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Lore Writers
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Everything posted by canon35

  1. Coalf's proven himself a good writer and passionate for Aurora and Tajara's lore. He definitely deserves a position on the team.
  2. Honestly, fuck it. Cut it. I've played servers and rounds without active AIs before and felt that it was a improvement. Antags can be more gung ho or open without having to fear a machine peering in and fucking them over, encourages less overactive caution, and it's less of a headache to deal with being wanted when there isn't some bot constantly scanning for you. No AI and no doorbot means that sec has to work closer with the crew for access or finding people( Or just grab a borg to help out.). The cat and mouse game that antag rounds become is better. Constant fear of the AI or reliance on it just drags down the server, and the best way to deal with it for now is cutting out the tumor and finding solutions to deal with any fallout of it. Regarding implementation, I figure keeping the number of borgs at the same level is fine. No need for any extras. If science wants to create a new AI, sure! Just need some new regulation around that and maybe change up resource costs so they aren't somehow producing a station running robot out of their asses whenever mercs/raiders hit up. Malf is a game mode that I doubt many would miss. The AI core area could be changed to just a section for borgs and/or robot upkeep. Then, you could probably introduce some lore reason for AIs going off the station and perhaps find some avenue for AI players to shift their characters to another synth form. At the very least, I would love a whitelist that's either it's own thing or connected to Command.
  3. Made a ThunderDome right next to arrivals. I figured it'd be a nice change up for extended, give people who want to fight something to do, and provide medical some work to keep them busy. No screenshots sadly, but it was about a 12 by 6 tile room with glass all around, viewing areas, and a small area for my Unathi, his on guard medic, and a officer aiding in stopping fights for sit in. We had a few fights, then it got shut down when Ana had a fit and some crew died (One got cloned and came back to defend me, one got reconstructed and went back to their business.). Our set up was designed to prevent people from actually dying but accidents happen. I got no idea how I didn't wind up getting shit for this and Karnaikai eventually went back to Moghes and doing what he does best. Getting high and fucking around with machine parts.
  4. BYOND Key: Canon35 Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Garnascus Reason of Ban: Sent Jackboot a NSFW meme. Reason for Appeal: Think it's pretty safe to say that I won't repeat this or anything similar, posting NSFW or gore/sending to members.
  5. Ckey/BYOND Username: Canon35 Position Being Applied For Vaurca Lore Dev Past Experiences/Knowledge: -Already on the lore dev team. -Was CCIA for a year or so, was one of the first ones -been on the server for awhile now, came along a couple months after it began. -Some knowledge on the idea of hiveminds in science fiction. -Done world building before in other fiction series and some in our lore. Do you play Vaurca extensively? Why? When I played, yes. the reason why is because I feel that Vaurcae are some of the most interesting xenos we have. Former hives that lived as great superpowers, almost unchallenged, but forced onto arkships and flung 2000 years away from home and stuck in a galaxy that sees them as pests. They've gone from being powerful to almost powerless, while at the same time barely adjusting to the new world around them. If you were chosen for Lore Developer, what would your plans be for Vaurca? -expand on the colonies made by Vaurca. -write up laws and rights for Vaurcae in biesel -do a few arcs involving vaurca interacting with the galaxy. -MAYBE bring more arkships in. This is more of a long term idea. -Revert lore back to pre Chev and tabbit. Would you embark on major or minor rewrites of Vaurca lore? If yes, why is your rewrite worth it? as I said before, I want to revert lore back to pre chev and tabbit changes. The reason why is because it rubbed almost everyone the wrong way, was disliked by most of the vaurca players, and alienated people who played the species before as most rewrites do. Fowl's idea was a spooky insectoid species that everyone kept down out of fear. Chev's was warrior poets and people who worshipped a generic mother goddess.
  6. My apologies for not being as active as I should have been. Regarding the inactivity, it's a good concern to have. the thing is that human lore, to me at least, had always felt developed and as a base. To me vaurca lore is the exact opposite. It had visions, it had ideas, but they weren't expanded on and developed. First came Covert's lore, then came Fowl's, then came Chev's. There's no base for it to rest on, and no idea for the race at large. I want to give it that plan, give it it's desired development, it's expansion, it's reworks and reconstructions.
