows every round she's in, and in some rounds she brings it way too far. It's not an interesting quirk anymore, it's just annoying now.
  13. Superiorform is a good guy. He's pleasant to roleplay with, does his job well and I have played many rounds with him. I cannot +1 this app enough, I sincerely do hope you get the spot. You would be a perfect fit.
  14. RedOktober12 is an excellent roleplayer. I see Tedrow around a lot in medbay and they are fun to talk to. They also roleplay well. Looking over the character, I think your application is fine. +1 from me.
  15. Just a note. Chief Medical Officer aren't super doctors, their job is to delegate, manage and if there's a need, step in with their skill set to assist the department. A player is able to know every piece of mechanic there is but their character knowing everything would be a violation of rules. Exactly this. I don't like having my character be a super doctor, that's why I always refuse to make my character do chemistry or virology. It's just not fun to me being able to do everything and I prefer delegating said tasks to others. I play it off as actual cluelessness in my character usually, which might come across as actual unfamiliarity sometimes.
  16. I can agree with this, I personally feel like frag nades should always be on a set timer and not be able to be modified. I also agree with the fact that resting down should give a high chance of dodging most shrapnel fragments.
  17. There were some complaints about the age, which I sympathize with, personally. So I upped the age and it doesn't really change the backstory, which is good. That should be all.
  18. This application is far too short and lacks a name. The backstory also seems rather empty. I can't support this, you're lacking a name and a good backstory that shows understanding of the lore. Of course, that's just my opinion.
  19. I like this idea, I can get behind it. Though the screaming part seems unnecessary, just the distinction between shouting and exclaiming would be enough.
  20. A 37 year old Skrell would be basically a teenager to other older Skrell. Skrell to human ages are 1:1, so a 37 y/o skrell is fit for a CMO position.
  21. BYOND key: MattAtlas Character names: Matt Hawthorne, Jennifer Perigree, Araa Plenek, Xli'loqu Axqiu, Lalia-Qixal Suxi How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 3 weeks and a half or so. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I realize I have been here for only a small amount of time, compared to the other whitelisted people who have been here for over a year, but I wish to be on the whitelist because I have been doing pretty good as a surgeon lately. Not only that, I have been trying my hand at being an interim CMO lately and thanks to the unusually good feedback I have been getting and contemplating whether to make the application or not, I have finally decided to make it because of some encouragement. Why did you come to Aurora?: I came to Aurora because while MRP was... decent, it was just not my cup of tea. I couldn't get my head around not roleplaying, and I was observing on Aurora for a few days. Eventually, I decided to get on to try it out, and I found out that I liked Aurora and HRP immensely more than MRP and LRP. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes, I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: What roleplay is depends highly on the person. For me, roleplaying is impersonating someone else, getting to know your new character and observing their interaction between them and other characters. However, something that is more important than that is driving a story - what good would a character be if they had no purpose? In my opinion, roleplaying and characters are both things that bring players towards constructing a story. What is most important however, is having fun while doing so. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I think that the OOC purpose of a department head is to act as a guidance for the new players that decide to play intern roles to learn the game or their job correctly. They are also there to coordinate the staff and listening to the staff's complaints about other characters. Another purpose is to make roleplay more interesting - having a capable department head that assigns roles and, for example, organizes timed breaks at the bar or break rooms is much, much better than the entire department being uncoordinated and running around with a clue about what to do. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As I said before, the OOC responsibilities of whitelisted players is knowing how their character's department works and acting as a guide for the intern roles or other roles in their department. It is also imperative to lead people towards good conduct if they're doing minor things such as using emoticons or word shortenings IC. I'm going to uphold these by asking interns if they know how their role works and if they'd like guidance and a general overview of the department if they're new. I will also oversee what other people in my department are doing and correct their mistakes or answer their concerns if they have any, either in LOOC or IC. