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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. What about lipton tea you liberal ???
  2. ...ahem. This is untrue. Most unbound see the Queens as deities, mostly due to the fact they literally harbour an afterlife for them. What you said is near enough a direct quote from the wiki - except it was in the context of bound, which your character is not. Za'Ka? Your vaurca is both a warrior and a worker? Now, my knowledge of Dominia's inner workings is only what I have been able to extract from Pegasus and Zundy, but I don't see a particular reason for this to be true. As long as the vaurca in question adheres to the code of honor, there should be no reason why Dominians in particular dislike vaurca. The rule of Dominia is that if it is made to serve, but can learn, it will burn. Bound vaurca would be hated because they're similar to cyborgs, and cyborgs are similar to AI, and Dominia does not like these. I'm all for the idea that your character was sent to Dominia, however, little to no contact has been made between any of the hives and the Empire. The Aurora is one of the few places where the two would probably ever interact. Was Kiiv ever trained to be a bartender? In fact, what was Kiiv born to do? Just be an information gatherer about Dominia? What brood are they from? To be honest, it looks an awful lot like the "Maybe. Probably." reply to 'Have you read the lore section's page on this species' is true. Here's a link to the C'thur broods. Read through each Lesser Queen. They're great for making backstories. Vaurca from different broods have a different colour exoskeleton, as well as different mannerisms or behaviours. I'd provide a link to the naming convention, but it would be easier to just explain. Ka means worker. They're vaurca who are in not designed to work with or in association to weaponry. Za means warrior. While they can be born soldiers, they are not limited to this - warriors are born for anything in direct relation to weaponry - that includes other warriors. A paramedic vaurca with the backstory that they were a field medic for vaurca would be a Za. However, a vaurca born to install augments onto bound and unbound alike doesn't have to be a Za, as not all augments are weapons, and not all vaurca are Za. In summary, your character should probably be a Ka, considering they seem to have been born to gather information. Your vaurca can only be one or the other. I'd recommend contacting me, BygoneHero, or ParadoxSpace through the forums or Discord (JamOfBoy#5452, Syntax#1344, ParadoxSpace#6294 respectively) about your backstory so that we can ensure it holds cohesion, or if you have any questions. I'd also consider reworking the backstory and removing the Dominian aspect of it - however, it might be better to contact us about that later, as something might be figured out. Funny you say any of this! I talked to Zundy before thisnapp even got made. I also talked to Bygone and have shown him this app. And...he likes it, a lot. And yes, I've taken all the vaurca shenanigans into respect. Why is this one a warrior? Because the general stigma heading into Dominia was that they were going to need to fight someone at one point or another. Though that fortunately never came about, the idea was that Kiiv would win, and get the hell out of dodge before the angry lynch mob came smashing through wherever it was she was staying. As for what they learned, I've already explained that they've adapted to and and expect more Dominian-esque behaviour, and have learned to humble themselves and let others talk rather than speaking themselves. Tl;dr a much more hostile environment was anticipated. I assure you, talked to Zundy. Talked to Bygone. Made sure that it made sense in the first place. Picked the hive that has experience in this type of work. And now we are here.
  3. They. Are terrorists. The syndicate. Are terrorists. This. Was terrorism.
  4. This would be an *extremely* interesting thing. Esspecially since the borgs would have to go get module changes. Besides the point, mysterious borgs going missing from departments would make hoomans frea out. I guess what I'm saying is yes.
  5. I think the only complaint could have been directed at Janine or whatever her name was for detonating the HoS, but even then, it made the round a bit more interesting....for observers, but still interesting. I don't personally see that as something going wrong; the syndicate cause chaos and terror wherever they may go, and that's exactly what they did.
