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I have resprites for Icarus drones laying around if people are interested in that, as the current ones look goofy too. These were made about a year-ish ago.
Right now, the two types of biological entities that appear in space are carp and dwellers. In a pretty silly clash of aesthetics, carp are ancient sprites with barely any shading and space sharks look even worse. In contrast, cavern dwellers have darker and better shaded sprites that look immensely more fitting for a space-faring alien creature. So, here's a resprite of carp and sharks to match. killmaw mantalisk.dmi They are fully animated and include rest sprites, which carp and sharks lacked. Also the dead sprites for sharks aren't literally just upside down versions of the east sprite like before. A less important change, but probably a good idea is renaming them to something that isn't literally space fish. Thanks Coalf for the names (though as much as I love them they might be too on the nose, for killmaws at least)
[Accepted] DasFox - IPC Whitelist Application
kyres1 replied to TheSleepyCatmom's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Absolutely fantastic application. Good insight to the character's backstory, conflicts and their own little addition of proving themselves. I love it. Application accepted. -
[Denied] BulletBudgie's IPC Application (Updated)
kyres1 replied to BulletBudgie's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey, sorry for the wait. I'll be taking this application. While the application itself has various issues, a more important consideration is your playtime. You have been playing on Aurora for a couple weeks (under this ckey, at least) and made your application in your first few days of playing here. For this reason alone I need to decline the application, as generally we want to avoid accepting brand new players before they've had a chance to 1. grow accustomed to the server and its rules, and 2. figure out if they even like it here enough to warrant wanting a whitelist. You're free to reapply later down the line, give it a month or two minimum. Application denied. -
Information on the Scarabs has been placed on wiki pages seen here, (also it replaced yinglishen) https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=The_Frontier_Alliance#Scarabs https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Scarabs and the wiki page for Offworlders is complete and can also be seen here, https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Offworlder_Humans All of this is heavily WIP and all subject to change based on majority feedback.
While I'll ask about the pill mechanics or seek something else, these different options are pretty pivotal in being unique crutches for the Offworlders to lean on. They are intended to be entire alternatives to the ESS, rather than just an excuse to take it off.
After some discussion we decided to replace Yinglishen in the Frontier Alliance with the Scarabs in accordance to this. They will be added soon TM to the spot seen below. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=The_Frontier_Alliance#Yinglishen It will remain in canon due to Frontier character creation rules, just not seen on the wiki for the time being. Also, the name "Offworlders" has been decided to remain, while subtypes of them (and the term "spacers") will be used independently, which will be described in further detail once the wiki pages go up.
Main post updated with alternatives to the ESS, such as RMT pills, prosthesis or augmentation.
Hi again. The lore team has come to a conclusion that the ESS will be optional, though default. Other forms of standing upright comfortably will be sought out and available as optional alternatives to using the ESS wherever you go. This way, you may seek any aesthetic you desire, any background you desire and still maintain the downside of being a offworlder. More details will be added to the post shortly on this once coder input is gathered.
Another update : it being a disability is most likely off the table for the time being due to code concerns in implementation. I doubt it'd be considered a fuck up by most, probably just a fact of life that they exist. Seeing as it's the future and much of each faction's fighting force is mechanized, I doubt anything has/will change with these coming into the spotlight. Up to you! It's your character. They can be comfortable in zero-G, low-gravity, or both, or not comfortable in anything at all.
1. No, otherwise there'd be an excess of people running around with laser cannons in their ESS. 2. Not sure but I'd say no to slash resistance because they're still supposed to be a downgrade of sorts, mechanically at least. 3. No. RIGs don't take much power if at all, and EMPs hardly do anything to them. However, they DO destroy modules, and removing that feature for the ESS is unnecessary. 4. It's up to you how comfortable your character is in the ESS while in normal gravity. Mechanically, they are totally incapacitated by it when the ESS is removed. In reality they'd probably just be reduced to a crawl without it, and they'd most likely not be the most cozy in an ESS. Loadout options will generally be centralized around comfort items and whatnot to support the idea that they'd find discomfort in the station's environment.
This is also a fantastic idea, and one that will be considered. I could personally start writing up a rework on the initial document to lean this way.
Big unaddressed issue here : why would everyone have access to artificial gravity in the short span of just 50 years? There are over a hundred billion Humans widespread. Surely not all of them could afford artificial gravity in this time. On top of that, why would they immediately migrate to using it if they're already adapted to zero-gravity living with no way of turning back?
The running assumption is that, in an unwhitelisted sense, we can't really or at least it'd be a giant hassle for administration to place restrictions on entire jobs. For command staff, it can be different as they have a whitelist in the first place and can be held to the expectation that they would abide by simple species rules.
