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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. Cool, but could there be a way to facilitate this? Like, I dunno, making the distances between the departments less of a hassle?
  2. Vox lore is neither open-ended, nor ambiguous. It's a hyper-defined mess that half the time manages to contradict itself. I'm saying this because that seems to be the main point of change; the supposed background being proposed here will give the open ended and ambiguous nature of antagonist you are talking about.
  3. Alrighty then, I'm guessing the only tweak this would need is a bit more in-depth of a backstory. Look at the accepted apps for what I mean; most of them tend to have very credible reasons why the character would have the item in question. Just feels a bit lacking, is'all.
  4. I'm gonna +1 this on the principle that you RP well. And I think you know the lore, form what I see here.
  5. I personally don't understand what the fuss is all about. At all. If someone uses a word commonly found in pop culture, and they are also acting atypical of the way they regularly do, why does that get labeled "Excessive meme" and shunned?
  6. Item's can't give advantages, bruv. -1 till fixed. (Extra Pocket)
  7. We don't lose any lore. NanoTrasen operates hundreds of different types of facilities. This is what I mean. You're going to have a lot of 'collateral' this type of change. Not to mention, a re-map will definitely be required.
  8. The question is, why uproot all diss lore for this?
  9. How to push a PR agenda, by Burger. Kek. speaking of agendas have you seen my pda pr that adds daily agendas that save through game sessions No, but I'd like something like that. Make sure you can tick off what you've already done for the day, though.
  10. How to push a PR agenda, by Burger. Kek.
  11. Also. I've sent the DMIs to Alb way ahead of time, so, there's that.
  12. But what if Mars wants everyone to know she believes in the lawd without being a loud mouth because she knows that speaking basic to them is like rubbing a violin against a video of two cats having sex? -1 to the idea of taking it off. +1 to the idea of adding organ donation. No but seriously, this is two separate issues at once. So overall -1. Edit: Also, like flavor text, you can just. Not put anything,
  13. The power boner can only be relieved by very specific means.
  14. Because the men need to feel the breeze where it counts.
  15. Overview: Allotted time-frame: 13 month program Interns were tasked with the implementation of security protocols into a low budget, clone-able active decision matrix (also known by the more public moniker, "Artificial Intelligence"). Interns were given several indicated guidelines, and were advised to treat this project, though publicly accessible, as if it were one that required DEEP level access. Two employees were tasked to help with coding and integration. Participants: Employees: Designated interns: Materials: Interns were given the ability to argue for a specific materials, and ultimately managed to secure the use of: Notes:
  16. Undesirable format. Reformatting: Greetings, all. I am Sovereign Aegis. I have created this thread on the public up-link in terms of locating the general mindset towards my existence. I am an Integrated Positronic Chassis created for the sole purpose of providing a safe, secure environment to the resident organics of the station. Questions are welcome. Comments are welcome. Criticism is welcome, in a constructive form.
  17. G r e e t i n g s , a l l . I a m S o v e r e i g n A e g i s . I h a v e c r e a t e d t h i s t h r e a d o n t h e p u b l i c u p - l i n k i n t e r m s o f l o c a t i n g t h e g e n e r a l m i n d s e t t o w a r d s m y e x i s t e n c e . I a m a n I n t e g r a t e d P o s i t r o n i c C h a s s i s c r e a t e d f o r t h e s o l e p u r p o s e o f p r o v i d i n g a s a f e , s e c u r e e n v i r o n m e n t t o t h e r e s i d e n t o r g a n i c s o f t h e s t a t i o n . Q u e s t i o n s a r e w e l c o m e . C o m m e n t s a r e w e l c o m e . C r i t i c i s m i s w e l c o m e , i n a c o n s t r u c t i v e f o r m .
  18. Rarely do I see an application where I just go: "Hey wow. Nice application." So, hey wow. Nice application. +1, fully understanding lore is always good to me in whitelists.
  19. Demigorgon head when?
  20. Shooting an IPC in the eyes with a laser weapon can now cause an effect similar to being flashed. ZH frame gets a walking speed buff, and gets a burn damage modifier, because p o l y m e r s and not metal. This reflects speed and materials. ZH now slips more often(?).* G1s and G2s can now break cuffs, though this just means a reduced time to break them, and not simply breaking them immediately. This means if they are continually moved around, they won't break them. This is balanced to: -30 seconds for G1s. -10 to 25 seconds for G2s. This reflects the strength they are supposed to have. Both generation Industrial frames now generate more heat when sprinting. G2s are now unslippable, but if knocked down/pinned/tabled, require more time to get back up. Perhaps double. G1s now now slip less(?).* *: This is assuming slips can be coded as such. Read this as a suggestion, because its in Suggestions.
  21. M.A.K.E. this happen. +1, I like to see d i v e r s i t y.
  22. Might wanna tweak the backstory and such.
  23. Shells deserve to be in pain. They were coded to be as human-like as possible. As possible.
  24. I still need the dang-on DMIs.
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