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[Accepted] Moderator Application - MattAtlas
MattAtlas replied to MattAtlas's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
While I did consider applying for CCIA for a few days or so, I ended up believing that CCIA is a mixed bag for me, at the moment. From your description and my own findings in how IRs are dealt with and how much time it takes, I'm not sure whether I would like it. Keep in mind - "I'm not sure I would like it". It isn't that I wouldn't like it, but that if I ended up applying for CCIA and didn't like it, what then? I'd have to resign, and I would feel like a complete asshole resigning after a short time. Meanwhile, looking at how moderation works, I find it to suit me more overall. Schev does bring up valid points, but I can deal with that. I already know what I'm getting into with the logs since I used to moderate and admin on various TTT servers back in the day, so I find that rather normal. If I end up not liking moderation chances are I'll try CCIA out too. Does this answer every question you had or do I need to say more? I apologize if I sounded like a dick by not replying. I was mostly kidding around there, but I seriously did consider applying for CCIA. -
I know most of his characters from playing with him a lot. It's a definite +1 from me. His conduct in OOC and IC is pretty good, although sometimes you end up almost self antagging as Viatorem, but that's a completely different issue. Your roleplay is very good, and I wouldn't mind seeing you as an Unathi at all.
Age: 15 Timezone: UCT +1 Character Name(s): Erana'Weshi Xoqia, Araa Plenek, Xli'loqu Axqiu. Preferred means of communication: Discord is my most prefered. Skype is a decent second choice. Telegram also works. When are you on Aurora?: 14:30 to 21:00 on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, 13:30 to 21:00 on Monday/Friday, 12:30 to 21:50-23 on Saturdays, 10:30 to 21:30 on Sundays Experience How long have you played SS13?: Around 3-4 months. How long have you played on Aurora: Around one month and a half, possibly two by now. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I know pretty much everything except half of engineering. I know how engineering works in principle, but not how to set up the engines. The department has just never attracted me too much, but it is one of the things I want to improve on. I also know a lot about the combat system. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Not at all. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never been banned. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I play SS13 because it's a roleplaying game first and foremost. It lets me roleplay as someone else, it lets me forget about the real world and just play another world of sorts. I play it for the interactions with people, but mostly because it is fun for me as a whole. Why do you play on Aurora?: I play on Aurora because it's meant to be an HRP server. I play here because it's high roleplay, and MRP/LRP have never had much appeal to me. While I have always wanted to try out HRP, the only server I knew about at the time was BS12 and I didn't like the military RP part. Then I stumbled upon Aurora, and here I am. What do moderators do?: Moderators are the medium between roleplayers and the rules. They're there to enforce that rules are respected and that a proper roleplay experience is had for the players. They are also there to advise people on what to do, if there are any ahelps about departmental questions moderators are expected to handle them. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means to be knowledgeable about the rules and enforce them on the server. It means that you care about the server as a whole, and the people that want to play it, and that you want to make it a better place. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator because it'd be hell of a good experience in my opinion. I really, really enjoy this server and I play here for my entire day, and I feel like I could do a good job at moderating. I also want to "give back" for giving me a good server to play on. I also want to make people have a better roleplaying experience in general. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I'm good at handling stress and insults. I'm also knowledgeable in the rules, and I trust myself with the position. I'm also on for most of the time in my timezone. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I handle stress, anger and insults rather well. I don't have a problem with them, since I learnt not to care about them. Anything Else You Want to Add: I don't really want to add anything, other than damn, do I have to thank Superiorform and DatBerry for nudging me towards making this application. Thanks a lot.