  7. Ckey/BYOND Username: Canon35 Position Being Applied For Vaurca Loredev Past Experiences/Knowledge: -Been on the lore dev team already. -done world building in our lore and other settings. -some knowledge on the concepts of hiveminds. -Worked as CCIA for about a year, was one of the firsts. Do you play Vaurca extensively? Why? When I play, yes. The reason why is because the vaurca are probably one of the most interesting races to me. Former grand rulers and hives cast out of their home, fleeing disaster in quickly made arkships. Now they're stuck in ghettos, shitty colonies, or being used as slaves for people who see them as nothing but free labor. Riches to rags, with hope of restoring their former glory. If you were chosen for Lore Developer, what would your plans be for Vaurca? -expand on the colonies made by Vaurca. -write up laws and rights for Vaurcae in biesel -do a few arcs involving vaurca interacting with the galaxy. -MAYBE bring more arkships in. This is more of a long term idea. -Revert lore back to pre Chev. Would you embark on major or minor rewrites of Vaurca lore? If yes, why is your rewrite worth it? as I said before, I want to revert lore back to pre chev changes. The reason why is because it rubbed almost everyone the wrong way, was disliked by most of the vaurca players, and alienated people who played the species before as most rewrites do. Fowl's idea was a spooky insectoid species that everyone kept down out of fear. Chev's was warrior poets and people who worshipped a generic mother goddess.
  8. Aurora II On The Horizon? With news of the NSS Aurora II looming on the horizon, Chief Engineering Director Nigel Brent, a top level executive and one of the eight Chiefs of Staff for Nanotrasen made a scheduled visit to the NSS Exodus, a top of the line research facility operated by Nanotrasen’s finest. In this visit, the Director along with a delegate composed of high level Nanotrasen representatives boarded the NSS Exodus. The delegation was welcomed by the NSS Exodus command team, including its Captain, Raymond Hawkins. In anticipation of this visit, security on the station and the space surrounding the station was increased. The NDV Icarus, a drone carrier belonging to Nanotrasen deployed EVA capable “Combat Drones” as a security measure. Witnesses of the speech even reported a drone flying by very closely before vanishing into the horizon. The delegation was mostly hosted in the recreational holodeck where a podium was formed. The Director along with Daniel Bay, a Nanotrasen Representative spoke to the crew and answered questions in a Q&A session post speech. Journalists at the scene were also able to acquire a photograph of the attending crew and delegation. The delegation answered concerns and queries provided by the crew, journalists on the scene informed us that crew members of the NSS Exodus are going to be reassigned to the NSS Aurora II once it is opening and cited that this new station will provide further job opportunities as opposed to taking away. Analysts speculate this new station might even provide a boom to Biesel’s economy. Written by Aboshehab
  9. Safety and Security in the Sector of Tau Ceti Following the win of the New Republican party and the position of the President remaining with Dorne, many were left wondering what his first move would be. With a controversial and somewhat worrying platform, Dorne had made promises that didn’t rest well with many a citizen in the Republic of Biesel, but one thing among everyone was for certain. The space of Tau Ceti was no longer safe. With Sol Alliance patrols failing to catch pirates that slip into the space around us, and our weakened fleet still reeling from sabotage during the Occupation, and a rise in piracy it seemed as if rocky times were ahead for our brave men and women in the Biesel Navy. However, those times may not come to pass. Following a recent deal between the Republic of Biesel’s government and officials from NanoTrasen a new plan for the safe future of Biesel has been laid out. Along with retrofitting and upgrading ships of the Biesel Navy with top of the line NT weaponry, armour, and ship-based AIs, a new contingent of ERT have arrived. The fleet, dubbing itself “Xavier’s Shield” after the deceased CEO of NanoTrasen, has taken up patrols in the system to safeguard the area. The fleet’s Admiral, Deaniel Moore has issued a brief statement regarding the new expansions. “People like to bury their heads in the sands sometimes, pretend like things aren’t true. Well, truth is that sometimes you can’t look a gift horse in the eye and say it’s a lie. I’m sure people will cry at the fact that the government hired people from NT and didn’t just invest more in their regular navy but they need to realize something. We and NT’s here to help, we really are. And with us no pirate’s getting close to this place ever again.” Regardless of people’s opinions on the matters of state security, one thing is certain for the citizens of the Republic. No longer shall we have to fear pirates, Vox, or rogue admirals with the brave troopers of our Republic’s navy and Nanotrasen’s top men working side by side to defend our way of life.
  10. I personally see the vaurca hivemind as, originally, a natural process with pheromones and such eventually being taken over via technology. The hivenet implants and such. The queens ruled smaller hives with unbound being the entirety, until technology advances led way to the bound, the hivenet, and further types of vaurcae. The hivenet enforces loyalty and trust in others, putting the whole above the individual. The hierarchy is there and maintained by the hivenet, the most important part of the vaurca society.
