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Everything posted by canon35

  1. Hell yes, finally. The price raising was a dumb meme from the time of the blockade and occupation, I see no reason why it shouldn't be lower now. As everyone has already said, fucking k'oi bars are cheaper than cigarettes. It's time to lower these and just let people afford them easily. They're cigarettes. Cheap, easily produced, easily imported (Besides luxury brands that are in game/coming to the game.). Pegasus, the man behind human lore himself, is fully in support of this as well. It's time to restore the cheaper prices.
  2. Zombies are cool and it was fun, but I seriously do think suits should stop bites full stop. Bio suits, void suits, hardsuits/Rigs, maybe radiation suits. They shouldn't infect through this, and it's not like the admins are ever above spawning in some more zombies to grind down defending crew anyways.
  3. I'd be down for this. It's a bit annoying that you don't know you're about to get this slowdown before it happens.
  4. Cut it out of secret rotation, keep it as a voted gamemode. I'm tired of having to deal with bullshit malf rounds that, as people have said, tend to be >explosions! >silent hacking APCs >building up the core >Wuh oh, nuke! >Trying to leave? Sorry, shuttle recall. If people want to rework it in the future, they will rework it and it can be added back into secret. For now, just keep it out.
  5. Yes, please. Having the non lethal and pain side of brainmed looked at would be great.
  6. If you want a example of what the uniforms look like when used by geared sec officers, here it is. Not really much to insinuate nazism/Pro apartheid folks here. It just looks like a regular, khaki uniform with a little dash of red.
  7. This is seriously a enormous stretch. The khaki uniforms are fine and you honestly can't even notice the tie and arm band most of the time, if that is such a giant issue. I also agree that the blue and yellow looks much better. If we are to change these uniforms for some reason, I would prefer those. Stop looking for a problem where one doesn't exist.
  8. I hadn't actually thought about antag applications before, good catch. Could help set up a easier airlock to avoid breaching a area and setting off a alarm. I hadn't known this prior to making the post. I have no idea why that's a thing, but I do agree that bubbles should have tanks or cells in them on spawn.
  9. As it says on the tin. Add inflatable doors, about 2 or 3, in the O2 lockers in a pre existing container or their own small one. We already have plenty of other equipment for atmos related emergencies, these would be pretty nice for crew to set up a airlock and safely run out of a breached area without spreading it.
  10. Honestly I think I'm on board with this. It wouldn't be too hard to write them out of lore either. Simply have some articles stating that vox have vanished, update their page to say one year they all left, make it a matter of IC and OOC speculation as to what the fuck happened to them. I did want them to stick around as antag species but as some people have said, having our own eventually would be really nice.
  11. Such a nice idea I'm surprised we don't already have it. Have xenoarch have a large set of them, then have it so science could produce them and/or cargo could order them in. Include a lock that requires research access as well so no assistants cram that shit open.
  12. I don't see a reason to add this. Our current system works fine for antags and sec, and as stated earlier this would just lead to more force used on both sides. Most people, unless they're being inflicted by lag or unless the cuffer is trying to do it to them while they're typing (Which is against the rules IIRC), would be able to walk off or escape and prevent themselves from being caught unless stuns are used.
  13. I think just simple examining would be best. Examine some footprints and be able to tell what likely printed it. Of course, I do think it shouldn't be able to tell you EXACT shoes unless they were quite unique. Some, such as boots, would likely leave the same imprint.
  14. Engineering, Paramedics, Janitors, and the Heads having maintenance access is grand. What isn't is cutting Security's access. A good chunk of the station is maintenance, ISD is expected to be able to find regulation breakers and search the station for them. I don't see how forcing ISD to rely on having to get others to drop what they're doing and aid them like this is a decent solution. As stated earlier this change could result in Sec having to grab the rare engineer or paramedic on some rounds to aid them instead of focusing on their duties, or having a head of staff lead them into a possibly dangerous zone. This also removes the opportunity for a antag to use a officer's ID to be able to navigate maintenance or a officer using his access to help crew evacuate or get around a breach. On a canonical/lore note, why would CentCom lock out it's own ISD from accessing maintenance zones? Their facilities and the Aurora itself has been attacked canonically by outside forces, while NT also has numerous competitors and a paramilitary group dedicated to destroying them. Doesn't make much sense to lock your own boys out of your station's vulnerable areas in that case. For Cargo, see Seeli's post. The nice thing about the Cargo Techs having all maintenance access is being able to move crates around in the tunnels in case the main halls aren't passable and to search maintenance for bounty objects. Other than that, I've found the all-access as good a tool for antag actions as the warehouse. Assistants losing their access would be nice. I don't really get why they have it still, being just greytide or bar RPers at most. I'd also argue that Liasons/Consulars should have full maintenance access as well, considering they're meant to be a vital role on the station as well. There already are numerous alcoves for antagonists to set up shop, especially the more based oriented ones like cult. If you want to make maintenance more of a maze/antag hide out, I'd argue the best way is mapping more onto maintenance. More small side rooms, ladders, side tunnels.
  15. Moving the vault to a more secure location and putting a hall to a transfer area in it's original would be nice.
  16. Looks great! I love the concept of the pilot job and the pods going here as well. I don't really have any feedback to give regarding this except maybe fix up some of the sections of the map (IE the broken window to space and those busted tiles). Also, regarding evacuation, I assume the shuttle can be used to simply move employees to and from the base as a means of evac?
  17. I think I gotta agree with KOTP and Carver here. TCFL characters should exist largely by themselves with no overlap with station personnel. It's the same stuff we used to have with ex-ERT characters or people signing on as ERT as their non station characters. I fail to see why we should allow this criss crossing when it's just another excuse for having some training you could handwave in your records. That being said, I do think people should be allowed to make old characters members of the TCFL if they wish: Just don't ever play them on station again.
  18. There is absolutely no reason for this. Sec has a entire arsenal of stun based and less than lethal weaponry, are able to call for others to aid them with handling some prisoners, and can carry numerous cuffs or simply grab the discarded pair. There is also buckling people to objects like chairs or roller beds. This addition would do nothing but make removing handcuffs in every situation a even bigger pain. I'd rather not have my hand busted because I slipped from sec control as a antag or got out of the merc's clutches.
  19. Good luck, I am behind a entire inuit tribe. 

