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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. BYOND Key: itanimulli Character name: COFFIN SENTINEL (Previously HAPTIC FEEDBACK) Item name: HAPTIC FEEDBACK's full conversion chassis. Why is your character carrying said item to work? HAPTIC's original purpose was to serve as an observant, optimizing it's routines to fit what was required of the station at any particular time. Only then would it receive its first and final upgrade to a chassis, that, with a team of engineers, it could help design. The ability to remain compliant with it's own systems is paramount, and thus it's chassis was designed with it's previous form, as a drone-type, in mind. It was noted early on that well-known chassis receive less issues from the crew, citing VAO, Rocky, Asimo, and to a lesser extent, BUD. Thus it became apparent that, to serve with less issue, HAPTIC would require something that gave it a distinct presence. With both previous form and operational efficiency in mind, it was decided upon a modernized, floating assembly, with all of the tools kept inside the drone until needed. It's overall function would be denoted via electrochromic paint, but nothing more. It primarily serves as a station servant, and whether it be security or construction, a full swap of the chassis would be highly inefficient. It is much more logical to retain the same base, and simply change out the modules. Item function(s): This functions as a sprite change for several modules. The standard sprite would be used for: Standard, custodial, service, and clerical. The rest of the modules are named as such in the DMI, with the EngiConstruct sprite being used for both engineering and construction. The custom uses the same sprite for all lights; that it so say, it has the same color lights at all times. If possible, I'd like to add an .ogg to it, as a sort of 'presence' sound that broadcasts quietly in a relatively small radius around itself. I'm still looking for what that would be, and I'll likely contact alb to see if that's an option. Item description: Flavour-Text, for each module- Standard, custodial, service, and clerical: Security: Research: Engineering & Construction: Mining: Rescue & Medical: Combat: Item appearance: The dmi for this includes each and every module, all slightly different from each-other, in terms of color. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? I've recently gone back to playing my borg characters, and though I like the sprites that are offered, I think this fits Haptics very foreign personality. Though it easily takes orders, it does not particularly mesh well with its organic co-workers, and is best left undisturbed as it carries out its task as it will tell a relevant department when it is finished. The oddities of its personality would more easily be reflected by this chassis, serving as a strange sight on the ship. Half the time, if an order is given to him by someone of high command, or by the AI when rogue, HAPTIC will not bother to speak, seeing it as non-essential. Otherwise, it often reports what it sees, this chassis giving it a 'sentinel' style look about itself, regardless of what task it's in. Additional comments: I am still enjoying spriting. A whole lot. And just aurora in general. Edit 1: Shaded, animated standard sprite is now present. Edit 2: I felt as if the 'pure white' color isn't what I wanted, so I gave it a more dulled-down bone-ish color. It matches the current palette of Aurora much better.
  2. The funny thing here is that people will vote extended, for, and I quote, no reason other than "I'm not playing this round." I'm not naming names, but I've seen several players push the vote to extended just because they were logging off for the night. Now THAT is greifing, Now, I don't really know what you're talking about, but I like to play crossfire, and the fact that it actually plays means that enough people indeed ready-up for it. Besides, I've only ever seen 25 votes on the same roundtype when Alb promises an event.
  3. IGN: "6/1o not enough rrrrrrr"
  4. Thank you. This all just feels like it's gone off the rails, with every attempt to make a situation better biting me in the rear and making it way, way worse.
  5. I think this boils down to, instead of saying "Give me a full story of what happened," I was told "Hey ur lying have a good round here's a warning." And then the ticket closed. This is my first time ever ahelping for validhunting, and also my first time doing a staff complaint. Apologies if I came off the wrong way both times, but by issue is with RTNP atm and not Munk, who was the CE.
  6. All I have to say in response to this is that I'm not exactly the best at ahelping anything. Whenever i do so, it's usually in a very mild way, because I'm still for the most part uncomfortable with them. I never know when to do it. As for the 'ad hominem,' I'll remove it. I was thoroughly pissed off with the whole situation. A warning feels like a slap in the face, and it's not really helped me in terms of my cautiousness in making ahelps. Case in point, I get a warning because I apparently didn't word everything up to par.
