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Everything posted by Nantei

  1. That is actually really cool.
  2. Just to be clear: The suggestion is to add another office and a corporate rep slot, correct? Also I agree. I think, even if this were to replace Consulars, it makes a lot more sense for a corporation to have a representative on-board than it does a government. Consulars fit a lot more on much larger areas, like the Odin. Although I have no real issue with them as they are, I think this is a lot more appropriate for the Aurora setting, and is worth considering as an addition.
  3. Isn't it arguably already like this? You can serve food in the bar. That's why there's a counter connecting the two. The bar is a dining area, people just often eat at the stools instead.
  4. You should still be able to succumb just like you could before. It shouldn't be a significant difference.
  5. I've never made that argument, you're not quoting anyone who specifically said this. This is like asking me to argue with ghosts. Assistants literally have maintenance access, as does Cargo, almost every single department has access behind their respective departments. Tons of people have maintenance access. To be honest I almost never look at someone sideways for being in maintenance. I don't see many others do it either. Maintenance is hardly a highly sensitive area, tons of people have access, assistants have access. Yeah, seeing an MD in maintenance is odd, but there's medical supplies in there sometimes, and hell, maybe they were just simply curious. There's tons of plausible reasons to be there. Best case you can arrest someone for... trespassing? Really validy behavior.
  6. Very unlikely. I almost never see additional access passed out in an emergencies, and if I do it's usually because the Captain is already right there with his laptop ready. Also relying on whitelisted roles that are often not present during the wee hours of the night is bad. I also don't see this happening much more frequently with these changes for the exact same reason it doesn't now. Changing access levels for an entire department is extremely time consuming. Maybe, maybe if it could be done remotely via the access terminal this would work. But not now, not with how our ID system works. Guest passes are really clunky, and seldom used for this reason. Also having to corral up everyone to hand out guest passes is extremely time consuming, which means most people won't do it. Many people do not even know what guest passes are, how they work, etc. It's also not really what a guest pass is for. Guest passes are usually supposed to be short term, maint access is almost certainly going to be a full-round thing. Same problem as before. I feel like you are only planning around highpop with these changes. Many command players will not play if there isn't another one already, which often leads to no command at all in the midnight hours. This wouldn't be a big issue on highpop, on lowpop it would. Swiping for Red, ERT, etc, is often extremely obnoxious to do as a solo command player. To the point that I almost never do it. On top of this, granting access to literally everyone is a pretty counter-intuitive way to get around the fact that Security should have this access to start with. This being part of the PR right now is the only way I would ever accept this as a decent idea, and it would need to be on literally every alert level that isn't green. And even then I still think the changes are not necessary, it would just take some sting out knowing at least there was a compromise. First question: What? Second question: What? But also why are you immediately strawmanning us? Who is this even directed at? Why is it that my motive for wanting to have access I should already have is because I want to rush after an antag, and that I am similarly apparently not interested in roleplay? This is a horrible, bad faith argument, and I am honestly a bit shocked you would come here and chide us like we're children like this. This is sort of the problem in a nutshell. The 'fix' to get around this access Security should already have is A. Not particularly interesting to the crew member they are being forced to interact with. It's basically, "AI DOOR!" but with an engineer. B. Really goofy to expect someone who isn't a member of security to risk their neck escorting you into potentially extremely dangerous areas. C. Often going to end with a, "No thanks." in which case, guess what? The workaround does not work. I see this being a net negative way more often than a positive. Could positive interactions be generated here? Yes. Is it likely? No. Being a doorknob is rarely fun.
  7. As someone who used to play a pretty good amount of head before, this isn't a realistic expectation. Unless you are on highpop, it can be difficult to get people to swipe even for red alert. God help you if you're the only head of staff. And even then, giving everyone maintenance access is usually for more natural emergencies like vented hallways and such. You don't want everyone in maintenance. Also seriously, the maint loot thing... there's not much worth caring about in there my guys. Like the best thing I am happy to find in there is Ambrosia Deus. The fight over maint loot is very silly, and assistants and CT's can beat you to it much faster. If your reasoning for removing an entire departments access is maint loot of all things, I don't know what to even say.
  8. Not inherently. I am someone who agrees that Security shouldn't have all the tools to react to every situation ever, this is why I argue for the ion rifle replacement. It's just generally pretty frustrating to try and chase people who are abusing all-access, which is already going to be problematic without using maintenance. Hell, even just abusing your departmental access can give you a ton of room to run from security in. Chasing someone into Research is essentially impossible unless there's an AI or someone to open the door for you right then and there. I really cannot stress enough how easy it is to lose security if you're clever about it. If anything I would say this is more of an argument for an expansion of maintenance similar to what servers like Eris have.
  9. Considering he specifically mentioned Security, it is not a moot point.
  10. Okay so first of all, Security should have access to maintenance for the exact same reason Paramedics do. Emergency personnel need access to the emergency ladder. Security regularly needs maint access to deal with cavern dwellers. This makes no sense, and is an unapologetic, unfair targeting of the Security department. It's a long, round-about way to say, "I don't want Security to have maintenance access." How is this at all a problem? Tons of people have maintenance access, tons of people roundstart 'rush' to get items from maint. This isn't Security exclusive. I see Cargo Techs in there all the time, and either way Maintenance hardly has amazing loot. Constant security patrol? In what world? Most of Security sticks to the main halls, not maintenance. And the ones who do enjoy maintenance are usually in one specific area. Also it's already pretty easy to hide in maintenance if you're even the least bit clever. Being included to be the door opener is about as fun as chewing on glass, ask AI's how much they enjoy being a doorknob. Also it's incredibly lowrp to include people in an armed manhunt as door openers where they could easily be shot for opening said door.