  11. 1. I do have some ideas on how to develop the growing number of vaurcae outside of biesel and try to translate how the state and the hives in Tau Ceti would act. 2. For unbound, i would like them to keep core aspects of vaurcae. Loyalty being a unusual concept because to them you should automatically be loyal. From there the player can take them as they see fit (Within the pre established lore of course). Curiosity, suspicions, distaste of xenos, etc. I want to keep options open enough for Unbound, but at the same time keep them in line with the hive mentality. 3. Regarding Bound. I do feel like the bound personality is as good as it is. A simple thinking being that does as ordered with the knowledge it has, be it mining, engineering, cleaning, etc. In regards to loyalty, I see it as a hierarchical system. Follow the hive, follow the secondary hive (If K'lax), follow the crew. A bound should follow orders, but to a extent. Yes, you can have a engineering one pick up a gun and try to fire at someone, but it would likely fuck up as it's a task it has No idea how to do. 4. As I said before, the unbound can have another ideal besides following the hive. One could want to funnel credits to improve it's conditions, try to fit in as best as it can to adjust to the new world, there's other things to focus on when you aren't aiding the hive or yourself. 5. As it stands, the system we have is fine. The unbound follows the hive and then it's own interests. No matter what it always adheres to the hierarchy and chain of command, so to speak. 6. VR would be enforced as a mixed subject to vaurca. Some do wish to return to it, seeing it as a paradise. some see the realspace as a better alternative. Something real where they feel as if they are making a difference and improving, as opposed to a virtual world that truly has no effect. Some want to withdraw from reality, others want to revel in it.
  12. Ckey/BYOND Username: Canon35 Position Being Applied For Vaurca Lore Dev Past Experiences/Knowledge: -Already on the lore dev team. -Was CCIA for a year or so, was one of the first ones -been on the server for awhile now, came along a couple months after it began. -Some knowledge on the idea of hiveminds in science fiction. -Done world building before in other fiction series and some in our lore. Do you play Vaurca extensively? Why? When I play, yes. the reason why is because I feel that Vaurcae are some of the most interesting xenos we have. Former hives that lived as great superpowers, almost unchallenged, but forced onto arkships and flung 2000 years away from home and stuck in a galaxy that sees them as pests. They've gone from being powerful to almost powerless, while at the same time barely adjusting to the new world around them. If you were chosen for Lore Developer, what would your plans be for Vaurca? -Expand on the VR, write on it and how it was for the vaurca, how it works with other species. -Write some more on district 9 itself, the rights and conditions there. -Expand on the K'lax in skrellian space. -update wiki pages IE Post Contact Developments -Put more infomation about the hiveships -Clashes of interest over the vaurca, how they're adjusting, and the feelings towards them. All in all, I want to keep what we have now and build on it. Establish some more concrete stuff, Maybe explore a few other concepts down the line, some minor mechanic changes to fit lore developments. Would you embark on major or minor rewrites of Vaurca lore? If yes, why is your rewrite worth it? Nope. Not really. While I do have some tweaks in mind, such as population, sizes, perhaps biology, I do mean to keep it mostly as is while building on it. Vaurcae lore is in a sort of sweet spot where they don't need to have more tacked on and are a fine fit as is. I would never attempt anything radical or completely different.
  13. Elyra News Network “For Greatness, We Strive” Synthetic Fears: All time high! 31.5.2459 After the alarming incident regarding the tragedy at the Parliament building and the discovery of the shell frame synthetic unit responsible for it, reports have begun circulating of certain protests and criminal activities aimed towards manufacturing, distribution firms, owners and synthetics as a whole, under the slogan of "My Human Elyra". These acts don't just stop there as a new trend has started to rise, that of reporting suspected shell frames to authorities, under the pretense of them being planted there by Dahis for their supposed plot of undermining our Serene Republic of Elyra. Only two days ago the mayor of a rural town in Persopolis, Ali Al-Deen, who was suspected of the embezzlement of the towns budget was taken from his home under gunpoint and became subject to cruel and torturous act as he was believed to be one of these Dahis shell plants. Law Enforcement Agencies were able to track down the mayor and arrest the culprits, but the mayor was pronounced dead at the scene. The Head of the Elyrian Bureau of Investigation released the following statement. "What happened to Mayor Al-Deen was regrettable and a result of a hasty mob action. Upon further investigation, the culprits believed that Al-Deen was synthetic posing as the original person, which we've attributed to his less than favorable reputation and ongoing investigation. I'd like to take this moment to remind everyone present and watching against this form of mob behavior as it breeds nothing but dissent and disunity among us, and that they should report anyone they suspect to the authorities instead of resorting to vigilantism, as the word of law separates us from savages, and the people of Elyra are far from it. For Greatness we strive, for our Serene Republic." There have also been as of now unconfirmed rumors that the Parliament is moving forward to better equip Law Enforcement Agencies and the Armed Forces with better equipment suited to deal with any synthetic threats. For Greatness, we strive! Long live our Serene Republic! Long live Elyra! Article Written by Aboshehab
