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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. Is this literally over a few researchers calling themselves alchemists as a fucking joke? Please tell me it's not. And if you didn't know they were joking, now you do. You can dismiss a lot more questions from passerby by going 'It's fuckin' magiks' than going "Well you see it weekwiyahs the positrons t'be poifectly aligned and a dose of ewektwicity to pulse at exactly 72 amperes per sekund." It creates mystery and hype for the chems, and makes the researchers simply able to know things that others d o n o t. It keeps the appearances fairly rare, or at the least, keeps them from mass abuse (unless you are counting my own idiocy, which has gotten me accused of 'killing with a compound for the sake of killing') by every assistant and his mother. Regardless, it's also not that magical, it's just been given a cool name that hints to what it does and what properties it has. Hence liquid light being liquid. That puts off light. bizarre, init it? With all this out of the way: More secret chems plz.
  2. Following disappointment in COFFIN's movement sprite during lag, I'll be turning this into a full scale replacement. I also plan to retire COFFIN as a character; there's no point in keeping him around when me playing him constantly leads to my inability to understand how not to gank. It's of course my own fault; SovA is better suited at my rp style, because of my own self-imposed limitations to his mannerisms and the like. I'll be updating this with mild recreations of aegis's sprites, though these will go under a different name and will be placed under a different application (See Kyres's app; it'll have a separate name, essentially, and I'll have to go through the whole rename process if I want to change sprites and blah blah blah.) in the same post. It was fun while it lasted, but outlandish sprites like Coffins worked only in theory, and not in practice. Now I shall revert back to less lag-dependant spritework, and hopefully away from the tendencies I've created via COFFIN's character.
  3. Why is this suddenly an issue. We've had so many damn rounds with cultie IPCs. Literally, the only thing that needs to happen is the removal of the ability to use tomes, since they can't draw in blood, because no blood. Let them keep the 'lil paper. EDIT: Serving the almighty Nar is not the issue. It's utilizing the blood runes. They should be able to activate them, interact with them, get diggity dirty with them, but not draw them. Unless we literally just say it's motor oil transmuted into blood because the almighty Nar can definitely do that.
  4. Fuck your payments. I do this for free. Also I don't know how to set up a paypal.
  5. A real old guard would never claim to be an old guard.
  6. Why would they put fins on it and not propellers.
  7. Weeeeird, I've only blocked a couple people. :0 Kek. Did you block.....nifty?
  8. Is there any way to have it be in the smae icon-selection list as the other sprites? Or to play on an alt circumvent this? There is also the question of simply adding them as options, as different sprites are used for different modules, and thus this might be simply a first. Push comes to shove, I'd give up coffin's security and combat module in favor of this. He's not really a sec-borg. Edit: Is it possible to make options, basically.
  9. I can't contact you for some reason. Methinks you've blocked me? Anyhow. If I acquire a 3-view (Front, back, side) taj sprite, it can be done fairly easily.
  10. Can this come with Taj devouring for Unathi.
  11. After rereading my own post I can't believe I forgot to +1.
  12. ok? security wouldn't jump on them any quicker if they had a regular lighter or even a welder, this hypothetical scenario would not be impacted if it was just a regular loadout zippo. many loadout items can be construed to have some slight, worthless "advantage" if you get really pedantic about it A bit l8, m8.
  13. and a prized pen could potentially be an advantage thanks to its 1 throwforce, but we're not going to deny that on the grounds someone might powergame with it Difference between throwing a pen and starting a fire. Don't mind me, I love Lunea as a character, and her damn braces make her speaking adorable. I'm just heckling hypotheticals.
  14. If she wears a fire-suit, and fills the halls with phoron, couldn't this potentially be an advantage, since no one will suspect a zippo?
  15. I don't think it was the lore team. Everything in the Eridani lore is spelled out so clearly that it's almost rediculous that people made characters so drastically not-Eridani.
  16. If you have a serious submission that needs spriting, and can't find anyone else to do it, I am going to be doing essentially a fuckton of sprites for people. I'm more than happy to help. A fee things to adress: -Please post an overview of what you want sprited. -Please allow for a fair deal of artistic freedom. -I do resprite of you don't like what is initially given to you. -Please add your discord tag, or I won't be able to do nuffin. -The cooler an idea is, the faster it gets done. -Providing reference sprites or rough drafts is encouraged. -I will finish them at my own discrestion. Expect to get randomly contacted with a .dmi file via discord. -If a sprite can't be finished, I will tell you so.
  17. I've been thinking for the past while that half of the people playing the Eridani PMC had no idea what they were doing. Or, even, what Eridani is.