Spacers have existed in our code for awhile now completely untouched. Seeing as our lore not only permits their existence but totally encourages it, the lore team has worked on a hopefully decent side project - implementing the spacers under a new name. This new name of course being Offworlders, which are basically the same premise (that being Humans affected by low gravity or the lack thereof) with completely unique mechanics. With the introduction of this subspecies comes a new faction by the name of Scarabs, storied nomads with origins rooted in the time long before the First Interstellar War. Several unique backgrounds are available, but general Frontier character creation rules can apply to them as well. After all, they’re just Humans with different mechanics. Offworlders are not whitelisted. They are subject to much the same situation normal Humans are in, though are barred from certain roles due to their health issues in standard gravity. So far, the Offworlders can not assume the Chief Engineer, Head of Security or Captain roles - not due to discrimination, but due to health and safety concerns. Taken directly from the design document is the following. One can expect Offworlders to mechanically, Have much weaker bones, meaning their bones break easily. Have much weaker organs, meaning their organs take higher damage. Be much more susceptible to toxins. Be much more resistant to light and therefore flashes. Be much more resistant to low pressure and have a much higher threshold for lung damage. Only require bare minimum air to reliably breathe - somewhere around 15kpa ingame. Require bracing of some sort through the ESS to stand. Bleed much slower than normal Humans. One can expect Offworlders to, in roleplay, Experience discomfort in normal atmosphere and prefer internals set at a lower pressure to it. Be very tall, reaching ridiculous heights with no gravity to hold them down. 7ft max please. Be highly willing to seek out prosthetics/augmentation. Be from any number of factions in the Frontier. The standing mechanics are simple. You feel discomfort and receive a slowdown when not using some form of assistance to stand. All Offworlders spawn with the ESS by default, however this can be taken off at the cost of said discomfort. Alternatives to the ESS, and details on it are below. RMT (Regenerative-musculature tissue) pill supplements RMT pill supplements are rampantly used by those seeking to remedy the effects of prolonged zero-G adaptations. Mechanically, these work by nullifying the discomfort message and slowdown. You would have the option to pick a bottle of these for free from the loadout, if you wish to dedicate the space to them. They have no other effects or overdose. These should be easily obtainable from Chemistry and a full bottle at spawn should last the majority or entirety of a shift. Prosthesis Any form of prosthesis which encompasses both legs removes the slowdown and discomfort entirely. Augmentation When the Human augmentation PR found here, https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5999 is completed, we hope to utilize these in a fashion that allows R&D to develop simple implants that assist in nullifying discomfort/slowdown. The ESS (Exo-Stellar Skeletons) The Exo-Stellar Skeletons, or ESS for short, are the Offworlder’s most unique asset. Utilized in much the same way as a standard RIG, it deploys into a tightly-fitting chest and headpiece. Both the headpiece and the chestpiece can be deployed, but neither covers the respective body part enough to be unidentifiable, or withstand depressurization. Essentially, these are simple support braces. These are equipped with very little universally, generally things to maintain and keep the Offworlder alive and well during their time in the hostile environments other Humans call home. The ESS is equipped with… An emergency injection system that, once the user exceeds a certain damage threshold, injects 5 units of dexalin and 5 units of inaprovaline into the user’s bloodstream. An integrated vitals tracker that allows the player to scan their own body’s vitals and nobody else. The ESS has no statistics of its own. There are zero armor values and it has no environmental protection. The ESS does not splint broken bones. For convenience sake though (because it’d get annoying) the helmet will offer welding protection. It does not obscure the face entirely to hide identities. The ESS can only equip two RIG modules alongside the others. The ESS’ two default RIG modules can not be removed. The ESS can not equip the following: Combat modules and construction modules (specifically the RCD if we can help it) The overview of the wiki page will be the following, Referred to as anywhere from spacers, to drifters, to star-men and even just offworlders - Humans negatively affected by low gravity are a common sight in the Frontier. Various examples of these Humans are the majority of the Techno-Conglomerate’s populace, or the Scarabs. Typically, the environments they are grown in take a massive toll on their body’s inner workings. They are often seen as atrophied giants with long, lanky limbs reaching heights of up to 7 feet when reaching adulthood. They require bracing and various means of comfort and life support to sustain themselves for prolonged times in standard atmosphere and gravity, though have no issue surviving in either for hours at a time. These deformations have been achieved by hundreds of years of time in space without zero gravity, with over a dozen generations meeting similar issues. Augments, prosthesis and genetic modification have stemmed the effects of it, helping guide and shape, albeit a rather large, Human form. The offworlders on board NanoTrasen stations are