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Everything posted by Nantei

  1. I'd be down to work with someone on this if a coder is interested.
  2. This already happens with job-hopping. It should be handled the same, make it a note.
  3. I don't have much stake in this. Personally I think it would be kind of cool, and way better than the smelly hazard suit. Here is the current stats of the Gunslinger and Hazard suit respectively. Gunslinger: melee = 50, bullet = 60, laser = 40, energy = 30, bomb = 30, bio = 100, rad = 60 Hazard: melee = 60, bullet = 45, laser = 30, energy = 15, bomb = 60, bio = 100, rad = 45
  4. Aheals for people who broke a rule to kill/hurt you are very rare. I would not expect such a thing from almost any other case. It's usually because it was a very obvious rulebreak, which is similarly not super common.
  5. Even as someone who isn't colorblind they do look very similar.
  6. Pretty distinctive command characters in a positive way. Easy +1.
  7. I didn't say anything prior because honestly I had very null feelings on it, but I am not sure why this should be a thing? The secure briefcase is a loadout item IIRC, so why should they get a special one? Searching a rep is already a big no-no without Captain level authority.
  8. Oh my god I love them. Can you please also fix the combat RIG? It looks like a stupid onion.
  9. This is definitely where I stand. Don't make this a blanket no ruling. Make it a default no ruling. If you have a good concept for it, you should be able to plead your case and get it staff-approved.
  10. Nantei

    New RD Pet

    The only department pet that is thematically appropriate is Columbo. I don't think it's a compelling reason that we shouldn't add the rabbit.
  11. I like the white accents better. Also I don't see an issue with these on an HoP at all. It fits a more casual approach. I hate pencil skirts, and the HoP already has an overwhelmingly large number of choices for a formal approach. The amount of suits in the game is staggering. The amount of business casual options are way slimmer.
  12. When it comes to ID's, I will admit my absolute favorite ones are the contractor ones. They look very good, lots of colors. I'd like it if we had similar flair to what we have now.
  13. I didn't have time to address this last night, but this isn't what the examples were for. They are for examples of bad behavior that is enabled by LI's. Not mandated. The information is not 'incorrect'. Those are two scenarios I have seen happen, and the LI was the excuse presented for it.
  14. I may legit play HoP again because of this.
  15. It's removal from the HoS, as was stated, not the Captain. I also don't find them remotely good for narrative purpose. They don't make much sense in terms of protecting corporate secrets, NT has no real reason to think an HoS needs them. What are they afraid of? That the HoS will sympathize with the lidra? Narratively they pigeonhole reasoning. Why does the HoS follow a bad order from NT? Well because they have an LI. That's lazy and awful storytelling. If they don't there's far more variety as to why they would follow questionable orders. "I need to protect my family from NT." Is a much more compelling reason than, "Beep boop implant activated." It's so pigeonholed that it's almost never even questioned.
  16. I know this will be a very contentious post so I want to structure it so the intended effect is as obvious as possible. The first obvious concern to me is: What about antagonist selection? My answer here is simple: We just keep things as they are. The Loyalty Implant is absolutely not necessary to justify the HoS not being able to be a roundstart antagonist. Arguably, heads in general should not be available as roundstart antagonists. Why? Because head positions pay extremely well. This alongside thorough, likely regular background checks makes the odds that an HoS would backstab NT very low. It's a job that requires immense working up to, something of a 'dream job' for most people probably. Probably the only employees that are treated exceptionally by NT are the heads, and that's because they are so valuable and important for NT. What about company secrets? What's to stop them from spilling the beans? The LI already, supposedly, does not work when you are not on the job. So the answer is the same as above. On top of this, the HoS ironically knows about as much as any other head of staff. I'd argue they are actually probably the worst informed on company secrets. The RD obviously messes with research, that's very valuable, yet they do not need an LI. The CE messes with our experimental engine of which people have spied to try and get info on before, and yet they do not need an LI. The HoS does not know of the nuke at all, unlike the Captain. So I don't see why they should be an exemption. What does this change about antagonist interaction? What about cultists and vampires? First of all, it's worth noting that literally anyone can subvert these heads by removing their LI's. Complicated, yes, but it can happen, and when it has I have not seen it be a major issue. If someone manages to convert the HoS, people will take note the same as any other. Now, regarding interacting with other antagonists. I see almost zero reason the HoS would suddenly decide to take a bribe, or otherwise defect, same as above. What this opens up is the HoS can be far less of a brick wall. The HoS ceases to be an obstacle an antagonist has to overcome, and instead becomes a potential tool they can manipulate. This is a massive step up from corporate robot. We should see more peaceful resolutions as a result, and the HoS stops being some infallible automaton that cannot act in self interest, or interest of the crew. The HoS should basically never be 'corrupted' by non-supernatural antagonists. Their job is worth more than almost any bribe. They would act in self preservation, but I don't think stupidly dying for NT is exactly great roleplay as is, and most HoS's exercise at least a modicum of self interest already. In conclusion, why give this a chance? I think, at worst, if we give this a test run we may have some bad rounds. It's always a possibility. But if we are willing to give things like Departmental Security a try three separate times, I don't see a reason we shouldn't try this. Loyalty Implants are very stifling for roleplay, and often used to justify behavior I think most people would say is negative. Before you consider hating on this, please think about how many HoS characters would be willing to send people into a meat grinder to protect the vault, self-admittedly or not, all because of the LI. How many would refuse negotiations in the name of the company, because of the LI?
  17. Ironically I picked up on this and immediately told everyone in Cargo with me that the Captain was a hostage too. That's why I stopped PDAing you. I don't remember if I told the other security members, but it's kind of funny in retrospect. This is also what I mean about perspective. You never knew the other Vox tried to turn me into a kebab. And I was pushing the Vox Man Bad narrative because Feldt hates Vox already due to being from the Frontier where piracy by them is rampant, and you know, being shot at by one now.
  18. Nantei