  6. BYOND Key: itanimulli Character Names: Sovereign Aegis, Mars Hall, Kardora Ma, Mumbee Wembit, Decisive Resolve Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): (RGB 55,0,120) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Maybe. Probably. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: To put it simply, I've decided to expand my horizons. And my gaze has set on one of the less played species on this server: The Vuarca. The first time I took a look at one of those big beautiful bugs, I began to think: I can make a weird gimmick outta that. I also like the lore of the species as a whole. It's nice, verbose, and informative. It feels like the wiki for some old Orson Scott Card book. It's all really clear yet easy to get lost in. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Vaurca are the very bleeding edge of immigrants on this server right now. They're weird, they border a lot of ethical boundaries simply by existing because of how different they are, and they are still getting used to all things....human. Unlike unathi, who easily adapted with comradery and life that fits in with at least one human society in the past. The tajara, who are overall malleable, resemble humans of the soviet union, and can each stand on their own as individuals. The skrell, who are smaller, squishier humans with head thingymajiggers and idolize Spock's predicament too much. They're a bunch of basically pro-slavery euthanasia-indifferent cyborgs who live in hives and are hard to tell apart from an evil version of the same thing, some of who lack any concept of religion and have a hard time understanding abstract thought, some of them the complete opposite, and yet they coexist without incident. Character Name: Za'Akaix'Kiiv C'thur Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Kiiv's ideal situation was not her current one, but to maintain good relations and to attempt to explain cultures to each other, the C'thur hive had essentially traded him for an equivalent ambassador to Dominia. It's worked with the other two sane hives, so it should, in theory, work with humans. The actual effect remains to be seen. Dominia, a land of easily angered humans who only tolerated her existence because of how she behaved. Speaking of that term, 'She.' It didn't make sense to Kiiv, but she'd accepted this term on the basis that it promoted unity. It took time, a very long time, but a close knit clique eventually formed, a group of 'freinds' who were more interested in trying to start debates into why Kiiv should believe in the goddess over her queens, why Kiiv was this, why Kiiv would be a she because most human ants are shes (even though ants can't talk in sound so why would it matter) and because Kiiv resembled a large ant. It became standard practice to follow them around, talked about as if she weren't even there. Though, it wasn't bad; the point of this, she reasoned, was to figure out the most common behaviors of Dominian peoples towards each-other, when faced with Vaurca, and how to fit in. Fitting in seemed to be achieved by engaging in conversations, entertaining the pious interest most Dominians took when confronted with her mere presence, and 'humbling' herself by feigning to care about their opinions. Technically, she did, but every experience she had seemed to say the same thing: A typical Dominian has never seen a Vaurca, and that meant lots and lots of questions. Leaving with this knowledge, but not truly affected by it other than the understanding of certain phrases that humans like to say, Kiiv completed the trade, returning home with a fair deal of memorabilia from the little clique she formed, while the Dominian counterpart assumedly returned with whatever odd experiences he'd have to try and describe. Half a year in human space. It wasn't so bad, either. Eventually, Kiiv received her next job: learning about humans in a more passive light, watching how they speak to each other, watching how they behave in the workplace, learning what they like to eat and drink, learning all of the more simplistic traits that a stay in Dominia would assuredly not provide, considering being under armed guard at almost all times. Reaching out to NT, the C'thur quickly got Kiiv hired as a bartender. This way, funds could still be made for the hive while she began her long, somewhat final job as the eyes and ears of C'thur everywhere, returning to the Hivenet to explain the quirks and stereotypes she'd discovered to her kin. What do you like about this character? I think it's going to be really fun to play a Vaurca that's primary focus is learning about others. She is on-station to find out who does what and why, to observe how interactions happen. So I've put her in the bar, a place where humans congregate and speak to each other. I like the idea of playing an outsider who's job is to get onto the inside, and provide others of her kind with the information needed to do the same. I also like the idea of someone with mannerisms and phrases adopted from the Dominian people trying to apply it to people who usually don't use it. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 100/10, or more accurately, 7ish-8ish/10? I don't really have many IC issues. Sometimes I misspell things, but I ain't no dictionary. I do hope this application reveals me to be knowledgeable enough of the lore and intersecting IC factors to prove myself w o r t h y of becoming Big Bug Hot Kiiv. Notes: I will increase bug online.