  18. This is where I, the one playing the wizard, will interject. Gonna use first person to avoid having to type the name over and over. The only time I attacked anyone was while in the cell, and even then, the individual was wearing ablative armor and minimized the issue very quickly with a stun-cuff. Besides that, I didn't personally remove anyone's appendix, and warned all of security several times, in front of a command member, to not touch anything. I was searched a total of three times, consecutively, that round, all of which made it apparent that security just didn't give a fuck about listening, and were determined to continually burn off their own hands or suffer the weird issues that come with touching wizard items, despite all of them having witnessed the relatively harmless appendix removal that occurred to the cadet. On to the cadet, actually. The cadet wasn't a particularly good member of security that round. They decided to flash and cuff me mid-sentence for no discernible reason. Marwani yelled "She shot laser beams out of her eyes," when in fact I was simply showing off for the bartender, and did not harm anyone. I then proceeded to attempt to play the arcade game, lost the game, and shot the arcade machine, breaking it. Now, no one said anything about that. Only that "You've attacked the crew," when in fact, I did not. There was also a fairly power/metagamey looc statement: "Should we remove his clothes?" that the same cadet made. In fact, if the cadet had not decided to disregard the fact that a warrant-less arrest can be replied to by speech, or at least an attempt to explain what was going on, the match would have gone completely different. In fact, so benign were my actions in the bar, that later on, Marwani ended up helping me out. This is then followed by the third damn search of the round, in which two officers burn off hands on the exact same item. They then basically permabrig me, without explaining anything. I was told that I was being brought in for assault, and then asked who assaulted, and then they searched the bag, and upgraded it to attempted murder. All of these people were present for the entire scenario involving me warning people not to touch items in the bag, or the stuff I'd brought in general. After this, I began to (irritatingly) protest my fate over coms, after which an officer decided to take said coms. I'm unsure why Aserok Guwan or whatever his name was had to come back into security for a second time, but whatever it was, I decided that the shenanigans of this solitary confinement had gone on long enough, and began to fire on him. He was outfitted in ablative armor and seemed to sustain barely any injury, though I could definitely be wrong here. I was fired back on, and promptly gave up at the first sign of pain, instead directing my focus on the badly burned chest I had incurred, rightfully so considering I'd fired first. After this, I was sedated by medical, and was essentially not a threat any longer. While in a sedated, comatose state, the detective then came in, climbed onto the bed, and began to choke me out. I ahelped midway through this, because killing a sleeping prisoner seems a little ridiculous, especially when they'd taken so long to do it. Whatever happened (something about the HOS), they stopped, and dragged me all the way to medical. Didn't know that my eyes should be removed until later, mind you, because I was once more in a coma. Fernando flipped out over being basically brought a prisoner that had nearly been choked to death, and would later learn that the one who brought me, was the one who tried to kill me. I then decided that maybe the one who'd induced these traumas shouldn't be following me around during a therapy session, and promptly flesh-to-stoned them. I was fading in and out of consciousness during this entire scenario in medical, and had nothing to eat, so I could not have broken past the detective on my own. Fernando's IC reasoning was that if I didn't escape, security would immediately, unquestionably kill me. Regardless, he had to saw past what he assumed to be a permanent statue, and I wasn't much help considering I couldn't hold items because of the damage the detective themselves had caused. Irony aside, the detective essentially forced Fernando to remove him, as he was in the way, and security was, in Fernando's eyes, a bunch of hyper-violent hooligans this time, because no one explained anything to them. And so kaed's character died to his own antics, and they had the gall to claim they'd been removed from the round, when they'd just attempted the same to another character. The cadets this round were essentially the forefront of idiocy, all ignoring the word of anyone else in the vicinity of the crimes they claimed to be arresting people for. The bartender vouched for me in the bar. Nope, cadet to save the day, woo-hoo, "You're a threat to the bar." Later on, Marwani explaining that she was perfectly fine and helping the wizard under her own free will. Nope, another cadet, this time aiming a gun and demanding my arrest when there was a blob I was supposed to be helping with. For the record, Kaed's original excuses about Fernando's decisions after the round were that "OOCly you shouldn't be removing a character from the round, you're whitelisted and should know better," which forces me to assume that he was salty over dying to his own actions. He accused Fernando of self-antagging, which given the context of the situation, was completely false. Apparently, none of command had any damn idea the detective had tried to kill me. And Kaed expressed oocly after the round that he was definitely going to choke me to death if not for the HoS's 'remove eyes' order. He also seemed to gloat about the fact that Fernando did get a warning.
  19. I do like this so much. If you maximize the space you have to work with, I'm sure this'll turn out great. I like the change, but as others have said, there's a few p-small nitpicks and irritations to go around. Preemptive +1 anyways.
  20. .....is there a set look for borgs? Should all borgs look like rejected daleks? And I'm not entirely sure how this looks like a titan. Titans don't have heads, for one. Second, this would be more or less a subclass. Not a cyborg: more like a robot/android. The human form-factor is a thing because humans tend to like to make humanoid robots. Mechs are also t h i c c e r, even the Odysseus. The idea here is to insinuate beefiness, and lankiness, while in a human form-factor.
  21. Wait you can hack other AIs?
  22. This is actually pretty false. There are several sprites for borgs that only exist in certain modules. Several custom sprites, too, and originally, you didn't even care to have other sprites for ORB; I added more at my own behest, because I knew orb might some-day end up in other forms for various reasons. Also we don't have frikin' holoparasites. Also what hostile mob looks like a humanoid robot? Also, as for situational items....the type of situational item literally does not matter as long as it doesn't give an advantage. This is an RP FOCUSED item, not a flashy blingblang. Even if it is as stylistic as I could get it.
  23. No. The point is that death is already impactful. You rp around death itself on this station, most times. People are saying this is the wrong way to go about it simply because that's what they think. This is becoming ad hominem. Dodge-roll before you get smacked with negative community opinion. The current system works. People like the current system. Leave the current system alone.
  24. Byond Key: itanimulli Notes: This will replace COFFIN entirely.
  25. Can we add a bunch of .oggs from caravan palace totally don't pirate music heh
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