[Denied] DaBurs Head of Staff Application ²
MattAtlas replied to DaBurs's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Your last application was denied for lack of feedback, but how would opening it again a day after help? Speaking of. Your earlier reply was very clearly sarcasm ("... thanks for citing my 18 day old warning.") or salt, one of the two. If you really did appreciate the feedback, you'd have left the part about the warning out. Based on your attitude in responding to DatBerry I don't think you're ready to be a head of staff and I have to agree with sonic here. I also don't see you much in game, I've seen Prismatic a few times before but that was mainly you triggering air sugar grenades in the hallways. -
This is fucking glorious and portrays my character accurately. 10/10 squid points
[Withdrawn] JMJ99 Head Of Staff Whitelist application
MattAtlas replied to JMJ_99's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'll be blunt - Mika isn't command material. At all. She has been seen throwing hissy fits by both me and other players. I've also seen her be downright insubordinate at times, which isn't something you want to see in a command member. Not only that, but her motivation is nothing to bolster. "She has very little motivation beyond keeping people healthy" sounds rather cliché and if she had no other motivations, wouldn't she be better off staying as a medical doctor? I also find it unlikely how Nanotrasen gave a random synthetic partial rights, but oh well. Speaking of your roleplay, it needs work. I've seen you improve, but the extent of your roleplay so far hasn't been great. You've often let emotions affect your decisions while playing Mika, which isn't what should be happening. You've however said you're trying to improve, so I'll withhold my judgement there. Lately I haven't seen you play much at all, so I'll refrain from saying anything else. Try to play more, unless you're not in my timezone and I'm missing something. I'm going to go with a -1 right now, sorry. Mika isn't fit at all to be a command member, and your roleplaying needs work. -
[DENIED] Markus_DC's IAA application
MattAtlas replied to MarkusDC's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
You forgot to answer to your byond key, and the 4 questions after it. -
Re-add radio muffling when someone is either weakened or handcuffed.
MattAtlas replied to Scheveningen's topic in Archive
I completely agree with this, not only because of realism reasons but also because of balance reasons. And yeah, it should be pushed in as a trial run, much like the chemistry changes. -
[Accepted] Aboshehab/Sharp Dionae Whitelist application
MattAtlas replied to Faris's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've played with a bunch of Abo's characters before. And his RP has been very good, in all honesty. I think he's underestimating himself by giving himself a 7/10 on roleplaying. Either way, it's a definite +1 from me. His characters are nice, and have a lot of depth. I have only had good interactions with Abo thus far, so I don't have any complaints. -
But I was set on fire. I was just on oxycodone at the time, which is why it didn't do much to me. I'm talking about the fight in R&D maintenance, where you killed Amalia. Again, I did not kill Amalia. The ERT and the Gygax killed Amalia. I stepped aside to let them do their thing and chase the last heisters. You shot Amalia 2-3 times with your thermal lance, she was in crit and it took 3 melee hits from my rifle to kill her. You practically killed her at that point, the ERT in the gygax didn't touch Amalia before she died. You stepped aside after putting Amalia in crit, that's when you stepped aside, not when you were told to 3-4 times by me at the entrance of R&D maint. You pushed past me with a thermal drill literally as I was about to fire my grenade launcher, you could've gotten us both killed with your actions. You also didn't mind the antags shooting you, or the risk of that happening, considering you went EVA on the surface bridge despite there being armed intruders, and you did know that.
I definitely never hit any ERT with a thermal lance. You would have caught on fire, which didn't happen. I shot once through the R&D window with the door closed and once in the hallway, which mostly missed and hit the wall. I also did step aside for the ERT and the Gygax who killed the antags. I never actually killed anyone. But I was set on fire. I was just on oxycodone at the time, which is why it didn't do much to me. I'm talking about the fight in R&D maintenance, where you killed Amalia.
I was one of the ERT members, the squid, and I did actually tell you to step aside several times. You ignored all of my warnings, you even accidentally hit me with a thermal lance because you pushed past me while I had a grenade launcher with frag grenades and aiming at the heister, but you pushed past me to thermal drill the heister. While the militia WAS allowed, you pushed past me and another ERT member in a gygax to kill a heister. That's not very good conduct, especially when you almost ended up being shot death, by both me because I almost fired a frag grenade and the heister.
