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Everything posted by VeteranGary

  1. I think EMP as a whole is rather inconsistent too. Not sure how it's supposed to interact with mechanical organs, but I've played a few characters with either eyes, hearts, or lungs and EMPs have little to no effect on them, maybe a small amount of damage but it almost never outright disables prosthetic organs/limbs. Though maybe the tesla prosthesis are built different. They definitely need an AOE tweak, think instead of increasing range with the reagent quantity it should instead increase the EMP effect in a smaller area. or bring back lethal EMP effects. As for IPCs, I vaguely remember they used to have an automatic reboot that triggered after about a minute or so of a completely dead battery, gave them about a 100 energy so they can walk to an APC or charger. I haven't played IPCs in a long time so I have no idea if this was removed or doesn't function after an EMP attack. Better than an outright second-wind feature in my opinion, since there still needs to be some non-lethal option against synthetics.
  2. I'd say the best way to implement them is just to restrict who can view them really. If this is meant purely for making HoS/Warden better at being able to manage security as a dispatching role, it's fine. Security gameplay is a huge game of telephone and stuff gets bloated out of proportions, mistranslated, etcetera. Having a command/overwatch role that can see exactly what's happening is much better than relying on piecemealing information over the radio. I think giving these, and the option of the officer keeping it on or off is fine. I don't think it's a huge nerf to antags, because if they obtain camera access they have the best way of seeing where security is. And I agree with the opinion that there's absolutely no point in adding pre-nerfed additions to the game. If this can't be worked into the balance, then it should just stay out. Rather not have a feature added only for nobody to actually bother using it.
  3. I think the default camera program has support for ID restrictions already. AFAIK, Helmet cams go under the department or some other random section. Might be best to consolidate it under that, perhaps under the Robots tab? So both rescue borgs and paramedics can be observed on their cameras. Putting it under the journalist program might be unwanted, since it's intentional that you can't get normal camera monitoring on PDAs.
  4. Every off-ship gets their own ship frequency, so should the Horizon. This should also generally fix certain roles who shouldn't have access to the frequency to begin with.
  5. bumping this after a month
  6. I play Kra'jun, at first I figured the room was only partially vented since the commander and others were actually going in without suits. Didn't notice I was in a void until I got friendly fired and actually glanced over to my status indicators to see the flashy pressure icon, and a second intruder opening one of the shutters to space. Promptly left after that. One officer stayed inside so long he perished, and the HoS was sent to medical for awhile after that. But yeah, I agree it's pretty silly. Just because you can survive a decent amount of time with internals alone in space doesn't mean you should. Personally think it should do exponentially more burn damage for time spent outside. Brute damage would be annoying when your hands and feet randomly snap while trying to escape. But that's for suggestions.
  7. Title. I forget fully why these were restricted to the light armory aside from technically allowing you a few extra slots with drop pouches. Personally I think they balance themselves out due to making it a bit more inconvenient to swap armor or into EVA gear. Though I am biased because I want to be able to carry all necessary security gear without having to always carry a satchel.
