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Everything posted by Goret

  1. I edited the staff member's key to the correct one. @Alberyk
  2. Xelnagahunter's interview is available here: https://pastebin.com/cdBrLBCJ
  3. some people really think that is the worst thing about this
  4. i try to let people say their last words before closing it i swear!!! i wait 10/20 seconds if there's nothing i close it... IM INNOCENT
  5. Why not turning those famous copypastas that are all over the internet to fit into our universe? I'll start with the navy seals copypasta, which can fit with every military organisations we have in our lore.
  6. Alright, I've read through this novel. Firstly, thank you for responding so quickly. I lacked time to answer yesterday, and I have been busy until now. The fact that you're trying to reinforce your point by putting in evidence solid arguments is respectful, but I have some problems with all of this. The first quarter of your post is about lore related stuff. I never pointed out the fact that we should remove your whitelists, or that you had a bad RP. You are a good roleplayer from what I saw, and I think not alot of people are going to think otherwise. On a OOC point of view, nor do I think that you are a bad person. Really, my only problem is the way how you play antagonist, and the possibilities of powergaming. I remember this thing being brought up from people who were playing and ghosting during that round. Apparently you beheaded twelve people with force gloves and a glaive. I wasn't on at that moment, nor I trust the sources that could be biased by it. Drago handled it and I'm not going to go against their judgments since it was a complicated situation. Moving to the next part, you brought up the complaint that made Mogelix, and that Garn handled. Never I mentioned that you made characters for the sake of antaging, and going to cryo when you were not. I am only revolving around WHEN you play antagonist. I know that you are playing normal characters sometimes, and I have no problem with that. I don't think its relevant, so I'm going to pass. You should rectify this for the sake of not making anyone handling this confused, Prate wasn't the one that antagbanned you, but @Tailson. You were banned one week from antagonist. This action has been given by an admin that seem to have escalated it after multiple times breaking the rules in a short time as an antagonist. While you are saying that you learnt from that, of course you did, because you know it would be more than an antagonist ban if you did it again. This is logic, if you break a rule, you're not going to do it again(normally). I feel like you are taking out of context what I said. I NEVER said that a gimmick was necessary. I said that an antagonist must show a story. They can do it using a gimmick for sure, but they don't need one. But making interactions for everyone is necessary, as stated in the rules here: and as Prate told you here: You are master of the round as an antagonist, and everyone is counting on you to make it fun. But most of the time, this fun revolve in frustration. I fail to see how a narrative revolving around security chasing you through the whole station, people screaming "NINJA MAINT" and the AI stalking you is a good narrative. "Hey, did you see that guy in a dark suit teleporting around? -Yeah. -Isn't that scary? -Yeaaaah." Is this what 2 hours of a round are supposed to revolve around? A simple talk in the bar? I don't think its supposed to be like this. When your only interaction with the crew is literally "they saw me and reported me", I don't think we could qualifies it interaction. I have absolutely no problems with that part, as it is fair and valid. I wasn't in this round, so I can't say much about it. If people enjoyed it, its great. But that doesn't excuse the other problems. I'll ignore the part that goes next with it, since it is fair too. Please, using the argument "he does this and I do the same but why isn't he punished too" isn't appropriated. I made this complaint because I had issues on my mind, and that your behavior is repeating itself. You think someone is doing things wrong? Someone need to make a complaint. Nobody is doing one? Do it yourself. You are never forced to do anything. You could have just ahelped to get you fixed. Anyways, I wasn't even pointing out the fact that you were a Vox was a problem. I have no issues with you contributing to the server. But despite the fact that you know that it is too op and that you want to correct it, you still use it sometimes. The rouns was when I was on my first/second day as a trial, and I think it was revolution. You had a breacher, as an Aut'akh and you were dragging a medkit around. I think the round ID was b3e-auUo. It was on the 14th of September, so it was a week after you brought your project up. Also for Garn's sake, the round ID where they were just flying around as a vampire was b3l-cttM.
  7. Ban every single of you, I will. No power, you all have.
  8. My definition of antagonist is simply the one that the rules gives us.