  7. Apologies for the title, was extremely "done" last night. Anyhow: No. I did not try to vent you in the slightest. Didn't even have the tools to do so. A wire-cutter and a screwdriver are not the type of things to use. You also had the ax when I went into maintenance nearest to security, wich was before I was near anything that could be used to vent you. Also, when you and the crowbar at the beginning, I wasn't wearing the hardsuit. Could have done plenty at that moment. That was the first interaction we had. Second, I'm not good at talking to multiple people at once, and I've seldom had to ahelp a situation besides getting stripped and locked in a locker while SSD. I never got anyone talking. No one spoke over the intercoms. No one said anything to me. I just know that there were progressively more items being used against me, and I nearly went into paincrit (and did, several times) throughout the duration of this little exchange. You also have a very odd OOC attitude, almost hostile to a degree, to any sort of criticism of your CE. Not even by me, but by other players. Including both of the other notable CEs. You respond to questions about the way your CE acts with "Well don't play cargo," with an expletive here or there. So yes, I TL;DR'd pretty hard, giving the START and END of the scenario. Still not a lie. I stole the hardsuit, and then eventually was indeed axed to death. The salt was present, because I did not expect to indeed be axed to death. Here's the point of this, anyhow, because for all my issues with Munk, I can live with them. I don't appreciate that someone asks for an absolute, gets a clear response that basically states "I am not sure, but this is what I think happened," and then proceeds to say "Don't lie," closes the ahelp without giving the person who ahelped the time to react, and then writes out another ahelp saying that I basically just boldfaced fibbed about a situation. No, I did not. I said I did not damage the CE, because when examining the CE's body, it didn't reveal that they were harmed. All it revealed were bloodstained boots. The warning also makes it seem like I DIDN'T emphasize the fact that I tried to spend the whole time disarming. Thus saying "I didn't damage them" is a valid wording. Also, I TOLD RTNP I dissarmspammed, so why is that in the warning!? I told RTNP I didn't harm the sec officer, simply because I didn't think I did. I told RTNP my side of the story. I'd wish for RTNP not to contort it into something that it isn't.
  8. BYOND Key: Itanimulli Staff BYOND Key: ReadThisNamePlz Game ID: bTM-aYlP Evidence/logs/etc: https://pastebin.com/WbBJ1H6W Because I totally told a lie. I totally deserved to die for stealing an item. Your warning makes it seem like I didn't get killed and then ahelp about improper escalation/valid-hunting. Gonna add more and more to this when I'm not tired. Warning in question: Attempted to lie to me about being killed by the CE, claimed they never damaged them, though they attacked them multiple times with a screw driver and other items, as well as a ton of disarms. Because disarms cause pain? Because I said that I was 100% sure that I didn't hit anyone? Because escalation just works as a mod sees fit at the time? Pretty sure I was attacked with a fireaxe, and died to it. Pretty sure the CE did it. This is the type of behavior I'd expect from like a 20 year drunk admin with an ooc grudge against the player base, not someone trying to prove themselves worthy of being on the staff team. Additional remarks: Show me the first red-text between Kardora and another individual. Then show me the rest of all the individual fighting between her and someone else. It will help my case.
  9. Of all the rng mechanics I've seen, and the the irritation they've caused....no. Don't. It's just more lag and more pain.
  10. It appears a comment I made in passing has gained traction. Marvelous.
  11. Personal defense sheilds? Yes. Suggestion for rigs just eveolved into an even better suggestion.
  12. I don't see the issue with this. It's a bound. They don't....usually....have the biggest of backstories. Though all the sam, I'm gonna refrain from a +1 for now.
  13. How about no? They're barely seen, and when they are, they provide the needed "ohshit" factor with the capabilities to back it up.
  14. It's not having "something special," it's the fact that the IPC species are dramatically different and it's a dramatic shift in playstyle and individual advantage. If McBotty dies, but he's a Mobility frame, you have to change up how you approach each and every situation. Same with the industrials. The only IPC that I see being legitimately too expensive is a Shell, because they are already stated to be rediculously expensive.