  8. BYOND key: Veterangary Discord Username: VeteranGary#5856 Character names: Yasir Kra’jun Mahir Rrhamrare How long have you been playing on Aurora? At least since 2017, so minimum of 5 years. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yeah, I have two expired warnings that are 4-5 years old each, when I was new to SS13 in general. I then had an antag ban in 2018, which led to my first command application being denied. And there was another which was rescinded after a staff complaint. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? To progress the round and facilitate roleplay. Some command roles give players more avenues to progress the round, where some unlock certain gameplay mechanics and others provide roleplaying tools. Progressing the round is as simple as coordinating with your department and the rest of the command team, to resolve a problem. Facilitating roleplay is also important as head of staff, as one who stays quiet or avoids interaction doesn’t tend to be as impactful as a leader, and can lead to the round ending up stagnating. Especially when the crew need to be confident in the people who make decisions for them as a ship. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? To set an example for other players, especially newer players. Which includes the most obvious responsibility of following the rules and practicing fairness and teaching players on game mechanics, and perhaps ICly helping them immerse in the lore (the hardest Aurora learning curve.) I am mostly experienced with pretty much all basic roles, and teaching them is relatively easy for me. Additionally, whitelisted players also set boundaries and expectations of other players, both ICly and OOCly, setting the bar to what is and isn't expected our of them. Most of this I already do, passively when I can. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. Alzrun was originally a student of the Shastar Technical University, pursuing a master's degree in mechanical engineering. During the coup, he was one of many to join the Liberation Army in the Battle of Shastar, being both a Das’nrra native and local of Shastar, he believed in keeping his city free of what he perceived as tyrants, being a proponent of Al’mari’s vision of Adhomai. Initially, he assisted with logistics, construction of defenses and battlements, and ordinance. By the end of the Revolution, Alzrun had both earned his masters in engineering, and a position as a civil engineering advisor under the ALA. With the demilitarization of Shastar, it led Alzrun to seek opportunities elsewhere, eventually being sent to the Free Gakal’zaal Station to assist as an engineering advisor. With the constant demand for improvements that can't be met by tajara maintenance teams, and rioting from the unathi engineers, Alzrun was shortly deferred by his superiors to seek employment with a corporate vessel or installation to seek much needed experience (and intelligence). Originally opposed to the idea Alzrun pushed it to the backburner for as long as possible, however the developing tensions in the Spur only pulled him closer. With the Phoron Scarcity, Solarian aggression and corporate takeover of more systems it convinced him to consideration, and eventually signing off on the dotted line. It revealed to him that the democratic state could become a target in the next conflict, seeking an advantage was necessary. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Chief Engineer, mainly. I do plan to experiment with other command roles as well. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I read through it again, though I am rather familiar with most of the command guides as I occasionally read through them for changes and updates. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Alzrun Nadrullahj - Chief Engineer Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I do. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? I have. Extra notes: Anyway, this character is meant to be very controversial but I don't plan to play them like a loose cannon denouncing megacorporations at every corner. In reality, he fears them and their power. Wielding weapons of mass destruction without much of a whisper of criticism, and defeated Sol during the second invasion, so he would more than likely keep his head low and his opinions to himself. Besides, good soldiers follow orders.
  9. Reporting Personnel: Kra'jun, Yasir Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Security Officer Game ID: ck8-aRHr (Not sure, closest to the date and time on #game-status) Personnel Involved: - Kra'jun, Yasir, Security Officer - Victim - Rajii'thaamar, Zhranzda, Surgeon - Offender - Black Static, Investigator - Witness Secondary Witnesses: N/A Time of Incident: Approximately 25-35 minutes into the shift. Real Time: ( ~0100EST(GMT-5) 11/28/22) Location of Incident: Security Lobby, Medical Lobby Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Around the first thirty minutes of the shift, this one was conducting his standard routine, checking in with the main public areas. When he stopped by at the security lobby to check in on the bounty manifest, this one noted that he was followed by Zhranzda, whom stopped in the middle of the security lobby. Whilst he was chatting to his colleague in Basic, the doctor spoke to this one in Siik'maas, remarking in a tongue-pierced manner of his use of the word 'we', in a perfectly appropriate context. This one promptly corrected the doctor, noting that it was a pointless nitpick, and should not concern him how he uses basic to be comprehendible to his colleagues. Whatever the case, this was quickly diffused and the both of us returned to our job. After he was finished with business at the Operations department, he stopped by at the medical lobby to inquire with Zhranzda to inquire whether or not he had a legitimate concern to report, instead of offering their unappreciated input. The doctor answered bluntly and claimed that they were 'bored' and 'wanted to insult him.' During this next segment, he will note that he was not directly present for this at all. While he was overlooking the service wing, investigator Black Static approached this one and pulled him aside for a chat. They notified this one that Doctor Rajii'thaamar had found it appropriate to share vulgar opinions in public, particularly in the medical lobby with staff of the department, and audible enough to those in the hallway. Following this, he proceeded to draft up a written document of the events, and before he could present it to any head of staff, he was pulled away for unrelated matters. Submitted Evidence: Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ ] - Yes [X] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Yes, Doctor Hailey Wise. Actions taken: None, due to an ongoing security ledger this had to be postponed. Doctor Rajii'thaamar and himself had concluded our shifts by the time this could be handled. Additional Notes: This one does not seek a thorough investigation, it is much preferred that this incident is filed and documented with the offender notified and reprimanded, since there was not enough time to properly follow through during the shift.