not a new introduction, but higher gravity stations have recently began to see workers descending from zero-gravity environments. This is due to the recent proliferation of the unique ESS modules thanks to NanoTrasen’s mass distribution of them to workers seeking alternative job routes. These ESS, or Exo-Stellar Skeleton modules, are RIG-like exoskeletons that assist in movement and comfort in a standard gravity environment. Though old inventions, their recent mass upgrades from NT has allowed them to meet health and safety standards for comfortable work, and has sparked a large immigration back into the Core Worlds from these afflicted Humans. In introduction, We intend to present Offworlders (and test them live) through a series of minor unannounced and canon mini-events establishing characters and repetition. Rather than a grand entrance as if this had become a new thing, their integration with the rest of the crew ought to be seamless and gradual rather than imposing and sudden. The concerns - There are a few concerns to outline when introducing something like this that we’ve encountered. For one, it’s hard to determine whether or not this is bloat. This addition may get the wrong image and lead people to believe we’ve been working excessively on things that don’t really matter, but it should be known that this is a side project first and foremost. Secondly, there are concerns that the implementation of something like a RIG to unwhitelisted species is a tad outrageous. This is fine for the most part, but adding something to explain what exactly you’re wearing and how to utilize it may be pivotal. In failing this, we may have a lot of people just falling flat on their face in the Odin and unable to get up. There will be a message upon spawning as an offworlder explaining what the ESS is briefly and how to turn it on to help this, but as a result, the RIG in its current state is the biggest WIP addition. In summary, The Offworlders are basically a mechanical downgrade to normal Humans. They were made purely to exercise creativity in character creation, put some untouched code to good use, and permit exploration of rather untouched parts of the Frontier. Almost all lore writers pitched in to help out and any feedback is welcome. More details on the lore end, such as specifics on the Scarabs will come along as they reach the final stages of development, though will probably end up on the wiki in usual lore process. Feel free to ask anything! The PR can be found here, https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6078
[Accepted] Soultheif96's IPC Whitelist
kyres1 replied to Soultheif96's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've seen your role play in game before and it's certainly satisfactory, and I'm assuming the contents of the backstory are deeming the present character as it is seen non-canon. While I do wish the part of acquiring its freedom was fleshed out more, the rest is all good. Application accepted. -
[Accepted] Melodic Voids IPC Application
kyres1 replied to MelodicVoid's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Sorry for the long delay, I'll be processing this application. I like it, honestly. With all the industrial and security frame applications we get, it's nice to see someone seeking out something simple yet unused like a clerical background to describe their backstory. Application accepted. -
Currently, frag grenades are available to several adminspawn event RIGs when equipped and are available to traitors, ERT, and mercenaries. Individually they're fine, but considering how often they're all collectively seen and how amazing they are as a weapon, the suggestion here is to just limit their availability. Remove them from the uplink, hands of ERT, and from most event gear. Leave frags and their respective RIG launchers spawnable in case they're actually needed. Otherwise, you'll always see excessive usage of them. In Sol marine events (at least, the last four) fights devolved into frag-tossing battles to see who could lag into a grenade first. Once you were hit, or stood on a tile that one was on, you were basically dead. On top of that, the sheer amount of collateral and venting they cause is just completely detrimental to these events in the first place. But nobody has any reason not to use them.
give robotics more stuff to do by allowing them to make the rarely seen EVA/combat rigs maybe?
for some RIGs this works and makes sense but some RIGs (and ones i'm working on getting added) rely on being layered over any overwear. making it an option would be nice
voidsuits, sure, but most RIGs look much bulkier in appearance and would require respriting the jackets to work with it. and that's a lot of sprites
Changing how combat cyborgs activation works
kyres1 replied to Alberyk's topic in Completed Projects
i already picked the first, but only if they get buffed massively and utilized by HAPT only personally. they're really strong as it stands, are utilized too frequently, and exhibit none of the traits they have in lore nor have they impacted lore beyond the news posts posted a loooong time ago. nobody as lowly as a head of staff should get access to on-demand lawed robots designed to brutally murder with exceeding efficiency and zero considerations beyond their laws -
i support this if you hit back frag grenades too
[Accepted] SatinsPrist666 IPC Application
kyres1 replied to SatinsPristOTD's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'll be handling this app due to the wait. It's a good application all around and I don't really need feedback to know that your characters are great in game. Personal experience pays off here, and I'm sure we can trust you with the whitelist. Application accepted.