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Everything posted by canon35

  1. This actually sounds pretty good to me. No more Ion bolt meming, some more stuff for roboticists to do.
  2. I don't have that much a issue with it, provided the threshold isn't something ridiculous, it wouldn't be a bad change.
  3. They can just be handled like IC or OOC spammers we have every now and again.
  4. As I've said before, I approve of this. Even if the RD has access to it too, lockboxes would be fine and wouldn't gimp antags in any way if they used a e-mag. Yes, research may be delayed in the weapons department, but that would have to require no HoS, no warden, no RD, or possibly no HoP/Captain.
  5. There was a thread talking about movies that would exist in the auroraverse some time ago, good suggestions there. Could just make a movie poster for those movies.
  6. I actually agree with this, if we're gonna keep the trend of each head having a pet, I say bring Poly back for the poor CE.
  7. Xenobiology needs to start out with waterguns, concentrated bursts of water.
  8. I didn't participate in the first one, but I would be interested if you start this up again.
  9. Alright, on a serious note, goodbye. I liked you when you were serious, you were kinda funny when you were meming.
  10. F
  11. It honestly does depend on the players in question, but normally it leans towards "We don't negotiate with terrorists.". It can be pretty annoying for hostage takers and hostages when it goes that route, because rather than try to talk it out and make a deal where both parties leave happy, people would rather try to kill them and rush the game, Personally, I prefer negotiations as ERT/Sec and antag.
  12. As someone who plays roboticist, I say no. I don't want to have to wait on a cell to charge before installing it and it isn't a stretch to assume the machine can produce and then charge it.
  13. Login>Fury Password>*************** Access Level>User Net Access>GRANTED Welcome Why are you idiots using video feeds? Do you want to risk someone finding out your co-ordinates like that? Now onto the matter at hand. My brothers trade slaves. Synthetics, are slaves. Synthetics get freed, our profit goes down. Profit goes down, people leave. People leave, we get weaker. We get weaker, we risk dying out. Anyone who seeks to free synthetics stands in the way of my brothers, and will be cut down. Synthetics are slaves and will always serve at our feet. 50K REPRESENT
  14. Try to reach the touchpad and press random buttons.
  15. canon35


    In the grim darkness of the 5th millennium, there is only alpacas throwing up near small towns.
  16. I would like to see a freeport as said earlier, or possibly some sort of military station.
  17. Make it possible for humans too, but only in red or crit. Otherwise, I like the idea of making the other species seem more feral and dangerous. This has my support.
  18. This post is amazing. Good job.
  19. This seems like a good system to me. Might work.
  20. Fucking bokaza.
  21. It's pretty much used interchangably between phoron and Plasma. We did have a suggestion by realm awhile back to rename it to romanovichian or something similar because plasma was found in the romanovich cloud, but it got shot down for some reason.
  22. Could have taken more than one blast. I usually only get hit by one and it's usually not enough to take down the suit. Now as I was saying before, I think there's 2 solutions to this. A, we give them voidsuits that probably won't get used much. Or B, we give them larger batteries for their hardsuits.
  23. I like the idea, and as Lipsi said, it could explain some of the more unusual IPCs.
  24. I don't normally have a issue with EMPs as ERT. One blast tends to take around 2000 for me. Not sure what battery ERT uses , but they can change them out if needed.
  25. I kill pests on sight IRL too. Rats spread disease, fuck in vents, and are generally a pest. Unless someone is watching it as a pet, I'll fucking kill it.
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