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Player Complaint - Smoke_th

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Nantei
Game ID: The behavior has spanned multiple rounds, the Game ID prior to b2X-ahxf has bits and pieces that I screenshotted.
Player Byond Key/Character name: Smoke_th/Ignus Volkov, Smoke Thums, likely more I am not familiar with
Staff involved: None.
Reason for complaint: Breaking Atmosphere, Unrealistic Character/Behavior
Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes. I have ahelped them I think twice in recent memory, but both tickets didn't get answered. The behavior has spanned multiple rounds for an extended period of time. 
Approximate Date/Time: August 27th, 5pm. (The most recent occurrence)

Right, so initially I was fine to have most of this handled icly or via ahelps, but the behavior has gone on so long without improvement that I feel a player complaint is appropriate. Smoke has become rather infamous in my mind for constantly pushing the limits of what is acceptable abbreviations. I don't mind people saying shorthand versions of things like 'lol, tho, etc' every once and awhile, I occasionally do that in everyday conversations too, but it's fairly excessive and constant with Smoke to the point of being fourth wall shattering. 

In the most recent round I have two examples:



I would have ahelped the second, but it was literally right before the round ended so I didn't have time. Behavior like this is extremely common for him, but it doesn't stop there. His characters often do outright insane things that would get them fired on the spot, and also just for me raises a lot of red flags.

Of particular note is this incident report:

I can oocly verify all of this is true. They threatened to essentially commit autamacide, assault if you want to be very generous—they were aware Clockwork is free to what I know—over an argument. How many people do you know who would 'drill you open' over an argument? Someone who makes threats like this would not be around long. They then decided to run for seemingly no reason. I was attempting to cuff them, I had shown no precusor of attempting to hurt them. And all of this started because they decided their other character should be able to pass information to them icly mid-round, so they could get an upgraded KA, that strikes me as pretty powergamey; especially since it is encouraging others to break their skillset for it.

There have been other cases of behavior like this, but I heard them second hand and don't feel comfortable putting them forward as evidence. @Brutishcrab51 ,@SatinsPristOTD ,@Dark1Star , and Schwann should be able to provide more testimonies as witnesses to this.

Edited by Nantei

I ahelped what that incident report is about, and it wasn't answered, so we can't say this wasn't brought up by me.

The guy LITERALLY copied and pasted the "how to raise research levels" guide from our wiki onto a sheet of paper. He labeled it as like a Hephaestus Work Sheet, and tried to tell Clockwork to "Follow this, my buddy in Science just texted it to me over PDA." (Keep in mind, i had the levels as high as you can get without illegal tech, so this entire show was moot.)

He then proceeded to tell me (Clockwork) that he was a ex-Sol Navy Recon Spec Ops, and that he could handle sensitive information like this because he was trusted. So, we have a player that has copied a wiki onto a sheet of paper (as a miner), handed it to a Roboticist and said his "friend" texted it to him. Guess what? The guy plays the Scientist too. He powergamed the hell out of that situation.

Clockwork reports this to Security, because some SCIENTIST is leaking research like it's candy, over TEXT MESSAGING, and that felt like a breach of NDA and Security. When the guy finds out I reported it, he says I'm slandering the Scientists name and that he'd drill me open.

That's just one incident of this guy, but it's a pretty damning one.

Local miner powergames research levels by claiming Scientist "friend" (played by said miner) texted him how to do it all. Local miner is also ex-Sol Navy Recon Spec Ops with said scientist "friend".

Posted (edited)

Hey, this guy. Yeah. This guy. Ignus Volkov's the character I've interacted with that belongs to him.


I was playing on an Extended round, when a call on the Security radio came in saying that there was an armed intruder in the southern civilian wing, outside the Bar. Grabbed my gun as a Security Officer, Oscar Easter, and ran there. Found Ignus Volkov, a Hephaestus Scientist, wearing Sol combat armor and a mask with a laser rifle. He was wearing a uniform, too, and had the rifle in-hand.