[Accepted] SebkillerDK's Skrell whitelist app
MattAtlas replied to sebkillerDK's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've played with Seb's characters, mainly Samiya and Colton, for quite some time now. His RP is rather good in my opinion. Regarding his OOC attitude, he's pretty good there too. I don't have any outstanding complaints, as I think he's fit for the Skrell whitelist. Glossing over the backstory, it also seems good. I also get why it's rather barebones, it's much easier and in my opinion even better to have a character grow organically in game. It's a +1 from me, definitely. Good luck, dude. Can't wait to see you warble. -
[Accepted] Tailson's Skrell Application
MattAtlas replied to Tailson's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
>someone reccomended it to me In all seriousness. Tailson is a really good roleplayer, and by giving himself a 7/10 he is really, really underestimating himself. His roleplay is excellent, and he never breaks character. He is also really nice to talk to, and Winters is personally one of my favourite characters. About the backstory. I can understand why it's not that big - but on the other side, the best way in my opinion to make a good character is to have them grow organically. I think that's what Tailson is doing here, having a fairly solid and simple backstory to build upon. Having spoken to him, he certainly does understand the Skrell lore. This application is a major +1 from me. I can't wait to see you warble, dude. -
make sec officers valid again
It was a loyalist round, for reference.
I don't see why not, really. It could be good.
I *really* am not a fan of IPC heads. At all. They are still tools and should be treated as such, they should not be in delicate positions at all. We should have organics in sensitive roles, because said organics can understand emotions and are able to act accordingly to delicate situations. -1
Aaron Hughes's Head of Staff Application
MattAtlas replied to Aaron J. Hughes's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Erana'Weshi Xoqia is my HoP. It was a few days ago. That is indeed quite possible that I may have went SSD after a request of HoS once, I do not exactly recall nor remember what happened, but whenever I request interim HoS, denied or accepted, I always continue with my task, even with you I should've performed this. But if that action you mentioned happened for a longer duration, I am sorry that such thing took place, it very rarely happens where I get disturbed and be SSD for longer durations. I will definitely try my best to not have such occurrences appear again. The only thing I can recall was a moment where I went SSD during crew transfer as warden but I do not think that it is the incident you're talking about. Alright, that is fine. In that case, I am going to stay as neutral and retract my -1. -
Aaron Hughes's Head of Staff Application
MattAtlas replied to Aaron J. Hughes's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Can you give a bit more detail about what character I was interacting and when this happened? Erana'Weshi Xoqia is my HoP. It was a few days ago. -
Aaron Hughes's Head of Staff Application
MattAtlas replied to Aaron J. Hughes's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm going to echo what BSA said. It is what I see most often when Aaron plays, be it when I play HoP or when I play my sec officer. Aaron tries to take charge, and most of the time doesn't quite do it right. BSA pretty much stated everything I wanted to say, really. I've been trying to catch a glimpse of you playing, but lately I haven't been seeing you at all. Now, recently, when I was playing HoP, you came up to my office as a warden and asked to be promoted to interim. I said no, you went to your office and promptly SSD'd. You could say this could have a connection problem, but I doubt it. Otherwise you would not have went to your office and never came back. You had even buckled yourself to a chair, and nobody was there at the time. You were also the only security officer, if I recall correctly. That's not good conduct. I'm not sure what to leave, really. Leaning towards -1, unless you can answer to what I said. -
[Accepted] Worthy's Head of Staff Application.
MattAtlas replied to Worthy's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've seen many of Worthy's characters and I've seen how he plays them. All of them are excellent, with the most notable in my mind being Lia, Aella, Lily and Echelon. I don't feel like I need to say why since it has been stated multiple times in the thread, but Worthy is a really good Sec player and all of his characters have personalities that I can like. OOCly, he's a pretty good person. Echelon is one of the few non-humanbot cyborgs, which is actually refreshing to see every once in a while. Definite +1 from me. -
[Denied] Knightroid's Head of Staff application
MattAtlas replied to Knightroid's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I believe Munks has said everything that there is to be said. I can confirm all that as it happens consistently over security comms. Another problem with Cruz is your priority management. It needs a *lot* of work. Various times the station is on code blue or even red and you ignore the immediate threat to the station to arrest the engineer that is dismantling a window or putting up inflatable walls or whatever other minor infraction people do. I have seen this happen more than once and I honestly should not have to tell you to go look for the biggest threat. Until you fix your priority management and other issues detailed in this thread, -1.