  10. Yep, all good.
  11. BYOND Key: Veterangary Discord Username: VeteranGary#5856 Character Name: Dekel Mrrhazrughan Item Name: corporate smock, hood, mask Item Function(s): An accessory coat that is worn over uniforms or armor, including a hood and a mask that seamlessly tucks away when not in use. The mask functions as a traditional gasmask/breath mask for convenience(Depends if this is allowed, if not then just make it a clothmask equivalent). The hood is able to fit over helmets that are worn. Item Description: A dark colored surplus winter smock repurposed for interstellar use. It still has a hood and a snow mask, shaded into corporate colors. A traditional Stellar Corporate Conglomerate star is embroidered on the back. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: As the NBT has tighter uniform restrictions, Dekel seeks other avenues to wear something while at work that has practical utility as well as some sort of style while not extremely pushing the boundaries on uniform standards. How did your character obtain this item?: After signing on for the Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group, Dekel started the orientation transfer course from run of the mill, corporate correctional duties to a more militarized system similarly based on the ones on Adhomai. During this re-training he was gifted a surplus sniper smock which he has since personally modified to serve the rest of his contract aboard the Horizon. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: As it was a gift from his transfer in the Kazarrhaldiye Operation Group, and followed him to his transition to the PMCG and following personal modification, it has gained sentimental value to him, as well as intrinsic value, as it very faintly resembles the cloaks worn by Ma'ta'ke priests, but probably not as lavishly decorated. It also has a militaristic look that he personally believes is fitting to his new position under the PMCG and Kazarrhaldiye. Sprites: Additional Comments: As much as I would have done a PMCG style, uh. Making the eye as a sprite was exceedingly difficult, so I compromised for an SCC star. Hopefully that isn't a huge issue. This is also one of my first spriting attempts, and this is a final of like 30 drafts. It did turn out longer than I anticipated, would of preferred a shorter one but I couldn't figure out a way to trim the size without making it look strange or cutting out the detail. Also, yeah, I know. The shading is not terribly great, but it so far looks decent enough to me after a week of work. pmcsmock5dark.dmi hood.dmi mask.dmi
  12. I enjoy most of these uniforms, they look decent, and they will start to match some of the resprites we got last year such as the hardsuits and voidsuits, making things look less awkward. Anyone putting on a voidsuit currently looks like they put on a completely different design, but this should match it better. One question, are those investigator jackets a suit slot item or are they ingrained into the uniform? They look a little weird and I imagine they might cause weird clipping for any items worn in the suit slot, which a lot of investigators do. Lab coats and other various loadout jackets and custom items.
  13. Hardsuits never have been super reliable armor so I do not think running blindly at the person is a good idea, unless in a narrow tunnel. Plus I imagine this will only be allowed on heavy hardsuits so movement speed is already pretty slow, anyone can outrun someone in a suit granted they aren’t wearing one too. As for mechs, the person who decides to shoot at mech with anything but an ion should expect to get run over. Also kind of niche to be abused as an instant downer, security will often handle any officers wearing combat/heavy hardsuits or driving mechs for no reason, and miners aren’t supposed to remove their gear from mining, but since the latter is not enforced it will probably be an IC issue.
  14. Would probably be fine for hardsuits that are considered the heavier ones, like industrial, combat, breachers, and maybe the hazard suit. Don't think the lighter versions should have this ability like the stealth suits, rescue, etc. The combat leg actuators already have an ability which allows you to instantly grab someone that you leap onto. But, as far as I know not even mechs have a knockback if they run into someone or punch them. Only way is certain response team weapons and the gravity generator.
