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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. Issnotta good app. -1. Your backstory and stuff requires work. Also how are you supposed to represent these....fins? In game. Why would someone want to use the heaviest possible frame....underwater?
  2. Eye don't see what's wrong with this.
  3. How about the thermal drill or whatever it's called.
  4. I made this really big so that people don't ignore this. This statement is good. Temporary solution: Don't allow IPCs to use blood magic but they can be converted to the cult or use talismans provided to them by other cult members. Permanent solution: Make IPCs warp into something interesting and distinct from constructs, with different sprites and mechanics to support their corruption. Corrupted IPC Sprites? Challenge accepted.
  5. Stopgap solutions are supposed to be short term to keep the game from breaking down, and mean that someone plans to actually do something larger eventually. Right now, we have a perfectly good one that won't cause gameplay issues, in that IPCs just can't be cultists. Unless there is a plan to make the stopgap progress to something else, with clear goals and plans, I can't get behind this. Cult code is a giant steaming mess, and people don't generally even want to touch it. Who's going to do it? And why can't we just leave things as they are now while someone works on the project to rework IPC and cult interactions? Not being valid cultist is much more stable than this PR, because it doesn't create potential situations where an admin has to intervene because, for instance, there are only IPC cultists, and they can't make conversion runes. Because I don't see being a half cultist with crippled functionality as much of an improvement and could cause issues down the line depending on how long we leave it like that. People recently called for the removal of changeling until something better can be done. We can do a similar thing here with IPC cultists. But this is a horrible way to go about it. This was hardly brought up as a mechanical reason. It was simply "I don't think IPCs should be in this cult that has blood." People dislike changeling because it's "Murder everything simulator." And then one day later, "Ooops haha I accidentally removed them but we aren't adding them back because some of us just don't want IPCs to be in cult."
  6. Easier route? Cult rounds with IPC starts have gone off without a hitch so many times before. This wasn't the 'easier route,' this was the 'it's my opinion' route. It was almost never a problem before. Again, no one's answered my question about what happens to people who have prosthetic limbs or organs. There's an equal case to remove them from cult rounds, since using EMP talismans will effect them.
  7. Just give them the talisman to get the sword so I can do more G2 knight duels.
  8. Add this please. I love this so much. ++++++1. the entire idea is just amazing. Additionally, an HK could be utilized as an optional set for the terminator. Instead of being stealthy, it joins in loud. The drawback is that you've got the entire station against you right off the bat, and it'll be far harder to find the leader (Think: Wizard classes).
  9. Prove that narsie is organic. This is why this discussion is stupid in a nutshell. First off, I actually agree with LanceLynxx. That aside, this "prove X" or "It is Y because lore says Z" or "Game play feature U demonstrates that lore V is correct" arguing (which really is present on both sides) is quite silly. There quite literally is no proving any of these things and just like Kaed said, This entire thing started because one guy thought IPCs shouldn't be in cult and that everyone should agree with the results of that opinion.
  10. The submission is now a bit different from where it started. I encourage people to leave new feedback regarding AutomaCo products.
  11. The gathering tu shaylamaymay Point still stands. Magic beats robots. Uh, uh. Turn IPCs into hoomans.
  12. How is this relevant? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. There is no point to be made here. But even then, consider the mode is Blood Cult, with themes such as souls, ressurections, sacrifices, usage of blood and consumption thereof, arcane and occult magic, mysterious powers of evil. All atributes of emotional, spiritual beings, not machines subject to logic and reason. Magic.
  13. Prove that Nar'sie has any interest in non-organic life or is capable of changing it. This isn't really an argument anymore than 'prove that god doesn't exist' is an argument for there being god. This topic is getting really tangential... maybe we should be discussing a way to make everyone happy instead of force our opinions on each other. I present, again, the Ravtar vs Nar'sie idea. Kek. Narsie is trying to invade a space station that is primarily composed of mechanical parts. It then changes all of those parts. It then creates non-organic constructs. Why would Narsie not corrupt anything it can, if when summoned, it corrupts anything it can?
  14. It's a problem when gameplay and lore don't get along. Especially when it's something blatant like being an organic being vs being a machine, in a setting that deals with gods, faith, and religion. Otherwise synths would just be reskinned humans. Prove that narsie is organic.
