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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. Finally someone put it into wiring (I'm l8, don't beat me). Does this give the chance for duplicate antags? Like more than one of the same antag? So we can get some shmexy wiz-v wiz sometimes?
  2. Eh-no. Sure, make some drawbacks to being revived. But I don't want to sit in a dead body all round. That's unfun. You can't see or hear stuff. You're no-longer invested the round at all. It's like getting emp'd as a borg, and then tossed into space. There is little-to-no rp value to be had in being a rock. The current death mechanic works fine, and the only people who really go nuts in the face of danger are the ones who think they have a chance. IMO afterdeath drawbacks would be better. And what about all the dead shaft miners? People who die to carp gangbangs going eva? Accidental deaths? Workplace incidents? I can't agree with this, because taht leaves out the other 30 or so percent of deaths that occur outside of antagbuse. What if a d e a d l y v i r u s impacts the station? Someone forgets the shields? Someone is KO'd during a radiation event? -1 for so many reasons.
  3. Now that, kiddo, is a lie. I've had it done to me the first time I even tried malf. I've seen it done to other Ai players who do get subverted. Digging in from the top happens all the time. Not saying it should be prevented, it's just, it happens more than you'd like to think.
  4. That was a voidsuit iirc.
  5. -1 lizards don't reverse cowgirl. Tail hit face. Tail hurt spine.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, don't nymphs require a whitelist to control?
  7. Its not suppised to be a loud, spot-on noise. More like getting hit by a concussion/flash grenade on COD.
  8. Scrap this, need to do more brainstorming,
  9. Syndicate Cyborgs. IMO, and in what I think are the opinions of many others, they aren't very.....good. They have all the tools to do things right, but, when you run out of ammo, and then get flash memed, it's not really....going to get you anywhere. Playing as one, you'd be pretty much....an expendable asset. Which isn't worth the 2 player's worth of items it takes to actually make one function. IMO, they need a rework. A very comprehensive rework. Not really, I'm kind of hyperbolizing here. Currently, they posess: Flash Thermal vision Energy sword Mounted SMG Net gun Grenade launcher Crowbar Cryptographic sequencer Jetpack Good and all, but I'd like them to be a bit more.......viable? Not something that robusts everyone and their mother, but something that more competently aids the team. Not a kill machine. More like an intelligent tool for the aspiring insurgent/assault task-force. Also why would someone make a black market borg and have it stand out from others in look only to pick the same shitty chassis that NT has *wheeze*. I propose to add a few things: 1: Meson Vision. This may not seem as important, but it's as close to night-vision as a borg should get. 2: RCD. This can be used to make impromptu cover. It's a truly invaluable tool to have on a machine. It'd be able to be used as a breaching tool, and the battery drain it exudes is already reason-enough to use it sparingly. 3: Combat Hypospray. This is more or less to help cement it's role as a borg used to support the syndicate. It's really got no use for the borg itself. It's for the hoomans it supports. 4: Nanopaste. This is after observation of particularly robust research cyborgs. It'd also be great aid to synthetic pieces on the rest of the team. 5: Cyborg Mining Drill. Because it's always good to have when traversing the asteroid. And making our own path through the rock. 6: Stun Baton. It's to stun things. And for pain-rp. Nonlethal options are always great, yes? AS far as logical things that I think having a chance of actually making it into a rework, that's about it. Now, here are some additional rework ideas, that are less in the way of sane. 1: Personel (That's how the wiki spells it) shielding, like the one combat borgs have. 2: Knee-breaker hammer instead of a crowbar. 3: Mounted shotgun. Please. 4: Mounted Freeze-ray. Like the one research can make. 5: Sleepy pen. Kidnap memes. 6: Space lube. What's better than slipping everything that follows you around? 7: Replace the smg with an x-ray laser? A d v a n c e d technology? Last little tidbit in the rework would be look. Here's some s p r i t e s. Why? Because it actually looks like something a group that uses blood-red everything would field. It fits the syndicate motif, and it looks advanced enough to actually be considered as such. I shall do my usual extensive dmi stuff, because I love giving smol animations to thingymabobs. Edit: Please, please, please give suggestions. If you have a critique, please also follow it up with a suggestion. Not a demand as much as a personal request.
