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Funny Quotes and Shinanighans from Aurora's characters

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A compliment, I guess. Considering that people usually play complete badasses that don't care about their friends dying, their employment, their health etc. It's nice to see things like this.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Time to revive this?


[security] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "He's in disposals."

Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "Hey, just doing a sweep."

[security] Sean Richter asks, "Doing?"

Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov salutes.

Anthony Radic casually yawns, and leans against the wall.

[Common] Sean Richter asks, "Would that mean it shoots anyone who doesn't have armoury access?"

[security] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "Whateverrr it is carrgo techs do in disposals"

[security] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "Prrobably smoking. Orrr masturrrbating"

[security] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "He's was- Wait a second."

[security] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "AI, therre's norrmally a camerrra in disposals."

[security] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov asks, "You can't see him? At all?"

[Common] Sean Richter says, "S Thank you for putting the mental image of Radic jerking it off in some dirty old mainteance tunnel corner, Sur."

[security] Kernel states, "Negative"

[Common] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "Good job, Sean."

OOC CommanderXor: .-.

[Common] Flaming Hearts Love Stars says, "...Yikes"

OOC SierraKomodo: RIP

[Common] Anthony Radic says, "JESUS."

[Common] Anthony Radic yells, "WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?!"

[Common] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "MAsturrrbating."

[Common] Anthony Radic says, "Holy shit."

[Common] Matthew Reynold says, "Alright- Please keep that off the comms."

[security] Sean Richter asks, "What about now, AI?"

[Common] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "You'rre holed up in a darrk, cmall rrrooom with the camerra cut."

[Common] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov asks, "What else would you be doing in therrre?"

[Common] Anthony Radic says, "Look."

[Common] Anthony Radic says, "I may, or may not."

[Common] Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "Speaking of. Fix that camerrra when you'rre done jacking it"



Seth Dagon says, "I think the best part of this shift was the 17th or 18th time I stabbed the Research Director."

You fire the advanced energy gun!

Seth Dagon is hit by the laser in the chest!

Seth Dagon is having trouble keeping their eyes open.

Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, ".. Oops"

Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov asks, "You werre saying?"

Seth Dagon stammers, "I h-hav-ve w-w-wit-t-tn-n-n-nes-sses you f-fuck-kin-ng p-pig-g"

Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "Herr fingerr slipped."

Sai'da Karim-Sur'kov says, "It's such a tight securrity, keeping two murrderrerrs in place"

  • 1 month later...

That one time Sairis met a ghost on a cult round, decided it was a hologram and named it 'Jackass'


Sairis Helosi says, "Hello, HOP."

Sairis Helosi says, "Meet 'Jackass'."

Maximus Crane says, "Hello."

Sairis Helosi says, "Our resident holographic fuckwit"

Maximus Crane talks into the head of personnel's headset

Maximus Crane says, "Yes, I've met."


Sairis Helosi says, "Go fetch"

Sairis Helosi has thrown the global positioning system (COM0).

[Common] Rodney Dapson asks, "Ok then if youre not sure what it is then why cant it be a ghost?"

Sorrel Bash points to the global positioning system (COM0)

[Common] Anomalia says, "It might be a lifeform that is made of energy."

[Common] FROST states, "But i know for a fact it's not the AI"

Sairis Helosi says, "... Right, you can't touch things."

[Common] Jack Mitchell says, "Ya can't prove IT IS a ghost"

[Common] Rodney Dapson says, "Like at least we have a name for what it is"

[Common] Jack Mitchell says, "Either side are bad"

[Common] FROST states, "As the colors are different"

Sairis Helosi says, "Well"

[Common] Halo O'Kyle says, "Mining."

Sairis Helosi says, "How about this."

[Common] Byron Ivanov says, "Haha sairis you might wanna re say what you said the fucking ghost just walked through my wall"

[Common] Rodney Dapson says, "You can prove its a ghost"

[Common] Halo O'Kyle says, "Report."

[Common] Rubles Stronovski asks, "How about we ask the ghost whether or not it's a ghost?"

Sairis Helosi asks, "You know that chaplain that's being an idiot?"

Sairis Helosi says, "Go harass him for a bit"


[Common] Jack Mitchell says, "I haven't seen shit, so i take it as mos' o' ya are nuts"

[Common] Jack Mitchell says, "Nuts in-"

[Common] Jack Mitchell says, "I'm sorry fo' what i said"

[Common] Sairis Helosi asks, "Jackass just said hello?"

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

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