    New RD Pet

    Lamar was removed a very long time ago, probably because Lamar makes like, no sense and is just an HL2 reference.
  19. I would wear that skirt. It is adorable. Reminds me of a sailor suit.
  20. I don't see a point to that since, well, you already have infinite soulstones if you want them. No real need. Just seems like grasping to keep a bad feature in. Especially since this tacitly encourages people to use the already problematic rune. I appreciate trying to keep content in the game, but I think this is content we are straight better off without.
  21. Call ERT, use armor piercing weapons such as the laser rifle and ballistic rifles. Hell, order a LAWP. I've only ordered a LAWP once, but this is exactly the kind of scenario where I consider ordering it. Work together and that breacher chassis isn't nearly as scary as it looks. Two officers with lasrifles could very easily win. Solo antags are rarely a concern to me and I give them a ton of rope for that reason. Numbers matter massively, so unless they are well-armed group antags and they have't started slaughtering people, they get a lot of wiggle room from me.
  22. It is extremely easy to remove a label. Right click, remove label. I am not fully sure why it was removed honestly.
  23. I don't want to totally derail this, but I do want to correct. I was the officer that found you. Alysa hops straight into maint to look for goodies like the gremlin she is. She goes in without any gear usually. It was really just unlucky for you that I joined at that moment, and that Alysa is the type to scour maintenance for items very thoroughly. When I saw you, I ran, there was never even a thought to fight, Alysa is a massive coward, and fired not a single shot that round. Your team tried to shoot me with a spike thrower, but thankfully I had the forethought to drag a tank behind me to make myself harder to chase. which had the unforeseen bonus of also blocking the spike. It feels kinda disingenuous, because I didn't even say anything until I was basically in front of the brig, you know, roleplaying out that my character just saw something terrifying, and now she's out of breath and having a hard time putting her thoughts into coherent sentences. I really tried to give you guys as much opportunity as possible to relocate so you wouldn't get swarmed, which is also why I was vague with my description of you guys. I didn't even give ISD a solid number. I'd also note this is exactly why nobody believed you further on. I don't think it's fair to say you were seen as obstacles. It was a realistic handling of the scenario. You had hostages, shot at someone who was unarmed and unarmored, and one of your very important hostages died off-sensors, even worse-so in a way that his body would basically never be found while it was still cloneable. It would take herculean levels of naivety to believe the raiders in that scenario. I think the major issue a lot of people have is perspective. It can be very difficult to see things from the other side. I recognize that things from your side probably looked a lot more unreasonable, but from ours we... handled things fairly well I feel. ISD reacted appropriately fearful about engaging you. We respected hostage demands as best we could, and nobody that I know of tried to Rambo you. And well, the ending... I can see why it would burn you, nobody enjoys dying. But it felt pretty appropriate to me. The Troopers are implanted (#Remove LI's), and they are basically contractually obligated to ruin your day if you are costing NT money, which you were by taking those items. They actually purposely skewed what was being given even though we all know it does not matter at all mechanically, to support their roleplay of caring about assets first. But you didn't see that build-up, and planning, so of course it burns you that it happened. The troopers pretty much lead the entire backstab, ISD didn't care about the assets because, well, they got the Captain back. I'm not going to pretend I don't have moments like this, though. One round tilted me so bad I deadminned just to be safe, because I knew I was not in a good headspace to handle tickets. I cooled off later, but if you had approached me during that time I probably would have bit your head off. And this is why I generally avoid killing people as either side, and why I get so annoyed when people suggest making killing hostages easier. Because, well, dying isn't fun. it's often very tilting for the person that died, and I don't think my short burst of dopamine from killing you is worth ruining your round. I am a firm believer that killing people should be done very rarely, simply for everyones' enjoyment of the game at large.
  24. The clown shoes need to be absurdly long. It's just not right otherwise.
  25. Nantei

    New RD Pet

    Rabbits are used in lab tests as well. Maybe Mr. Hugs is a rescue.
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