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Everything posted by MattAtlas
Looking at the #game_status discord channel, I see at least one round of extended daily - if not more. I think the current balance we have is good enough, and satisfies both parties.
This is something you should ahelp about. And no, people lobby sitting or ghosting should not be kicked, they are free to stay around without issues. +1 dismissal So you're saying that a player who has been sitting idle for around two hours, (as in not doing anything at all, not even actively observing or typing) are completely fine? I know it doesn't cause a really serious problem, but still. I don't see what the problem with this is. If they're SSD/AFK, adminhelp it. If they're lobbysitting/observing and AFK, what's the issue?
I make this suggestion return from the dead because I would love this. Far too many times have I tried to roleplay actual pain and being stuck on the ground in pain, but people shake you up nonetheless, because "you're fine". This would definitely cut that issue out.
DasFox is pretty good. I've gotten to play with their characters more lately instead of never interacting with them, and I think they're better than expected. Their RP has been getting better and so has their general play, which is always a good thing to see. With the experience they're currently getting as a head of staff they're improving a lot, and I don't see an issue giving this application a +1. Good luck. Blue merc best merc
I thought it was about time to make one of these threads, since everyone seems to have made one. I'm curious to see what people think of my two most played squids. So, by all means, post feedback if you have any. I have some other characters too, but other than the two previously mentioned ones and my rare mercenary/raider character Blue, nothing else is too notable, really.
[Accepted]Conspiir's Head of Staff Application
MattAtlas replied to Conspiir's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Another one to the ranks. Soon, Skrell command will take over. Though I'm not sure about someone having a chance to snipe the HoP slot... Jokes aside. Your roleplay is excellent. It's some of the best roleplay I've seen on the server. Your stories and whitelist applications only reinforce this sentiment - you're a very good writer. I've interacted with a few of your characters and they're all wonderful. Adding to that, your OOC conduct is rather good. Onto the application itself. I like your answers. I don't have any objections to them - and Moros is a good character, though I haven't spoken to him too much. All in all, I'm going to give a +1 to this application. Good luck. -
MattAtlas replied to witchbells's topic in Off Topic Discussion
This terrible individual denied me the pleasure of seeing the SOL CUCKS annihilated he must be removed -
I completely agree with this.
[Accepted] Calion's 'Nathi App
MattAtlas replied to calion12's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Calion's a great roleplayer. He's better than many people at it, and that tells a lot. His IC conduct is pretty good, since he doesn't break character and his characters are all fun to interact with, they have different backstories and there's a very clear personality divide between all of them, which speaks well of his ability to make characters. He also plays some of my favourite characters on the station, which tells a lot to me. I can't judge much on the backstory itself, but reading over it, I don't think I see any outstanding issue. I'm giving this app a +1, good luck. -
Feedback: Khaled Al-Bastaki (RIP Raymond Hawkins)
MattAtlas replied to Faris's topic in Character and Concept Feedback
I've spoken to Khaled and Raymond IC admittedly not much, but they're good characters in my opinion. Definitely higher than the standard. There's definitely a lot of depth behind them, but I haven't been trying enough to talk to them or find out their backstories. They seem really fleshed out as characters and have distinguishable personalities - which is always a good thing to see. There's not much else to say, really. I think you did an excellent job making both of the characters. Can't give much more feedback since I don't know their backstory or much else. But they're good bois in my book. -
Alright, I've interacted with Tsemir enough to give some feedback now. Your OOC conduct is pretty good. I don't have anything particular to say other than you're a good person OOCly. Your IC conduct and roleplay are also very good. You're very good at roleplaying, and Tsemir feels like a believable character. Having spoken to him ICly, I can say that you roleplay him very well. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a CE. +1.
That's negated by the fact that we very rarely get ninjas that can crush resistance that easily. I think it's negated by that, personally. But I agree, perhaps this should be tested out like the chemistry changes.
Pretty much title. We all know how there are a lot of clumsy Ninjas that fall down holes at roundstart, or get killed very early by security, turning the round into extended. Ninja is a gamemode that relies very heavily on one player being good, if they don't want to peace antag. So why not make it two ninjas instead? This was tried out yesterday, where the ninja fell down a hole and was recovered, then at that point it was basically extended. Another Ninja was bussed in, and it actually worked. So, this suggestion is about making ninja have 2 ninjas above a certain amount of players, most likely 15.
[Accepted]Vrow - Skrell Application.
MattAtlas replied to VisVirific's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Another one to the ranks. Your IC roleplay is good, better than most people, in fact. I haven't seen any instances of you powergaming, so I do think you're underestimating yourself a bit there. Your OOC conduct is also pretty good, and I don't have anything else to say about that. Onto the application. The backstory seems a little short to me. Perhaps you could expand on what he did in Aliose, the education he got and where, and such? It's often better to have a clear cut backstory so that you don't have to make everything up on the spot and to make sure that you don't contradict your own words later. Which has happened to some people. I like your answers to the other questions, so I don't have an issue giving a +1 here. Though expanding the backstory would increase your odds of being accepted a lot. -
[+1 dismissal]Remove Wizard and Ninja from Secret rotation.