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Araa Plenek Character age: 76 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Araa was born to a medical doctor father and a scientist mother. They had laid seven eggs, only one of which had hatched. The parents believed they wouldn't have seen their child - but luckily, one of the eggs hatched. The genophage was still reaping the lives of many children in Jargon IV at the time. As an adolescent, Araa was told by her parents the events of the the Glorsh Rebellion and while she was somewhat afraid and anxious something similiar would happen again, she was also interested. How could an artificial intelligence do all these things, she asked herself. Many other questions soon followed, mostly about the singularity itself. For her, the subject was interesting, but her parents couldn't answer most of her questions as they were too specific. Seeking answers, what she learnt instead was religion. It was a chance encounter with a student that made her question religion, as it happened to pop up in a discussion about technological progress that Araa realized her interest shifted towards this religion called Weishii. Araa believed in the importance of progress and it's there that she realized the importance of progress - striving to be better was now her aim. Leaving the past for another day and the explanations she once sought at home, she decided to walk after her father's path and become a surgeon. From there, she attended a medical school to perfect her abilities as much as possible. You could say her mindset was weird, but it was what drove her to become a surgeon in the first place. She didn't want to see lives lost again, and she thought that walking after her father's steps would be the perfect way to save lives. After she was finished attending said medical school, she thought about where she wanted to go next. Was she going to stay on her own planet? No, she thought, that wouldn't be ideal. She had always wanted to see the stars since she was little. And now, combined with the desire of saving people, she decided to learn more about other species and perfect her skills. She then ended up looking for work the next few days. Seeing the stars and other species kept her busy enough, but one question remained in her mind - where did she want to work? She began sending applications to various places, hoping her resume would be good enough. Unexpectedly, she ended up being quickly hired by Nanotrasen to work aboard the NSS Aurora as a surgeon. During her work on the NSS Aurora, she was once promoted to the position of interim CMO and was mostly clueless, but with time she had understood that being a CMO was much more fulfilling than being a surgeon. Wanting to perfect her abilities further, she had asked for a few more shifts to become an interim CMO, and was then asked on the fourth shift if she had considered applying for the role permanently. Thinking over this, she had decided it was the way to go to fulfill her purpose, and applied. What do you like about this character?: I like how dedicated she is to her line of work. It's something I really enjoy roleplaying - putting others before my character. I also love how calm she is and even the fact that she's religious, which makes for interesting interactions. Something else that I enjoy is how she doesn't act distrustful towards synthetics in her line of work. It really makes her feel like a dedicated person that puts others first all around. What do you dislike about this character?: Sometimes her dedication makes her act too naive. The fact that she'd rather trust others puts her in danger many, many times and she is also very, very prideful. Being so prideful and often lowkey bragging makes her make some mistakes sometimes, which she deeply regrets afterwards. She also tends to boss others around even when she is not in a command role, which can be detrimental to others' opinion about her. Her general distrust of synthetics in private also sometimes gets her in trouble, while she doesn't show this while working it is very obvious in private, sometimes even belittling other synths and, well, asking for trouble. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Her calm attitude is the main factor that drives me towards choosing her as my CMO character. I have tried roleplaying her as an interim CMO five times so far and it has worked out really well, with her getting praise most of the times which made me surprised, if I have to be honest. Her attitude while in a command position is also great, and I've found that others like it a lot, apparently. All of these things and the fact that she would love to have a CMO role IC make me believe that Araa is a good fit for CMO. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: A solid 8/10. I haven't received any complaints about my roleplaying yet, which makes me believe I've been doing decently good. Extra notes: I actually was considering not making this app since I didn't think I was here long enough. However, with some people pushing me towards making it and telling me I've been doing good as a CMO, I've finally decided to make this application. Special thanks to those who have told me to make it, good shit.