Long story short, he made a chameleon kit in Science and went around trying to find a Janitor so he could get some 'revenge' on him. I don't know the specifics. I didn't wait to hear his reasoning. He asked if I'd be willing to show some mercy or sympathy for a 'Sol recon veteran', to which my answer was 'no'. Who runs around dressed in body armor with a lethal weapon (supposedly) in-hand, on Extended? I think he even had his identification off so he appeared as 'Unknown' until I showed up. He even pointed the rifle towards the Captain, somethingsomething Dvorsky.

Apparently he wanted to punish the Janitor for tearing down his flag?

Come on, that's real dumb. Real dumb.

Edited by Brutishcrab51
Adding information for context.

Alright, so I've seen this guy with two of my characters. Normandy and my officer Jarvis. I forget which round it was, but Scarlett Moore was the captain that round, so Satin can vouch for this. Ignus comes to the robotics door and asks to build a Protolathe and Autolathe in robotics, "So you don't have to keep bothering us scientists." Normandy said no, but Ignus continues to press on, over and over, resorting to actually hacking the door open. Normandy PDAd Scarlett this and she told him to cut it out. At which point Ignus said to Normandy "listen newbie, if you have this, you can build anything you want" I ovbiously declined.

Another as my officer is where he just takes anything out of science and decides to use it for him self, clearly forgetting directive four and all that other useful stuff that's usually used by scientists not to get called powergamers and all that. Doesn't even let anyone know about it.

I've also seem him as a ghost completely just... disreguard almost any REALISTIC RP. I don't have hard concrete evidence. But play a round with any of his characters. You'll quickly realise why this is made.


While I was not mentioned, because all of you all hate me ;-; , I have noticed some of this behavior as well. Smoke Fungus / Dr. Volkov seem to be this be-all, know-all characters one way or another. Or feel themselves.. deserving to do things no normal 'civilian' would do. For instance. Director Moore while I was playing Captain Evans you might as well give me and Satin the station because best captains, yet I'm still winning ❤️. Robotics or Moore built a Exo-Gyanx. You know? The big purple things that are designed to murder a good number of people? Fungus asked me, as the captain, to drive it to which I replied with a, "Ha, No." This is where he insisted I /should/ or I /must/ because he's Ex-Spec Ops and it's how it should be. 


It's just not something I think works well. And I think the worst part is, it wasn't just like, "Well sir I am trained because of X, but I understand," It was a couple of lines of basically, "I'm trained, so I should be doing it. Why are you limiting me?" Like it was my fault almost. 

6 hours ago, LordPwner said:

Robotics or Moore built a Exo-Gyanx. You know? The big purple things that are designed to murder a good number of people? Fungus asked me, as the captain, to drive it to which I replied with a, "Ha, No." This is where he insisted I /should/ or I /must/ because he's Ex-Spec Ops and it's how it should be. 

Well I was one that asked it to be built for bounties. But it's irrelevant. Yes, I can conform that happened. Also I think same round (I am most likely to be totally wrong), I was silent murdered by them, them being a vamp. (It was handled but it's worth mentioning)

Other incident was when I was ling, I sat next to him and absorbed some DNA. And he was like instantly like going for a medkit scanner to scan himself. Instantly self-diagnosed genetic damage. And then was all like "They are dangerous, they hurt me, stay away from them". What miner knows how to diagnose genetic damage?

From my mod side: there was a lot with them, to summarize it, they aren't best player and they seem to not improve a lot. In fact, they still are relatively new player.


Coming to you live from b2Y-afIm [PREVIOUSLY RECORDED] I can confirm that Fumus came over to fabrication and threw a bunch of stuff for tech levels at us (again), then justified it by saving his buddy Volkov does research (again). Nothing else I want to add has not already been said, so I'll just leave it here.

Posted (edited)

I'll make a list and go bullet point by bullet point.