  7. Exactly precisely exactly correctly stated.
  8. The idea with the aegis version was that it would just be a sec uniform with a weird flashy thingy on the back, but instead it was just restricted to only be worn by things with the "heavy machines" code tag. So while, theoretically, yes, another character could put on the device (without it activating, mind you), I reckon it'll be something only DeciR or potentially other zhengs can wear. But yes, in-character, it's a clothing item.
  9. It can also be submitted as: a bodysuit, + a mask. Anything that you can think of, I can cut the sprite into. Not to mention: All clothes hide damage. These are the equivalent of clothes, just given different name and a different significance to the wearer. Besides the point, I've got no more room for any other submissions of this type; there were only two IPCs in the project. I've not had any issue as SovA and his uniform, and after the first few days of random people memeing "kinda snowflake" it was never mentioned again out of IC interaction. And said IC interaction has proven favorable to the atmosphere that Aurora puts off: Serious. And now I hope to continue that experience, simultaneously fleshing out two characters with one submission.
  10. I'd just as soon attempt to submit it as the equivalent a voidsuit without spaceworthy variables that make it a suit. Or a softsuit, since those can fit into bags. Would that be acceptable?
  11. BYOND Key: itanimulli Character name: Decisive Resolve Item name: Resolve's identity kit. Treads, projector, hoodless poncho, and communication array. Why is your character carrying said item to work? Whew, this is gonna be a long one. This character's been in the background for a long, long time. Read this so y'all know I ain't yanking this out my buttcrack. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=10594&p=94290#p94290 This over-lays the majority of the project both Aegis and Resolve come from; I've had this in planning for a long time, now. Previously under a different name, Resolve had a very troubled developmental cycle. In the first two rounds I played her, she burnt herself out trying to beat someone in a thunderdome match. Now essentially a piece of junk, Aegis bought her on credit, and essentially put her into a storage unit until he could figure out what to do with such a decrepit frame. He then sold her for the same price he bought her for, directly to NT. NT priced her much higher than aegis sold her for; his initial idea was to sell her and then give her the money he earned from the sale, but that barely covered the price of the initial repair. Thus, she's now essentially owned by NT. With that being said, both IPCs in the "Objective Guardian" project have come into the hands of NanoTrasen, both now working sheerly to own themselves. At least they're finally on the same station. Now that she's once more online and kicking, Resolve's determined to make her mark in a much more positive light; part of the programming was to become a trustworthy, dependable beacon for others to rely on, amongst other avenues. Said other programming functions were more or less left in the dust of Resolve's big repair. Like aegis, she had a variety of items that would be special to her that extend from the little project that the interns worked on. Chief amongst them would be Cassidy Finch's hoodless poncho, given to Resolve midway through the project more or less as decoration. It isn't worth much, but it's memory of the first gift Resolve can say she's received. Second and third are the items she was tested with; one being a more ergonomic antennae for Resolve to make use of, and the other being the other big-deal of the experiment: resolve's model of the Hephaestus Experimental Projector. Being useless to literally anyone else in the universe, it stands as a piece of Resolve's identity that cannot be stressed enough in importance. It became what Resolve saw in the mirror for almost a year straight during the lifetime of the project. The treads are just rubberized soles on the bottom of resolve's actuators. Make her feet sound like shoes. Tap tap tap. Item function(s): Antennae: It's a headset resprite. Treads: They are shoes that fit the overall look I'm trying to achieve. Projector: This would be basically an officer's uniform. However, experience with aegis has let me know that it would be a good idea to have a version that can be worn in any scenario. Thus, I'd give it a different sprite when in a rolled-down state, that essentially removes the officer's uniform but keeps the other properties the projector puts out. Poncho: This would be a regular poncho, but without a heat variable(?) so as to be suitable for constant IPC wear. I reckon it might have a pocket or two, but I suppose that's at alb's discretion. Item description: Antennae: Collapsible spherical antennae designed to interface with an IPC. Treads: Clip-on rubber treads, for that extra grip. Designed for an IPC. Poncho: A decorative synthleather covering. Probably isn't the best for rain. Haphaestus Experimental Projector: A flashing device