MattAtlas replied to Bath Salts Addict's topic in Archive
Something else to add is that wizard and ninja rely VERY heavily on the player playing them's skill. And if said player isn't good, chances are they'll die in the first 30 minutes and turn the round into extended. Which isn't fun for anyone. I'm agreeing with this suggestion. -
Staff Complaint: PrOwOatePresidenti & OwOxia
MattAtlas replied to DatBerry's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Absolutely disgusting, deplorable attitude, I am filing a lawsuit -
[Denied] Tbear13's Head of Staff Application
MattAtlas replied to tbear13's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm not sure I can support this application. The answers to the questions are alright. I don't see any particularly outstanding issues there. However. You've said that you rushed this application yourself, which made you neglect the requirements to be a Head of Security - which you did state that you read the wiki earlier on. Which isn't a good sign, but I'm willing to not pay too much mind to that. It happens. Onto the character itself. I'm not sure why Nanotrasen would implant and promote a person with a short fuse out of other candidates. Having a fairly short fuse is definitely not something you want in a Head of Security at all, considering how stressful the job is, but then again they're implanted. I'm also not much of a fan of your answer to the "What makes your character fit to be a head of staff" question. Your answer is basically an answer that anyone can give about any character. You can write a character on the spot and give them 10 years of experience and a bachelor's without any real backstory, and the answer would be the exact same. There is nothing noticeable in your backstory or your answers that makes me think "This character would be good as a Head of Security". It seems like the average security officer, more than anything. Your backstory is also lacking in my opinion. It's not very long, neither does it define who Hill is as a person. I'm not too keen on that. Onto your actual OOC and IC conduct. I haven't seen much of you OOC, except you calling my character out on something I never did, but that doesn't matter now. I'm willing to pass over that too. I haven't seen much of your warden play, but how you neglect punctuation IC isn't a very good sign of an 8/10 roleplayer. I'd expect a roleplayer that gives themselves an 8/10, but that's also something I'm willing to pass over. Considering the answers that other people have given and what I've observed of you in game, I'm not going to support this application. I'm going to lean towards a -1. -
[Accepted] Conspiir's Skrell Application
MattAtlas replied to Conspiir's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Good to see you're applying for the superior species. Jokes aside. Your OOC and IC conduct is pretty good. In all honesty, you're amazing at roleplaying. You're also excellent at story writing, and I'm being objective here. Your RP in game is very good, and from the interactions I've had with your characters I can safely say you're a very, very capable roleplayer. You never break character, and you meet all the criteria for me to consider you excellent. Now, onto the actual backstory. I'm not too keen on the idea of a Skrell having a relationship with a synthetic. I'd think they'd be the first to know that synthetics don't have any concrete emotions. I also think that the 3 incidents would be pretty much drilled into Skrellian children's backstory. Which makes the fact that a Skrell is that close to a synthetic odd. I don't think I have any other issues with it to be honest, and it could turn out to be quite the interesting twist, if I ever see you play this character. It'd make for good conflict IC. Which I'm always a fan of. Overall, +1. Can't wait to see you play, buddy. -
[Accepted] Calion's Skrell App
MattAtlas replied to calion12's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
About time you made this app, Calion. Anyways. You're a pretty cool dude, both OOC and IC. I've spoken to most of your characters. Vieniamin is a particularly nice character, from the interactions I've had with him it's pretty obvious you have a good grasp on how to roleplay a different species, and your roleplay is overall nice. Onto the actual backstory. I've read it over quite a few times, and I don't see any particularly outstanding issues. I think it'll be an interesting character, though I'll reserve judgement for when I see you play her. +1. -
[Denied] Tbear13's Head of Staff Application
MattAtlas replied to tbear13's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
How many years of security related experience does he have? Does he have a relevant bachelor's or masters? When was he hired by Nanotrasen? -
[Denied] ben10083's Head of Staff Application
MattAtlas replied to ben10083's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Your warden play isn't exactly great. Sometimes you look like you don't have a very clear grasp of regulations, from what I've seen of your arrest, whenever you play warden which I actually don't see you play too much, even as quartermaster. About your quartermaster, I feel like your warden is a carbon copy. There isn't any concrete difference I can spot in your two characters, they seem to talk the same way and I'm not sure about the backstories. As for your general OOC conduct, I don't have much to say. You do neglect grammar IC, neglecting to add punctuation or even capitalization when you bold things that you're saying - which you do a bit too often, in my opinion. Overall, I'm going to go with neutral. Leaning towards -1 in all honesty. I don't think you're fit yet. -
[Denied] Nivalis664's CMO Application
MattAtlas replied to Nivalis664's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Minimum age for CMO is 35 years old, not 34. Also, you are not getting a whitelist for CMO, you are getting a whitelist for all head of staff roles. -
[Accepted] Moderator Application - MattAtlas
MattAtlas replied to MattAtlas's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Added prefered means of communication and my character names. -
[Accepted] Moderator Application - MattAtlas
MattAtlas replied to MattAtlas's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Yes, you're right. That is why if I'm choosing moderating over CCIA, and if I end up resigning as moderator for some reason I'll go for CCIA. I'm not sure about a dual trial, sounds like a real lot of work.