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About Cnaym

  • Birthday 02/12/1992

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  • Byond CKey

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  1. +1 No question. He hasn't gotten himself banned by now, which is simply astonishing.
  2. First they came for the mobility frames... Yeah G2s are completly unbalanced, speed tanking was so viable that it was removed first, almost nothing on this server is balanced at all, Xions used to be pretty much unarmored in lore so they stay cool. Schev nailed the real issue, we got three industrials with only one having a distinct feature of being able to spacewalk, the G1 is fine for security as the speed is slow enough and the armor not hillariously broken. Just take the G2 out the back and... Could just replace one of the G2 hands with a funky industrial tool that pretty much forces them to work in their specific areas of engineering or mining. I am thinking of a powerful and species specific drill, welding multitool thingy or maybe even a hydraulic clamp so Mr. Chonk can carry crates around for cargo. Diona officers only excuse for years was that they can be downed by flashes (emp excuse anyone?) and still got nerfed massively until they found a semi balanced place, the G2 is pretty much in the same spot. If you manage to murder the right players with them over and over you will see it nerfed faster than with any forum discussion though.
  3. Like this a lot over the current version. The armory placement right now is pain for both sides.
  4. I can confirm every accusation and add some more. Read threw me under so many busses I am banned from public transport now.
  5. I had not played for a bit, asked for my notes so I can keep in mind what I had been bwoinked about and got them rather quickly. No need to change a woking system.
  6. The entire issue summed up in one sentence. A command learning role should observe and try to understand how command leads their department and delegate tasks, not offer input from a position of knowing next to nothing and being scooped up in the bridge half the round. If I want to know who what's around the ship or where we are going I will ask the BC but if I start a vote of borging or marooning someone I do not need the three stooges to give me their moral input after spending an hour in the bridge bar together because of a code red. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Bridge_Crewman This side all but implies that you are a "very important" set of "command eyes" lol. You know yourself command players are not going to add another ticket to their round while stuff is happening and have to sit in the timeout corner because staff has to make up their mind about something that's not written down anywhere. I mean the first sentence with the funky bold writing basicly negates itself.
  7. Fully support this with the addition of two little things. First of all I would limit the piloting channel to captain / xo during standard operations, this would mean the other heads can focus on their stuff instead of having to fiddle with another channel. Common and PDA still exists so it's not a loss imho. Make it so that on red either captain / command can enable command channel for them, or auto enable piloting channel for all of command during a code red situation. This'd be similar to the maint access, the idea here is that a CMO could let the doctors know if the ship is about to come under fire or do the funny moves. Now these two would just be tiny fluff I would like from an IC perspective but nobody needs to bother implementing these, as for the original concern, none command staff should not have access to the command channel - Full stop. I can see how the AI needs it sometimes (would be funny if it had not though tbh) and the faction reps getting access to it is somewhat of a gameplay decision I don't support but instead ignore, the main point being both of these roles are whitelisted anyway. Now as to why I prefer the command channel whitelisted, simple, in any situation that requires the channel to be used extensively it needs to be clear and filled with information. If I cannot field execute annoying bridge crew (ignoring any and all boundaries or realistic behavior towards their direct superiors) without getting bwoinked, this would be the next best thing.
  8. I've seen cringe you people wouldn't believe. Mute miners murdering a bald ling. I watched the SM... glitter in the dark inside the brig lobby. All those... logs will be lost... in time... like ban appeals... on the forums.

    1. KingOfThePing
    2. Zelmana


      It's too bad they won't RP.... but then again, who does?

    3. goolie



  9. Honestly would not have supported this if you hadn't shown through Ruben that you are able to play a believable and coherent commander. The interactions i had with you during your trial convinced me that you should have the whitelist. Good job and +1
  10. I can raise that point about almost every job we currently have. It's not an issue. Like something play it, don't like something don't play it. None of these jobs are required. When lowpop interns treat eye damage with carrot sticks than we should be able to survive without a chemist on highpop as well. Engineering is understaffed as well, yet they didn't make the list. Most of us probably find them more important. The real question is do we want to have people work together to solve issues - risk of not having every job filled, Or do we just add auto docs and say it's roughly on the level of eva training, as in almost everyone should be able to handle it. Imho the lack of certain things creates a changing set of circumstances that requires creative problem solving or sometimes just annoying extra steps. Players problem solving through interaction and RP is what makes the Aurora a little more interesting to interact with, taking that away one step at a time is something I strongly advise against. We've pretty much had the same discussion about R&D for years now, yet people still play the role and do the do. Sometimes you get energy glaive spam, sometimes you get to beg operations for nanopaste. I like Pings idea, find ways to make roles more fun, add tasks and mechanics to keep people engaged for more than the startup. Engineer mains been screaming for years about getting anything else to do besides busy events and maint bars, yet nothing was really added.
  11. We all get the burnout, big brain or unga from time to time. I found your characters quite enjoyable from our interactions and think you will make a decent IPC as well. Just ask the lore nerds before comming up with wild concepts (it's usually safer to get an official okay before doing the funny, same with ahelps). Not much to add to what the others have said, but yeah sticking to it and not giving up is a good sign of sincere interest. I'll also add this from one of the new people around :^)
  12. Good sprite, good underused lore promotion, not any mechanical advantage. Don't see any reason why this should not be added to the game. I'd like to see something similar as a jumpsuit or gear harness for the diona loadout list. +1 if that matters on here
  13. Yes to "depending on manifest" If there is a lot of erpers (service, cargo, bridge crew, science) help them out with both to make their round more fun. If there's a couple officers and medical, the sm is enough so they can work with the antags. If there is dead to no pop, just don't bother. Dark rounds are grand because it changes much about what would else be a dead round and candles at the bar and tea are enough to have fun. Now if you are more on the realistic but interesting side of things, limit power. Use the rcon to disable unused departments and power those that are in use, with priority to the medbay and yourself. This way you get almost completely dark rounds while also having crew goated together and antags able to do some stuff more easily
  14. Heyho, had talked with Nerdy about this before and am in absolute support of this idea. I figured designating spots on desks / tables / chairs with an invisible marker that picks from a loot table like the warehouse does would be easiest, that way you could add specific area markers like "chem-lab" or "engineering" which could safely spawn tools or stuff that belong into these departments. My idea was to give them a relatively inconsistent chance to spawn things at all, so it makes it look very random on a round to round base. Sometimes you'd get a messy lobby, sometimes you'd just find an empty coffee mug someone forgot about. As for the missing things, I am not that certain about that. A chance for stuff to have moved around would be neat but probably kill map loading times if we gave every chair a chance to be a tile left or right.
  15. We haven't exactly interacted much OOCly but I've always been fond of seeing your characters on the manifest and would love to see you given a chance to reclaim the whitelist. I've seen quite a few people quit or become tilted after loosing their whitelist or taking a ban, but so far you you've been nothing but pleasant to interact with.
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