  22. This solution. I like it.
  23. BYOND Key: MattAtlas Character Names: Matt Hawthorne, Jennifer Perigree Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Teal Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: When I first joined Aurora I looked through the lore and races list. The only race that caught my eye was the Skrell race, mostly because of their backstory. I read through it a few days later and I started to see just how much work was put into the Skrell lore and backstory. Something else I like about Skrell is how they talk and how they interact with synthetics and even other beings. Mainly, my reason for wanting to play the Skrell species boils down to their immense backstory, their interactions with other beings and also, as minor as it is, they way they talk. It's a little thing I always enjoyed, like in Mass Effect 2, back when I played it, I always loved the way Mordin spoke. Sounds kind of irrelevant, but I still love it. Something that could also sound irrelevant is that I almost never see any sort of Skrell on the station, and I'm interested in seeing interactions between two Skrells, as I rarely see more than one. Their language is also a driving factor for why I want to play Skrell, as the concept of a language that can express so many emotions is pretty exciting to me. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The list of differences between Skrell and humans would be pretty big. In essence, what makes playing them different is mostly how they act, so a human would be much, much more prone to acting on a whim rather than a Skrell, who would usually be calm and collected. The difficulty in speaking in would also make for some fun and different interactions with others. The other big reason is, of course, the synthetics. Skrell would be anxious, if not afraid of station synthetics, due to their backstory and the fact that children would probably be conditioned to distrust synthetics. Something that's also notable is that Skrell have, or rather can have a wider variety of roles than humans. The two religions also make for interesting backstory material, as I think Weishii is a pretty interesting concept and would love to see what other crewmembers think about it. Character Name: Araa Plenek Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Araa was born to a medical doctor father and a scientist mother. They had laid seven eggs, only one of which had hatched. The parents believed they wouldn't have seen their child - but luckily, one of the eggs hatched. The genophage was still reaping the lives of many children in Jargon IV at the time. As an adolescent, Araa was told by her parents the events of the the Glorsh Rebellion and while she was somewhat afraid and anxious something similiar would happen again, she was also interested. How could an artificial intelligence do all these things, she asked herself. Many other questions soon followed, mostly about the singularity itself. For her, the subject was interesting, but her parents couldn't answer most of her questions as they were too specific. Seeking answers, what she learnt instead was religion. It was a chance encounter with a student that made her question religion, as it happened to pop up in a discussion about technological progress that Araa realized her interest shifted towards this religion called Weishii. Araa believed in the importance of progress and it's there that she realized the importance of progress - striving to be better was now her aim. Leaving the past for another day and the explanations she once sought at home, she decided to walk after her father's path and become a surgeon. From there, she attended a medical school to perfect her abilities as much as possible. You could say her mindset was weird, but it was what drove her to become a surgeon in the first place. She didn't want to see lives lost again, and she thought that walking after her father's steps would be the perfect way to save lives. After she was finished attending said medical school, she thought about where she wanted to go next. Was she going to stay on her own planet? No, she thought, that wouldn't be ideal. She had always wanted to see the stars since she was little. And now, combined with the desire of saving people, she decided to learn more about other species and perfect her skills. She then ended up looking for work the next few days. Seeing the stars and other species kept her busy enough, but one question remained in her mind - where did she want to work? She began sending applications to various places, hoping her resume would be good enough. Unexpectedly, she ended up being quickly hired by Nanotrasen to work aboard the NSS Aurora as a surgeon. What do you like about this character? What I like about this character is mainly her passion for medical doctrines and her will to save people, mostly. What's also interesting is her religion, which I decided to integrate because I felt like it's a very neat concept that isn't exactly spoken about too much. I also enjoy her will to get things done and her curiosity for other species and even other fields of work. Her constant desire to get better is also something I'd really enjoy seeing where it goes, and something I relate to. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate myself... maybe an 8/10? It feels like bragging, but I'd consider myself a pretty good roleplayer. Maybe others can give more insight. Notes: Not much else to say, other than I may have chosen one of the more difficult species for my application, but I like a challenge.
  24. Personally i like the concept, I just think the name takes the character from "kinda interesting and unique" to "stupid meme." Otherwise I like the backstory, even if it is a little short. The concept seems pretty good to me too, my concern is mostly about the name. Perhaps the backstory can be a little longer.
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