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Everything posted by Goret

  1. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: TheGoret Character Name(s): Katheryn Linerbord, Safiya Al-Saber, Evelyn Fordun, Omega, Jessie Hamelson AI Name(s): N/A Discord username + tag: Goret#1468 Age: 18 Timezone: CET, GMT+1 When are you on Aurora?: I largely connect in my afternoon to the evening, but it can happen that I'm online in the morning or the night. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Started around five years ago. How long have you played on Aurora: I've been playing since the end of 2017. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I've been playing for a while so I say I got a pretty good knowledge of them. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I have been moderator twice and administrator once on this server. I both resigned due to medical and personal reasons. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: I do, yes. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never. Personality Why do you play SS13?: As I said in my two last applications, I used to Roleplay on GMod and I greatly enjoyed, but wanted more than that and I discovered SS13. I don't regret moving to it. Why do you play on Aurora?: The community as a whole is what makes me stick around the place. I have some great friends coming from here and I keep meeting new friendly faces. What do moderators do?: Moderators are the core of the community and keeps it all together by enforcing the rules and maintaining a good atmosphere so that everyone can enjoy the game. They must be active and present and will need to resolve potential conflicts between players. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: A moderator on Aurora is a person who should be capable of guiding new players and be able to enforce the rules at the same time. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Whenever I play Aurora, I always have this need to invest myself in a way to make myself useful. I'm always up to be the person to guide new players or even help the people who needs it as a whole. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: This isn't my first time applying for staff, and I have two years of experience moderating the server, be it as a moderator or as an admin. I'm calm and patient and always open to critics. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Stress has been hard this year but this is the case of everyone. I can handle it pretty well, and someone's anger doesn't really affect me. Anything Else You Want to Add: Hello, I'm back. I'd like to say that most of my personal problems are cleared and I'm ready to be part of the staff team again. It is true that I left pretty recently, but I did not expect things to get back on my feet so soon.
  2. Reporting Personnel: Safiya Al-Saber Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Station Engineer Game ID: b0e-cRfL Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other. Only three witnesses other than yourself permitted, the rest go to secondary witnesses. Victims count as witnesses) - Zesuk Narturzuk, Engineering Apparentice, Offender - Jose Dean, Station Engineer, Offender - Safiya Al-Saber, Station Engineer, Witness - Hae Su-Yeongseon, Chief Engineer, Witness - Khaled Al-Bastaki, Head of Security, Victim Secondary Witnesses: (Name, Job Title: Short description of what they witnessed) - Shkazt Traznant, Engineering Apprentice: Was there during the talk but I don't think they were relatively paying attention to it. Time of Incident: Real Time: 8pm UTC Location of Incident: Engineering Lobby Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [ X ] - Slander and intent to hurt a head of staff (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Near the end of the shift, while most of the engineering staff was discussing in the lobby, Jose Dean rushes in, pushes things off a table to take the lead on the cameras and watch over someone apparently called Taika Thomson and then along with Zesuk Narturzuk, proceeded to call the security department terrorists. The slander of terrorism switched on the head of security at the time, Khaled Al-Bastaki shortly after to which the the Chief Engineer Hae Su-Yeongseon at the time warned them to stop. When she left, they started to speak about the head of security in a way that they wanted to "use their hands", but resigned themselves after having noticed that the security department was everywhere. Submitted Evidence: N/A Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Khaled Al-Bastaki, Head of Security through PDA direct messaging Actions taken: As far as I was aware, the security department was very busy at the time and I don't believe any actions were taken against both of them. Additional Notes: None
  3. Interview available here: https://pastebin.com/cZkqcbeY
  4. Hi, sorry for the time. @BoryaTheSlayer and I are going to take this complaint. Give us some time to go through everything.
  5. Hello! It has been indeed quite some time, so I'm allowing you back on the server. You should be able to join again at anytime. Don't cause trouble!
  6. Locking and archieving.
  7. I'm back. Prate and I spoke and we decided the outcome of this. While your point was valid, you still shouldn't have posted on a matter that wasn't related to you. We will unban you from the forums, but you will still be walking on thin ice as you used to be. As for the whitelist application, Matt said his piece and there's nothing wrong with the rulling their took, given your history. This will be locked and archieved in 24 hours.
  8. Hello, sorry for the time. @Pratepresidenten and I are taking this complaint and we will look into it.
  9. Interview done and available here: https://pastebin.com/xuRYt5ht
  10. Look Gordon, a coder spriting! We could use it to overthrow-- HELP ME, GORDON!
  11. I have been passed Vrow's work over the last week and I can say that I am pretty surprised by the final result and the dedication. Vrow is an amazing person and an amazing roleplayer, even thought I didn't really had the chance to interact with them with my characters, what I saw is enough to qualify as such. For the item itself, the holocoat makes sense and we can't disagree with the fact that it looks cool. You deserve it, so it's a +1 for me.
  12. Change Aurora, my final message. EOUGH.