  9. Reporting Personnel: Jessie Hamelson Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Game ID: b3m-bvqj (Extended) Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other) -Jessie Hamelson, Head of Security (Victim) -Telephus Bullard, Medical Doctor (Offender) -Carlos Clarke, Emergency Physician (Witness) -Geraldine Schofield, Phoron Researcher (Witness) -Stefanie Sirel, Surgeon (Witness) -Any crewmembers on the shuttle (Witness) Time of Incident: 22:30 Real Time: 13:15 GMT+2 Location of Incident: Crew Transfer shuttle Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [X] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [X] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: My first interaction with Doctor Telephus Bullard was when I got called by members of the medical department because someone was making fun of people's records over the medical channel. I went to speak with them to clarify this. I told them that it wasn't okay, and they were taking a tone with me about it. I've let that pass, saying that the next time it will go higher than a simple verbal warning. The shift pass, and all the crew is on the shuttle. I get out of the cockpit to check something, and doctor Bullard goes inside the cockpit with a tool box. I tell them to go out, they don't listen. At this moment, I grabbed them and forced them to leave. Again, I didn't pressed any charges at this moment. Then, before arriving to Odin, I get out once more of the cockpit. There was noises, and I wanted to know what was making all of that noises. Doctor Bullard was the only one up. I ask them what is going on and they approach me, screaming that I looked kind of dirty. Then they sprayed me with space cleaner in the face. I've swallowed some of that, which made my insides burn for a bit. I had my glasses on, so my eyes were protected. I took out my stunbaton and took them down, after they tried to run in the other direction. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: I am a head of security and it happened on the shuttle. Actions taken: N/A Additional Notes: No notes.
  10. BYOND Key: TheGoret Game ID: N/A Player Byond Key/Character name: Naelynn Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: I've been wanting to make this complaint for some time. I tried to let time pass to see if they would improve, but there seems to be no intention for the player to improve their behavior. Three quarters of the time, I see powergaming, and actions that do not contribute to the direction of the round as an antagonist. An antagonist must show a story. The most recent example I saw was during a vampire round. They were a merchant (as usual, most of the powergaming and bad actions from them that I see is as a merchant), and was a Vox. For an hour, no one heard from them. We heard of them only after we spotted the detective, who was also a vampire, and they immediately switched on lethal when they saw the head of security. So the second hour ended in a manhunt, and I NEVER heard this antagonist speak. The detective was much more present than him, he always spoke in the common channel. Earlier, the Vox hid the weapons from the armory somewhere we wouldn't find them. This was clearly an action to destroy any chances for security to kill them. There are many examples. And not just from me. I am sure there are many others who could share their point of view on the situation, including Naelynn. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? N/A. Approximate Date/Time: N/A.
  11. BYOND Key: Papagayet Staff BYOND Key: Garnascus Game ID: every fucking time he logs on Reason for complaint: I've come to make an announcement: Garnascus is a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That's right. He took his snail fuckin' quilly ***** out and he pissed on my FUCKING wife, and he said his **** was THIS BIG, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com. Garnascus, you got a small *******. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my ****** looks like. That's right, baby. Tall points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two ****and a *******. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the earth. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOOOON! How do you like that, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss DROPLETS hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too! Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: ban him please
  12. I like all your stuff, keep going! But, yeah. No. Please. Don't lewd IPCs, its bad.
  13. Okay, I closed the PR because removing it completly is apparently not the good solution. I'm going to think more deeply when I have time to this, perhaps make it a removal organ in the character selection. Thank you everyone for giving your feedback! Devs sweeties, you can lock and archive.
  14. Resulting in the "conflicts" on this PR: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6978 Appndicitis is an imersion breaking event that put itself in the way of people trying to roleplay, also that you can literally have this thing 15 times with your character. Let's also add the fact that if there's no surgeons onboard, RNG is basically removing you from the game(game is powergaming, ban please) because you die at stage 4.
  15. The title has been fixed. Next time, use a proper title or sanctions will be handed out.
  16. Time to get lost again.
  17. you might think you defeated me borya, but I'M BACK, ME, GORET