  15. With this in mind, keep IPCs in cult, because there is only a small reason, game-play wise, to remove them. EMP talismans will also effect anyone with prosthetic limbs. If they have a mechanical heart, it will outright kill them. I.E. there's no difference, gameplay-wise, between a human, tajara, skrell, unathi, or IPC who gets EMP'd if any of them have the full prosthetic kit. If an EMP happens, they all suffer.
  16. I like how you posit your opinions about design as if they are hard facts. Aside from certain interactions in various round types, many of which are purely mechanical/code based in nature, there is no evidence that ANYONE has a soul, ICly. That's what the purpose of faith is. The rest of this is just more justification behind your support of this idea under the guise of delivering an irrefutable arguement. Now, there is one part of your post I can get behind, though. Porting over the machine cult to this server. That feels a lot more like it would fit with IPCs being included than this shoehorned excuse for player inclusion. But this is sort of off topic, because this thread is not about adding Ravtar. Thank you for liking my opinions /s. Yes, the point is that it's the cult roundtype, so don't generalize. Even though again, we've all been told they have souls. If faith had a factor in those round-types, it's only for rp purposes. Nar is here, you got de soul now. Yes, it's more justification because that's how damn arguments work. If I didn't have justification we all know you'd write it off as unjustified. Finally, it's not off topic. It's cult. It's the other cult. I'm proposing that either you guys come up with a viable solution to atone for completely removing a species from a MASS INCLUSION roundtype (not at all like malf, which is more or less geared towards the station AI gaining sentience/alternate purpose and then taking over just the station), just leave IPCs as-is, or find a way to correctly code a workaround. Obviously, despite the detriments other cultists with EMP runes/talismans provide, people who play IPCs still want to play in cult rounds. So, er, talk to those people.
  17. The point here is that Nar does whatever it can to corrupt whatever can be corrupted so as to take over as many planes of existence as it can. Unless any of you'd like to personally port Ravtar, and then have that be synth only, drones and all, don't argue for removing an entire species from a round type just because of your own ideas on whether or not IPCs have souls or sentience. It's already canon that they have both. That argument is hereby irrelevant. Vamp and Ling are organic only simply because they are organic in nature. Why would an IPC succ blood, or succ genomes? Unless we're thinking of sticking a t-1000 in the lore, IPCs will have no reason to be a part of a biological conglomerate. However, Nar is not strictly biological. It an it's constructs would fit more under the title of golem, with it's constructs, technically, being synthetic in nature in the first place. Literally, it pops in with juggernauts, artificers, and harvesters. All of which are technically synthetic. So the argument for Nar not using synths is also now null. The only issue I've ever REALLY seen pop up is "Oh what about the emp runes?" Well, it's not been a problem for me in the past, for a long time. What happens happens. When the cult hits critical mass and emp runes start getting spammed, it doesn't even matter anymore, because Nar is getting summoned soon anyways. Besides, it's also (Methinks) possible to code immunity to cult EMPs (Given that the IPC being affected is also cult), which would solve that problem right away. As for blood runes, fuck it, call it alchemy. Nar power. Honestly, though, why would Nar be trying to invade via a research station? Why would Nar not already be here if it only takes like 8 cultists to summon them? Trying to say that the 'because magic' argument is shallow means that the person accusing it of being shallow hasn't put any real thought into what exactly is happening during a cult round. Individuals with higher priorities (LI'd Heads of Staff; Lawed AI's; Lawed Borgs) all have a viable reason to be immune, because they'd follow what is literally hammered into them over all other things. Sidenote: It's not too hard to imagine that someone can code a nar-fication lawset for cultists to use on the AI/Borgs, that is summoned via the tome. Finally, addressing the weird af argument about borgs having souls. Cyborgs do. MMI. Androids might. Positronic Brain, it'd really be up to the user's discretion. Robots do not. Intelligence circuit.
  18. That's what makes the presence of alchemists on the payroll so silly. At round-start (or in any round type other than wizard), it's widely presumed that the designs of their practice are fantasy nonsense. The specific names of the chemicals don't bother me for the reason you just pointed out: In the event that they can become relevant at all, the (magic) cat's already out of the bag. I'm just bothered by alchemist-flavored scientists. Which is tangential to the subject of this thread. So what your saying is "Enforce realistic role-play?" Because I can deffo agree with that.