  • The comment about drilling an IPC open was done in heat of the moment as a half-empty threat because the honor of Smoke's friend been insulted by, what at the time seems as, an IPC twat. At first i thought your RP'd it icly about being clueless about concept of heat of the moment, but now i suspect you're just not very bright. Apologies.
  • I am trying to curb down and improve my usage of abbreviations, but it's a tedious process since i type them in automatically. Reflexes. Apologies.
  • Yes i did run because i suspected a mommy's IPC will pull rank and commit "do me a favor because of my mommy who bought me" and a smart cookie knows when to bail. 
  • Overall I only did research levels in RP twice - once for newbie scientist, another one for the other incident. Rest of it I am doing as LOOC, otherwise I declare state of cargonia and sec can come suck our KAs which we will buy from resources sold. That was a sarcasm also.

Additional note - just because you personally treat aurora as space melodrama - doesn't mean everyone does. I treat it more like a spess adventure trip. 

Or if you really wanna get petty - how about the time when a rugged corporate lady which had to climb a corporate pole just to get to HoP kept having tea parties in the holodeck for several shifts straight? That's much more unrealistic than an ex-recon being a hothead. 


Volkov and Fumus are buddy cop marine duo. If i could rp both at the same time - i would. But we're not allowed to multijoin. And no, it wasn't recon spec-ops.

Volkov was getting his masters degree back on venus, while working as game designer in venus aux stuffs (one of thousands of tiny venusian companies specializing in entertainment) when army call came so he decided to join Solarian troops.

Fumus on the other hand was mostly a miner and an engineer rookie on Mars, and ended up in a small engineering corps detachment assigned as engi-wing for recon wing Volkov was in. That's how these chaps ended up knowing each other. 

In one of the failed forward deployments during tau ceti occupation Volkov lost majority of his comrades. Including two IPCs which stood at the front line and were torn apart by enemy fire still covering the squad. After that and helping small remainder of the deployment team escape he was awarded with analogue of Call Of Duty medal for helping to save remainder of the squad and honorably discharged, sent to psychological care due to received PTSD. While under treatment he semi-remotely finished doing masters degree and rest of the education nescessary to apply as general R&D scientist.

Fumus, due to Volkov's wing being destroyed returned with remainder of his engi-wing to sol in a bit. After awhile he joined with Hephaestus and then helped Volkov out by recommending him once he mostly completed psychological treatment. They both ended up working in Hephaestus and then got transferred, at different times to Aurora. (and if other Volkov which is RD willing to rp being Volkov's uncle - i'll alter story a bit to count him in)

They both are loyal to each other and have their backs. Along with some recon knowledge with them, which helped Volkov with a secure transmission of docs if you have to rp-whine that deeply.



Yeah, so I did. I didn't actually hear the armed gunner report because i was busy RPing in the lab and missed it. And Janitor virtually climbed through me lab window, scrubbed me floor, then ripped my Solarian flag from the wall and called me solarian cunt. That sent Ignus into relative rage which is understandable.


Yeah and then what happened? Captain ordered a ton of armor for expedition and suddenly Normandy was all like "okay fine build it to me". Volkov knows what the hell he's doing and cares about productivity. Normandy did not and it clearly states in character file about short temper if productivity is lacking.


I was a vampire that round and was *THIS CLOSE* to moidering you in the shuttle. 


Once again apologies, i freaked out there because that was my third Active round as a vamp ever (five in total up to that point but two i just didn't bother), and i just didn't knew how to approach such RP. Besides a mod yelled at me earlier with PM to actually start Tatoring.


R&D kinda asked for those previously. Besides i saw others dragging thermal drills to R&D as well when playing as Volkov. Yahir was asked to do so as well. So stop being so sensitive about knowledge blocking because you cannot handle some inter-rp which isn't harmful and produces the worthless-most research (seriously, phoron 7 - 9 is empty research tree piece - there is nothing innit)



Yeah and i literally saw a bluespace technician there in booth of shutter control of arrivals at odin. So i yelled at him when he kept screwing with odin shutters.