  10. I can very, very, very very easily see this becoming one of the most irritating things to be subject to on a station, Literally, you can throw this at anyone. -1.
  11. A very petty dismissal I see. Regardless, I would love to see this in-game. It may have separate parts, but the end result is one coherent suggestion. It is basically porting and customizing a game-mode to fit out lore. Which, of course, seems good. The thing about open source platforms is that they can freely just port what people want to port. When something is really good, instead of recreating it from the ground up, port it. But only if it is good. And this, this seems good.
  12. Methinks I speak for plenty when I say that ORB is extremely enjoyable to rp with, wether it be from another stationbound's perspective, or the perspective of someone else on the station. Iven rogue ORB is fun to interact with. I don't just support this because sprites. I support this because it makes sense for ORB to not only be recognizeable as ORB (charavters react differently to cosmetic differences, as I've heavil observed....aka, good rp), for ORB to be an orb, and for ORB to have extreme head-pat-ability, but also because it's absolutely great to see ORB progress as a stationbound, as rare as progression is for said stationbounds. Edit: Forgot to put +1. Heck.
  13. Don't we usually raise the alert level because the detective has come into contact with a dangerous and hostile individual?
  14. Add maidbot tbh.
  15. Sorta-kinda bumping this to agree with it. I like the fact that they'd seem a whole lot.....weirder, which is the general feeling that likely lorewise brought up such major controversy in the first place. I'd love to see something like this. Not the least because of the possibilities it presents. And getting damaged would put a lot into perspective. Perhaps have them bleed excessively when damaged to a certain point, hindered but not nearly as in peril as a human with equivalent trauma.
  16. I think a whooooole lot of you are completely missing my point. The idea to only have 2-3 shots is extremely purposeful. This isn't a main weapon, that someone could rely on, by far. It's an extreme emergency countermeasure. The ion is scary to syntheics because it can 2-shot you and has 10 charges, meaning all in all, a good marksman will be taking down 5 synths. This is going to take down 1 at the most, a major sacrifice in potential for it's size. This is not for the purpose of destroying the balance of the game. It is to add another balanced option.
  17. Now, I've been thinking. The antags have quite a few tools at their disposal. but how about give them something else, going in the opposite direction of the ion riffle, in terms of a sort of...ion pistol? Fooling around in the old-code dmi has found me two models that I'd like to use, perhaps. 2-3 shots, identical to an ion in effect, if not smaller in spread upon impact. Something classed as a pistol, and not a massive weapon. This isn't really to address any sort of problem; I currently don't see one, as antags usually get on just fine. But I would like to have an alternative to the massive ion; something , perhaps, that can be holstered.
  18. Yes, yes, yessity yes. Alternatively, just give regular actuators a smaller leap, and then give the mining version the one that's in the CE rig, because IMO the miners really need it. They're the ones falling more often. Besides the point, i don't really see the issue with using them inside. It's usually only white-listed goobers using it, with the medical version being simply used wrong in every scenario. Considering it's supposed to be used for emergencies, and all.
  19. Question. If antags being so 'good' is the issue, what is the deal with all the people vehemently screeching "wE d0n'T N3Ed ANtaGs t0 RP!"?
  20. Funny thing is, there are a bunch of people who actually LIKE the roundtype. The only REAL form of greifing I have witnessed in voting is deliberately voting extended, and then posting in the chat, "I voted extended because I'm not playing this round" or "I'm not even playing, I voted because I'm logging off" and then legitimately just logging off. THAT is greifing.
  21. I agree with adding more, because solo-tags are only really good on dead-hour matches. Also, I feel like it'd lead to some increasingly interesting rounds.
  22. Currently working on a combat version; will have it out perhaps tomorrow.
  23. Deployed, front & back. Closed, front and back. Deployed Side (Facing right). Closed Side (Facing right). Here's a few gifs. Workaround acheived. Also been shaded. This has several variations, based on module type, easily described by the above descriptions. The eyes remain in the .dmi file.
  24. I'm working on that as we speak; turning a specific direction into a gif is proving to be an irritant atm, but I've discovered a small workaround.
  25. I'll keep that in mind; editing should be fairly easy if I play around with it in piskel.
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