  14. Unusual Economic Reports From Adhomai 5.13.2459 Following a recent report from the Tajaran homeworld of Adhomai, Sol Goliath Intragalactic Banking issued a request for an audit into the currency printing operations of the planet. After an intense analysis by Goliath,the People’s Republic of Adhomai appears to have 11% more currency in its economy than should be possible with their trade deals and printing operations. While members of the bank’s board still await an official investigation by the Sol Alliance Central Bank, many of them have thrown accusations towards The Hadii Regime. In a recent interview, chairman Silvens Achland stated: “Ever since 2426, when their Nal’Tor Mint opened up, we’ve been getting nothing but issues from Adhomai. Deficits, thefts, fudged numbers. While we at Goliath opposed the idea of opening this Mint before a government could consolidate its power in the dangerous world, many others seemed to want to jump on the chance to try and earn a few more credits. Now we all see how poor a investment this was” While the status of the request is still unknown, it is gaining traction within the Sol political scene. Politcians from both GAIA and ATLAS support the request for an investigaiton, many citing that Adhomai’s governments should not be trusted with the Mint and should have tighter restrictions on their exchange and credit production. While no official statement has been made from the People’s Republic’s Ministry of External Affairs, many took to social media in light of the issue. Ambassador to the Sol Alliance, Myarizan Klevik, was quick to take to social media, stating that, “With all the smuggling done by rebels, it’s no wonder extra credits have worked their way in. Maybe if humans stopped enabling the cartels, this would not be an issue.” Other critics have been quick to cite Goliath’s lackluster relations with NanoTrasen as a conflict of interest, noting that it could be a maneuver to increase the market share of Hephaestus Industries which frequently conducts business with Sol Goliath.
  15. Elyra News Network “For Greatness, We Strive” Remembering The Fallen:Bursa Memorial 29.4.2459 Prime Minister Rasheed Tatenda along with ministers and members of Parliament in a ceremony have officially opened the Bursa Memorial, a memorial dedicated to those that died in the line of duty during the Lii’dra intrusion into New Cairo, sovereign territory of the Serene Republic of Elyra. This conflict saw the deaths of 29,938 people from different branches of the Elyran Armed Forces and amongst those fatalities are civilians from the nearby areas of where the hive ship landed. The Ceremony started with the Elyran anthem called “Our Elyra” followed by a parade conducted by both the Elyran Army and Airforce followed by a speech given by the Prime Minister Tatenda. “Peace be upon you all my fellow Elyrans, I stand before you today not as a man of position, not as your Prime Minster, I stand before you as an Elyran, a person that was grief stricken when the numbers of those that fell to Lii’dra reached my ears. We all know how it all started, they arrived to our space, they fired on our Navy, they landed not far from here and they continued their campaign of wanton slaughter and aggression. They slaughtered civilians, they shot down all escape vehicles, they tainted the very ground we stand on. Never has such a travesty, such a crisis has been faced by our Republic. In such times, lesser people would have fallen, they would’ve ran, but we are not lesser people, we are Elyrans. Our brave soldiers, our stalwart, we all stood our ground and faced this threat. It is we, the people of Elyra that stood firmly and fought back against the tide of evil, and it was by our hand and our friends from the Federation of Jargon who have not turned their backs against us, that we pushed them back until they retreated in defeat. It is through the brave feats of our people, of the likes of Private Ali Al-Meer, a machine gunner in the 1st Division, that when their lines were hit and were being pushed back, he stood his ground, he stood proudly, he strove to greatness, he kept firing his weapon giving time for his brothers and sisters in arm to pull back and to hold the line, he saved many soldiers that day and he paid for it with his life. Let us also not forget the brave sailors and marines our the Elyran Navy, of Captain Okoro and his men, of how they willingly sacrificed their lives and in the process permitted the evacuation of thousands. I could go on and on, I could tell you 29,938 different stories, of our martyrs who willingly gave their lives to preserve our Republic. Long live the Serene Republic of Elyra! For greatness, we strive! For the fallen, may they never be forgotten! Let us now give a moment of silence to our martyrs and recite to the fallen Sorat Al-Fateha.” After the speech was done, the Prime Minister was seen touring the memorial, reports indicate he stayed on site for hours after the ceremony. Article Written by Aboshehab
  16. Here's the thing about the beret. Is it really worth having a stink over? A black beret with a ancient flag (ICly ancient) flag wouldn't cause issues on the station, and having just a black beret with the descript of "oh it's some odd flag" wouldn't harm anyone. Compare this to other items. Military fatigues tied to regimes that commit atrocities, a Order that harasses the down trodden of their society, a black beret is nothing ICly.