  15. Most of these issues seem more fitting as player-specific issues about the gamemode, but the main complaints that I have are mostly just mechanic that encourages poor vampire RP. Namely the thralling gimmick, which is an extremely early ability vampires unlock that is way too overused. Even though the time has been nerfed to 10 seconds, I still find it extremely common to be combat-thralled, or even just flashed/hypnotized mid sentence and thralled as a security player, which most of these have occured in public places on the station which just shows there is very little consequences to using thralls. Depending on who you got on your side you basically have someone disposable to cover up your mistakes. Compared to other gamemodes, conversions actually require roleplay to occur. Cultists need to convince you or work together to get you on a convert rune, which even provides the player a choice whether they want to participate or not! Vampire does not provide this to thralls or newly created vampires. Even revolution asks you if you want to participate, and also requires the players to convince you to join other than just clicking a button on the abilities tab. Currently the only way to reverse vampire abilities is holy water and any religious tools the chaplain get, which are largely unknown and someone would have to be extremely superstitious and circumstantial to provide the 'cure', since it is pretty niche, something like using a dropper of holy water on the eyes. So, as a nerf I think thralling should be made harder to get, or should have certain restrictions such as a time limit based on the amount of blood invested, or a cap to how many thralls can exist at one time. Or even a feature that allows the thralling to be lost if the victim loses a lot of blood/receives a bloodbag, which can happen naturally in a round. Personally for starters I think players should get a prompt to either resist or become a thrall, so that the vampires do not have to waste the blood in the first place, and can just kill the person instead if they do not choose to participate in the round. Another problem with thralling is how inconsequential it is. You spend a ton of blood to thrall someone, and you can just replenish it straight away just by feasting on your thrall. This should be removed, same how you can't draw blood from other vampires.
  16. Appealing Personnel: Tyki'mhet Krrjashni Specific Incident: Action taken as a result: Termination Action contested: Termination Reasoning for contest: This one believes that the length of time between the incident and the conclusion has poorly altered judgement in the outcome of his case. He thinks it is unfair to reconsider the punishment of a handled case which he already served punishment and a record for, without significant consideration of this one's health, the negligence of others and ignorance of this one. He had recently suffered traumatic injury prior to the highlighted events, not limited to an unsurmountable level of stress during and after the altercation. He would like to insist the fact of his unaccountability to the inciting factor of the incident, insufficient warning and lack of a lockout procedure to when he operated the elevator, during which he was tasked by command and engineering staff to assist. He believes the alleged warning against the use of elevators was insufficient and the lack of action to lock down the system was not taken to prevent him from unknowingly bringing a crew member into harm, insufficient due to the nature of the situation, use of EVA equipment, massive compromise to the station integrity which incited an overflowed and unreliable communications system. His second complaint is the following handling of the outcome of this aforementioned incident, which this one was not explicitly told his privacy laws were revoked, as the station status did not reflect that it was, and he was unsure and skeptical of the validity of his arrest, after being discharged from the medical facilities for injuries related to the outbreak. His request to view a warrant were repeatedly ignored until this one assumed there was not one, and his loss of blood gave him a distracting wave of nausea that negatively impacted his reasoning and interpretation of what he was being subjected to. He believed he was being prosecuted on a personal level and outside of a professional one, which gave him an unease of the enacted authority he was exposed to. This one attests that his following case focused on his outburst rather than what had incited his violent skepticism of the incident, a severe oversight that has since effected his career, which he cannot tolerate. Additional notes: Edited and translated for clarity.* Drafted by third-party based on client's recollection of events and overview of related documents, reviewed and accepted.
  17. I get these kind of issues, but to be fair we are on a station, not just a casual cul de sac where any neighbor can do almost anything. Most of the stuff you might have to replace as a normal crewmember is probably some lightbulbs, and anything like station windows, hull, broken machines, and the sorts will probably be left up to those specialized in it. Stuff like basic medical knowledge is pretty much almost everywhere on station, and I doubt people are going to be restricted from using gauze, an autoinjector or just a regular syringe. Hardcoded restrictions are more of an obstacle than anything useful for this server's setting, to be fair. Then again, I believe the mechanic system would just be better off as a convenience entirely, to avoid running into most of these issues where someone is entirely blocked off from doing something by lacking the skill, even if the situation permits the use of it. So, higher skill just effects the time delay it takes to do that action, or as already suggested gives some extra features. Currently, non-lethal CQC is extremely simple, anything special is locked for antagonists, which is fine for the lethal fighting styles. You have grabs, armlocks, dislocations, and disarms. The former is extremely hard to use because of the weird stun and delay grabs punish the user for some reason. As for firearms just bring back jamming for most weapons(for energy guns too), since currently it seems restricted to improvised firearms. This way the firearm skill has at least some application, though I don't really see a huge reason for anyone to be a firearms master on the station, except maybe the captain or HoS. Try to avoid straight benefits toward stuff like 'improved fire delay' or 'increased accuracy' as that should be left as it is already. Certain features of the skill like the tac-reloading is a good idea which really just provides convenience if anything, as there is only the .45 available to security. Practical skills/engineering would be rather simple, make building faster, and why not more efficient. Maybe you use less fuel if you're good at welding, or less material if you are good at constructing. Athletics could contribute to stuff like climbing, vaulting, slipping or falling, and lifting into fireman carries. EVA skill could also contribute to how falling is calculated, such as the damage you take, or how long it takes to put on an EVA suit/hardsuit. Science is the one thing I'm not sure about, because there is definitely a lot of overlapping between departments there. Medical skills should also give the same convenience, speedier times and more effective treatments.