  13. Hello! Unfortunately, you do not meet the criteria we want for a trial moderator. These reasons being: - You are not active enough among the community, be it on Discord, the forums, or even the server itself. I searched for your username on our main Discord and didn't find you. - Some of the answers you gave us isn't what what we are looking for. You mentioned that being a moderator would be a great opportunity to know the community better, but I'd say that you should know the community before wanting to moderate it. Follow the advices we gave you, and perhaps you can retry in a few months.
  14. Urghhh... Erghnnnnnn... AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

  15. I'm interested in this.
  16. That'll be a +1 for me, I saw you playing interim and I can't say I saw anything wrong with it. You also responded pretty well to what Schawnn asked, so that's even better.
  17. Reporting Personnel: Katheryn Linerbord Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Security Officer Game ID: b5W-dgbl Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other. Only three witnesses other than yourself permitted, the rest go to secondary witnesses. Victims count as witnesses) - Riori'Uptari Nunuz, Captain (Offender) - Rhashalii'rmirhan Khazmahr, Research Director (Offender) - Kilqrr'Quraqk Xiiqrxum , Head of Security (Witness) - D'Jar Sa'Kuate, Security Officer (Witness) - Nikandr Morozov, Detective (Witness) Secondary Witnesses: (Name, Job Title: Short description of what they witnessed) N/A Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank) Real Time: (E.g 0500GMT 3/25/18) Location of Incident: xxxLocation Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [X] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [X] - Other: Failure to assure the crew safety and protection of a criminal Overview of the Incident: Central Command permitted a People's Republic ship full of armed robots to dock with us for repairs. The robots along with an AI has been brought up to robotics for repairs, and from there everything went downhill. Multiple anti-republican agents were on station and tried their best to keep those repairs from happening. A CMO has been caught for attempted murder along with multiple other people, but the main focus of this IR is on the Research Director and the Captain that have put in danger the entire station and its crew. The Research Director stole the AI with an intellicard and ran away, making the PRA's robots angry about it. The RD kept escaping through maintenance and was eventually cornered in the captain's office by one of the armed robots of the ship. The Captain along with the Research Director and a visitor climbed the ladder leading to the secured room and took hiding there. The Captain refused at ALL cost to give out the RD who was marked as a criminal. The robots threatened the safety of the crew if the director wasn't brought to them. Still, the captain refused to give out the Director for reasons I still am not aware of, even now. In the end, a bunch of problems could have been avoided if we had given the Research Director so that he answer for the crimes he committed. The fact that the Captain failed to provide any explanations on why we had to not give him in and that they wanted to speak alone with the director is very suspicious. Submitted Evidence: None. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Impossible due to the code red situation and them being head of staff. Actions taken: None. Additional Notes: None.
  18. May have forgot to say that they successfully passed their trial.
  19. PR is up with this layout. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/8250
  20. When we have enough feedback on which setup people want I'm up to map it.
  21. Appeal accepted and ban lifted. Don't waste your chance.
  22. Hello! I've looked through the complaint and gave myself some time to think about if I should unban you or not. You did mistakes and aknowledged that you made them, which wasn't the case in the first unban request. You apologized for your behavior and for me, it's enough for me to allow you a second chance. Although I need you to understand that at the next issue related to the behavior you got banned for, you probably won't be able to have a third chance. As for the last bit, the question has been answered on the staff complaint. I never said that you sweared, but I did say that the way you spoke to them wasn't okay.
  23. It's VERY pretty. I'm glad we have so much artists around Aurora, keep going like this!
  24. You just won because I passed admin 3 months ago. But for someone who has been headmin for ages... You should be scared for your slot...
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