  18. 6 hours from now.
  19. Hewwo, I'm back. Thank you Doxx, thank you Snoopy. As for your question, I'm going to answer to it right now. Note that I also doesn't really care about the gamemode, and will probably always react differently based on the gimmick of our fellow antags. So, the first thing to know from my point of view is to see if they're friendly and from where they are form. To pass successfully through the Icarus' radar and Central Command, they either completely mastered stealth, or gotten an authorization somewhere. I'd try to contact them through a holopad, or send some officers to hail them. If they go along the officers and try nothing really dangerous, they should be moved to the brig to be given a visitor ID. The fact that they have a gun in their holster is pretty concerning, and I would try to get them to drop them back on their ship. When they get their ID and its clarified that they're here to visit, then they're free to move around. I'd also send a fax to our good old CCIA to clarify that an announcement hadn't gone through.
  20. -rep bad trial

    1. geeves


      +rep muh fren

    2. MattAtlas


      Goret I am going to kill you. You bitch. You asshole. You m

  21. BYOND key: TheGoret Character names: Katheryn Linerbord, Omega, Christiana Torpey Ethan Duroger, Martin Duris, Chris Levins, Elise Dumoigner (I only really played the first two to be honest. All the last are characters that I play once in a while) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I've been on Aurora since the end of 2017. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I feel like I could improve some things, some people recently brought up the fact that some heads were kinda breaking rounds. Why did you come to Aurora?: I wanted to escape from Garry's Mod, and I knew SS13 existed. I decided to stick here because I liked the community. Loved so much that I'm still here. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I did read this, indeed. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I only have 1 warning and it was when I first started playing on Aurora. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is about being able to create a character and play someone totally different from the person we are in real life. The possibility of driving someone's story, in another universe with the help of other people is something wonderful. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff will help drive the round and work along the gimmick of the antags if they have one. They also need to find ways to end the round in good conditions, without everyone dying and everything burning. They also help potentiel new players in their department, assigning them to trustable people or themselves. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: A whitelisted player is someone that can be trusted in showing how the server work in that matter. It is the duty of all whitelisted people, races or command, to show the exemple on how things works. New players in a department will probably redirected to the head, and this one need to know how to explain on everything work in their domain. Its kinda like what I do OOCly as a moderator, in a way. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau Ceti and how it affected your character and their career? At this moment, Tau Ceti is fine. The most recent real threat was the Synthetic Liberation Front, which was concerning from my character's point of view. She did not really liked the fact that the NSS Aurora, the station she was going to work on, had been infiltrated by them. But the recent discoveries on them made her more "peaceful" about all of this. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Head of security will probably be my first goal, as security is the department I'm the most active in. I like this, and I want to improve it. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Jessie Hamelson will be my first command character. She is professional enough to work on the NSS Aurora. You'll have to find out ICly for the rest. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'd say that I'm pretty good at it, given my experience and what people tell me. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I do, and will face the consequences in case of problems. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I did. Extra notes: hi mark
  22. Alright, let's speak about this. When you are on this server, or any kind of Roleplaying games, most of the time you'll be asked to not have OOC hates for anyone. A player is a player, and they will act DIFFERENTLY from their character. You just highlighted the point that you didn't liked a player for their play style right in your reason, which is even more obvious when we get the logs: IC hate? OOC hate? Clearly, we have a mixing situation here. And that can clearly be seen as metagrudge, since you said that "Storm Surge is on my tator kill list". Just because the other person isn't here doesn't mean its a free pass to go all-in-one with all the hate you have. It just makes me think that you don't assume shittalking someone when they are not here. I'm not even going to speak about the fact that you called me a SEV-Torch moderator-tier. Not cool for them, they're good people. As for the escalation, yeah. You have multitude of notes, three warnings, and two bans. In how much time? 31 days. Clearly, you haven't taken into account the fact that you were on the edge of a roof. Now, for the discord part. @Skull132 did good by sending these screenshots, making more obvious the fact that you're just a toxic person that doesn't belong here. We aren't in 1984, nor is Aurora a fascist state. Oh and, 1984 is based on communism. Appeal denied.
  23. Hi, sorry for all the wait! @Flamingo and I will be taking this complaint. All person that have some kind of proof of their behavior, or a round ID, is welcome to post it here as long as it stays related to the complaint. The person concerned is also free to post here as well to see their point of view on the matter.
  24. If you don't intend to be serious in this complaint, you can refrain yourself from posting my good sir.
  25. Hello, I will take this complaint. Please wait until I can find the time to not be lazy and actually work on it. In the mean time, the involved parties are free to argue and insult each others here. I still haven't saw a message from @Aboshedab clarifying their point of view on the situation.
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