  15. I still consider this utter irritation. Every other race is super easy to get back up and running. Why don't you just introduce a programming-based trauma to IPCs? It's very possible. A glitch. A broken code. Anything makes more sense than this. You could add internal structures. You could add loose parts. You could do so many other things, but why this? All of the complaining seems to be "Well what if they powergame" But come on, how are we supposed to print all the bodies when some jerk nades medical and all of synthbay dies? This is just going to cause so many more problems.
  16. Most enviromental factors can also be completely rubuttled by the simple donning of el oranjo suito.
  17. You know, I've never not had a time where I'd been hit by a projectile and not had to spend the rest of the round as a pysically inept malfunctiining robotman. I suggest you at the least provide "generic" chassis like baselines and industrials a different model. Shoving everyone into some weird body is annoying , not the least because then you have no difference between some slow G1 and a Zeng-Hu Meth-Frame after they die. The only IPCs I don't see the station being fit to handle are the showpieces, like Shells, because god damn all that synthskin, and the darn bishop frame. All the others are actually for work. Instead of doing something that feels extremely petty and likely to be supported by people who hate Synths because they were robusted by Noir during a ling/vamp round, please consider that most competent IPCs don't tend to just rush to the frontlines and getting repaired from death is usually not a fast process. And there are plenty of other synths besides sec synths. Besides the point, why doesn't anyone just....you know.....attempt to stop people from reviving them? Also, if you can repair each part individually while they are alive, why cant you repair a dead one and then power it on somehow? Why don't we have a recharging mechanic where the battery is slower and a new one must be located? Why not give certain weaker-armoured IPCs a harder time in arbitrary conditions? My point is, from an RP standpoint, there are a plethora of better options to be explored. Also let me fix the damn sprite plzthx it's so ugly.
  18. There are lockers with fully functional softsuits literally everywhere.
  19. There is a point in HRP where things need to stop. I'd like to say this is that point. The issue with all this is that we're trying to be a heavy role-play server but people on the station would have learned a thing or two from interaction with each-other. If you've watched a surgeon fix up someone for 600 rounds, you're going to know how to do it, and it's going to be easy. Besides the point, the medical fields seem to be the....er...biggest issue. I've seen to many things about who does what where and how, and then someone pops in and either says "IRL this is what happens, be realistic" while in the same post saying "kek we aren't IRL." I really don't understand the issue with it, either. In a game like this, I think the best thing to do would be to revamp the skills page, and then have a "reasonable" rating. Unreasonable is if you have too much knowledge in too many fields. If someone has a backstory as a surgeon, but has a robotics hobby on the side, and that's not unreasonable, the skills they possess should reflect that. What does this mean? Well, it means that any doodad that steps out of his backstory-lane can get slammed for not having his rp reflect his skillset. Here's what might be a better example: Lets say Rob Oster has security protocol marked off as "Proficient" or "professional" or something. Now, since they have such a heavy focus on that, they don't have enough....er.....balance, to spend on much else. So they pick something related to medical, like 'novice' in emergency treatment. Thus, if they are caught in the dang-on robotics room fixing El Beep-Boop, they can get dinged, and they can't say shit about it, because they aren't rp-ing to what THEY THEMSELVES marked out Mr. Oster's skills to be. There could be a template we make, that characters just copy-paste into bios or something, or we could just rework the skills list. Thusly I propose we instead have a different skill-set, with the ratings, instead of average, above average, and all that, being replaced with "Untrained," "Average," "Reasonable," "Unreasonable," and, because you'd have to be a legitimate idiot to go beyond unreasonable, "Banned." The skills would be as follows (List will be edited and finalized according to what is missing/what could be simplified): Corporate Know-How Security Protocol Weapon's Expertise Forensics Medical Protocol Neurosurgery Theology Electronics Proficiency Cargo Protocol Mining Regulations Heavy Machinery Operation EVA Expertise
  20. Can't wait to sensually pet.
  21. What about those rounds when something interesting just happened and then some dork sitting in a bar calls for the shuttle because they didn't know that things was happening, and so the miners and all the others who aren't right next to the interesting thing, knowing the interesting thing is happening, vote for the shuttle?
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