  18. Not a very logical mechanic, has been loosely suggested before but. Nothing that can be reasonably sustained on a research station. However, something loosely similar to this is perfectly viable and I've already seen a character do it. Prisoner's working menial jobs as their parole sentence, their only interaction with security is that they must check in/out each shift, and any further charges is harsher for them. Not to mention, it is incredibly difficult to find something for them to do, especially for a full length round, or if the warden has to cryo. Sure you can have them walk around on parole, though that basically defeats the purpose of them, making them ghostrole assistant slots, which we already have; golems, and I have a gut feeling that these will just be used as a ghost role antag slot. The warden already has a pretty busy role, even if it doesn't seem like it, keeping prisoner's processed, armory organized and dispensed as required, watching cameras and providing auxiliary support on communications. Adding prisoners isn't the greatest idea, since not every single warden has the opportunity or the availability to really monitor/keep watch of them. In a different setting this could be fine, however the one we have is not designed for it. The communal area is by far one of the most boring and bleak places to be stuck, not to mention a cell, for the duration of a 2 hour round. The Aurora already has crewmembers with criminal records as long as someone who's been to prison anyway.
  19. +1 Definitely supports the character's perception on the lore's modern medicine. Prosthetic/bionic limbs are far too invasive for them, and reconstruction solutions likely too expensive. This is the kind of middle ground we'd see today, and unfortunately isn't an option to portray in game. With the updates to the investigations role this will definitely be something welcome to see.
  20. +1, definitely an interesting thing for Saanu, especially being a pretty engaging character to see on the manifest. Suppose it's just a neat space rag, but it seems definitely fitting for her field, not to mention endless ambition.
  21. Byond key: Veterangary Discord key: VeteranGary#5856 Character Name: Mahir Rrhamrare Item name: (if you are applying for multiple items, it should be made into a list with the description, name and appearance together): Hephaestus Auto-darkening welding glasses. Item function(s): I had two ideas for the function of the item; it's purely up to whatever is the easiest/most balanced and viable. #1, they function no different from normal welding goggles. Press the button on the top left to turn on and off. #2, automated activation, when a welding tool is activated inhand, the goggles turn on automatically, purely hands-off and require no interaction to function. Item description: A pair of Hephaestus produced safety glasses with the prototype incorporation of liquid crystal lenses that polarize intense light present in arc-welding. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: This character is an atmos tech, and has a job that requires a lot of welding, even compared to the station engineers. They are also lazy and a tool like this that doesn't require them to take off their safety glasses, replace them with goggles, then flick out their welding torch is probably the type of convenience they would definitely appreciate. Eye protection is pretty paramount, as well. Nothing like being both blind and a cripple. How did your character obtain this item: As part of a prototype requisition program, Mahir threw in his name to receive some prototype welding glasses as part of a trial testing phase for the tool. Growing rather attached to the simplicity and the usefulness as a heavily experienced welder, they chose to never return them at the end of the trial phase and claimed they were lost in an industrial accident, of course. No one investigates those over some simple glasses. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: It displays the character's appreciation toward devices that just make his job easier. Having some neat goggles that he kept from his contractor for himself is just an allusion to this trait, albeit slightly comedic. Sprites: Sprites are pending a commission Additional Comments: I'm not completely sure if this fits along with guidelines, it's just something that popped in my head, figure it was interesting enough to go for. It's a pretty unique item, mostly just flavor for the character's field of work.