  20. Shot RCMP, I have. Flee to Yukon I will. 

  21. What it says on the tin. Being able to produce the IPC organs alongside mechanical ones to be implanted in organic crew, such as hearts and eyes, would be a small but useful tool for robotics. From what I understand there's currently no way to produce either on station. Also, if this is added, please don't hide it behind research level requirements.
  22. Yeah Alberyk's pretty accurate here. Besides, there's nothing stopping revs now from trying to set up a directive as a gimmick, and we even still kept loyalists for some reason. I don't see a reason to add back mutiny.
  23. I believe these items are still in the code, I saw some screenshots of it being adminspawned and a unathi wearing one during the halloween event. I decided to retire this character but if the items are still there, it could make a good holy garb for Tk'akh. Just rename the chest piece to "Holy Wrappings", put a short descript saying it's usually worn by Tk'akh holy men to protect against spirits, and it should be golden.
  24. Yeah, I can't get behind cryo removal. I don't see it adding much besides taking away one of the best ways for medical to keep their dying patients alive for when they need treatment and stripping some nice sci fi stuff out of our sci fi setting. I seriously can't see why gutting medical and making it even more obtuse is a good idea. More sleepers and patient beds are fine, the handheld scanners being updated seem cool, but the false positives are a terrible idea considering the time and resources they could waste with devices that are supposed to be advanced shit. And for the love of god don't remove the full body scanners. If science can upgrade them, sure, but removal is too much. Your goal of more analysis and helping new people integrate better is admirable but I really don't see this as the way to go. All this would do is make the medbay some 21st century shit while making it harder to help people to solve issues that arguably aren't even there.
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