  17. Dahis Investigation Turns Up Striking Evidence 04.2.2459 A investigation in the Sol dependency of Dahis has been completed today. The investigation, started 4 hours after the news that Dahis had used a shell to infiltrate the Elyra navy and bomb the parliament, was initiated on order of Prime Minister Chater himself. The investigation, after many weeks, has finally turned up hard hitting evidence. The Artemis Initiative, used by ATLAS to fund and supply militias in the outer colonies and frontier, sent a shipment of weaponry to the capital of Dahis. In which was included a single shell designed by Hephaestus Industries.This shell was later uploaded with a personality resembling that of the slain Elyra captain Gurab Eckham. The shell was then smuggled into Elyra and had taken over the life of the captain, eventually planning the deadly attack. As a result of this investigation, the prime minister of Dahis has been arrested for planning a terrorist attack against a free independent state, along with 9 officers of the Dahis militia, and 3 members of the Dahis Congress. Sol officer Ving Ramahis of the 66th fleet was reached for this condemning statement on ATLAS. “ATLAS is a bunch of bullshit, load of crap. All they ever do is bitch and moan about shit we shouldn’t even care about. Even more than your regular government toadie. This isn’t the first time we had to clean up their mess, and it probably won’t be the last.” The arrested Dahis citizens are expected to be put on trial on charges of terrorism and murder. ATLAS senator Michael Watkins could not be reached for a statement, however Commandant Freddie West released a short rant to reporters, mostly consisting of complaints against “GAIA sissies sticking their nose into our business.”
  18. I support a removal of these items or just gimping their spawn. Considering that clean up crews are canon and such, it's not a stretch to assume that they'd confiscate any left over contraband. At the same time, cargo is able to easily regain these items or construct similar ones.
  19. Expedition Attacked, Frontier Alliance at Large? 03.26.2459 Shocking news comes from the frontier following the exciting announcement of a new xeno-archeology dig site within the space of the Frontier Alliance. Following information from a ancient datadisk, celebrated Xeno-archeologist Randal Clerk and his team had gone on a expedition with Sol Alliance escorts. However, after their success and discovery, it would seem that tragedy has struck. The surviving Sol vessel, the SAEF Banak, had returned to the Naval Station Hengsha to report on the failed expedition’s fate. After a brief meeting with the Banak’s captain, it was revealed that the Frontier Alliance supposedly turned on the Sol Alliance escort and vessels. Following the discovery of a mysterious glowing spire on the side of the unearthed vessel. Nearly four hours after its discovery the engineering and mining transports, along with the military vessel stationed there, immediately attacked the SAEF escorts and Randal Clerk’s research ship, The Seeker. The current fate of Randal Clerk’s team is unknown, along with casualties sustained from the surprise assault. Estimations are that at least 20 brave Sol Navy crewmen lost their lives. The Frontier Alliance is yet to release a statement, citing a personal investigation along with a rescue of whatever Sol personnel may be stranded at the digsite.
  20. Yeah, I don't support this. There's no issue with core ejection and making it more dangerous wouldn't solve shit, it would just mean the station gets fucked by supermatters more. If you want a more dangerous engine, then wait till newmap.
  21. I don't really support this. I never really see most HoPs (Especially our regulars) doing HoPcurity, at the same time the reason why the HoP has the sec radio access by default is because that normally, they're the best choice for a interim captain. At the same time it's nice to be able to co-ordinate with the HoP on the channel when demoting someone, or in dangerous situations.
  22. Ninjas should be silent when doing walking or running, but I think the stealth suit should be silent only when walking. Other than that, this is a good suggestion.
  23. Yes yes, get the hardly there chemists. In all honesty, I do there needs to be a cap on the turrets or make them a little harder to produce (perhaps some cost that scales with how many there already are.). While yes, sec can change up tactics and should make plans, the idea of fucking bombing as a "normal" counter to lolpylon spam is a terrible idea and shouldn't be something that's actually needed to counter cult tactics.
  24. I actively support the removal of this from the custom loadout. It's a easily detectable weapon (Unless the Odin doesn't have godamn metal detectors). Besides, in most jobs you can still construct a concealable weapon or something better.
  25. I'd be willing to put a anthem on the wiki for Sol, but a modern version would be preferred.
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