  22. Kind of interested to see someone eager to work on Skrell lore, since it's fairly difficult to form an opinion on something so big, that doesn't have much to offer. All I understand is their isolationism, but it is kind of strange to see their relative uninvolvement during very key arcs, such as the phoron scarcity. One of their allies got steamrolled, a planet burned up and they kind of just, watched, pointed guns, and slowly backed away. Meanwhile, they overinvolve themselves in xeno politics such as the Tajara, going as far as to start a whole council to ban nuclear weapons on Adhomai, only to get told no by every single faction. It seems weird that this is their concern and a shock to them, whilst a megacorporation slung nuclear weapons at their greatest ally, even though it was a rogue fleet. I'm sure this is just a huge hole to patch but it'd be interesting to see the dynamics and such as why this unfolded as why it did, but it isn't really my main concern, besides it is probably a harder question to answer, but feel free to give your opinion. Since the Federation has been recently opening up, how is citizenship being handled now? What kind of work would aliens seek in the Federation, and how are they treated. How are owned and self-owned synthetics treated? Is dual-citizenship going to be a larger possibility with the fall of the Sol Alliance? e; Just asking these to gauge if/how you would explain or remedy these events. The primary questions are the latter, the other chunk I wouldn't mind just a tidbit of how you might want to tackle this problem in Skrell politics.
  23. The issues I've notice with snipping the gloves is that it effectively ruins the gloves. Insulated gloves won't insulate, black gloves won't work with removing bulbs, and they will all leave fingerprints, so if you snip nitrile or latex, you are better off just throwing them away. It'd be interesting to see some sort of refit system in place, though it doesn't sound very viable. Guess you could make it so washing machines could refit them, this is the f u t u r e, afterall.
  24. +1 Cylean's been a pretty good sight to see, most of her characters and presence in the community as a whole. Pretty sure the first time around was their synthetic character, with a pretty amazing backstory behind it, as well as this character presented for this Command whitelist, I've glanced through their tajara app once it came out and have seen their scientist character around during several rounds; I've never really got to witness or interact with many of their escapades, but I've already had a pretty hectic round with them just recently. Hey, not everyone handles traumatic situations, and they aren't expected to, as the sole command member aboard, but they took the initiative anyway which is really just reflective of their character. As far as I understand they are an old war veteran, with some sort of scientific career, that managed to earn them some classic Tajara-War-Veteran PTSD. Personally, I like this, I don't really see it that often, it makes the character more genuine that they have flaws that they cannot necessarily control, and they still have the stubbornness to hold responsibilities, aside from the super-perfect or comically bad command staff we have around here.
  25. This is fair, as long as it is counteractable by either a HoS, RD, or Captain. I can point out several individuals that abuse this, such as repeatedly crafting hazards and wearing them, even when security is intact. When I play robotics, I do assemble combat hardsuits when they are requested. Priority is to security, as my character isn't paid to get shot at, or willing to risk their life for their job. There is a threshold to this, however. If security is grossly understaffed, I'll go through the process of arming them, then arming myself. There are a handful of roboticists who fail at this, make a hazard for them self and wear it the entire remainder of the shift, even if the threat is small, or completely subdued. It's annoying to see as someone who plays the role seriously, though. At the same time I do it myself, if I am capable, but to be fair, who wouldn't? Cargo likes to supply themselves with guns. The ID lock isn't really a deterrent. It takes less than a minute of KA shots to destroy the crate, even with the basic one miners get. Research can output custom laser assemblies that are incredibly overpowered. Engineers can craft an assortment of makeshift weaponry, shotguns, SMGs, pistols, and crossbows. And medical has access to custom grenades, though they are generally a neutral department. Anyway, the point is that the station is a research station. Most people hired here have some sort of background that allows them to create many things, though as the game restricts it, lots of content is in the forms of weapons. Usually that is fine considering it is used for that purpose, but. I guess I would prefer to see better control that the oldmech base had. With the ability to lockdown mechs, add security protocols, etc. Outright placing them behind a command decision does enforce completed paperwork I guess, but that isn't going to stop the situations where 'the paperwork can wait'. That is solely and IC issue that still not many people go out of their way to report. Each time those roboticists arm themselves with their own suits, that is both an IC issue and an OOC one if they chose to go around and validhunt the antags, or wear it when there is no apparent threat, thought it really depends on the scenario.
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