And to re-iterate - not every character at Aurora you meet will be your version of a "normal human being" aka - a sheep which has fear of superiors and consequences as their MO. People have such qualities as sacrifice, heroism and being a hothead too. 

Edited by Smoke_TH
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Smoke_TH said:

The comment about drilling an IPC open was done in heat of the moment as a half-empty threat because the honor of Smoke's friend been insulted by, what at the time seems as, an IPC twat. At first i thought your RP'd it icly about being clueless about concept of heat of the moment, but now i suspect you're just not very bright. Apologies.

Yes i did run because i suspected a mommy's IPC will pull rank and commit "do me a favor because of my mommy who bought me" and a smart cookie knows when to bail. 

Directly insult me. Very cool. I don't know many people who threaten murder in the heat of the moment either. That's pretty fucked up.

She already pulled rank, you were getting arrested no matter what because you threatened to kill a free IPC in front of another free IPC. Running made absolutely zero sense, and it's very clear to me that it was an ooc decision to 'try and stick it to security' or something equally silly. The only real reason to run from an arrest is if you believe someone is going to physically hurt you, and it was clear that wasn't the case. It would have ended at an arrest had you not run. You turned what would have been handled icly into something that had to be handled oocly via an IR. Not a good look. 

2 hours ago, Smoke_TH said:

R&D kinda asked for those previously. Besides i saw others dragging thermal drills to R&D as well when playing as Volkov. Yahir was asked to do so as well. So stop being so sensitive about knowledge blocking because you cannot handle some inter-rp which isn't harmful and produces the worthless-most research (seriously, phoron 7 - 9 is empty research tree piece - there is nothing innit)

Right, except that is very clearly an attempt to bypass the rules so that you can get your precious KA. From the rules:

Characters must be believable, and well-rounded. No insane or psychotic characters. No Mary Sues. (Over the top characters, characters who know too much, have no weaknesses, etcetera.)

Restrict yourself to your character's knowledge. You, as a player, might have the knowledge of how to hack airlocks, but your average doctor likely doesn't. Reference the glossary for definitions of powergaming and metagaming. This rule is further explained in the character creation section, as well.

The only charitable way to interpret this is you haven't read the rules, so I am really curious which it is here. If it was not obvious by now, using your other characters to give your current character knowledge they shouldn't have is a pretty big faux pas around here. Especially because this would be a violation of an NDA and get you immediately fired.

Genuinely, for the roleplay you want, I would recommend Baystation. I am not saying this as an insult, but as a genuine recommendation. The style there probably better fits what you are after.

2 hours ago, Smoke_TH said:



Yeah and i literally saw a bluespace technician there in booth of shutter control of arrivals at odin. So i yelled at him when he kept screwing with odin shutters.

Wow there is so much wrong here and I feel it perfectly showcases why you just don't get it.

First things first: Bluespace Technicians are supposed to be ignored. It even says this on examine I believe. They are OOC tools for admins to use to fix things that need an actual mob, or are otherwise much easier with one.

Second: How do you know his name? This is a thing I see a lot of people do, but it's particularly egregious here. Just because someones' name is on the radio, or on examine, does not mean you should know it. Consider how difficult it would be to read a tiny, little ID from across the room. A better way to word this: "Whoever was playing in the booth, open up." 


I also want to be clear here. I made this complaint, not to try and get you banned or something petty, but to try and address the behavior that I think is rule breaking. I am not trying to 'make you meet my version of what I think should be played', I am trying to make it clear to you that some of this behavior is simply not okay, and needs to be improved on. I'm not a very spiteful person, you'l note this is my first ever complaint or IR, I made this because I didn't think talking directly to you would be very productive.

Edited by Nantei

Hey man, it's a rookie mistake, but, why force your two characters to interact with each other? I'm not sure there's a rule on it, it's just in bad taste and form, and could be considered metagame.


As a Miner, worry about mining, not lecturing people about research levels. As a Scientist, push the boundaries of knowledge but don't abuse the resources you have access to! You were the armed gunner report, outside the Bar with a holo-gun and armor.