seemingly attached to an officer's corporate security uniform. Item appearance: https://imgur.com/a/RjECxce How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Interacting with the crew? Well, I've seen at least a few people interact with aegis solely on his looks alone. Him not being just some other g2 has given him a good list of friends. It's become who he is. I'd like to have another character in that same vein. If you have something questionable, people will question it, and rp can be had out of questions alone. It's served as a talking point multiple times throughout Aegis's existence ICly on this server. For the poncho, it also means lifetime admission into the glorious poncho gang would be something she wears off duty, as a visitor, which I wholly intend to play her in on numerous rounds. It fits her overall look, and ponchos make everything (imo) seem a bit friendlier. Name a poncho-wearer that hasn't looked friendly the moment you saw them, besides the odd rev or two. The treads are so that I don't have to ruin the overall look with jackboots. Also a talking point, because I fully expect someone to ask "hey where are your shoes." The antennae are heavily inspired by Make. Gives a bit of flair to Resolve's existence, and flair's always a talking point. I've seen the color of an unathi's scales be a talking point. If a player can see it, they will most likely mention it. Additional comments: Sprites, sprites, sprites. Sell your soul to me for sprites. I've built this upon both experience with Aegis and IC character relations. Mostly to my own. It's neat to bring this character back, because previously, I'd no clue how to make her into her own thing. I also spent a few rounds getting her personality down. Making sure that she could stand on her own and at least provide favorable interaction via her own mannerisms.
  12. This seems like one of those well intentioned, ill executed type of deals. If anything, just make it talke longer for CentComm to send one. ERT doesn't need to be nerfed directly. If someone doesn't have the idea to break into command via the asteroid so as to capture the heads, oh well. You've presented this in the spirit of rev gimmicks, but what does that say to....you know, every other round-type?
  13. .
  14. Ipc-centric eyewear? I've got the sprites.
  15. I personally find Bauser l bringing up such a subjective incident like that in such a manner to be...unfavorable. This is about Fowl being a lore dev. If anything, you've only proved that he's knowledgeable to the game's mechanics.
  16. So tag more things with the thick clothing tag.
  17. +1. If an ambulance can't reach your house, why call for it?
  18. I for one welcome our new Fowl overlord. Also, Fowl's one of the few people I'd unironically trust not to accidentally fugg everything up by touching it, and he's aparently gonna be touching something that hasn't been touched in a long time. So, get to touching. +1.
  19. Methinks it's very easy to keep implants and cybernetics balanced. For starters, there's a difference between a cybnetics and a full body carbon skin graft. That's just plastic surgery at that point. Regardless, it would be nice to have stuff that makes sense. Like integrating a pda into your arm, a headset into your head, ect, ect. And yes, this would be directly balanced simply by the very existence of emps. The ion riffle would now be even more important for crew safety. Perhaps we might even see two in the armory, even though a ninja will undoubtedly get both. As for antag-only stuff, it'd likely be aling the lines of stuff you'd see in some cheesy b-flick. Gun in your hand, thermal eyeballs, a goice modulator that makes it easier to trick people, ect, ect. One gripe I do have with this is ling becoming even more of a meme. It'd ba hard-pressed for a biological being to replicate implants in the slightest.
  20. I can't wait to see how you act within IPC personality constraints, esspecially considering the "remains calm" aspect. Also, HARPI and Winter have been enjoyable whenever I've seent them. +1.
  21. I stabbed myself in the head with a screwdriver on yog without exiting the arrivals shuttle. And then the next round I walked straight out if an airlock. To myself, I thought: "This is amazing."
  22. That's fair. I'll change it from 60 seconds (minimum 20 with upgrades) to 20 seconds (minimum 10 with upgrades). And I can't give you names, but I have personally experienced a frustrated cultist ghosting after being stoned a second time in a row. I concede that this is fair. No further complaint from me.
  23. HoS hardsuit makes sense as long as it comes equipped with zero options in terms of weaponry. Give it thrusters and leg actuators. That's literally all it needs to be viable. I'm also sure the armor value can be changed according to balance needs. It'd be pretty neat to have, and pretty much every department has an equivalent. This is the HEAD of SECURITY we're talking about, too, so most of the time this will be in the hands of whitelisted, responsible players.
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