  19. This is actually pretty false. Every rendition of Nar has them corrupting EVERYTHING. Even borgs, in some servers, become servants to Nar, and where it exists, Ravtar. Narratively speaking, it's an inter-dimensional conqueror who takes over everything. It doesn't just transform living beings. It goes so far as to completely change the station itself. Anything NarSie Can use, it will use. IPCs also have souls, last I checked. We've confirmed this multiple times through multiple rounds. The point is, there's no point in changing what we already had in the first place. This was just a relatively useless change that only served to make cult rounds have slightly less options in terms of who can do what. The last thing we need on a cult round are limits. Borgs are already ganked as soon as the cult goes loud, because the cult can't really use them in any viable manner. IF we continue with this logic, there's no point in stopping with IPCs. Continue to Vac, because they are connected to the hivenet, and either they ALL get converted at the same time, or none of them convert at all. Make LIs useless against Nar. What this is is essentially a cult nerf, and I can't stand for that, because the cult is already too damn scared to do anything until a shuttle call half the time in the first place. I don't know if you play IPCs or not, but I'm sure lots of people would be kinda against being unable to participate in a round the way they've used to be. This was never an issue before. It's an almighty god doing as it wishes, because we have magic. If you'd like to pull the logic card, make IPCs completely immune to all magic that exists in the lore. I'm really disappointed you're trying to make sense out of the extradimensional otherthing. It's narsie for fuck's sake, not a dionea/ling cult. There is no aversion to specific people. Nar does what it wants.
  20. This is awesome, but: will the mods that be agree to this?
  21. If you haven't guessed 'magic,' promptly detonate, please.
  22. still think it's entirely possible for IPCs to draw in blood, considering Narnar literally transmutes everything. Just make it take twice as long to draw runes or something.
  23. The philosopher's stone isn't even something we can use without a wizwoz being present, or some magical adminbus.
  24. I've seen furries. I've seen scalies. I've never before seen cocky.
  25. BYOND Key: itanimulli Total Ban Length: 1 weekarooni. Banning staff member's Key: @Aboshehab Reason of Ban: (You can see this when you attempt to log in to the server) I don't know how to copy and paste it, as the client isn't letting me highlight (Can you even do that?), but basically: . Tis a shame to say that the properties of liquid fire are all I had going for me as Coffin's antag gimmick. I've never really had gank issues in the past, until I began utilizing said chemical, and yes, it was because I wished to set people on fire for my own amusement. As for the plundering thing, I was initially in disagreement because 'muh laws' at the time, but now I see how much of a stretch it was to actually think it would be acceptable to be a douche and steal a concept rather than to stick with objects like I was supposed to do. I didn't give the other person a real chance to understand what was about to happen to them, either, and that's my own fault. Bottom line: I did some mild-to-severe introspection, and finally decided that I was in the wrong. As hard as I've tried to avoid another gank-related ban, it seems the particular character I was playing made it hard to do, what with the cryptic-ism and the like. So dedicated to avoiding another mishap like this I am, that I've decided to outright remove the character from my dossier. All of my other characters have gimmicks based solely on rp, and this was the only one that decided that surprise death injections were the correct way to do things. Reason for Appeal: After a bout of soulsearching and localizing why some scenarios were not ganks, and why some were, I took note that my general, one-size-fits-all approach to situations wasn't going to work in an HRP setting in the slightest. As awesome as I'd like to claim myself to be at rp, there's a difference between text-based and spess-based. My actions as a cyborg have been uncalled for, and whereas I've been right in the past about unjust punishments, this one was an example of me being an incorrect lunatic who wants to use liquid fire as often as possible rather than rp a borg correctly following laws. I plan to revise the gimmick here, and though I had plenty of things to reveal about why coffin this, why coffin that, I don't think they're a character I can trust myself to play and not, once more, set someone on fire for the sake of setting them on fire. Hell, I was literally testing the same chemical on monkeys, with minor additions like chloral hydrate, to leave someone as helplessly as possible as they burst into flame and eventually died. How's that for a non-avoidable death? I'd also like to formally apologize to Abo and Matt for having to put up with my ridiculous "I did no wrong" reply. Usually, I'm far more reserved than that, as, hopefully, catnip, can attest. My behavior before and right after the ban were not acceptable, and my modus operandi of being a chilled out, likeable person under any situation kind of fell through in the face of an accusation I then thought to be false.
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