How can you say that is, in any way, alright? Come on now, man.


9 hours ago, Smoke_TH said:

Or if you really wanna get petty - how about the time when a rugged corporate lady which had to climb a corporate pole just to get to HoP kept having tea parties in the holodeck for several shifts straight? That's much more unrealistic than an ex-recon being a hothead. 

I can only assume you mean my character, Thea, here. Firstly, I'll ask you to not insult me when I haven't even been active in this thread. Thea had nothing to do with this situation, and I don't see why you'd bother bringing her up. I don't know what you have against me or my style of roleplay, but if you really have an issue with me make a player complaint. Don't offhandedly insult me when you're trying to defend yourself. I digress, either way.


I can attest to Smoke's behavour in ooc to say the least. While his reactions to this complaint should speak for themselves, he seems to take great offence when things in round don't go the way he wants them to, or when someone doesn't act the way they want them to. For example, Thea and her tea parties. Not to beat a dead horse, but I've had Smoke both complain in looc to me, saying how he doesn't think I should be there, and outright telling me it's 'breaking his immersion' that I dare have tea in the holodeck. Past that, I've heard that he will complain about it behind my back, which in my honest opinion is a pretty crappy thing to do. Past this one example, however, Smoke has shown time and time again that he is completely unpleasant and downright insulting to interact with in any ooc capacity, a case of his way being the only thing that can be right. He deflects blame, choosing to insult others and blame everyone around him, instead of improving. I've watched him in the time he's been on the server, as both an RD and an HOP, and everything in between, but without fail almost every time I see him he is unpleasant, argumentative, or insulting someone.

Posted (edited)

Smoke's miner has gone off on my QM, calling her a bitch and accusing her of micromanaging when all she did was ask roll call and when people don't answer, she'd literally say over supply comms that if they don't check in, she's reporting them missing to ISD. On top of that, she simply reminded miners to turn on their sensors, set up GPS, and asked that all platinum and a single full stack of phoron (50 sheets) be set aside for sending to central. He went off on her for thirty fucking minutes and evaded security when I told ISD and had others confirm that he was verbally abusing my QM. I don't think an Ex-Sol Navy Recon SPEC OPs would behave like this, nor does something like that even realistically exist.

Edited by Rosetango


Now without the meme. We see you posting "your R&D list" frequently in LooC to other players and it's really not usefull. Beeing friendly and helpfull is neat, but your usual response is: My way or no way. Now I'd claim I played science once or twice now and I may even have tried to teach you ICly. The reaction ranged from incompetence to hostility.

On to the QM then. I got told that I need to upgrade all my drills because they are useless otherwhise. Yes. They are. Always. I know. You told another staff member ICly that you keep contraband and weapons in the warehouse for later use.

I strongly suggest the player base to ahelp stuff like that more often. I suggest you read our rules and get a feel for the servers atmosphere before bossing people arround.

8 hours ago, Nantei said:

Wow there is so much wrong here and I feel it perfectly showcases why you just don't get it.

That's something that you dont want to read about yourself. Try to make interaction fun for people, so they come to you  and RP. That way you can get a lot more of a round than ressearch levels will ever get you.

All in all: Improve, take a step back, observe. I sincerely hope you get to enjoy the Aurora, even if you have a hard time finding your way in. What I always suggest is play a scared cadet or engineer, get taken hostage. Learn to laugh dying. :)


I wasn't done defending myself in that topic before it got closed. i'll repost reply was about to post there - here. 


Yes, she is on my tator kill list. Yes she was bitchy at me in both IC and LOOC. So it is clearly a mixing on both ends.

Yes, most of these are fuckups on my part because i didn't knew the rules completely and got appropriately banned for that. Or warned for that. 

Good people? Do good people make up stories for harassing mods to force your ban just because they disagree with you? I don't think so. 



The player was banned, I guess there is nothing much we can do, but this complaint will be taken in consideration in future appeals.

I will lock this in around 24 hours.

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