  11. No, because they would still be just as free to swarm people, unless you want to chain people to the department. (And if you do that I will scream.) Also I don't agree with enforcing things like this. People in general naturally flock to interesting things, and the idea of having to leave because there's too many officers already rubs me the wrong way. Good security already does this. Good security in general does not tend to mob suspects. I don't think this is something you should encourage this way, it's a cultural thing that needs to be encouraged with good play. Which we try to encourage a lot over at the NT-Sec discord, but not everyone is a part of that. It would be nice if more people were relaxed and didn't immediately swarm crime scenes, but I don't think this is a good way to go about changing it.
  12. I am going to be honest. Reducing the size of the surface level is probably a good thing.
  13. I'd like to reiterate that what the parapen does, can usually be achieved using far more versatile tools. A gun should suffice just fine for kidnapping most anyone, the e-crossbow included. If you need quiet, the suppressed 9mm is perfect. There's a lot of options here for quietly kidnapping someone that can't be abused so badly. The only thing the parapen is really absolutely necessary for is when people fail their roleplay by not reacting 'correctly' to a gun being pointed at them. Instant stuns usually aren't super fun. I don't think the parapen is absolutely necessary to our current roster of antagonist items, even though I don't have any real strong convictions against it.
  14. I have no idea who told you that, but that's definitely not how I have seen it ruled time after time. If someone is constantly resisting just to be a shit, knowing full well it will lead to them getting hit, they are breaking pain rules. "Avoid pain. A sane, well-rounded character would not engage in actions that are overly painful, or put themselves in harm's way without consideration" Getting beaten into paincrit is definitely what I think most people would consider, "Overly painful."
  15. I would say Engineering, Medical, and Science are all dramatically worse for leaving en-masse to deploy. Security is probably the most replaceable department overall, excluding Cargo. "Leave the TCFL to the rest of us." This seems like the real motive TBH. You can apply the same alphabet soup logic to literally every department. How is this at all a convincing argument for why Security should be excluded? Seems like bad tribalism.
  16. It is pretty much the national guard. Also the literal first sentence of the wiki page: The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion is a military force employed by the Republic of Biesel consisting of mostly volunteers of all recognized sentient citizens.
  17. When it's clear that doing so will only lead to them getting their ass beat more. Everyone has to respect painRP to an extent. Even antagonists, although it's lessened for them. You shouldn't be spam resisting cuffs just to be obnoxious. Lots of people do this, ahelp if you see it, because it's not acceptable within our painRP rules. Basically nobody should be resisting cuffs over and over again without a good chance of succeeding. Solving this mechanically is possible, but will hurt legitimate players as well. I'd rather it was handled administratively.
  18. Please bear in mind with suggestions here that the ID should be somewhat easy to access for legitimate crew usage as well. It's the entire justification for it existing to start with. Heads should be able to reach it somewhat easily. At the very least heads should know where it is when they spawn in if we are going for randomized placement. I don't want to have to do a scavenger hunt in the midst of an emergency.
  19. I like the intentions, but I don't think this would pan out well. While I wish everyone would write records and make flavortext, I don't think it should be forced. The concept of having to enforce a minimal amount of records or flavor text would be very odd. What even are considered the minimums? Extremely difficult to enforce.
  20. Definitely agreed. I can't see much reason for this. Real life security companies giddily poach up people who have military backgrounds. If NT is in bed with TC I don't see why they would be opposed to having TCFL Volunteers on their security force. Contractors would absolutely have more reason to have a conflict of interest than a TCFL volunteer would.
  21. I agree on the vault, but you're straight wrong about the bunker. The bunker is actually arguably easier and safer for the antagonist to reach. Less camera coverage, can be accessed via maintenance tunnels. There's also a really easy back-door to get to it through. Putting it in the bunker is arguably a straight buff to antagonists that are smart. Captain's have no good reason to move it from the bunker so we should see less of that obnoxious crap, and security cannot see the bunker so you're very safe while you do it.
  22. Er. Excuse me, what? I am baffled to how an antag going guns blazing is going to be ganking? If there's an active shooter, you walk near the active shooter, and they shoot you, it's not really ganking. Either way I don't see any connection between silent/loud and ganking. If anything I would argue silent would be WAY more likely for ganking, look at changelings.
  23. Please leave the cloning alone for now, also arguably should be its own thread if you're serious about it. (Once porting is done) And yes, it will need thorough playtesting. That's to be expected of any large port like this. I'm optimistic this will be for the better, brainmed is generally a lot better than our current system.
  24. Putting anything into the vault makes it a never for non-antagonists, and a mostly never for everyone that isn't a group antagonist. You had may as well remove it if you were going to do that. The only way into the vault without getting shot is with Captain level access.
  25. I don't think access should be a super difficult thing to get. It's bum-rushed because it is so vital to not getting trapped and captured. It is a genuine pain in the ass to move around and do antag things without the spare. I am open to moving it, but it shouldn't be heavily guarded. Bonus points if it is in an area that the Captain should have no logical reason other than powergaming to move it. Because boy is that obnoxious. Shove it in the Command Bunker where I am fairly certain all command members have access, but it is more out of the way and reasonable than on a desk.
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